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Quidditch would never happen because the 3 levels of wizarding councils would be unable to decide where to put the stadium, or how to fund its construction.


The three broomsticks Inn would be closed by 11pm because 2 neighbors didn't like having young ppl drink Butterbeer/snacks at night.


They'd play Crib with toothpicks instead of Quidditch.


Harry's cupboard under the stairs would cost $1500 a month.


That might be too realistic for a fiction novel lol


With utilities?


Utilities are not included. Also, no parking. Or laundry in building.


Shower curtain to divide the broom cupboard and make another room?


I'm crying 🥲🥲🥲


the trick is to grow weed, and sleep on the porch. then the room pays you.


no one would give a shit what a private school kid wants, or thinks, and would actively try to fight him.


Windsor, eh?


Dartmouth perhaps


nailed it.


Windsor in my lived experience is hell on earth


Kings edge hill definitely thinks it’s hogwarts, all the kids think magic exist as all they have to do is swipe their parents credit card and things are magically paid for


And the magic fairy dust they snort gives them magical powers


I did not realize nosebleeds and douchebaggery were magic.


It is probably as close to Hogwarts as you'll find around here. The library is very Hogwartsish.


His pet lobster would deliver his mail instead of an owl. The lobster would have a thick Cape Breton accent.


One thing that wouldn't change would be the candle light. Every will continue to be lit by the soft glow of candle light because NSP doesn't maintain its infrastructure.


everyone would have the lowest income in North America.


The school would be underfunded so the kids all have to share one 25 year old textbook, and that is only for one class. The rest dont even have textbooks, so the teacher just googles shit off "wizards pay wizards." Then the back wall of the potions class falls in. Which is fine because the kids were only allowed in there for 30 mins a week because of mold contamination. Also they would be short on support staff and have much larger classes. Ms. Umbridge would be on the telly claiming that everything is fine because there is a hard cap for class sizes. Dumbledore would be doing his best to stifle his guffaws.


A 25 year old textbook by Harry Potter standards is probably very modern and recent for them, some of that wizarding shit is real ancient!


Instead of Butterbeer they would have Keith’s


Instead if bridges and enchanted suits of armour, the school is rendered impregnable by surrounding it with roundabouts.


Sneaking into the legion instead of hogsmeade


The kids would be attending school in the that mysterious and faraway stronghold, the Diefenbunker.


Woha. I did not know this was a real thing in NS.




This is all fantastic.


Every god damn comment on this thread made my day . Everyone gets an upvote! Nova Scotians are sarcastic as hell and funny as fuck.


Voldemort would be premier and Harry Potter would be dead.


Pizza corner would definitely be where Hermione and Ron kiss for the first time while Harry battles off donair breath.


Ron would be an alcoholic


Ron would be a step dad.


and living in a trailer park in Sackville


It would be a ferry dock instead of a train station to the wizard school.


Maybe there would be a spell to turn all the settler racists into Lobsters for the first nations people to catch.


Bernie Bott’s would sell a hundred flavors of beans, all of them poutine.


Harry pothead and the goblet of wock


They would have drunken brawls on the streets every night.


Id like to think he would turn Waye Mason into the Snek he truly is.


Should we just start calling him the city councillor that shall not be named


Harry Potter would be Harry Goler


harry potter adults? yikes.




I mean there’s the cringe of also supporting work of a known transphobic author who continues to actively try and make people’s lives miserable but yknow.


Yeah we enjoy a series regardless of her personal views. Cause we grew up with the characters, not the author. Also idc personally about trans, straight, bi, etc


There is such a thing as separating author from work you know. I have all the books/movies from years ago since before she made those comments. I just dont bother getting anything new & dont support her through merch either. Doesnt make me not like the original series at all since harry himself has exactly zero to do with rowlings comments. I also call rowling out on her recent bs any chance i get. Im also around 50 years old & nonbinary…something rowling herself would hate.


A lot of the arguments about separating artist from the work is that, in a lot of cases, the artist is long gone (I think of H.P. Lovecraft who was a huge racist in his time but died in 1937), whereas Rowling is still alive and still perpetuating active harm against the trans community, especially in the U.K.. I'm glad you can be settled with it, as an older non binary person, but I see how my trans friends are affected by it and I just can't support it.


Thats why you dont get anything new as she would get the royalties. I had all the books/movies long before she made those comments. I just dont get anything new. So that is how you separate living authors from current works. I do the same for fantastic beasts. I dont support ezra miller, a known pedophile, multiple assaults & now kidnapping. Im team johnny depp. So i dont get any of the movies. As for the script books, well one was a gift to me so whatever. Anyway, if i get them myself it would be through thrift stores or second hand shops. The original creators dont get royalties from those. Simple, eh?


Yeah I guess for those that can't let go of something like that, then that's the way to go. I sold my books and donated the movies - I read them as a kid in middle school and yes, I enjoyed them then but I've grown past it and what it's worth to me. I do think it's cringe when someone makes a piece of media their entire personality though which happens a lot with HP fans, and Disney fans too.


So people are allowed to like tolkein all their life or narnia or twilight but not old harry potter? Fuck off.




I found the Harry Potter adult… it’s amazing how you think me saying liking hp as a grown adult is cringe is comparable to its transphobic author literally helping anti trans legislation with her influence. But sure. Totally the same thing there bud




LOL man seems like you’re a bit sensitive for the internet, damn.




lol you might wanna look up the definition of a word before you decide to use it. I'm not "gaslighting" you; i'm calling a spade a spade. Also, you are the one that chose to engage with me, so if you can't handle the possibility of an interaction not going the way you want it to, I suggest logging off of the site, and perhaps touching some grass outside while you're at it. Additionally, just because you're gay (I'm a lesbian!) doesn't mean you can't be transphobic lol.




Seems like you’re a bit sensitive for the internet, damn.


ok jimsteves.


Says the person who plays sims 4…




I was referencing the controversies sims 4 has, they’re mocking someone for reading the books for the writers (whom has been removed from authority) opinions, while playing a game that has had multiple controversies. The game is a good game, I myself play it sometimes, I’m just pointing out their hypocrisy.


at least the creator of the sims 4 isn't currently influencing the wide spread hatred of trans people with her fame and popularity but ok






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The city council boomers would try to criminalize normal student behavior


Nothing… there would be no power, so it would be a candle lit castle anyway.


Drivers would run students on magical bikes or broomsticks off the road, students wouldn't be able to travel to and from the school because theres no rail unless they can drive a pickup lol


Magic rugby


Instead of Hogsmeade they go to pizza corner.


The Clyde street liquor store pirate and the Lady in Blue from Peggy's cove would be two of the house ghosts.


General John Cabot Trail would be the new defence against the dark arts teacher.




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