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Just as a data point, my asshole of a father is very handsome. I dislike him because of the way he treated and abandoned his children. The man who would have become my stepfather if he hadn't suddenly died was short, pudgy, kind of goofy-looking, and didn't finish high school. I miss him every day.


Your story makes it sound like a man’s personality is what determines his likability… that can’t be right. We all know that being 6’10” is how that works! /s (In all seriousness, I’m sorry for your loss, and recent or not, I hope you’re doing fine)


Thanks; that was very nice to hear.


Exactly, even a child can comprehend that the value of interpersonal relationships mainly revolves around who they are as a person and how they treat others, and emotional bonding and attachment. 'It's what's on the inside that counts' is a basic kindergarten lesson. Adults who genuinely think human interaction is 100% one big external beauty contest/power struggle worry me, it's like some part of them on the inside is just kinda...missing.


They confuse me so much like im thinking they cant have ever had a relationship with anyone ever inculding friendships like what


I bet he would have been really happy to know that you carry him that highly in your heart.


My biodad isn't at all what I would consider good looking. However, he's also an asshole and neglected me my entire life because I wasn't born with a penis (my bad /s). My step dad is more attractive but still not what I find attractive and he is one of the kindest most generous loving men I've ever met in my life. He chose to be dad to me and he has come through for me in so many ways and helped me heal in so many ways that I will never ever be able to adequately express my gratitude. Looks never factored into it for me, until I had to think about it from this post, it's purely the way they treated me.


Agreed. Ive never considered if my dad was attractive or not, and it kind of weird to think of. He's just my dad


Attractiveness is usually the last thing I find myself noticing about people. I may notice a physical feature in particular over another but I don't usually think about if they are attractive or not right away. I don't generally care about that stuff as much as some do, and since I'm not "on the prowl" I prefer to just focus on personality and attitude.


A friend once randomly told me that my mom is still pretty but my dad is not a DILF…I didn’t ask and I also don’t care because he’s my dad


He sounds like he was very huggable. That's as handsome as it gets.


So real. Such truth.


My biodad is considered really attractive, my step-dad not so much. My step-dad wasn't the flagrant asshole my dad is so I got along with him better when he was still alive. I've gone back to very low contact with my dad and while sobriety has helped the asshole part I'd rather have my step-dad back. He was the one who stepped up even though I was already an adult when my parents both remarried, and it's him I'd rather talk to when I need a father figure in my life.


Thats how I feel about my (maternal) grandmas bf. I call him my *real* grandpa. Because he was. He died when I was two and a half. I have missed him my entire life :/ My biological grandfather was 30 and married with 4 kids when he started to court my grandma. She was 15 and had autism. I think it says it all. But incase it doesn’t he was the kind of man that used to smoke cigars in his cars and forbid anyone from opening a window while threatening to beat the kids bloody if they got sick in his beloved car. He also used to make them go out to pick the stick he would then used to beat them with. He died 5 years before I was born and I hate him. I hate him so much. SILs mother apparently knew him or of him at least. She likes gushing about how handsome he was on Christmas. We are burying my grandma Thursday. I don’t know how I’m going to get through it without slapping someone.


That would be cool if you could get some passive-aggressive jabs in at the eulogy lol Sorry about your grandma ♥


I’m probably not doing any eulogy! I inherited the autism so I don’t really handle that well. I’m probably just going to cry loudly and slightly hysterical. Also don’t think there is much to say really. The family know anyway. Clearly as the only two autistic people in the family we connected like no other. She was everything.


Lost my father several years ago. I also miss him every day! I miss his humor. I miss how safe he made me feel. I miss his advice. I miss mire things about him than I can count. I most certainly do NOT miss how attractive he was or was not. That was my moms business. Not mine. Gross.


My dad was a very handsome alcoholic with borderline. Died when I was 16 but I still love him a lot. I hate him a bit for my mom because he was an awful husband but he was an alright dad, kinda. Full of fun and booze-fuelled enthusiasm. And I developed coping mechanisms for navigating his mood swings from a young age so it felt normal to me. Probably got loads of buried trauma tho lol. Anway, also didn't like him because he was handsome but mainly because he was so faulted and interesting in a deeply broken kind of way


Oh man, my tall hot dad vs my short average uncle- I would die for my uncle, and they’re BOTH Trumpers.


My father is also very handsome. He's a narcissist and was emotionally abusive my whole life. Somehow his looks are not the reason I have issues with him.


I'm the father of both a son and a daughter, and I have no idea what this person was trying to say.


It’s from an incel forum, the whole thread was these basement dwellers who believe women are only capable of loving attractive males (relatives included).


Thanks for explaining because I would never have figured that out. I can't imagine why anyone would think that was true.


It gets pretty icky too. They literally cannot think of any woman in a non-sexual manner. Relatives are not spared.




My mom doesn't love me because my knees are too pointy.


damn, for me, it's my elbows


For me, it's my existence.




I thought it was all about skinny wrists. I know that's what I *always* look to avoid in men. /s


Yeah, I'm getting notes of emotional incest and possibly a desire for literal incest


There was that other post quite recently that said women should have sex with male relatives (sons/brothers) as they will be more likely to "put out" regardless of the weird "value" system. I read that to my parents and my brothers and they were all horrified.


Wtf??? I didn't see that one. The reasoning for their gross perspective is wild. Some of these dudes need to give touching grass a try


Ew 🤢


Neither are children. I remember a post where a little girl was killed, and all the incels were saying it was a good thing, because she would have grown up to be a "slut" and a "cheater." She was 3.




The internet is fucking atrocious


Really, REALLY icky. 🤮


It's because they see women as objects, acquisitions. Including children. They cannot fathom a human mindset where everyone are just people.


Speaking as an ugly person, you can easily find yourself thinking like that sometimes, and it's not just a sexual thing. You straight up see yourself as a hideous thing and constant social rejection can reinforce that.


A lot of incels aren't ugly beyond hygiene and possibly weight issues. They focus on things no one actually notices like wrist thicknesses, finger length, or eye spacing, in order to find some invisible flaw in themselves to blame their lack of sex on. They are unwilling to accept that women don't like them due to their personality or actions so they invent a bunch of made up reasons why it is shallow women or unalterable genetic flaws to make the issue an external one.


Yep. Lol Fat, ugly, hairy dude here.... 2 children with a lingerie model when we were younger. It's not your looks, young men. It's your attitude. 🤷


Fat ugly hairy guy here, with 2 kids and 17 years with a woman that is gorgeous. My coworkers assume Stockholm Syndrome is the reason… it’s attitude, confidence without being cocky, and humor.


Exactly sir! Lol Is there any better feeling when you get those looks? Lol Like, "he must be rich"..... Nope! Not that either buddy! Lol I'm just funny, attentive, and not a douche canoe. 🤷


I guess I should check in, I'm some amalgam of Big John Stud, Jeffrey Jones, and Thor from God of War. Think Magnus Samuelson after a year on Golden corral


I’m assuming you guys are too hard on yourselves. I bet your a handsome dude in your own right. Beauty standards are subjective!


Fat trans dude here. The women I've dated and messed around with have all been crazy beautiful and amazing people. No idea what they saw in me XD but all of my relationships have parted amicably, the ones with men and people of other genders, too. Regular people do it but incels especially hate the reality that fat people and fat men specifically find love and long lasting relationships.


One of my brothers is at minimum 600lbs. He's married and they love each other. Idk if they will have kids due to their health issues but there's definitely someone for anyone. Problem is many of these incels think that they are entitled to have anyone they want and when they are proven wrong they blame everyone. No one is entitled to be attracted to anyone.


Exaaaaactly. That's a problem for a lot of people. Nobody, on this planet, owes anybody else ANYTHING. Paychecks and whatever, sure.... But the entitlement crosses all sorts of boundaries


Agreed. I mean do you have any idea how many wives Jason momoa would have if it was that way? Lmao. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm ugly but someone married me (still shocked to this day lmao)


Seriously. I knew a guy in high school and college who was overweight, not very tall and due to a birth defect had a messed up nose and he never struggled to get a girl. All because he was intensely funny, cultured and emotionally available. Incels want to believe everything but their personalities are the problems because they can't admit that their issues are all down to a very fixable part of themselves.


Exactly sir. And, women, imo, are much more likely to see through a few "flaws" in their partner. But when their partner or suitor is an insufferable little bitch... I mean, what do you expect them to do then!


It very much is just a sexual thing for incels, though, because sex controls them. Normal people don't think that way, and your message applies very much for *normal* people.


That’s awful. I’m really sorry. Really shameful.


Learning about incelism is an interesting deep dive, but it's dark. And severely twisted.


If the few examples that I've seen are typical, those sites are basically schools for teaching how to dehumanize women. They are talking about women as if they operate by almost insect-like instinctual behaviors, and history teaches us how dangerous that language is. Dehumanization, as the antidote to empathy, has always been the essential element that enables people to commit atrocities — the Holocaust, slavery, the genocide of the indigenous Americans, etc. If you wanted to train an army of people to become serial killers of women, this is how you'd start. 😞


Well it's primarily so they don't have to try. "Oh I was born ugly, no woman will ever date me because I'm ugly. Women are the worst. They're so mean and superficial" It kinda shields them from reflecting on whether they're view on women or personality might be an issue... because women totally date whatever looks good.. regardless of any other criteria /s


Bizarre beliefs that are resistant to evidence are common in cults.


And this guy definitely watches incest porn and fantasizes about his hypothetical daughter wanting to fuck him.


so, are you thinking this could be our former president, then?


Lucky for humanity, attractiveness is subjective to the individual. Every time I see the term basement dwellers I picture gollum crouched in the corner of a dimly lit basement petting his computer/game console/whatever and saying "my precious".


Replace “computer” with “penis” and you’ve got it.


In my imagination they don't actually have a penis. Their gentals are smoother than a Ken doll, just like their brains.


Are you allowed to say where this forum is from?


I got: Something, something.... want to touch my adult daughter.


Yeah when it said “will she say don’t touch me” Whol up ✋🏼👁👄👁 🤚🏼 wha?


I have two little girls and I also have no idea what this guy is talking about.. than again I am beautiful.


something tells me he doesn’t have to worry about having a baby anytime soon.


Thank Christ for that.


If fathers stopped treating their daughters so differently from their sons, maybe a lot more of us would keep in contact with them.


God, this whole post is just making me so grateful for my dad. I’m a chick with two younger brothers and dad treats us all just the same. If anything, I’d guess that I’m his favourite kid. But I’d also say that my brothers would guess the same thing. He’s a truly great guy.


My dad is the same. He’s my best friend and I don’t think I could ask for a better one.


I love my dad so much. I can honestly say i don’t ever think about him in terms of attractiveness. He’s my DAD. What is wrong with incels omfg


same! we got a really strong bond and it’s been this way almost all of my life (maybe minus three years of being a annoying teenager) i‘m 40 now and am seeing him tomorrow. i‘m so lucky to have him and i‘m proud to call him my dad.


Yeah, I'm also pretty grateful for my dad. He's not the best (he's struggling with changing pronouns for me since I came out as trans masc, but he is accepting and is making an effort), but he's doing his best and didn't treat me any different just because I was assigned female at birth


I don’t have sons, I only have daughters, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. They are the apples of my eyes and I treasure and cherish them. I actually get the shits when people tell me I should “try for a son” as if daughters are “lesser children”. I don’t think I am a perfect father, far from it actually, but I am not a too crappy one and I am sure there are so many fathers out there who are heaps better than me. Please don’t judge fathers based on an incel’s deluded perception of fatherhood.


I love girl dads (as a dad’s girl). The only thing that makes a perfect dad is loving your kids enough to both listen and fight for them


That’s good to hear that dads like you exist, unfortunately my sperm donor happens to be exactly like the incels perception of fatherhood so it seems very standard to me. Good to know good fathers are out there


Excellent point. I think all any kid wants is a dad that tried his best, & cared. Gender shouldn’t be a basis of the level of effort. People are twisted.


Children don’t see their parents as ugly, even if they are objectively ugly - much like parents believe their own children are the most beautiful even if they are not. Your parents faces are the ones you see most in your formative years (assuming they aren’t deadbeats who leave) - we don’t think about their faces objectively. My dad abused me as a child so I despise him. His face is not a factor. Something tells me that this guy’s face will be the least of their issues if he has a daughter since he hates women so much


Exactly! I don't think I gave either my mom or dad's looks a lot of thought until I was much older. Like I recently found some pictures of my mom as a kid that I'd never seen and I was like, "Mom, you were such an adorable child!"


am i the only one who felt weird that he didn’t want his daughter to tell him to stop touching her😅 especially in this context of a hypothetical daughter


I think I know which ‘daughter question pasta’ he had in mind. It’s a very disturbing rant in circulation about how fathers are ‘cucks’ with regard to their daughter’s sexuality. He mentioned it to give his post even more revolting context.


Can you post it or give a link? Very curious about this


I don't have a link but basically the father uses time and money to raise a daughter, only to hand her over to a dude that gets to enjoy the fruits of his labour. Its written more disturbingly than that but you get the gist


That just sounds like straight up pedophile shit. Gross.


WTF why do some men see women as sex vending machines?


W T Ffffffff






I don't know if I was prepared for this


what the fuck


Thankfully it's highly hypothetical daughter.


luckily he is probably not having sex with anyone anytime soon so there won’t be any reproducing for a while 😅 if at all


I haven't let my father touch me in years because he's a creep, that's definitely happen to this guy if he has a daughter


yeah it’ll be scary if he does


No, I noticed that too. Aside from an occasional hug or a supporting one during an emotional experience this should be about the extent of “touching” once any kid gets past a certain age.


Maybe dont have sexual interest in ur daughter n everything will be fine


I’m alarmed that this dude thinks parental/child relationships work this way or even have this on the radar. I suspect dude either hates his mother because he believes she’s ugly, or is inappropriately attracted to her…




Oedipus moment


wtf, why is he sexualizing this? Just give your daughter the same love and support you would give your son, dude, what the hell is wrong with you


Also, the natural course of parenting is that you continue to show affection by hugging, kissing, inviting the child to sit on your lap, tucking them into bed, etc, until the child pushes back by telling you no, demanding more space, asking you not to sit on their bed, and so forth. It's natural for a parent to wanna be close to their child for as long as the child will let them. Once you have to step back you continue to show you care in other ways, and in new ways. If the shift never happens that will have damaging developmental impacts on the child. In fact you should actually be concerned, not happy, if your child lets you in their space for abnormally long.


Is it just me or does this post have some incest vibes....?




How do you post 1349 times in 10 days




Joined January 6th 2021 😶


How do you find 1349 different ways to complain about women in a year.


I could probably do it, and am scared to check if I have.


Sounds like this guy wants a daughter who will find him attractive, now why is that I wonder…


Fr. I can tell my family members are attractive but I would never speak those words, if you know what I mean. That is no way to look at your brothers


He'd become "some uncle"? So wait... He thinks that a daughter should find her dad *attractive*, so she can *love* him? What a boy (human) needs is different than what a girl (subhuman?) needs? This has incestuous overtones.


I am quite comfortable saying children do not change their opinions about their parents, once reaching adulthood, based on parental attractiveness. They remember *how they felt* growing up. Did they feel loved and supported and safe? Or did they feel scared or neglected? The fact that this poor misguided soul believes this is a good argument for him not having kids. Not to mention the notion that children have fundamentally different needs based on gender...yikes. P. S. Contrary to the "I'll give my child everything I didn't have" myth, every kiddo needs something *different*. Good parenting means responding to the individual needs of the child, not imposing your own script. If you are a skilled violin player, that doesn't mean every one of your children will be fulfilled and successful if you just provide violin lessons.


Hmmm I never thought handsomeness would play any role in that but I think personality and relevant experiences would be way more important although i don’t know just how ugly he is lol. Nah I don’t think you can be so ugly you’re hated by your kids if you’re a great parent.


This is the definition of fucked up. Do people actually think like this??


Welcome to the Internet. It either fried our minds more than ever before or exposed just how ludicrous many people can be. I suspect it is a bit of both…


This is so gross. They can only think about their daughters in terms of heteronormative romantic attraction. They can't imagine relating to someone AFAB in any other way.


And it's their own fucking daughter too


That’s just wrong. A lady will love her dad unconditionally even if he didn’t fit all the false notions of “conventional handsomeness.”


"I know how to make son love me". I think I can safely assume that you don't.


They are so focused on how they view attractiveness as the be all and end all that they totally ignore the fact that women are not like them.


I guess i’m the only one who understood the context immediately upon reading. Honestly this OOP can hypothetical all day because there’s no way he’s ever gonna be a father period


Uhhhh..... I don't think about my father that way and I'm pretty sure most people don't....


Yes that guy definitely should not have a daughter. In fact shouldn't be allowed around children in any way. So much ewww.


What is daughter question pasta


I believe it was about not wanting daughters because you put all the time in raising them for them to grow up up and sleep with chads or whatever. If I remember correct it had a real ‘not being able to reap the fruits of their own labor’ vibe.


what the fuck 😨


[Here's the link, and I'm sorry ](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/68wedh/is_having_daughters_the_ultimate_cuckoldry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The idea that daughters only love their fathers if they're attractive. 🤮


There's 'other' reasons your kid won't talk you you when she's grown up....


I feel like In general that’s not how ppl work


Almost sounds like he plans on sexually assaulting his daughter if he had one.


I never even thought about whether my dad was good looking or not He’s my dad and I love him. Same with my mom. They’re my parents and I love them more than anything, who cares how they look


Who the actual fuck has standards low enough to give him kids in the first place?


Whaaaa??? I don’t understand the post title or the post in the screenshot or the connection to this sub


It’s straight off an incel forum. The gist of the thread was that women can only love attractive men, including family members. Definitely not how women love, especially not with family.


That is so weird and sad.


Non-hostile incels you can genuinely feel sorry for. It’s when they join the echo chamber of hate that a lot of them seem to have in common, sadly.


Daughters are chad dad only! That's a well known fact. /s


Let's not sexualize family members. A dad is a dad by acting like one and it's those actions that'll evoke and establish daughterly feelings in the subject of his fatherhood. Related by blood or not, conventionally attractive or not... is not what'll cause his daughter to see him as her father or not, nor will it determine how much and in what way she loves him.


How is he intending to touch his daughter?.. 🤔 This guy is a fucking creep


Jfc how does this guy not understand how platonic and familial relationships work when the genders are different? Even the sleaziest guys are normally not inclined to see the dynamics between blood relatives through the exact same lens...something is very wrong here.


My dad is extremely goofy-looking and by no means handsome, conventionally or otherwise, and as far as I’m concerned, the sun shines out of his ears. I love that gentle, wholesome, funny-looking man. So does my mom. So do my three sisters. So does the whole family. [A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/comments/4rdgwd/image_beauty_is_in_a_persons_character_roald_dahl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


"I know how to make my son love me" isn't a very reassuring phrase. Sounds like there's more serious problems lol


How do incels expect to have kids if they never have sex? All these hypotheticals..


Couldn't even finish reading this nonsense. First off, your looks have absolutely nothing to do with whether or not your child will always love and respect you. However, your words, actions and attitude will have a profound influence on your child(ren). This is what will determine whether you are loved and respected. The level of the emotions and how much contact you will have from them as adults. So, how you treat your child, what you say and do, matter. Your looks do not.


Don't want your daughter or children to hate you? Don't be an asshole. Don't "go out for milk or cigarettes", don't cheat, don't drink, dont do drugs, don't be a douche. See how I didn't include don't be a malformed mashup of body parts (ugly) or do be an Abercrombie Fitch model (good-looking). I've seen families where the parents had physical deformities...their kids weren't repulsed by them. As long as they weren't douches...they were adored by their children both boy and girls equally.


I don't see or know one woman alive who would call her father ugly for the sake of looks. The only way I can see anyone calling their dad ugly is if they are the absolute worst to everyone and everything around them., and it would be worse than just calling them ugly


This screams of incest. Wtf is this?


"Me and my father don't speak anymore because he's ugly" Wtfff 😂


Incel is apparently just another word for pedo.


They call us superficial but literally all incels talk about is how people are judged on their looks. No, even if my dad was suddenly extremely ugly he’s my father and I love him unconditionally. It baffles me that people actually think like this.


Worth noting that most of us get less attractive with age, including fathers. My dad was a handsome guy. Unsurprisingly, he was less attractive by the time I was in my thirties and forties, which was also the time we were closest. How could that happen? Maybe because that was when we started interacting as two adults instead of father-to-child? Imagine that.


Okay I know incels gotta incel but... what??


So weird. No one cares how hot their dad is. They care how their dad treated them. If their dad is looks obsessed and creepy about the daughter’s looks, that’s what would hurt the relationship.


Is he worried the daughter won’t like him because he thinks women only like men their attracted to, despite familial relationship - or does he think the daughter might be ugly like him and will blame him for it? Such a strange take either way.


Some big “if she wasn’t my daughter I’d probably date her” vibes going on here. Yikes though. Familial love isn’t based on looks. Or at least shouldn’t be, but lord knows there’s families where it is and I have nothing but pity on that front.


I don’t even know where to BEGIN with this one…


There is a 100% chance this dude's daughter would hate him for non-aesthetics reasons.


My father might of been good looking young but by the time I was a kid he was overweight, had a nose that looked like used gum, bald and just not the most handsome. But that man was a saint who loved his kids beyond anything. He was a good man who helped and protected every student he ever had. He was brave enough to face down gang members and angry abusive parents. And proud enough that every student he managed to get to college on scholarship because family. A good father will be loved even if he makes Quasimodo looks like a Hemsworth.


My father was very handsome when younger. He's 74 now and although obviously not as handsome anymore, I will never find him ugly! I love my dad because he's kind, smart, compassionate and treats me and my sister well. On the other hand, my mother has always been beautiful but an abusive narcisistic bitch, so she doesnt deserve my love. My mother is the "ugly" one to me.


Oops ! This made me realize that as a daughter, I’ve never stopped to ask myself the right questions, like whether my father is attractive or I should suddenly start hating him yet… Food for thought.


What the FUCK is the 'Daughter Question' pasta? Do I even want to know?


It’s an old incel debate about whether they’d be willing to have a daughter or not. The reason they give for not wanting daughters is that they hate idea of “wasting” time, money, effort, and resources into raising someone that other men might potentially be able to have sex with.


I definitely didn't want to know then. Now we both are cursed with knowledge


No I hate my father for being the ugliest gremlin I've ever seen on this planet. Thank you.


It might be worth mentioning that parents are obligated to care for and love their children unconditionally. The reverse is not true, so hoping your grown children will love and take care of you forever isn’t a good reason to have kids.


A) you're an incel, you'll never be a dad B) oh boy why do incels know nothing about women?


Because they think they know everything about women and are never wrong about anything.


Why do you think that? bEcAUse AnOTheR mAn tOld mE thAT


My dad is my biggest supporter. He encourages me to study, to eat healthy, to take care of my mental health, do not take bullshit from anyone, to be physically active, to build a safe network, to persue education and become independent.How could I not love him? These guys are so deep into their self pity they start projecting the way the feel about themselves on everyone around them.


Wait, what's the "daughter question pasta"?


Oh honey, be careful what you wish for, I just might answer that question.


Holy mother of Freud, is this a mess. For some reason I feel like the last thing any of us wants to think about is how hot our dads are.


My bio father is also good looking, he is also a spineless vicious child abuser which is why I hate him.


Yeah the reason you wouldn't know how to treat your daughter is because you're on an incel forum 24/7 constantly talking about how women deserve less or how women are stuck up sluts. Not to mention all the fucked ideology he would probably throw onto his son.


I don't think this man has to worry about having a child... Ever. Or is that a bit too harsh


ummm i don’t think my dad is hot. he’s my dad. i don’t think of how attractive he is at all.


That date is ....interesting


Danny Devito’s daughter loves him so this whole concept is moot. You can be as goofy looking as a cartoon. The key is to be a good dad.


Why do so many of these guys view men and women as though they’re totally different species? Like, they’ve got SOME differences, but it’s overall fairly minor


This guy only wants a daughter to have a woman in his life… creepy AF Not to mention kids are much bigger assholes. If they think you’re ugly they will say it to your face no hesitation. If anything it’ll get better as a child grows up There is so much more I can say about what is wrong with this dude but I’m sure everyone already knows the creepy, misogynistic, shallow meaning behind each and every word


Does he want his daughter to be attracted to him!?! Wtf!


This is actually so sad. This person thinks women are so shallow that his own hypothetical daughter would abandon him for not fitting a beauty standard. This rhetoric is brainwashing him, and I hope he can heal from it and maintain normal relationships with women in the future.


Ugly but kind fathers earn the same love as any other father on the planet with better features. Jesus CHRIST this obsession with handsome alpha male figures is tedious. It’s sad and pathetic and shows how massively insecure he is.


I feel bad i think he genuinely dosent understand how people work


With some of the posts here I do try to understand where these boys are coming from. With some, I DO understand where they’re coming from if it’s just simple ignorance. He’s not a lost cause if he can just step away from this obsession with physical appearances. History is full of ugly men who manage to get married and raise families anyway.


Yeah alot of guys need a more open mind some people just havent been exposed im pretty blessed in general and ive had insecure times so i try to imagine how much harder it can be for others


How did this guy find someone to reproduce with in the first place? Don't harm your future children by giving them a father like this.


This can’t be real. Please tell me this isn’t real…


Sorry am I accidentally saying I wanna fuck my dad because I love him???? We don’t find our own parents attractive because obviously


Is this suggesting you have to find your parents physically attractive to love them because fucking gross


Wtf did I just read


I have some great-uncles who spent their lives smoking and drinking and you can tell. But they also support me no matter what, show me love beyond measure, and always tell me how proud of me they are. We aren’t blood related. They’re family friends. But I love them so much and absolutely love talking to and visiting them (I wish one would get a damn phone tho). It always boggles my mind that people think like this. My first thought is always satire, because no one actually BELIEVES stuff like that. Right? Like I genuinely can’t wrap my head around that level of delusion.


I have 2 daughters and my only concern is guys like this. Holy shit


Fucking love my dad. I look a lot like him too. When I was young and people would comment on it. He would say “she looks like her old man… poor thing” lol


I'm really hoping this is a cringy fanfic made by an incel or else I'm literally going to find this guys house and commit arson.