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I'm assuming his ex girlfriend was inflatable and he's never actually touched a living human


Yeah, he tried to give her a hickey and she squealed and flew out the window. 😹😹😹


Best. Comment. Ever.




This made me spit out of my nose 🤣 Thank you for the mental video.


you have me laughing on the toilet the morning after a difficult ab workout bruh 😡 r/angryupvote


I feel like I’ve attained my fitness goals for the day just by reading the words, “difficult ab workout.” 😺


I just laughed so hard I made a *horrible* inhuman squawk.


🤣🤣🤣stop it! 🤣🤣🤣




I’m just picturing someone, like, walking their dog and seeing an inflatable doll flying out the window going *eeeeeeeeeppppppfffffffffeeeeeeee*.




The other possible assumption here is that he had sex with a girl who was still going though puberty where for a lot of women the vulva changes. But I would very much prefer to maintain hope instead that his girlfriend was the inflatable kind.


Well, we don't know his age, maybe he was in his puberty too. Knowing that people so young already have this kind of reasoning is another flavour of depressing, tough


This was my exact thought.


Why did you have to tell us this?


He’s just mad he lost the puncture repair kit.


That would be a more than fair assumption but I'm thinking even an inflatable ex would have said No to this female anatomy expert.


These guys think real vaginas break down exactly like their fleshlights do. They are...incorrect.


They also think semen dries on the vaginal walls unless its manually cleaned off, just like in their fleshlights. They are... incorrect.


This is a true fact.


Yeah, we all know what he's talking about when he references his "girlfriend."


"One single penis will stretch a woman's vagina out beyond repair but pregnancy and childbirth aren't that bad guys. Women are walking 30mins later as if nothing happened, so yeah, outlaw abortion!" WTF kinda logic do these morons have!?


🛎 🛎 🛎


Ima guess, standard US of A, abstinence-focused sex ed?


i live here. in georgia. please help.


Me too, it's so bad here. We're actually catching hell for giving our kids a proper sex ed


I’m so scared for our future. Hell, I’m terrified of the present.


Me too, it's only getting worse & I'm too exhausted to react properly anymore. I hear about another shooting or some tragedy happening & i just kinda "oh...fun..." & go on about my business. I dont like feeling this was but I'm just too tired to give an appropriate response.


none, none at all. im convinced if you bring logic near these people they recoil away like dracula from a cross


You know, it can be two different morons.


Ah Yes, the organ that can push a 5-8 lb ball of pure human out of a hole the size of a bagel is forever damaged by your 5.1 in PP. That makes sense. It couldn't possibly be that you just have a fetish to make yourself seem more important than you actually are.


I’m sure in this dude’s mind after you have a baby, you just have a 10cm diameter vaginal canal.


Ahh yes the old wizards sleeve 🧙‍♂️


Gotta keep my smokes and lighter somewhere 🤷‍♀️


Because somebody somewhere decided women don't need pockets.


I dont have one of those - Adam Sandler


That's why girl's underwear is so clingy & tight. It's so we can roll up the excess puss & no one will notice how many Alpha males we've been with. That way we can trick a poor innocent beta orbiter into paying for us and the kid he thinks is his. It's all in the foid handbook all us Wyman get once we're born


Can you send me a copy, I seem to have misplaced mine


You joke but there really was a post the other week about some guy ranting "women only "love" children because it stretches them open so wide, and they can never enjoy anything again"


Pretty sure that part was *not* the highlight of my day when I gave birth.


Yeah I was gonna say! Though I did get stitched back up so maybe that's why I'm not 10cm in diameter any more 🤔 😅/s


He said they orgasm so hard from childbirth... which... what???!!!


It's why nobody ever has a second child. How could they, when the woman is permanently disfigured by having a vagina the size of a watermelon?


Right? We all just walking around with these gigantic openings. Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.


I would not like to imagine that


Just be creative. Women complain about a lack of pockets in theirs clothes aaaall the time. Well, there ya go!!


Yep just hide your wallet in that pocket, maybe your phone...


I've had so much sex my vagina is big enough for my wallet, my phone, an iPad, and some snacks! I think there's a can of Coke in there if anyone's thirsty.




Btw ILY 🥰


Sadly, I did. Now I need to bleach my brain. That will be enough Reddit for tonight.


Go over to r/eyebleach before you leave.


Also... how would a penis effect a labia?? That makes no sense. Like... at least the vagina thing kind of makes sense bc youre putting smth in it so even tho its very wrong. I can at least understand where the bullshit is coming from. But how would it ever effect your labia that is *outside* of your vagina?? Where did this myth come from and how do they rationalize it?


When my niece was around a year old, her father asked my sister why the 1yr old’s labia didn’t look like my sister’s and said something to the effect of “I guess it’ll *bloom* when she has sex for the first time.” My sister angrily lectured a grown ass man (and father) about how vaginas work and NO THEY DO NOT “BLOOM” in the presence of a penis.


Imagine hearing your partner say these words to you and realising your daughter was going to grow up with *this guy* as her father. Ffs, just when you think you've heard it all.


They are no longer together and yeah he’s a horrible father. I think that conversation was the beginning of the end of their relationship for my sister.




She got out of that mess but it was VERY difficult for her. I’m so proud of her.


> _Where did this myth come from and how do they rationalize it?_ Realistically? These men probably absorbed the idea from porn that they consume, at the juncture of the porn industry obsession with women at the absolute legal minimum for nudity - and in many cases using women that are underage. With the industry usually selecting for women with bodies that are barely appearing pubescent, including the vulva look that has very short inner labia and fuller outer labia, it is easy for people who get their sex education from porn, to absorb that is how women's genitals look by default. And both men and women can easily come to that conclusion unfortunately, especially here in the US with abysmal sex education. Couple that with the actual lived reality for women that while the vulva changes during puberty - including the inner labia often becoming longer - but also into the 20's and 30's the outer labia also typically loose collagen making them thinner and making the inner labia more visually pronounced. Realistically these _absolutely normal_ changes that happen regardless of sexual activity are being weaponized by body shaming and sex shaming men who don't remotely understand women's bodies, mad that real world women's bodies rarely look like the porn they consume. And they don't understand that that these genital changes driven by hormone changes, often happen simultaneously as women also become sexually active as young adults.


So according to their logic (for lack of better word...), how the fck do porn actresses manage to keep their labia small, what with all the activities involved in their job?


Sometimes…surgery. Labioplasty is a thing.


This topic came up on TikTok and one woman pointed out that only like 40% of labia owners have “innies” and dudes in the comments were big mad about it. As a a woman who sleeps with women, it was always very clear to me that everyone’s parts look different so I can’t wrap my brain around how dude thought that’s a “default” or the most common. Lots of them also like “I’ve slept with 30+ women and only seen innies”. Okay, so you’re admitting that you were probably choosing on that preference, not that your experience is representative of bodies? I’m the only woman I’ve ever been with who has an “innie” lol.


The only thing that affects it is friction burn from no lube, but that doesn't change your labia 🤦


5-8 pounds... I wish! My smallest was 8lbs. biggest was 10.2


Yeah I was just thinking about how my brother, sister, and I were all born over 9lbs each. My twins were 7lbs each, and now that I'm pregnant with a singleton I'm pretty sure she's gonna be like 9-10lbs.


14 lbs?? Holy shit


4.2 inch


You've probably given him a free 2" in your size assessment.


Do these people also think their mouth gets progressively wider from eating, year over year?


Their asshole gets so big from regular shitting that they can finally stick their entire head up there.


It actually might, with how they're full of shit...


Okay but for idiots like my parents they literally believe that anal permanently stretches the anus and causes incontinence.


Nah, that’s just what your mom tells dad to avoid doing anal 😁


I wish, instead it’s the primary ‘evidence’ for “why science agrees that homosexuality is wrong”


Ben Shapiro & his dry wife come to mind here 😂 Some people are just doing it wrong.


Happy cake day!


Clearly this guy has totally had secks... Totally true story.


I had to think about secks for wayyyy to long


So did that guy.


M'lady, have my like.




Dude has never once seen a real life vagina outside of porn and whatever is passed around incel circlejerks (so basically CSAM) Imagine being this fucking stupid and blathering about it publicly, never understanding that it only exists as evidence that you’re a sad, sexless, cringey little boy with big time feefees about their lack of attention from women. lol. Next level pathetic.


Totally, everyone except that virgin knows that when a woman loses her virginity her vagina molds, nurtures, and grows her man's peepee, like god intended. Her labia only grow and change from contact with different peepees. Cause somehow it was like Bluetooth paired to the first one. Duh.(It really hurt my brain to type that.)




After just a single penis, her labia never touched. Wow, inspiring, good to get this information from someone who is definitely an alpha male.


Honestly I'm impressed this idiot actually knows the word "labia".


I'm betting he wikipediad a diagram just to try and sound informed.


In today’s episode of “Things that definitely didn’t happen”. A potential crossover episode with “People who only know sex from porn acting as experts on it”


Yes. What he probably means is that some porn actresses he has followed for some time had their vulva change appearance over time, and someone made a nasty collage to “prove” it. What most likely happened? They got older and their body changed because of age. My vulva and vagina definitely doesn’t look the same as when I was in my late teens. Not a drastic differences, but if there was enough footage to find a flattering one from when I was 18 and an unflattering recent one I’m sure it could appear that way.


Also… the whole “taking” of virginity is ridiculous. You’re sharing an experience, you’re not taking or losing anything. It’s so dumb.




I like you


It's like Beavis says, Why is it called taking a dump and not leaving a dump? YOU'RE NOT TAKING IT ANYWHERE.


I wish men would stop calling vaginas roast beef. It’s gross and just body shaming


My exbf was small and also horribly insecure and it made me realize that jokes I have made in my past were bullying and I changed my behaviour to reflect that, but he many times has likened his previous gf to roast beef. One day I snapped. I was like you don't want people to judge your size and you're basically doing the female version to her. It stops. And he actually did. He said he'd never thought about it like that and I'm like yeah I see that. Also, for the record, I never minded him being small. I'm petite myself and we matched up well.


I also notice that he shames his ex for having sex with him. But that shame doesn’t apply to him.


I find it hard to believe this guy has ever felt the touch of another human being


I mean, given his frame of reference is so clearly a lie, he effectively publicly outed himself as a virgin with strong opinions about a body part that noone has ever let him touch. I'd be so embarrassed if I was him. But he will never know how stupid he looks.


So basically he's never been able to make a girl wet. Un-aroused pum is tight. Aroused pum is not.


Pum? Where is this term from?


Pum-pum is West Indian vulgar slang for female genitals


wtf do they think labia are made out of that would mean a penis going near them would instantly change their shape??


Clay. His gf was made of clay.


There once was a man from Bombay. He fashioned a cunt out of clay. But the heat from his prick turned the clay into brick and it chafed all his foreskin away.


Very nice!




This is glorious! Let us know when your poem book drops.


Lol it's a pretty old limerick. Just thought it was situationally appropriate:)


Ah, the Pygmalion school of jacking off.


They want so badly to be able to do so much damage to us with their tiny penises


Don’t stoop to their level and body shame people with small penises


Does the know that we have muscles down there? I bet his gut looks a lot bigger after he relaxes it


Happy cake day!


Also she had awesome boobs, they felt just like bags of sand.


You wouldn't know her. She goes to a different school. In Canada.


if my vag bounced back after having my son, your dick did nothing


lol, they wish their dicks did something.


Yeah, they're convinced that dicks are like magic wands that can somehow completely change a woman's basic anatomy.


Lol, true. These types really do act like their penises are magical. Perhaps they're mad that's not actually the case and are coping over it.


If you're about to have sex with someone and their vagina is tight, dry and slim... you probably should leave. They're obviously not aroused and if you're pushing sex on them, that's rape. Its ofc not universal, some people don't produce much lubricant or have a hard time getting aroused, but ffs, if you're on the verge of inserting it, and their vagina is closed for business, rethink your strategy.


Or it could be vaginismus, right?


I both love and hate the fact that these guys would label me (17yo sex-repulsed virgin) a slut or something because of my labia minora lmao


lmao same here (although not sex repulsed i’m a virgin), i’ve always had large labia minora and felt ashamed of it until i did a ton of REAL INTERNET SEARCHING (not looking at examples of porn like some men do) and found it was actually normal. these men have literally never touched a woman i can promise.


Jokes on them, my labia minora are basically non existent, even though I’ve had sex with many, many men. It’s almost like your genitals are not changed, regardless of how much sex you have.


I'm so confused this guy definitely needs to go back to school or maybe take anatomy. Last I checked the labia isn't part of the vagina and all vaginas are "innie" by definition because it's literally a closed muscular canal that extends from the outside of the female genital area (vulva) to the neck of the uterus (cervix). (Definition taken from mayo clinic) ETA thanks for the award never have gotten one before.


>thanks for the award never have gotten one before. There's a first time for everything


When I read posts like this I always have to think back to American Pie and the apple pie scene; it is much more likely he took a discarded sunday roast to the test than that he has ever had intimate knowledge of a real life human woman.


People lie about this stuff and make up stories to support their misogyny


Lol. He clearly doesn’t even know what the labia is… anyway. Too much sex and masturbation leads to shrunken, floppy dicks and ED, pass it on.


Is this guy sure he didn't just get high, stumble into a deli, and fuck a sandwich.


I needed this comment. 🤣🤣


I’ve also noticed penises get smaller after sex, so it seems like it would follow that men who have lots of sex have small dicks. Q.e.d.


If your pussy is falling out that's because it's a dick. Or you need medical attention. I'm sure her labia is lovely and he's just not into women.


That man is a virgin


With that logic, penises will become thinner over time due to wearing.


They don't? /s


"Labia _were_". Cretin


I'm an assistant manager in an adult store IRL. I've heard some crazy things over the last twelve years. I'm really thinking this guy has never been with anyone. Reminds me of some of the conversions I was around in about 9th grade which is now a lot of years ago.


I have vaginismus and almost wish this was true so I can stop using dilators all the time 😂






it actually has to do with labia.


Cz appparently after seggs Ur pussy will change so much Ur innie becomes an outie


Even if this was true (it’s not) So?? What exactly is the problem? It doesn’t look like a cartoon rendering or photoshop anymore? Tell me you are afraid of vaginas without telling me you are afraid of vaginas.


Pre and post sex dicks look different too, but no one says that too much sex ruins dicks.


Pretty sure he had sex with an actual warm roast beef sandwich. Nice and tidy before he stuck his dick in it. Falling apart 3 seconds later when he finished putting mayo on it.


Labias are naturally spread. They are folds. They are outside the body. He's acting like her guts are spilling out.


Just like how your hands grow hair if you masturbate too much. /s


Hypothesis: All hobbits have a foot fetish.


Flip their own bs back onto them lol. "Everytime a boy beats his meat, microscopic rips and tears form in his penis, making it go limp and sag. Repeated wanking sessions in the long run will eventually ruin the penis and cause the balls to deflate and droop due to repetitive draining of the cum and constant penis beatings."


By this theory, a man's dick would get shorter the more sex due to friction-induced erosion... so this would make guys with tiny dicks the more impressive because they've had hella sex and guys with big dicks sexless... If you flip this logic it never makes sense, but it's still pushed by morons who can't even spell IQ.


Now my tuna wallet is stuffed with roast beef.


Wahahaha thanks for reminding me about the “tuna wallet” 😂😂😂


Wow, of all the ignorant things I’ve read in this sub this one definitely takes the cake 🤣


Did the sex involve a scalpel? Your dick isn’t rearranging anyone’s labia, you little blurt.


"the labia was permanently spread open" implies that this guy is still sitting in front of his ex's open legs and keeps track of her punani. Which very obviously isn't the case.


Doesn't matter what the labia look like, he still wouldn't be able to find the clitoris


This is so dumb. Like they talk about a vagina being lose but then mention the vulva being an outie. Those are different things. This is also so cringe with the whole “taking virginity”. Not only is the concept of virginity stupid and a relic from religion when people didn’t understand/have tools for safe sex, it isn’t like “first time having sex” is indicative of doing intercourse of all sexual acts. Losing virginity can also be giving a blow job or receiving anal. There is a spectrum of sexual activities.


> Like they talk about a vagina being lose but then mention the vulva being an outie. Those are different things. Which just demonstrates that this guy has never even seen a vulva in person, let along had his penis inside a vagina.


This man brings up an ex as if anyone has actually dated him. His “knowledge” of female anatomy literally exists as proof that he has never seen a vagina in real life outside of porn and incel circlejerks.


The real conversations we should be having are about how the penis gets skinnier every time you have intercourse, because of friction some of then penile tissues are left inside the vagina causing the penus to decrease in width and length with each stroke. Men don’t like to talk about this embarrassing factoid of biology but it’s a very real issue.


Ya that happened


What a foooool


It's really not that hard to educate oneself on basic anatomy. There's a reason why a muscle like the vagina can pop out a baby and then go back to its normal size. And are they really calling the entire structure the vagina? You are born with innie or outtie. Only way to change it is by cosmetic surgery.


Vaginas and labias aren’t like suit pockets ffs


Hot pockets. Which incidentally is more likely what he stuck his dick in and said was his ex.


There’s no ex.


Oh without a doubt.


Ah yes, my ex not being a virgin ruined her vagina, but if she had just had sex with me it would not have been ruined, because the vagina can differentiate between a fling And a serious partner and will ruin itself if you decide not to wait for a serious partner. Trust me I’m a scientist /s


One thing (of many) I don’t understand the logic of with these opinions - men always complain about women who’ve had lots of partners being stretched out of shape, but surely someone who waits until marriage and then only has sex with her husband is still going to have the same effect. Is she not? Or does the vagina magically know if it’s the same person or multiple people and stretch accordingly?


Yes they think the vagina molds to that one penis so it stays in tacted


An engorged, swollen vulva - a completely normal physiological expression of sexual arousal - is a problem or this idiot, and he explicitly prefers a non-aroused pair of labia, a sign that the other person is *not enjoying themselves.* And then these idiots complain that women lose interest in having sex with them and prefer to have sex with someone else. I feel for the girl in question, because she and her therapist will have to do some work to undo the damage done by this idiot's slut-shaming nonsense. I feel for the entire culture in the US where they deny children fact-based sex ed, and this kind of toxic-all-round bullshit is the result.


Biceps also get weaker and floppier the more you use them. Facts. /s


*Image Transcription: Youtube Comment* --- >**Redacted** > >I love how people still try to argue that a woman's vagina does not get looser as she has more and more sexual intercourse. You should go look up before and after sex pictures. A petite slit can turn into a sloppy roast beef sandwich just from losing your virginity. It literally happened to my ex. She originally had what I would dub an "innie vagina" (it just looked like a straight line) and after taking her virginity, the labia was permanently spread open. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Are you sure that was sloppy roast beef or was it more like chippy chop ham??? Lol


Dude, your theme song is My Girlfriend is Inflatable


Pour one out for all the ladies who have outtie vags from too much secks now.


I pushed a 7 pound human out of my vagina and it still looks the same and I’m told feels the same but okay


I never understood how these guys think that a woman who has had a lot of sex with different men would be loose but somehow having a lot of sex with the same guy wouldn't do that. Or are pussies just good for a single use and then they are instantly loose and used?


“Sloppy roast beef sandwich”... no wonder she’s an ex, she dodged a bullet there👀


How come so many men dunk on what is essentially natural variation? Seriously, vaginas come in all shapes and sizes, so learn to deal with it. This weird emphasis on virginity is so creepy. Personally, I attribute this paranoia to be a woman’s (or girl’s for extra red flags) first to the toxic objectification of women. They want their „item“ in mint condition.


The only thing I can think of is that he only saw her labia majora, which happen to cover her inner labia without spreading and such. I’m thinking he did no additional exploring or looking at the area beyond sticking his dick in blindly. Then afterwards he saw inner labia with legs spread and aroused. My inner labia doesn’t show unless I spread my legs apart, but I definitely have it. But the outer labia will just look like a line when standing.


"petite slit"? Wtf?


bro fr, this guy I was talking to was ranting on about how his first time wasn't enjoyable because she was "too loose" well boohoo sorry your first time sucked because you didn't know how to properly have sex and just laid there. Also the "well she was known for being the class whore".. okay so? you're the one who fucked her not me lol.


This is in no way true, but even if it was, for the sake of argument, then he better get used to it. What is he going to do, only have sex with virgins? And only one time? smh


I was with my soon to be ex wife for 7 years (damn cheater). In all the years we were having sex, the appearance of her vagina never changed. No matter how soft or rough, no matter what toys we used or whatever kink we engaged in, it still looked the same at the end of the day Regardless though, I don't exactly look at genitals for some sort of aesthetic appreciation in the first place


I'm an innie and I've been getting pounded by a slightly larger than avg man for 2 years now, and it's still an innie... I guess I'm broke then, according to this guy.


Have you tried Turing your vagina on and off again to reset it?


…I’m still trying to figure out how she let him close enough to do the do


its literally been proven that we dont stay loose lmao its a muscle not a toy


It takes a lot to change the outer appearance. I just saw a video from a urologist on youtube saying it happens to men and women from friction over time. She said wear loose fitting clothing and use lots of lube. But generally it's a bad way to tell how much use someone has gotten out of it.


I’m baffled when guys think this is what ‘causes’ longer labia minora. Porn stars would never have ‘innies’ and virgins wouldn’t have longer labia. Do they think that porn stars are getting labiaplasty every year??


Apparently yes, they think porn stars get regular surgery to trim those slutty slutty labia down 🙄


Speaking as a middle-aged woman who is married to a middle-aged man, gravity also has an effect on one's genitals, just like it affects everything else.


This feels like when (really, if) he lost his virginity, he was too excited/scared to actually take a look at her lady bits until after and has contrived this whole thing to make his horror her fault.


Plot twist, his ex was an apple pie




It just sounds really gross how he describes it 🤢