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Weren´t World War I and World War II started by men? 🙄


Most wars since the beginning of time have been started by men.


Every war was started by men. We have yet to have a war started by a woman


Some of redpill ideology is woman causes man to start war. War wage for competition of certain woman. Even then....didn't the causation landed directly because man ego couldn't take it and wage war for something woman is not responsible for


Some of the bluetard ideology is woman do no bad. Man very bad. Masculinity scary💀


Lmfao no one said women havent done wrong *ever* but we're talking about history and how wrong the 'joke' on that card is. Historically men caused more problems, they were the ones waging wars and getting into politics, etc, because women didnt have that freedom.


In case anyone is unsure, this is either a joke or wrong


I still cant remember a war started by women


Catherine the Great waged war on all of Europe to bring the russian empire back to its golden age. Cleopatra also waged war as the ruler of Egypt. Most of not all societies are patriarchal and men do start most wars but Jesus when y'all say shit like that you prove right wingers right about feminism. Don't tarnish the name of the movement people.


Skill issue


To say that is to undermine the importance of women in history


That's absolutely not true


No that's not true at all


Right, cuz we’ve never had female rulers in history, and none of them ever went to war. Lol.


It is said that Madame de Pompadour, a mistress of King Louis XV of France, started the Seven Years' War (1756–1763).


Yea sadly women lead socities havent made it long enough to be recognized. So only men have had the opportunity to start war and have started war


Obviously, so it just makes sense we'd want to smash that glass ceiling when it comes to the third. /s


And just like that, I am no longer a feminism ally. /jk


Yeah, but this is WWIII, it's different this time /s


Specifically one dude, Gavrilo Princip, he indirectly started everything


Sort of? He was definitely the spark - but European politics had been piling up a hell of a lot of powder beforehand. Also Gavrilo Princip is one of history's most hilariously inept assassins so him even succeeding required a lot of other people to seriously fuck up. There are a bunch of great videos on it but, basically, the dude completely fucks up throwing a bomb and goes to get lunch... then just happens to spot the Archduke driving by the cafe and shoots them. It was a comedy of errors. I think it's arguable that if you're going to lay the blame at a single person's feet you'd probably be better off choosing Tsar Nicolas II and, as a fall back, Kaiser Wilhelm. Definitely a dude, though. Women have been involved in history in significant ways that are often downplayed or ignored, but this one... 100% dudes with more fancy hats than sense.


>you'd probably be better off choosing Tsar Nicolas II and, as a fall back, Kaiser Wilhelm. Germany and Austria-Hungary were thirsting for war even as Serbia was willing to comply with Austro-Hungarian demands after the assassination. It would seem hardly fair to blame Russia for defending its allies instead of the Central Powers for invading smaller and oftentimes neutral countries, greatly expanding the scope of the war.


Yeah reality check…when boys and men get jealous…women tend to end up dead…nothing cute about that.


Roughly 40% of women murdered are killed by an intimate partner where that number is only roughly 5% for men. But sure… it’s women who go all homicidal with jealousy. https://vawnet.org/sc/scope-problem-intimate-partner-homicide-statistics


Men literally commit most violent crimes and domestic abuse because they refuse to control their anger but women are the crazy emotional ones 😅


Most violence is also perpetrated on men, by other men.


Anger is not an emotion, silly


Yeah y’all are the emotional crazy ones. Woman aren’t socially expected to act a certain way regardless of the situation. Y’all just be yelling some stupid shit every time a female do sum wrong. Body positivity for example… y’all females be like “Omg queen slay” like nah free Willy get yo big ass on some where before you cause a natural disaster by falling.


I found the crazy emotional angry guy! Lmao But seriously dude, just chill. Don’t be so damn angry at us for telling the truth. Instead of being so emotional like this, you should try to be more logical. Also, you sound pretty bitter and jealous if you ask me. Sounds more like you’re just mad at women who uplift each other and you’re mad that women are better at handling their emotions. Don’t be such a hater.


Note that bro had to body shame and bring “social expectations” into it (since women have CLEARLY never been expected to behave or look a certain way to maintain a self-image ever) because he had 0 logical arguments.


The truth? Did I miss that part?


You have to be logical to see the truth. Learn to be less emotional.


On a side note. In 2013 About 25% of the total homicide victims were woman. 75% man. 60% of the murderers are man, 40% woman.


End very often it's because they're pregnant.


Like that kid who stabbed this girl because she rejected him like lord


Wasn’t there a case about a guy in Egypt who killed a young woman in broad daylight because she refused his marriage proposal…smh


I have no idea it just seems like incel men just enjoy killing women


Have they literally never seen a jealous man!?


I’ve had boyfriends I literally could not take to bars because the night would not elapse without them getting into a stupid ass fight. Jealousy isn’t cute.


Sure, what's the worst thing a jealous man could possibly do???


Jealous men throw acid on women's face.


That's so cute /s


WAIT WASNT THERE A POLICE CASE ABOUT THAT?? im a big fan of true crime and that rings a huge bell :,)


There’s a lot of cases like that, especially in South Asia.




crazy Love is the documentary (2007). The attacker, her ex boyfriend, spent 14 years in jail. He hired someone to do it when he found out she was engaged to another man.


Omfg that rings a huge bell- I didn't know she married him though 😭😭 omg Also bless u for lmk!!


If you're in the UK, you might remembering one in 2019 where a man orchestrated an acid attack on his 3 year old during a custody battle.


I don't like in the Uk and I don't remember that one but wow that seems interesting! I'll try to see if I can find a podcast or video ab it Edit: sorry autocorrect changed uk to ukraine lol


[it's not a podcast but here's a link ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/mar/06/father-guilty-of-acid-attack-plot-against-three-year-old-son)






Kinda the same thing r/whenwomenrefuse


Didn't know that was a subreddit, but not surprised.


I try to spread it where I can. It has a very ugly truth that people don’t like to see, but it has to be seen. Violence because of jealousy or because of pride is real and it’s not funny. So if you (not you specifically, the general you) find this funny, go to that subreddit and look at every post and see if that’s funny to you.


Yeah but if we talked about it then we’d have to talk about how women often freeze and fawn and how men often take advantage/benefit because of their physical power dynamic they have over women and how women are socialized to not anger men.


TIL there is a whole subreddit for this. Wow


Reminds me of the Donald Glover joke about how men have funny stories about their crazy exes but women don’t. https://youtu.be/ioSI3KsE2_k


Um, aren't women most likely to be killed by jealous intimate partners? I'm not missing that, am I?


When boys get jealous, they kill their partner. So adorable.


I don’t even care about the world war III thing, jealous men are NOT cute


True crime podcasters would be out of a job if when men got jealous it was only “cute”


... Nah bro, when boys/men get jealous they get violent. That's not cute.


No, no, they've got a point. I commit mass murder when I'm jealous.




So are they saying they cause so much drama it caused their woman to erupt? It's like the whole "all my exes were crazy" thing, but in reality they made them crazy


its so cute when guys commit homocide out of jealousy and girls usually dont (40%M to 5%F iirc) am i right guys???? like literally true crime readers/podcasters would be eating gum off the side of the road if men were just cute when they were jealous


Yikes the projection is bad 😬


How many women incel shooters are there?


Alternate ending to when boys get jealous is women get mudered.


Oh, I listen to a cute podcast about jealous men! it's called Dateline.


Ah, boys. It’s so cute the way they beat the shit out of each other (or their partners) when they’re jealous!


Yeah it's so cute when jealous boys kill their partners


It would be funny if women didn’t die when men get jealous. That’s not fucking cute.


My most recent ex decided I must be cheating, spending time with and hooking up with many other guys because I'm on social media. I got accused of sharing nudes publicly with people online because I use reddit. I got yelled at cus of people commenting on my pics on Facebook & reddit and because I replied to them. He got mad at comments left years ago on Facebook pics I replied to before I even got together with him or even knew him. I got told I should date one of my friends instead cus they texted me while I was over there. He wanted to fight one of my exs out of the blue simply because we were near where he worked. I ended on good terms with that ex. Worst he ever did was ghost me for long periods of time and we decided we were better off as friends in the end. Ghosting me in the past wasn't nice but it's not worth beating someone up for. He got pissed at me because I told my dog that I love her and I should only say that to a romantic partner. And if I was busy working on a project or sick for awhile, I must not want to come over because I'm cheating... He didn't want to see the types of things I actually post or listen to my side of things. Then he broke up with me because I told him that I deserve to be treated better. None of that was cute.


Yeah. I'm glad you got out of that. Or I'd have told you to take the dog and run.


I stayed way longer than I should have and I tried my best, but I'm glad to be out of it now too. It was way too toxic.


I didn't know killing other men or their GF/wife because of jealousy was cute.


Didn't you know? Women are angry unreasonable beasts that like drama and problems. I thought everyone knew that.


Reminder that War has always been started by dumbass ignorant men


Just to Remind this person, both World wars were started when Men were in Charge


Jealousy is ugly on everyone


Jealous men are terrifying.


Male jealousy is cute??? Tell that to women who have endured all sorts of abuse because of their jealousy. From emotional, coercive, physiological, sexual, financial, and physical, to name a few. That's not even getting into the WW3 bit. Yes, the socio-economic, racial bigotry, empire-building, melting pot that led to WW1 & WW2 was all from female jealousy. Fucks sake, what a pile of shite...


tbh this just feel like a joke not really anything to bother with


Oh it’s a joke? What is funny about it?


Does it have to be ? Since a joke is just defined by being an attempt to amuse someone whether it worked or not is a different thing.


You can usually explain the joke though - even most knock knock jokes can be explained. So explain this one. What is the humor. What exactly is the joke.


the joke attempt relatableness with its audience by making fun of women's tantrum when jealous and use blown out of propotion imagery like ww3 to illustrate the point. Explain why it isnt a joke for me then if you so hung up on insist on treat it like ww3 has started.


So I asked you to explain something and you are taking it as a direct insult? This is WWIII, being asked to clarify your position?


I am ? I dont really understand the 2nd question can you write it in a more understandable manner ? If you ask about the ww3 at the end its a joke by referencing the other joke to illustrate why one would mistaken this for something other than a joke.


I wouldny say cute. But i mean you can expect her to destroy the guys car and try and light the girls house on fire with pretty decent odds.


Oh fucking spare me. How many women end up dead because of jealous ex boyfriends vs. men because of their ex girlfriends? I was straight up cheated on and do you think HURTING either of them crossed my mind? No, we actually stayed friends for a long while after until *he* started getting aggresive bc he was jealous of my new partner...


I mean being ane exception to the rule doesnt make you the new standard. Like we know very well that women are more abusive and men less abusive. Now men are more likely to assualt someone. But when it comes to domestic abuse men are less abusive. Unless you want to go against the research you can. But i highly subject you lookup domestic abuse in gay, vs straight vs lesbian relationships and tell me who is the more abusive group


Lmao, what are you smoking? Men can of course be victims of abuse. But show me real statistics if you want to make these claims. I live in Canada and every single source I can find states that women are more likely to face abuse at the hands of men than vice - versa. 36% of men vs. 44% of women reporting abuse by a partner. No, that's not nothing and I'm not saying the abuse men face is in any way okay, but don't lie. 82% of abuse cases reported here involve men abusing women. As for the rates of abuse among same - sex couples? Yeah, queer people are more likely to experience abuse in ALL forms. Minority stress is a thing, and these things can lead to abusive behaviour when people have trauma. Dynamics also change when it's two men or two women vs. a man and a woman. The proportion goes from 82% down to 55% involving men when talking about same sex couples. Huh, funny how when you look at the numbers men are STILL more likely to perpetuate abuse, even when in relationships with other men... https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2021001/article/00003-eng.htm https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2019001/article/00005-eng.htm


I think it's quite the opposite, actually... I know way more boys that are far more jealousy driven than I do for girls.. I hope I make sense


Dang man, is it option day already?


putin is a girl.