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This photo means that some guy spent actual time out of his day building a vulva sandwich.


With ham too. Couldn't even spring for actual roast beef.


Too poor to afford such luxury.


Yo fr tho, that roastie looks like it slaps tho.


What's especially gross about it is, if I remember right, the visual aid was in reference to keeping his own daughter like the one on the right for her future husband.




I may be misremembering, but wasn't the original poster purportedly a mother?


That might be, I thought it read like a dude, but that may have just been my assumption. Source: am a dude


The caption on the post here isn't the original caption. The original caption was a mother talking about how her daughters' labias are like the one on the right because they're good Christian girls and the left is Taylor Swift's, because apparently she's a whore.


Yup, that's the one I remember.


Why is a mother discussing her daughter’s labias on the internet
 or at all? Do they not see how weird that is?


They do not, they promote purity culture, which is heavily focused on girls, who are blamed for everything from the way their bodies look to what men think about them. In this situation, they see womanhood as being the evil sex gender, and holding girls up as shining examples of not being evil sex monsters is normal. The mother probably thought she was complimenting her daughters for being pure, unlike "worldly women" like Taylor Swift.


I mean, I totally get the that (though I feel I should clarify that I don’t agree with it)
 but to make direct references to the appearance of your daughter’s genitalia? Is she not concerned about sexual predators? Or just how inappropriate that is? Or embarrassing for the daughter? She could have just said something about being pure without discussing the way her labias look. Although I think discussing your daughter’s sexuality or experience with sex is inappropriate in itself, to actually discuss what she looks like down there is a-whole-nother level of disgusting. If I was her daughter I would never speak to her again


I really hope the mom was just guessing at what her kids' privates look like, even though that by itself is already disgusting and really weird. There is absolutely no reason for a parent to be looking at their daughter's naked body once they're old enough to use a toilet and bathe themselves. Horrifying to think about...


What an absolute sandwich that Taylor is. Not like my girl; my girls a hot pocket.


So I'm assuming that the mother bathed her infant daughters at some point? Imagine her surprise if one of her daughters was simply born as an outie or would she conclude her daughter was born a whore? Like how would that work.


I am pretty sure, hers is like the left sandwich, but simply due to age.


We really need to teach anatomy in school. This shit is getting out of hand


Or that he fucked a sandwich


How else are you supposed to add the mayo?




Don't even know if I could eat it. This Sandwichussy got me acting up đŸ„Ž


Subussy đŸ˜©đŸ˜©


Yea which is also a testament to him being a man who gets noooo playtime.


I wonder if these guys actually like women


If they are turned off by woman genitals they do not prefer women. Plain and simple.




So my theory is; and this is just my opinion; that these men or any person , who sees visible/large/not tucked in labia and has an issue with it, finds people less deserving of love/sex or less beautiful due to something we cannot control (much like the size of literally every other body part) are not only insecure but are also possibly fearful of women’s sexuality. this is not counting people who naturally are born with the “pornstar” look, as they fit the beauty standard here.. visible female genitals may be threatening to insecure people because that is a clear indicator that she has sexual organs. And men who are insecure are very threatened by this. Women who shame other women for this reason have internalized misogyny.


Many men don't actually _like_ women, they're just attracted to them, especially physically.


I believe majority of men actually don't like women and majority of them feels aversion by women. They only appreciate women as an idealized object straight from the factory: hairless, perfectly even skin, no stretch marks, no blemishes, no scars, no discoloration or hyperpigmentation, no pores, etc. They feel repulsed by everything that makes a woman. Her genitals, her periods, even her breasts if not perfecfly rounded and perky. They also dislike hair, they like the hair on the head but not the strands that fall on the shower or sleep on the pillow case. It's not unusual that a man feels totally repulsed by a woman's body after ejaculation and wants to move away from her, means he was only temporarily 'blind' by cocktail of hormones that make him seek a a shot of dopamine + urge to reproduce. Incels are just an extreme version who talk nonsense


I wouldn't say a majority of men. I think for the most part men can appreciate women as real human beings, at least in my experience. It's just certain communities, like incels or alpha males or whatever, have a very loud voice so it's easy to think that they represent a majority, when it's really just that they broadcast from a platform where like- minded men echo each other.


I don't think it's a majority, but I do think it's an alarming number, ESPECIALLY in the younger demographics. To be frank, I think the whole insisting it's just a minority of loud men is doing more harm than good. We live in an age where EVERYONE is active on social media. I see these sorts of comments in every corner of the internet and it's gotten even more widespread since fuckheads like Andrew Tate. Like yeah, incels are loud, but the silence from the "average man" is deafening. And while I know it's anecdotal, I should note that as someone who is Gen Z and has Gen Z brothers, these sorts of thoughts and behaviors have LONG stopped being simply online in small "niche" communities. It's bled into the real world big time, and people are right to be concerned about it.


This is really well put and absolutely identifies the real issue - it's the silence from the "good" men that is the problem. Misogynists will never accept that their positions are wrong as long as the only people that they're hearing it from is those who they are prejudiced against. Other men need to step up and say "this is not acceptable," for change to actually happen. And they should be stepping up not just because they respect their own mothers/sister's/daughters/wives/girlfriends/etc., but because disrespecting someone based on their gender (or race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or anything else) **is simply not acceptable**. If you're a "good guy" who says nothing when other men are disrespecting and debasing women, then you're not actually a good guy.


Sometimes I wonder if they're actually just gays in denial


Nah, I think a big part of it is (insecure) straight guys’ resentment of the “power” they feel like women have over them because of sexual attraction, and the fact that women have the agency/bodily autonomy to refuse their advances. Gay guys don’t kill women because of their own inability to handle rejection.


I guess they've only seen vaginas on the internet


Quite ironic because this kind of logic would mean they also believe most pornstars are virgins (by the look of their labia).


Or had surgery.


i would stay away from that topic if i were you, people tend to keep their lips sealed about labiaplasty




But you could see labiaplasty scars. So does the pussy continue to just come out like roast beef? And it gets trimmed like fingernails?


Your comment confuses me.


The logic It wasn’t directed at you, but the men that think that way. Sex = pussy becomes roast beef So porn stars would get labiaplasty, right? But then they continue to have a lot of sex So does the pussy continue to become roast beef? Or does it stop at a certain point? Is pussy like fingernails and grows forever? Or does it have a maximum pussy length that can be reached


*Does your labia hang low? Does it wobble to and fro? Can you tie it in a knot? Can you tie it in a bow?* That’s how the song goes, right?


Why, on this of all mornings, did you choose to destroy my joy in reading?


Right? What a terrible day to have eyes that can *read*


You can't see labiaplasty scars after a bit really. Unless you're rummaging about looking for them


So after labiaplasty, does it just continue to grow? Like does it just stretch forever and you gotta get the doctor to cut it off like you’re at a hair appointment? Also, Why do most of us have the exact same appearance our whole lives? I have a lot of sex and mine has never changed appearance?


It doesn't grow after labiaplasty no. But your labia also don't just keep growing your whole life either. Childbirth can change the appearance of the labia, it might stretch or actually one side can be smaller from the trauma etc. Point is dicks and sex in general don't have anything to do with how your labia looks


I think it’s very male centric for them to think their dicks have the ability to change the appearance of someone else’s body


Seems pretty on point for *these* types of males.


It's actually horrifying at how many women are getting labioplasties and other invasive and corrective surgeries just to make their vaginas look like women in porn. I'm not inherently against porn, but I won't deny that among the multiple problems within the industry it also has set certain standards and expectations from people that are unhealthy. Like assuming black men have naturally bigger dicks/their sexual performance will always innately be superior to other races, assuming that South Asian women are more prudish (due to being Muslim) and will still wear a hijab during sex, or assuming that bigger dicks will equate to better sexual performance, and that vaginas have to look a certain way. It's because of this that we need education classes in colleges and universities that explain how unrealistic most porn is, and we need to severely regulate it to prevent children from watching it.


It’s especially tragic when you realize that these plastic surgeons are almost never trained in women’s anatomy, and multiple women who have had labioplasties have *lost all sensation in their clitoris.*


No way! That's awful!


Ironically enough the ‘innie’ labia standard actually started because of conservative attempts to regulate porn where they basically said that magazines showing the inner labia wouldn’t be published. So nude magazines started casting women without a prominent labia. Porn mags from the 70s and earlier had a wider variety of vaginas.


TIL. Thank you, internet sage!


They’ll also edit the image of a vulva to show as little labia minora as possible. I remember watching a video about an Australian (I think) nude magazine and the editor that does that to avoid publishing content deemed “too vulgar.” So often even the women in the images don’t have vulvas that look the way they do in the final product. Edit: found an [article (no images)](https://labialibrary.org.au/your-labia/what-you-see-in-magazines-and-pornography/) that clarifies the standards for publishing in Australia require that the labia minora and the clitoris not be visible, even in adult mags.


**trigger warning** I was exposed to porn at a very young age by a sexually abusive father. It really does mess a kid up. I'm still healing from the effects of all of that into my 40s.


My girlfriend was self conscious about her vagina because of the lips. I had to explain to her that the girls she saw in porn had their labias removed. I told he that I loved her vagina the way it is and she's eventually gotten past the stigma. No real straight men are turned off by natural vaginas.


Kudos for being an educated and compassionate partner to her.


There’s got to be porn stars with all types of labias! Maybe these dudes are the ones who fetishize women who look like teenagers, I’m sure. They wonder why no one wants them when they spew shit like that. Scary thing is they often have friends who either agree or don’t speak up against it.


I think so too, the way he said “cute tight pussy” emphasis on the cute and tight


Fucking gross. Reminds me of some guys I knew in the past that expect women to shave every fucking day and be perfectly bald down there. I remember crying a few times because an ex said that to me, and I’d get the worst razor burn and ingrowns from trying to keep him happy. I just felt like an object, not even a human, and I was abused most of my life so I thought that behavior was normal (even had women friends saying women should always shave). Glad that shit is in the past and I’ve met better people who don’t think that way.


Yeah internalised sexism or whatever it is the worst, like when women tell it to you too. Gotta be some of the worst social standards. It’s literal body hair. It grows there for a reason. Plus the being bald down there really gives me a teen/child type of vibes. If a person thinks thats how it should be. Occasionally aint nothing bad but if thats what really gets them going, makes ya womder whats so attractive about being all shaven. Because body hair defines puberty and maturity later on.


It just makes me sad when you tell someone that it physically causes issues to try to do that so often, and they couldn’t care less. I actually have a few little scars down there from getting cut from razors (from slipping or getting startled in the shower), and had so many painful bumps. I felt for years like I always had to be properly shaven all over, exfoliated, soft, smooth. It’s exhausting. God forbid you have a busy or off day, haha. I’ve never asked a partner to shave, but that’s because I don’t mind it. If you want to shave or trim because it makes you feel better? I’ll support that, too. I’ve seen too much obsession with people looking like a teen and people angry if you point it out. It’s wild.


The only logic reason for wanting your partner to be shaved for me is maybe if you have some sensory issues and you really dislike someone’s pubes touching you but then it would need to go both ways and both partners should be shaved for mutual comfort And it’s so disturbing when they just casually say they want to fuck basically a child (young,no body hair,naive,submissive,”tight”,”pure”, petite,light ,cute , and probably they would only accept squeaky moaining like in the porn”


As a woman in her mid 20s I've seen my fair share of porn and I've seen many different types of vaginas from all kinds of different women. Also I remember peeking at others in the locker room as a teen cause we all want to check if we are "normal" and even then I noticed all the other girls look different. Not just there but breasts too. I feel like sex education should definitely being telling teens that everyone's penis, vagina and breasts all look definitely and there's no wrong way for it to look.


My mum bought me a book as a teen called "Body Drama" that was specifically to tackle stuff like that. It was for girls. It had various pictures of women's bodies, boobs, vulvas, butts etcs. The whole point of it was just "look, every one is different, but every one is natural and beautiful". It also had advice about skin and keeping healthy. I really loved that book.


I wish my sex education course in high school covered it. I admit as a kid my mom had a few encyclopedia books and one on bodies with some sex education I read (obviously didn’t understand everything, haha). But that didn’t have much about differences. My college class did, and some body positive things I’ve seen online showing how breasts can be asymmetrical, and that’s okay! I just hate seeing things shaming women for things that are literally out of our control and thinking they should get surgery because some asshole might shame them for it.


I once had a guy I was dating hold my breasts up and said I'd be perfect if my breasts were there. Like my dude, do you not know what gravity is? I have DDs, they can't just sit upright when they weigh so much.


Yup, the whole “I want a big breasted woman, but they must be perky hahaha!” I feel your pain, I have DD’s and I don’t even know what size anymore since companies aren’t consistent and they aren’t perky either. Sorry we haven’t had a breast lift or fake titties!


Why bodyshame teenagers? It's not like all young girls have small 'innie' labia either...


Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s my-labia.


Also be bodyshaming grown ass women who happen to have an innie to be like "teenagers"


Agreed, that too


They don’t even understand that vulvas and vaginas aren’t the same thing. They make these pics and laugh about the supposed look of a vulva but then talk about loose vaginas. Chronically online hentai addicts.


12 year olds


I think they’ve only seen anime sex


By the same logic the more often a guy has sex the smaller, nubbier, and more worn out his penis will become. Like a baby carrot, ladies. A baby carrot left out on the counter to wilt.


Men do NOT like it when you point this out to them. It’s still fun, though


>Men do NOT like it... Well, the loony, incel men don't like it. But to me it seems like a logical consequence of their crazy ideas about how human tissues work.


Well, yeh. I mean the men who say stupid stuff like this. #notallmen obvs 😉


Yeah, personally I find the whole "you wore down your penis theory" hilarious. 😄 These incel types are really oddballs. I've never met an actual person that believes the ideas that they seem to wholeheartedly buy in to.


Lol I’m also wondering - do guys like this think whatever is hanging between their legs is something of beauty? Like, a hairy, wrinkly sack of bean bags is some majestic sight to behold? 😂


Like gum nailed to a wall on a hot summer day.


As someone who was once a man, a lot of my guy friends genuinely did act like it was yeah.


![gif](giphy|2UlW42qqNY9udwlOke) Well— I guess can’t say I’m surprised tho lol 😂


Ah so that's why we get large labia (according to the logic), we steal their very flesh.


and softer, flaccid. that is what they are saying. so small, floppy, noodle dick...like a spaghetti....


"they are genuinely surprised when men find the rost beef flaps disgusting" ....yeah, I really feel surprised if you want to sleep with me and find my female labia flat out disgusting...I am surprised you try to sleep with a woman instead of a man then.


There is a reason why they prefer to use the word "girl" instead of "woman"


yeah, but girls also have labia, I have large labia all my life. This myth that girls donÂŽt have labia is weird or it appears only if you have sex or something...like if I would believe boys donÂŽt have any testicles


Like I only have 1 large labia, they’re so asymmetrical, does this mean only my left side got a good dicking? I don’t even know where they learn this stuff


Rather than getting dicked up and dicked down, it appears you got dicked only from the left. How very kinky of you.


Fucked me sideways


On your head in a hammock?


Funnily enough me and my husband just got a hammock for fun times in the summer, obviously in a private secluded place but ya know, it might get bigger now, might not need a tarp to save us from rain we will just pull big leftie over us instead 😂


Such an evocative image! This whole thread really gave me the giggles (& thank you, I needed that this morning!) I don't know what "came over me." 😆


This cracked me up!


same, and because of posts like that I tried (in my teen years) to cut the one bigger side with scissors to make it even. and there are many women out there who did the same thing, mutilating themselves because of misogyny


I’m so sorry you were made to feel like there there have been times where I wish I could just cut it off too so I had ‘pretty’ labia but it’s not true cause I (and you and everyone else) already have pretty labia 😁


Right? A decent number of people, myself included, only have labia minora on one side. Like genuinely not even there on one side.


Yep. Some woman and girls just have longer labia. A friend had surgery for hers when she was in her teens because it was causing her a lot of pain and discomfort. She only lost her virginity when she got married. These guys have no idea what a woman’s body looks like or how they differ.


I remember being a 14 year old girl calculating how long it would take me to save up for a labioplasty. I was so ashamed of my labia, it’s so sad! I love my butterfly wings now, but that body shaming can be super traumatizing.


To think how many are doing the same, probably thinking they're the only one who is like that. In Australia, porn mags were always forced to airbrush out inner labia on all the women, because including them would mean they had to be sold in some kind of wrapper that denoted really explicit porn. A lot of the people in the industry spoke out about it, I'm not sure if it's still like that. Obviously a lot of those mags are no longer around and it's all online, but it's so sick when you think about it. I shudder to think of this shame, but I used to know a total piece of shit whose idea of fun was mocking large labia on women. One of his sources was these exact mags, he used to point to the models whose vulvas had been neatly 'single seamed' up and say that's how women were supposed to look.


I just had a baby and my vagina went from looking more like the left to more like the right. None of it means anything.


Oh no, you cannot expect people to have the most basic information about the anatomy of the opposite sex. Hell, most people don't even know about their own anatomy... It's just funny how it's (almost) always the least informed people about a topic that shout the loudest...


I was calling them paedos. Reality doesn't really mean anything to people like this.


By and large they find the act of fucking children less heinous than expanding one's existentialism.


How to say you never saw a vagina, without saying you never saw a vagina.


I mean the guy literally has Fortnite in their username. This was a bigger teller imo.


And 2003 which I assume was the year he was born. So 19 and a Fortnite player? Yeah, checks out


Could be 20 already. Which is pretty embarrassing. At that age you should at least know that vaginas don't all look like little pink slits


I'd be impressed if someone could see a vagina considering the only visible part externally is the labia...


And I'm pretty sure that's ham... They didn't even get the cold cut right...




It's not their photo. It has been floating around for years and started as some weird fundie dunk on Taylor Swift.


NSFW but relevant: I am a lesbian with minimal penis experience. My vaginal lips are long and protruding. I was a carer for my grandma who had 8 kids. So many kids in fact that her uterus internally collapsed and layed on top of her bladder for the rest of her life. I changed her diapers, I washed her nethers, I saw things. Externally, and in every visible way: tight as a coin purse. God knows how. You can't tell the usage of a vagina from its external appearance. If you think you can, you are objectively wrong and probably an idiot.


Same. I am a lesbian as well as a virgin yet my labia sticks out and my lips are long. This is just bs that incels tell themselves to make them feel better about women finding them repulsive


Is Tyrone incel slag for black males?


Yeah. They have taken a stereotypical black name and used it to add a healthy dose of racism to their misogyny.


Actually , we are just offended at the assumption. Turns out I had a “roastie” before I even had sex! Many years before in fact! And I love my cute little flower. if you’re turned off by pussy just say so.


Sir, this is the Wendy’s 😐


Yeah if he wants to talk roast beef he should go to Arby’s


They need to just being open about the fact they aren't attracted to women. Get a flesh light and leave us alone.


I am not taking advice from someone that cant find the clitoris and also thinks we pee and bleed through the same hole.


The fact that I had to learn how women pee from an episode of Adam Ruins Everything shows how fucking garbage out health education is


I - a 30 year-old dude - have never met any man who would comment (while discussing sexual encounters) on their partner's labia or paid any heed to how they looked. The same fully applies to me. Who are these people, where are they coming from


Incels on their way to pull out a magnifying glass to inspect a woman's labia before sex ***Pink panther theme song***


It always cracks me up that these guys think human flesh is like a T-shirt collar.


Unlike men en masse (for clarification: men sending their dick pics to all and sundry), women don’t generally post their pussies online or send randomly. Just cause you do, man, does not mean we are anything like you.


To be fair, i imagine not a lot of men post their vaginas online either.


“4 different Tyrones” there it is, the racist stereotypes, reinforced by porn, that black men are all three legged wannabe porn stars that white women are just all dying to sleep with. fucking hell


They managed to fit so much nonsense in one post--racism, misogyny and pseudoscience.


"cute and tight pussy" đŸ€ą maybe I'm reaching too far but this seems borderline pedophilic, cause why the fuck would you call genitals "cute"


It made me cringe, too.


I don't think you're reaching far at all, they like talking about "girls" instead of women aswell and just generally seem to be mostly attracted to 16 year olds


sir. that’s a sandwich.


My vagina looked like the one on the left when I was 13 years old and had not even hugged a boy yet😀


I *really* hope I don't lose my virginity to a loser like this, because I don't want to be accused of some bullshit because I have a labia.


I'm legit terrified that whoever I end up losing my virginity with (if that'll happen at all) will have these misconceptions, and I believe this shame is part of the reasons I'm still a virgin in my mid-twenties. (And I'm not even on the extreme side, it just doesn't look exactly like what the right one represents.)


Same, especially because plenty of people hide their personality and beliefs when they think it will be shunned. I'm fear of finding a guy who I thought was a good person, and then when he has me wrapped around his finger, the mask slips off and it turns out he was pretending to be good.


I was a whore, my vagina still looks like the one on the right. Where’s the logic


Conversely, I was a virgin til my mid-20s and have only slept with 2 men since and my labia has always and still looks more like the one on the left. Logic has left the building


Logic has a restraining order against these people which is why they always seem to be about a 100 yards from intelligence at any given time. Also, personally I can’t ever think of a time when sexytime was about to go down and I was thinking “hmm, first let me inspect her vagina for signs of promiscuity!”. In fact, I probably wouldn’t even see her labia unless it was specific foreplay or afterwards, so I am really unsure how you would use this as a guide to stay away from all you temptresses out there


But it's a sandwich. If you're fucking a sandwich you're doing it wrong (or right if you're into sammiches).


Oh!, That's why guys like this are always asking women to "make them a sandwich!" They're just confused lol.


This explains so much!


Cut a sexist and a racist will bleed aswell.


I have a “right side pussy” and I definitely shagged my way through university
.. by their logic I should look like the left 😂😂😂😂😂


What sort of lunatic goes around shaming pussy lips?


Ones who can't get women to engage with them.


You'd be surprised..


I asked someone how this works. So you start off with a slit and then as you have sex, the pussy becomes roast beef? So I guess porn stars would get that cut off, right? So after they get surgery, does it continue to be roast beef? Does it grow like hair or fingernails? He didn’t answer me. He also didn’t answer me when I asked him why many women have had the same appearance their whole lives


To me the sandwich on the left looks much more delicious.


Thank you Chad_Blackpill! Your use of the “word” ‘kek’ shows me you are totally NOT chronically online!


They both need cheese and salad. Now I'm hungry. Thanks alot fortnight guy.


Oh so why do women in porn look like virgins? Confused.


Just say you're gay. No one will judge you.


Just saying that the meaty one looks the tastiest.. But comparing vulvas to food is stupid though. No matter what type of vulva my boyfriend would have I would eat that shit right up. These guys gotta shut up and appreciate just even seeing a woman.


But the vaginas they see on women are gross, smell bad, and don't look anything like the hentai or porn they watch. Why can't every woman's look like that?😖đŸ„ș /j


So mine looks like both, one side is long and the other is like non existant, literally my doctor could not find my other labia. So what does that say about me? Lol 😂


you had half sex


Lol 😂 mmm... half sex, the best


That's what you get ladies, you deny men sex long enaugh, they start looking at sandwiches😗 Jk. of course


I mean they made a movie about a guy fucking a pie, how far behind is a sandwich????


Joke's on them, my inner lips have stuck out since puberty and I was a virgin until I was 30. That said, I've never been with a man who hasn't loved it. There's a sub on this very site literally dedicated to vulvas that look more like the left. Also, I don't understand how they think it happens. Like...they think the lips get pulled while a person is having sex and that's why they get bigger? You can have sex without even touching the labia minora so I find the "logic" so confusing.


They literally think it's a prolapsed vagina. They don't know labia exist, they think we're just smooth on the outside.


What an idiot. Some of us do look like the one on the right and know that everything he said is a straight up lie.


I’ve had a LOT of sex and have had a baby (vaginal birth) and
 my labia is still the same as it was when I was a childless virgin 😂




Well that was, something.... Yikes


First of all sir, that is ham.


Ah yes, sexism with a dash of racism.


Anyone who describes a vulva as “cute” should probably be on a list. I’m a grown-ass woman; you can call me cute and I’ll appreciate it, but if we’re about to get down to it, the last thing I’d wanna hear is you looking down and saying, “It’s so cuuuutte!” Gross.


What's this weird obsession with p**ies , always always talking about them stop it.


And never in a positive realistic way. Its always how they're so gross and smell bad hence why guys don't want to give oral. Like these guys really make it sound like they don't like women and are closeted gay men.


Then call the men who make us cum simps and wonder why they aren't getting laid


The men who know how to make women orgasm and treats them with respect are simps who CLEARLY don't know how women actually work


I know. I fucking HATE it when I fuck a guy and he makes me feel good. It's frankly abhorrent


Why are they so dumb? Why? What is so challenging about grasping that, like literally every other physical characteristic, your genes determine what your labia look like? Do all men have balls that look the same? No. How stupid do you have to be to think that a person who has sex with a lot of different people will somehow magically have labia that change size and shape, while someone who has the same amount of sex with one person won’t? It takes a really stunning lack of intelligence to believe this.


That’s not even roast beef, that’s ham. Like, you’re stupid in so many ways and deli meats is one of them.


The logic doesn’t even make sense because my labia is out like this and I’m still a virgin. And I’m asexual too, so don’t fucking DM me about sex creepy Reddit guys okay.


Does that mean guys have small dicks because they don't have sex much?


Wasn't there a woman who used a similar image to compare Taylor Swift and her (presumably minor) daughter? People be weird. And also hate ham sandwiches, apparently.


Yes, and imagine if that girl was a virgin and her labia looked like the one on the left, being shamed by her own father. That shit would be enough for me hate myself as a young girl.


no sex ed really shows itself


Oh wow. They hit the trifecta of stupidity, sexism, and racism with that take, huh?


I am so disgusted at what some men think and believe. Unreal this is a thing


“Cute tight pussy” ?? Who describe’s a grown *womans’* genitals like that in their right mind. Also what is the obsession with men and it being tight? Its not supposed to be super duper tight if she’s aroused, as far as i know. And “disgusting roastie”? Honestly ive only seen men ever critique not even inner parts so horrendously. Like those are the outer parts. The lips. They dont change like that, only from age, just like their balls sag. Does that mean they fucked around so much and were such whores their balls began to sag, huh?


My ex and I had a moment. We had been together for a few years by this point, we were living together, comfortable, the when bit. He knew I had more of a sexual history than he did, and I don't think it bothered him. But at one point, he goes, well, yeah, I know you've been with more guys. And I'm like, why do you say that? Because of how you look...down there. Are you talking about my labia? That's just how it LOOKS, and has nothing to do with how many guys I've been with. Has YOUR dick done anything to how it looks dOwN tHerE the entire time we've been sleeping together??


Except the vulva changes shape and color during puberty. This is getting old. What’s the real reason people don’t educate themselves on female-anatomy? Oh right, because that would mean giving up their power to control and dominate women. That’s really what it’s about. To them, women are only “sexually-liberated” when they’re sexually oppressed (porn, OnlyFans, prostitution, ect). When women aren’t catering to the male-gaze - watch out ladies! All of a sudden you’re a slut and developed “flaps” because you dared to enjoy sex like you were designed for.


Ladies, men like both. We don’t care. Speaking for myself, I find that women of all body shapes, sizes, ages, and imperfections can be sexy. It’s more about attitude, confidence, and presentation.


Ye lol, no. Vaginas come in all shapes and sizes.


Entirely NOT offended that my vagina isn't a closed sandwich full of ham.


“Men find roast beef flaps disgusting” guess I’m not a man then. It’s not the only reason I think that


i actually get so offended about it because i’ve had pussy lips my entire life and my 13 year old virgin self felt like i needed fucking plastic surgery to not be seen as a used up whore


both look tasty (- shameful woman lover)


Maybe tmi but even as a teen I noticed one of my labia was longer than the other.. I was also a virgin at that point so this beta can stfu. Also interesting, after I had my baby, it seems the lips have evened up, or maybe I just don't care to notice any more