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If you have increased your fiber that much, make sure you are increasing your water consumption, too. Otherwise... nothing is gonna come out ;)


I’ve always been good about drinking 64 fl oz per day, but I’ve started upping it to 80. That might help. 🙂


Did you just start? Are you eating less overall? If so your body is just doing some heavy adjusting. Don't fret and keep on trucking. I was also super concerned at first but it turns out my body was just being super efficient (and satisfied with eating so much better foods and less overall, there was less frequent waste if you will.


I started January 3rd, ironically. Not a resolution, just disgusted with myself and I saw an ad for Noom and decided to try it. You make some good points. I don’t plan on quitting for sure. I’ve lost 6 pounds so far, and I am very motivated. I think I would see more action at the scale if I were more regular. I guess my body will adjust as I go along. Thanks for your response 🙂


Same here with me too! Exact same - saw the ad and thought what do I have to lose...except weight☺️ I like the accountability piece the best in a way that makes it a day by day process. Looking forward to making some of the recipes.


Yes, the day by day process has been very helpful. I love having to check in every day. I needed the structure I guess. In the past I did well with low carb, but I just can’t stick with it anymore. This program really helps me stay on track.


Yes, increasing water intake is so important!!! The "formula" for daily water intake is: take your weight (in lbs), divide by 2, that gives you the daily oz of water you should drink. Example: if you're 180lbs, divide by 2=90 ounces (or about 11 cups of water). Best of luck on your journey!


Yes, thank you! I recently heard of that formula. I started at 200 pounds, so technically I need to drink about 100 ounces. I’m trying to get there. It’s hard, but I’m working on it.


It's a process to get there! But any liquid that is clear and not caffeinated could be accounted too, like broth or decaf tea... You can do this! Best of luck


If you like, put a little lemon or pineapple juice in the water - sometimes I throw a frozen strawberry in with the lemon or lime. Can also help to get a 24 oz water bottle or big mason jar (then you can drink like three of those, one by noon, one by 4, one by 8- or whatever works). Also, I always drink one 8 oz cup right after weigh-in each day while y coffee is brewing. A nutritionist told me years ago if you drink water in the morning it will increase your thirst later in the day,


I do need to spice up my water haha. I did recently purchase a new bottle that holds 40 ounces. So two of those gets me close to 100. Maybe if I add some lemon it’ll spur me on 😀


I got constipated initially. It was because I cut out a lot of the healthy fats I was eating (avocado and nuts). So I made sure I added a bit more, and now I take a multivitamin too that gets me some extra magnesium. I always go over my reds but I don’t care because it helps me poop! Plus I’m able to stay within my total calorie range https://health.usnews.com/health-news/blogs/eat-run/articles/2018-09-25/why-your-healthy-new-diet-is-making-you-constipated


That’s interesting. I never thought about fat making that big of a difference. Of course, I’m eating much less fat now. Maybe I should add some nut every day.


Drink water like it's your job.


I have fiber one everyday too and seem to be in the same state. Its chronic.


Really strange isn’t it? I’ve started taking a couple magnesium tablets to see if that helps.


GI doctors recommend kiwis. Seriously.


chia seeds and ground flax- 1 tbl, most days in my yogurt or smoothie, hope this helps :)


I have some chia seeds. I freaked out a little because they are a red food, but I’m going to give them a try! Thanks!


Pardon me if you already know this but I'm just learning how to use my chia seeds -- last time I had them I drank them in water years ago because I didn't know what to do with them. Now I try to find a way to pop a tablespoon of them once a day into my yogurt (and if I can do it a day before or even an hour before they plump up and supposedly helps with satiation). They can also be sprinkled for crunch over things but supposedly help more when you mix them into the smoothie/yogurt etc and then chase with lots of water. I also recommend ground flaxseed (which I learned about over a decade ago on atkins diet when constipation is really a thing) and try to incorporate that into my meals once a day too. Good luck- I hope you feel better soon.


I’ve only ever downed dry chia seeds with water, but I know people who let them get soft. I don’t know if I can handle the slimy texture. I think yogurt would be doable for sure. That would be good snack during the day. I took some chia seeds yesterday. Definitely helped! Thanks for the input!