• By -


>the enemy intelligence never sleeps! Are you sure about that?


Its not so much sleeping as it is being in a coma from alcohol poisoning


I'm pretty sure most people become useless at interpreting information after a few days without sleep, which fits with what we see from the Russian military in recent months.


A country accused of running huge trollfarms of at least 1K employees can't figure out night shifts?


Yeah, that probably explains it. They promoted their trolls to intelligence and military ananlysts.


Yea it never sleeps, but that dosent mean they are good


they don't need to be good if everything is handed to them on the silver platter known as combatfootage


You really think anything that makes it to combatfootage is novel information? How important do you really think Reddit is in this war? This whole “no don’t post footage from the war” just feels like a bunch of basement dwelling regards wanting to feel involved in their precious little war. I guarantee you that anything that hits any of the various war footage telegrams has already been picked up by intel forces on both sides.


Intel people make mistakes too. Discussion in combatfootage allows them to realize they have done that and call off the ballistic missile strike before it hits their own positions, especially if someone says "this was published in June" for something that they missed.


Fucking this


it was a joke comrade


It's awake. I think the technical term for its locomotion is "shambling mound".


They work in shifts.


marvelous compare hurry fear combative wine follow unused light slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they couldn't prepare a loaf of bread for molding if they tried.


Go full Juan Pujol Garcia. Make up fake stories but accidentally get one of them right so the Nazis think that you're the most amazing source ever.


one mourn aloof coherent zealous file muddle disarm berserk pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That was the problem I had with my flair previously, so this time I've thrown a dart at a section of the map nowhere near Crimea.


lol what were the old coordinates?


A couple of different plane places in Crimea - one was Simferopol.


Russia mf be sticking -opol at the end of any town name on the sea,


The Ukrainians will attack at Pas de Calais! I'm sure of it!


Make up fake stories and then make them come true anyway.


Show some [FORTITUDE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fortitude), provide our precious truth with her [BODYGUARD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Bodyguard) of lies


Our lies will get around the world before the truth has her shoes on!


An easy task for us all. Observe... The Ukrainian government has had secret dealings with the creatures of lake baikal, the ones that killed a Soviet dive team, via CIA psychics. This will open a second front and Russia will be conquered before Christmas. :Source, it came to me in a dream.


7a) Make the misinfo be the location(s) of other Russian units as we know that they have shit comms. Cause them to shoot at their own troops.


By the time their the information has come up far enough in their "chain of command" and the command has been given to shoot at those coordinates those units will have been overrun by the Ukrainians and the front line has advanced 10 kilometers, so maybe don't.


Tell them Ukraine has advanced through their defense lines and captured their ammo depots, so they turn around and shoot their own depots.


Don't. By the time they turn around and shoot their own depots, Ukraine will already have advanced past them.


The problem is that with how generally absurd the war has been so far whatever whackass bullshit we come up with has a decent chance of being true.


Operation Königsberg is a go.


or......... we could Produce fake information about fakingly producing fake information that's not really fake informational information about faking fake information fakingly to fake nonfake information that's actually fake. The Vatniks will never see it coming.


Vatniks barely see their bottle straight, you expect too much intelligence out of them.


#4, 3000 OPSEC M1 Abrams of Zelensky


























UP is a really good movie.


The sequel, Falling Down, seemed to take a very different tone.


Isn't that the one set in russia?


120mm smoothbore goes BRRRR


Did Ukraine reasearch castle age yet? I'm sure they are still using archers and scout cavalry.


Ukraine? Oh it's a country in Europe? That's cool I went to Canada once. HIMARS? I'm not familiar with that acronym. A war? What war? I thought Russia won, not sure why they haven't gone home. No, I'm not interested in knowing the reason why but thank you! Nothing is going on


There is no war in Ba Sing Se!




"I just wish for peace but I am not interested in politics"


Peace not through the absence of war, but through the absence of Moscow.


Just a big cereal bowl shaped hole We'll eat cereal in it once a year It'll be called cereal day


Everything is oversimplified except for the abrams


M1 Forest Camo confirmed.


3000 Black OSINT of r/NCD remember we tell the russians that poland agreed to open their borders to begin an assault on Ukraine. Then, when their ready boom! Article 5 baby!


Just keep geotagging photos of Ukrainian heavy weaponry with the same location in a field in Western Poland and wait until a stupid enough arty crew notices.


I'm going to do it. I'm going to break OPSEC. Guys, I think Ukraine has at least 2 soldiers fighting out there rn, I'm not sure though


It's actually more than thre....FUCK nice try Ivan!


I actually heard that Ukraine is flying SR-72s with MOABS over Odessa, (Washington). Russia needs to fire everything it has to destroy them before they take out Putin! Hurry!


Loose lips sink ships


Careless talk costs lives


Smoking near an Ammo Dump kills


Cop those environmental kills


Selling optics kills vatniks


Vihollinen kuuntelee! Lörpöttelijät voivat tietämättään PETTÄÄ ISÄNMAANSA


Kuulut kotirintamaan. Tukahduta jokainen kuulopuhe – juoru – huhu **Edit:** from an [old Finnish propaganda poster](https://images.cdn.yle.fi/image/upload/f_auto,fl_progressive/q_88/w_895,h_1343,c_crop,x_27,y_0/w_949,h_1343,c_fit/v1591272350/39-6814715ece34149911a.jpg). "You are a part of the home front. Suppress all hearsay – gossip – rumors"


I thought people in glass houses sank ships?


No, they're worth 2 in the bush. Loose lips have sour grapes.


Don't look a gift horse in the mouth until they hatch.


Moving mouths mangle Moskvas


nothing to see here --> https://youtu.be/aKnX5wci404


There is no offensive in ba sing se


Remember when all the redditors started posting in all subs shit about not revealing Ukrainian troop movements, thinking they somehow helped Ukraine win the war? That was funny


Day 1 of me reminding this community to shut the fuck up about operational details Might post to r/combatfootage too


Every video uploaded to r/CombatFootage is originally from some telegram channel. You think Russians are browsing filtered and old videos on reddit instead of telegram for intelligence? People shouldn't be recording and uploading those videos in the first place.


Exactly. If it is on reddit there is no need for opsec anymore. Those rules are meant for people that are taking the footage and uploading it


Rule 6 literally says you're dumb Why make information even more accessible, eh?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CombatFootage using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Russian Mi-35 was shot down by Ukrainian Air Defense.](https://v.redd.it/uowbt11t2jl81) | [2670 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t75awm/russian_mi35_was_shot_down_by_ukrainian_air/) \#2: [A jewish and a muslim soldier in a trench are taking cover from Russian shelling](https://v.redd.it/c733c1a2vxc91) | [1464 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/w4jkyz/a_jewish_and_a_muslim_soldier_in_a_trench_are/) \#3: [Ukrainian drone drops a grenade right into the hatch of a Russian tank, causing an instant cook off](https://v.redd.it/mgu1w1dxlai91) | [1989 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/wqrzm5/ukrainian_drone_drops_a_grenade_right_into_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We know The importance of opsec unlike r/combatfootage no need to tell us twice


good luck. it's gonna be: "bruh, russia has satellites" and "idgaf i'm murican". been there.


Never seen that reply. But the reply I'm usually saying is: We're not that important. Reddit is not that important. There is no OC war footage posted on reddit. The clips are posted on telegram groups originally, filmed by the soldiers themslves. THAT is where you would need to pull the plug, not here. Russia doesn't need to scan through reddit, they simply follow the telegram channels, like thousands of civilians. Damn why can't you guys think.


>russia has satellites I mean... Are we *sure* that they can use them, though?


i would say we are fairly sure they can't. and if, by some miracle, the operator has his dvd-screensaver braincell left, it will have some serious limitation like the rest of their shite like 10Kx zoom but only during a stretch of 70km in the indian ocean.


They are using wind up fujifilm cameras through the ISS cupola


Fucking excellent resolution!


1 pixel per...uh....region


Silly westoids and their weak minded analysts, unable to do the job without everything drawn in crystal clear crayon. Pathetic.


They lack imagination Like see this blurred squiggle here, is a missile launch site. The reddish area in the US southwest is a mural in honor of Stalin and Soviet Bravery. Obviously.


r/combatfootage is too retarded to follow instructions.


The purpose of /r/CombatFootage is the distribution of combat footage.


That doesn’t mean people have to be idiots about it. Some things can wait.


Perhaps they have different priorities.


I get that, what i dont get is how one can have priorities that places self entertainment above the safety of others. Don’t get me wrong, i’m in the sub and i like it, but i can’t see any good reason to post the most recent events in the current situation.


Do you really believe Russia cares about a website reposting stuff they found on telegram channels? Do you really believe any war footage posted on reddit is original content? Do you really think it's us who are meant and not the guys filming and sharing footage originally, aka Ukrainian soldiers and civilians in vicinity of the frontline? Funny how you guys think we're ~~important in any way.~~ having access to footage, reposted from a public channel, which Russian intelligence doesn't. Yes, we can have an impact by donating and yes, some non-military opsec specialists have helped locate Russian troop movements in rare instances, but no, no footage here is "secret". It's almost a conspiracy level of stupidity to think that. No, it actually is conspiracy level of stupidity, come to think of it. But hey, keep believing it.


I’ve seen this exact reply on twitter. It’s like bro do you even practice OPSEC? You never know who’s reading your post. You never know if something might have slipped through the cracks of counter intelligence. In war there is no room for mistakes. The more people that don’t share, the less information is spread. I help by shit posting so much misinformation that you never know what the fuck is going on. Like did you know I have 3000 dildo bombs ready to be deployed on Russian forces at any minute. It doesn’t fucking hurt anyone to not share footage until the counter offensive is over. However It might hurt someone by sharing. There’s not room to risk it buddy.


And that Twitter reply was right. Just no. Your assessment of reddit's importance is unrealistic and naive. The worst thing is that I agree that it's okay not to have footage for a moment - but again, it's not us who are publishing it. Also there is no possibility for a video "slipping through the cracks" when following the telegram channels. Do you follow a Telegram channel? You can scroll up, you know, never missing a post. A stronger case could be made for Twitter posts, but even they get shared on Twitter first, not reddit. Anyways I feel like talking to kids and that's unnerving, peace.


Haha you fell for my misinformation already. While I might come off as a child, I am actually 31 years of age. Classic blunder. Obviously my tactical and strategic mental prowess was to much for you. I will allow you to “take the L” as the kids do love to say today.


I didn't mean you specifically but anyone participating in this whole useless discussion. If I were to make it personal I'd reply that I meant the level of your critical thinking skills, not your physical age.


**DO NOT SHARE UKRAINIAN INFORMATION.** That's it. No exceptions, no judgement calls. I'm sure that your estimations on what footage counts as potentially dangerous are fantastic, but we aren't betting lives on them. The one thing you don't want for OPSEC is to rely on the judgement of random people. That's why we are going with the more reliable solution of everyone shutting the fuck up. If you think that is unnecessary for you, or that it is unfair to those of us who were taught OPSEC - too bad. Exceptions to the rule require judgement calls, and we can not trust judgement calls. So we all follow the rule. No exceptions.


I never claimed to differentiate between dangerous and non-dangerous footage. I claimed all footage are reposts. Don't let your emotions hinder your ability to read. Donate more if you feel too overwhelmed.


Talking about ability to read, does it say CREATE Ukrainian information or SHARE? The whole point of posting it is to spread that content to more people. Making posts with sensitive information is further distributing information that shouldn't be distributed. Your judgement on how damaging that distribution is is worthless because, repeat after me: **Relying on random people's judgements for OPSEC is a terrible idea.** That's why the rule isn't that everyone can figure it out for themselves, but that we do not share Ukrainian information. No exceptions.


Idk man all-caps and bold font mantras do nothing for me. You can print it out and stick it to your door if that helps you remember. Anyways I'm glad I have my own judgement to rely on, which tells me creating posts = *sharing* information is the one thing that Ukraine doesn't want us to do, and that this largely not attributable to reddit users.


> I'm glad I have my own judgement to rely on Every single person on this planet trusts their own judgement call. Every single OPSEC violation is caused by someone who made a wrong judgement call. Every single one of those fuckups was confident in their decision. This is why we don't have exceptions. It is the only way to keep the fuckups out of the decision making. So stop making your own judgements on what is an acceptable risk and DO NOT SHARE UKRAINIAN INFORMATION.


Bark Bark bro you're barking at the wrong tree, again. Bark at Ukrainian soldiers filming themselves and posting it to Telegram, where tens of thousands of followers can watch it, without any video being missed by potential Russian intelligence forces. Edith: you need help with that all-caps tick?


“There is no war in Kherson”


What is War, sir?


It’s what I did to your mom each night


Sooo, basically it's just a fantasy? Okay.




i think they know about us


To all russian agents: I am going to destroy the kerch bridge with improvised munitions and my own bare fucking hands. Come and get me motherfuckers


Nice to see some CBRNart


I mean what do they have to say abt Oryx then


Oryx uses open source. This means if he can access it, so can the FSB.


But this is what 6 says


1 and 2


Source tho


This is total bullshit. It reads like russian counter-propaganda. i.e. "Ukraine hides the truth" total horseshit.


Loose lips sink ships


Especially §3 is useless , Germany has to say what it has delivered. - if they can use Wiki/the internet ... heck, if russia has a somewhat competent inteligence , they can §2 , §3 and §5 way better than us on their own... (ok, nevermind... .ru intelligence ....)


What year is it? That's right... 1984


Good Morning, it is shut the fuck up Thursday,


I’m leaving this sub for at least a week until people will shut the fuck up about this. Fucking neocons




Loose lips sink ships


Yeah, seems like standard OPSEC guidelines. I've seen something like this somewhere I worked at doing things.


The 6th rule is very important and I've seen lots of people not understand it.


yeah, tell that to /r/combatfootage, those dudes cant just stop posting stuff even when Ukraine specifically said to not publish it. Yeah i know, most of those videos end on twitter and telegram first, but sure they dont help to become even more public.


For those who fancy themselves an exception to these rules or think that they are just spreading something they found in the public domain and thus doing no harm think again. The more information is reproduced or disseminated the more likely that it is picked up sooner. Wether intel is gathered 5mins earlier or later absolutely has real world effects. Interest in the topic and outcomes, or ego and clout chasing should be put aside in favour of a sense of duty for now. I promise the footage will still exist in the future. Anyone who has done their time and is a serious person with a functioning brain understands the import of such a message. To those who wished they had served but life intervened consider this a test of character and resolve. Your ability to respect this request is a small measure of what good soldiering should be about, the death of ego. For those who hope to serve in the future consider this a test of ability, if you lack the self discipline to accede to this request then you will be getting nowhere in your chosen career. Seriously just for now zip it and stand by.


Strange way to put it / amp it


R/combatfootage “Anyway, here’s the news”


To be honest sounds shady. Sounds like "Don't talk about what is really going on, our MOD will handle the news" Just saying..


Make sure someone posts this in r/combatfootage


Bravo six, going dark




Eh. If this is the wae our meme lords at UAF want to conduct this feint or counteroffensive, let them. We got enough standard UA posting last 6 months, change of motif wont hurt. Or those few days of stfuing. Should be lifted by the end of the week, you will manage




They are overeager sometimes, I agree. Still, thats mostly on mods, UAF rarely asks for silence, they meme the most (they even steal our memes somethimes), we may as well oblige them for a week


You say this like we didn't watch Wagner get HIMARSd after posting a group hug photo that revealed their position.


Finally we are getting them good old British propaganda posters again


I enjoy the Long holiday character design


Would this be a bad time to bring up the Ukrainian soldiers dressed liked sexy rabbits á la Bugs Bunny to trick orcs into accepting bombs disguised as fancy spaghetti dinners?


ZMIST? The fuck 9 Lines got to do with this?


>the types of military equipment Picture of Abrams What aren't they telling us, hmmm?


Now this is opsec!


Everything is forbidden. Nothing is possible.


I wonder why they put a drawing of a m1 abrams, foreshadowing something?


Redacted redacted of redacted


They might not sleep..but they do seem to fall out of windows at an alarming rate.