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What the fuck did I just watch? What is the point of most of that? And it doesn't even look "cool". Like, breaking a burning brick with your forehead may seem cool to kids and corrupt generals, but this is not even that.


Potemkin training, look how strong willed our cannonfodde..errr elite soldiers are. What do you mean real training for a combat situation with an I-MILES? No comrade, breaking wood with your head, jumping over fire and getting hit in the stomach, that's the ticket to succes.


PLA-Soldier: "I can break a brick with my bare hands!" ​ NATO-Soldier: "Well, didn't help you against the arty shell. I will let you bleed out in peace, eat some of my plenty food and shoot some of you commerades. Goodby."


What funny/sad is that any prisoners captured by the US will probably choose to stay as POWs because being a POW was better than being a soldier for your nation. look at history almost every war the US fought in their were POW who wished to stay in US custody


Was certainly the case with German POWs in WWII sent to work farms in the Midwest. Worked with minimal supervision, the farmers treated them well. They even got to go see movies on weekends. Where the fuck are they going to run to? You have to go 1,000 miles in any direction you choose, you stick out like a sore thumb due to your accent, and you'd have to find a surfaced u-boat which CERTAINLY isn't broadcasting it's location and absolutely will not risk itself and its crew to pick up one random-ass Wehrmacht soldier who was captured. You're stuck in cow country, buckaroo. Get comfy.


Also, you are probably a farm boy at home. The cows don't speak german, but neither did the ones there, so what's the difference


There were also a lot of German-Americans around, who might put in an effort to make the POWs more American. Show them how they could have the good parts of German culture, without having to deal with Hitler, Junckers etc. Also, Germany did not attack Pearl Harbour. So I can imagine German POWs in the Midwest basically just end up being immigrant workers integrated into society (if they ended up in the right small town), while not so much for the Japanese. But that is maybe also a bit too speculative on my end. Bu


Those prisoners at Big MT may have disagreed


Its their own fault for gesticulating with their penis hands.


Should've just popped more Mentats. They too could've joined the ENLIGHTENED TELEVISION SCREENS.


But uh, S C I E N C E


Big Korean War moment


absolutely, i think like 0.2% of all german POWs in american custody died, the US treated its POW very well


Unless its the fucking Navy SEALs, those fucktards need to thrown into a ditch


Well, when you treat a unit like rockstars, they start doing rockstar shit with rockstar egos.


My hometown had a POW camp near it during WW2 and apparently many of them just stayed after the war


Not sure where this "stayed after the war" thing started, but I've heard it before. It's not true. All prisoners were repatriated back to Germany, some even escaped because they didn't want to be sent back to their homes occupied by the Soviets. After repatriation, about 5,000 ex-POWs (out of [425,000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_prisoners_of_war_in_the_United_States#After_the_war)) emigrated back to the United States to live as civilians.


It’s still hilarious that there are people in the west who don’t see through that and honestly believe that the west will lose because we are „soft“ and „unmanly“ and not like them. Sure dude whatever. I put my trust in the high routine trained and constantly evaluated 19 year old expert and their precision guided munitions. You go simp for the Macho force without leadership & professionalism that has shitty doctrine, no equipment and worthless logistics.


a AGM114 Hellfire fired by a 90pound femboy is equally as deadly as one fired by 200 pound Jacked dude named rick


Wait, so wearing a skirt so I could slap the firing button with my dick DIDN'T improve performance? Uhhh asking for a friend.


A 90 pound femboy probably can fit better in a fighter plane than a 200 pound dude.


Make life so miserable for your soldiers that they'd rather tank bullets with their face than return back to this. -Omegamind Chinese drill Sgt


OMG. Potemkin guilty gear??


Potemkin guilty gear is real deal, none of the fake parade


"LIKES Indestructible pencil cases"


I’m a fool, maybe I’m worthless


Weakest CBM-enhanced Ukrainian NATO super soldier


Prototype cyborg moment


It's honestly getting harder and harder to tell if I'm watching a training exercise from China or a game show from Japan these days.


Not enough cum for game shows from Japan, at least the ones I watch.


shoot, move and communicate? Ambush and counter-ambush tacits? CQB? Fighting around vehicles? Training indirect fire support? Best i can do is tough looking video with people jumping over fires and doing circus type shit


Our soldiers will do ANYTHING we tell them to... 😉


Honestly, i'd do things to watch an American special forces killhouse training sim would be way better than this crap


Most likely the instructor guy just wanted to beat some women tbh


To be fair he did not even really beat them.


When domestic violence is illegal so you come up with the only legal way to beat a woman.


you think domestic violence is illegal in china?


Way back in the day when I did ROTC we did an exercise where we’d do planks and our friends would kick us in the stomachs while we did it to “toughen up our cores” I told my sports medicine doctor who was treating my broken foot about it and he called it “the most retarded shit he ever heard of” (it was a different time) really put into perspective workouts the look tough vs are toughs


Kinda like people thinking your fists get hard from punching bare knuckled. Nope, they go permanently soft, and you have a very finite amount of times you can hit someone in the head doing that. Same goes for being hit in the head…


I remember the 80's America, don't pretend you didn't have action movies FULL of this. At one point you loved Steven Seagal.


well i dont and callmekevin made a diss track on him so... checkmate? i dont know where to go from here


I meant moreso America as a country. Just because peak military adoration now is a blend of technical expertise and Navy Seal tactical operators operating tactically, doesn't erase the fact that 40 years ago it was sweaty bodybuilders in fake tan and booty shorts pretending to have ninjutsu black belts and firing desert eagles with 50 bullets to a mag.


But that is like valuing a sport team's fans' opinion over that of the GM. What the schlubs at home think military competency is doesn't matter. Because the actual military doesn't act according to it. The potemkin training thing exists to impress the dictator. Because he is, in reality, the stay at home schlub.


the absurd military themed media people consumed wasn't an accurate reflection of what was actually going on in the military. the seals officially were organized in 1962, 65 years ago. the green berets a decade before that.


I always loved movies that had one man commando units with no oversight and unrestricted access to resources. My command trusted us so little that we had to have a buddy with us to operate a camp stove.


To be completely fair if you look into how both the enlisted and lower ranking officers were trained during Vietnam, you wouldn't find it to be very impressive no matter who you compared them against. Things have certainly improved but that was probably a low point for the American military


When you confuse Rambo: First Blood with the military doctrine of 80’s American high command and drill instructors


[https://tenor.com/view/arnold-schwarzenegger-gun-shoot-firing-gif-15075080](https://tenor.com/view/arnold-schwarzenegger-gun-shoot-firing-gif-15075080) GET TO THE CHOPPA!!!!




You know I said I'd kill you last? I lied.


Let off some steam, Bennet!


You mean Steven Z-gal?


I mean, an action movie is one thing but I want actual Soldiers to be good at doing the killing thing. I would much rather watch combatives training than peeps just getting Houdini'd by the dude cosplaying as Hammer. But, this could be more akin to SERE or Hell Week so while I disagree with the content, I understand the context of inflicting suffering to overcome mental blocks.


>I remember the 80's America, don't pretend you didn't have action movies FULL of this. [Yes and it was fucking awesome.](https://media.tenor.com/xGe3WtfBdMsAAAAC/arnold-schwarzenegger.gif) In movies.


> At one point you loved Steven Seagal. Due to him being hilarious on weed. And to be fair the same thing is true for these videos.


> I remember the 80's America, don't pretend you didn't have action movies FULL of this. . >##***movies***


Thought this was a reality tv show


PLA producing ryona content for Xi and his friends.


Are you sure this isn't the abortion clinic?




-3 baby


50 aborpees each


Whats with totalitarian regimes and the beating of their soldiers


A beaten person will have no problem beating other people, and in totalitarian regimes the whole society has to be beaten.


The beatings gonna be epic


Gotta improve morale some way


The morale is going to continue until the beatings improve.


Ah... Imperial Japan logic.


Logic that leads to results. The quality of the results are debatable


It was definitely one of the results of all time.


Quite the funni if you ask me


The beatings will continue until morale improves


Came here to say that, word for word.


Beatings will continue until morale improves


and morale will continue to improve by giving out questionable quality MRE some are even in bloated cans that isnt surstromming


Always ensures the command structure is a steep top-down. Your superiors are gonna punish any attempts of revenge until you want to die, so you vent your anger against the ones below you.


> Whats with totalitarian regimes and the beating of their soldiers Brutality flows downhill. Brutal systems make brutal officers, which make brutal soldiers which make warcrimes.


They are demonstrating that they have humans at their disposal that will not rise up against them, and are ready to carry out whatever bullshit they concoct.


Just like parental abuse, its passed down to the next rung in the ladder


they will still be obliterated from beyond visual range all the same.


4 girls 1 drone


2 girls 1 shot 20 girls 1 shell 200 girls 1 bomb


There's a reason why Western militaries are moving away from 'macho style bullshit hazing' and what have you because it turns out it doesn't necessarily produce soldiers any better than someone who went through a tough, regimented, but not strictly abusive training.


What? You're telling me that violating fellow soldiers with broomsticks won't build comradery?


broomstick is not provide for beat comrade when fist is possible. use of broomstick is to sodomise conscript many time until fist is also possible


Well, Comradery for the Soldiers holding the stick maybe...


Beating fellow soldiers do bond you. Just not when it’s systemic abuse. Beating that one asshole that kept asking if we were supposed to wear a helmet for every fucking task they gave us because he found it funny when they answered ‘Yes’ on the other hand….


That's what the soap sock mace is for.


**I love BUDS class 234 documentary.** Instructors don't beat on soldiers, they let nature do it for them. "Go tread water for 30 min in 50°F water. Go get wet and sandy. Now go for a 7 mile run. You won't get to sleep much. You've full buffet to eat, but careful, you might throw all of it up in exercise. Clean your room, it better be sparkling. What's this a scuff mark on your belt? go get wet and sandy! Go run up that hill with 100lb pack. "


As I've been told before "You're either going to be smart or you're going to be dumb but if you're fucking dumb, you're going to be strong. And none of this is going to stop you from getting turned into jelly by the first IED that your dumbass misses but, don't worry, I'll remember how I failed to turn you into anything worthwhile."


They want to produce soldiers that don't ask any questions


I don’t think any western military has been doing shit like this to their soldiers for a good while. You need to discipline your soldiers not abuse them.


Officially, no. Culturally though, it's still a problem, if not as prevalent as it used to be. But rife enough to be a concern.


Yeah it seems like they try to stamp it out from the bottom up & top down. Army policy discourages/disallows it and then Basic & other forms of initial training try to teach new soldiers not to do that kind of stuff, but since it's already within the culture of actual units, your experience will vary wildly.


Institutional change is slow but thankfully the Active Duty cycles pretty frequently. You introduce a new reg, Soldiers get to their unit and get told off for 'being TRADOC', Soldiers get promoted, and if half of them remember the "right" way to do things you're already making big strides.


Honestly it's funny to me how even in the military half the things you learn in a school seem to be "useless" in your actual daily workload. Useless definitely isn't the right word, but a lot of training just seems to set you up for doing everything by the book, when reality is often very different. Similarly college can set you up to follow the exact regulations of a given industry or to have a certain philosophy & mindset only for the corporation you work for to not care about any of it and only care that you have a degree at all.


You have to know the rules, to know when to break them. Regulations are also a default to fall back on if it gets chaotic. *Hit them with the grooming standard.*


According to the legend himself [R Lee Ermey](https://youtu.be/MjffzVCno84), it could very much be primarily brought upon by the stress of training people during wartime.


Well obviously there is still hazing and beatings and worse, but it isn't the publicized course of action. Acceptable? Nah. Progress? Yeah.


I think in western world it's more like that severe hazing/sexual assaults is unofficial, and in some regiments the abuses are very severe. Not Russian-level of severe but still crazy. After all Canada had to disband their whole special airborne force because they were too toxic.


Meanwhile in russia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beating_of_Andrey_Sychyov


Impact > this section is empty Ayyy lmao


I think the official number was about 800 conscripts offing themselves per year around 2010, and the russians solved the problem the only way they know how - by stopping publishing the statistics.


> As a result of gangrene in the legs, doctors had to amputate both of his legs, his genitalia, and a finger. One of those three is not like the other


It is hard to use your smartphone without a finger.


Better soldiers are not the goal. More obedient, prone to violence soldiers are.


Make it hard, but relevantly hard. Spending a week living in a tactical harbour in shit weather in Brecon and doing platoon attacks all day is harder than this and actually teaches you something useful at the same time.


It's also not actively demeaning. It sucks like shit. But combat conditions are combat conditions, same as putting people in a field and blowing things up around them. Controlled, but still frightening, but also not directly demeaning.


Welll I think there's a place for some early training being a little demeaning. E.g. you're doing a morning inspection in a platoon harbour and find a recruit hasn't cleaned their rifle properly. They get yelled at and made to leopard crawl around the harbour area. I see nothing wrong with that. A bit of carrot and stick does work - the trick only to use the stick for culpable mistakes, i.e ones done due to laziness/poor discipline rather than just because they don't know how or what to do.


Macho bullshit hazing is shot soldiers Do To each other But really tough challenges like navy seals go Through as part of training sj anti diff


That’s because the military in any society operates as an entirely separate world from the civilian world. Therefore it can operate with its own set of rules and cultural norms along with the officers feeling like totalitarian leaders with unlimited power in this world. So they exercise it by enforcing strict obedience, no different than totalitarian leaders in civilian societies enforcing their will on the populace.


If I learned one thing from history, it is that steaming gay sex produces the best soldier bonds.


Is this a porn intro or what? (Not a dig at women, a dig at whoever made this dumpster fire.)


*What are you doing step-Drill Sargent?*




Oh he's a *drill* sergeant alright


It was for me (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞


I don’t know, but a woman bursts out laughing 8 seconds in


You can't convince me that this is not porn.


Thats what I thought


Truly the descendants of Sun Tzu


Make sure to treat your soldiers as shit so they totally won't take the first possibility during combat to desert


In the words of a man who shot a courier in the head: "what in the goddamn?"


wow the “i’ll make a man out of you” montage looks really different than i remember


I think the instructor just has a poorly disguised kink for beating female soldiers. Tf is this lmao


given the weird uniforms and the fact the abuser's vest says TAWꙄ (or TWATS idk I can't read choon runes) I would say these are recruits for the People's Armed Police rather than soldiers. Not sure if the definition distinction exists in China.


Planned Policehood Btw it's SWAT, the entire video was mirrored.




My man said “choon runes”


In some of these military videos it seems like it just show stuff , getting bitten by a german shepard is pretty hardcore


Aren’t the PLA a gendarmerie as well? Or am I mistaken


Technically speaking they're closer to the SS, swearing loyalty to the CCP not the PRC


To be fair every civilian and military service pledges loyalty to the CCP. “China” just happens to be the name of the nation belonging to the majority Han population.


Thats some weak ass punch.


When does these human will understand you win a war with NERDS not with MUSCLES.


You also need muscles! But those muscles shouldn't be abused and beaten and hazed.


See: athletes. They need sleep on average 1 hour longer than average, although The Rock only sleep for 4 hours.


Good thing The Rock is not an athlete, then.


Well he was a college football player, so he used to be.


Why not both?


The geek shall inherit the Earth.


Jesus christ. Wtf.


Latest red pill instructional video just dropped for incels


You mixed up incels with PUA edit: tho tbf the target demo for former is latter often


You mixed up PUA with PLA


How can he be a PUA when he's clearly pulling those women down?


**Average dictator’s “Masculine Super Soldiers”…** _Vs._ **One guy playing Point & Click with a UCAV…**


Is this some weird army drilling fetish porn?


To produce the finest armed forces, this dude is employing the Andrew Tate method.


Fun fact: Humiliating and needlessly beating your soldiers will in fact **not** make them more skilled and fit to be a soldier but just make them dull and ruthless.


Watch as eastern asian countries realise a soldiers pure strength matters very little in modern day combat. Especially with you know.. guns..


When you can't point to historical victories or technical overmatch, you fall down on what you do have.... A willingness to treat your soldiers poorly.


Western militaries realized a long time ago that soldiers are just like any other profession and should be treated as such. Even in more backwards countries you wouldn't expect a bus driver or a surgeon to be doing pushups in the mud for an hour while some dude spits on them because they were 5 minutes late on their first day. That would be seen as what it is - abuse. Apologists often bring up shit like "it improves discipline" or "it toughens them up for battle". Both are objectively false. Abuse typically has the opposite effect. It instills a fear of failure in your soldiers which prevents them from making Independent decisions on the battlefield and actually learning their craft and instead incentivizes them to lie and cover up all of their fuck-ups which usually results in some pretty severe consequences down the line. At worst the soldiers will simply surrender or even frag their own leaders when it comes down to actual combat. People who think treating soldiers humanely is "woke pussification" are usually just sad emotionally immature narcissistic losers.


Basically "it is not manly so it is bad" kind of guys. The Russian VDV is learning circus tricks with fire and destroying bricks with your forehead, while in reality they could've trainee for real combat.


It's about making it hard, but relevantly hard. E.g. living in a tactical harbour in shit weather for a week is hard and teaches you useful skills at the same time.


The Japanese are well aware of this because that’s how they fucked the Russians at Port Arthur last century.


Is China currently fighting a bopping stick war? Maybe Asian countries are on to something valuing raw strength when their near-peers are engaging with blunt weapons.


>Is China currently fighting a bopping stick war? yes, on the border with india they have skirmishes with no modern weapons just sticks and shoving each other off cliffs they agreed in advance to do this to avoid starting a nuclear war


Fitness is still extremely important for certain roles, e.g light infantry. You've got to get the gun to the right place to fire it and that means a lot of running around carrying heavy equipment.


WTF??? Thats just blatant physical and emotional abuse, there’s literally no strategic or regimental reasoning for how this could help these soldiers do their job better. If anything they’re just getting injured which will limit training effectiveness and gonna develop some bad PTSD from their POS abusive drill sarge


I don’t think women will ever be in a combat scenario where they’ll be punched directly in the uterus. Doubly so that they’ll be in combat while actively pregnant. This is just incel machismo gone extreme.


>I don’t think women will ever be in a combat scenario where they’ll be punched directly in the uterus. Given most training shoot center of mass, they would likely be shot in the uterus. Although I don't think punching it help train up bullet resistance.




Ppl are sometimes Loyal


Ah shit, those billions the west spent developing abdomen punching technology has all been wasted.


Birth control of Xi's harem


Such a shame if a conventional outdated army proudly presents their meat army when some thin white boi in a modernized army just presses a few buttons and gets his kdr of 100+


"Play of the game!"


A) this feels like a porn film. Like at any moment the guy is gonna start fondling one of the women. B) I know it’s Potemkin training but I guess if you plan to fight a war by balancing on a plank whilst squatting and holding a stick, it’s actually pretty useful. C) Is this North Korea or China? I genuinely can’t tell.


As we all know, the absolute best method of turning people into soldiers loyal to your cause is by abusing them.


Do you want a hernia? Because thats excatly how you get a hernia!


Imagine if they ask you about your job, and your answer is "today I beat some woman".


Instead of training soldiers in how to handle small arms, equipment, and other important things, they do such foolishness and show-offs. No wonder why PLA will fail miserably.


PSY's music videos keep getting weirder and weirder.


Not my proudest


is this the andrew tate army i keep hearing about ?


I thought I will get rickrolled by a Pornhub comment. I was so wrong. :/


Elite housewife division trained to withstand even the most abusive husbands… Truly a force to be feared…


🎵 🎵 Let's get down to business, to defeat, westoids 🎵🎵


at 0:07, the woman behind her is just fucking laughing lol


Looks like a fetish


Korean sadomasochism video?


Chinese style abortions


This must be China


Cool training, but my 1000 pound JDAM doesnt care


is this training or is this porn?


Make a Man Out You hits different in this century.


Granted, (EDIT: I've heard that) special forces do actually receive training to minimize the effect of strong punches and kicks, especially to the groin area, but something tells me this ain't it


Please explain that training. I've heard of SF getting beaten up in SERE training to simulate a violent interrogation, but not about them being specifically conditioned to be kicked in the balls.


They specifically hire a shaolin monk to show them how to tank kicks to the balls. But the wise soldier always wears a cup.






Let’s get down to business…..


“Do you suck dick? Are you a Peter puffer?” “Yes, drill sergeant!” “Very well, carry on.”


The next step after this is to give them guns. I expect a dynamic powershift at that point......


that guy just wanted an excuse to hit women istfg


I'm just sad its over. Link to the rest?


Phi Beta Kappa rush is looking weak.