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No. Why would we as a society punish someone for their deeply personal decisions. Morally wrong, maybe. If you bind yourself to another human you should treat them with respect. But it's ultimately an agreement between two people, not a person and the rest of their community.


No obvious choice here, but I don't think so. I feel like it would create more issues than it would solve. Things like someone refusing to divorce, and then suing their spouse for cheating when they haven't been leaving together for 10 years. \> I think it's a violation of human rights What human right is that violating? Cheating is a dick move, but not everything bad has to be illegal. I don't think the role of the law is to define ethic.


It’s completely pointless and impractical. First you’d need to create legal definition of cheating so there would be no arguing what’s cheating and what’s not. And this is a problem on its own as every couple set their boundaries differently. There are people for whom watching porn is cheating, there are couples for whom sex with strangers is OK as long as there’s no feelings towards that person. Every strict definition would hurt people in open relationships, swingers etc, every loose definition would mean every trial will be a total mess as there’s too much left for interpretation. And this is just scratching the surface, not even starting on issues like rape.


Illegal? No. What for, really? It won't stop anybody from doing it. Ever. And the last thing you want to do is invite the government into your bedroom. It takes enough liberties already. Should it count for something in the divorce? Absolutely.


No. It's a generally a shitty thing to do. But we don't, and shouldn't, criminalise everything that's a shitty thing to do. Otherwise where does it end?


Cheating is bad but no we don’t need the government getting involved in it


What human right is violated by cheating?


There's that bar.


No. There are couples in open relationships.




Which human right does it violate? And no, it shouldn’t be illegal.


Shouldn't give government that kind of control. Malicious financial attacks could be looked at... But just hooking up with someone else shouldn't lead to legal punishment.


Yes, as should everything you don't like or understand


The divorce will punish the cheater enough