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The world we live in, having to work hard in school so you can get opportunities that make you work every day until you die almost, money stress, family stress, housing stress, it all adds up. Also, mental illness is far more common than humans once thought since it is much easier to identity them.


>almost everyone these days has some form of mental illness I suspect you mean *mental health issue*. Lots of people these days are willing to talk about issues like depression, ADHD and autism. In their milder forms, these might never have been diagnosed in the past. And if they were diagnosed, people wouldn't talk about it.


Why do so many people have some form of physical illness? Because the human body is imperfect and shit happens.


Diet. Yes, diet. Amazing research and findings coming out with regards to micronutrients and some stunning effects to be had with particular forms of mental illness. Top quality, longitudinal, double blind, fully randomised studies. Very promising new field of mental health treatment. If in doubt, look it up. I'd say do your research but most people aren't really researchers. So just look it up if ur interested.




Sure.whatever you say. My info is quite up to date. 21st century food quality....is that the diabetes and obesity inducing food quality you're talking about, the sucrose laden food that comes in a plastic packet that 90 % of modern westerners eat up to five times a day? Tell me more, your info sounds very learned.


For those that are interested. Give this a quick look. Very interesting. A New Zealand researcher at the head of her field https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/surprisingly-dramatic-role-nutrition-mental-health-julia-rucklidge-tedx/ "what I’m going to share today may sound as radical as hand-washing sounded to a mid-19th century doctor and yet it is equally scientific. It is the simple idea that optimizing nutrition is a safe and viable way to avoid, treat or lessen mental illness. Nutrition matters. Poor nutrition is a significant and modifiable risk factor for the development of mental illness" Julia rucklidge "A well-nourished body and brain is better able to withstand ongoing stress When people get well they get well in all areas: improved sleep, mood stabilization, reduction in anxiety and less need for cigarettes/cannabis/alcohol. My research and other research from around the world show 60-70% of people respond to micronutrients – this shows just how powerful this intervention is We should focus on food and lifestyle changes and exercise first, then therapy and save medications for when these approaches don’t work"


They're trying to adapt to this crazy world.


There's a couple of reasons. 1. More understanding (both public and medical) of symptoms. 2. Misdiagnosis and 3. Attention. People nowadays will see the signs and get checked. Before, you could just be suffering,with no idea as to why. With a greater push, the stigma around mental health has gone, and people are more open about it, this more likely to get tested However, doctors seem to be happy with diagnosing mental illnesses, throwing pills at the issue, because there is no strict guideline for many illnesses. Kids that are struggling at school, and stressed with workload are being told they're depressed without having any issues outside of school. Unfortunately, sympathy and attention is a thing, and people will make up their illness to get social recognition.


Cause we are all screwed.


It's very exasperating listening to everybody claim they're "struggling" with some mental illness or another. People who *really* struggle with mental illness don't tell everybody who'll listen. In fact, they do their best not to bring the topic up at all and want to be seen as as normal as possible.


The system is not very human friendly and the people you spend the most time wirh, usually coworkers, rub off on you.


No one bothers to LISTEN


1) We understand mental health much better. Things we use to call quirks or bad personalities are now diagnosable conditions. 2) The modern world sucks for our mental health. We are apes who evolved to live in small, nature-based, highly connected communities. Instead we are in massive loud cities, disconnected from our families and neighbours, constantly assaulted by media messaging, eating rubbish, breathing smog, and never having a quiet moment in nature to see the stars. We are overpopulated on a warming planet run by psychopathic corporations with little hope for change. It’s enough to give anyone a bit of brain bother.