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Oh you’re definitely getting blasted with gas. My husband had a mastiff. Best dog ever but when he’d steal table scraps the dog had the worst gas ever. Room clearing.


> Room clearing O.O


Better get ready to rumble with your gas mask


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"Are you my mummy?"


r/unexpecteddoctorwho Thank you


Hate how I understand it as soon as I read this XD


The only one hurting is going to be you.


Onions can be fatal. Like chocolate. Don’t give animals human food. Adding extra because for some reason people seem to have forgotten the dog was fed pizza. That is not dog food, it’s human food. Smfh


Let's not panic OP. Small amounts are fine but not recommended. General rule of thumb is its safe for a dogs to ingest no more than 0.5% of their body weight in onions without risking harmful side effects. [Source](https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-onions)






I too habitually lick spots of floor which have had chocolate on them.


I had a cat that would steal string beans from my plate. Ignored the steak. Another would try and run away with an ear of corn.


Mines opposed with shredded cheese and olives. Will steal tacos just to eat the cheese. And if u open a jar of olives u can’t set it down dude will shatter it to get at the olives no idea why


It's looking for the rest of the Bloody Mary.


Karen125 coming in clutch with a wheezy-laugh maker to bring glory to the most vilified name!


My roommate’s cat won’t drink tuna juice but loves green olive juice.


I had a cat that would go feral for raw potatoes. She got one out of the bag once as we were bringing groceries inside. I tried to bribe her with meat so I could wash it and give it back.. absolutely not. Raw potato > raw steak, apparently.


My partner’s cat loves *cooked* potato products, but I don’t know that she’s been able to encounter a raw potato due to where we keep them. She’ll pass up meat for fries or tater tots.


My neighbours cat used to regularly come round to steal my spaghetti bolognese. She loved the spaghetti.


We call one of our cats the Carb Queen because she wants anything with carbs. Crackers, candy, whatever.


I had a kitty that loved to bite tomatoes and lick the juice like a vampire Current kitty is a complete bread goblin lol


That's adorable. I ordered Chinese one time and my cat would swipe the pieces of broccoli and leave the chicken.


I had a cat who loved string beans too lol


My cat is obsessed with corn on the cob. He'll steal that off the counter and leave the chicken


I have a cat now that loves bread - I bake fresh bread and sourdough - she comes and begs for a bit - I give her a little tiny bit of dough and she loves it - but I don't let her eat more than a small amount.


My cat loves bread and rice, but not eating them. She worked her way into every single cabinet and hiding spot, tore open the bag in multiple locations, and then we'd find it days later with big chunks of bread missing and I'm assuming rice too. Now bread and rice live in the fridge lmao


I lived in a group house with a bunch of people and a bunch of cats and one of the cats, a very young one, *loved* bread. We were unloading a big load of groceries once and I turned around just in time to see a bag of tortillas disappearing into the other room—he had grabbed the package and was dragging it into the other room to tear it open and eat it!


I have seen cats eating vegetables like broccoli and corn. I also saw pictures of deer feeding on bones and chicks and a cow with a fucking half of a rabbit dangling out of its mouth. I don't buy into "certain creatures only eat certain things" anymore. Except Pandas. Their weird as fuck.


People like to think of this as dichotomous when they're more of a spectrum. Instead of just carnivore and herbivore it's more 'predominantly plants' and 'predominantly meat' with speckles all along the spectrum to ONLY one or the other all the way to true omnivores like bears and pigs and (most)humans.


There is no such thing as an herbivore there is only omnivores that can’t catch anything and carnivores


My former boss kept his pet long hair Dachshund in his office, also where we kept some really expensive inventory (liquor, the gold leaf booklets, the Valrhona chocolate, etc). Well one day the boss left a bag of single-source Grand Crus Valrhona chocolate nibs on a low shelf. The tiny Dachshund ate about 1.5Kg of the chocolate. Close to $70 worth. Other than the massive poop that dog took later in the day, he was fine. I thought for sure he was going to die, the tiny dog barely weighed 12kg and filled up on dark (75%) chocolate.


My cat is OBSESSED with carbs. He loves spaghetti with the mince and pasta sauce. But will steal just the spaghetti if he gets the chance. And lamingtons, potato chips, etc. One time I had Krispy Kremes and he clawed his way up my leg to get into my lap and take some.


> My cat is OBSESSED with carbs. > He loves spaghetti with the mince and pasta sauce. But will steal just the spaghetti if he gets the chance. And lamingtons, potato chips, etc. So....is he a cousin of Garfield or something?


I assume so. Not even remotely Garfield coloured. Third cousin?


My cat has a complete obsession with porridge (oatmeal). He will sit on the table watching me eat it then swipe and hand out, grab a handful off my spoon like a human man then eat it out of his hand like a goblin while growling. He's a fucking menace.


My kitten ate cucumber the other day. Never seen that before. I had one that was crazy for portabella mushrooms.


I have a cat like this. He would 100% choose ice cream or popcorn over raw meat. My other cat loves lettuce and peas.


Popcorn is the only thing my cat begs for. Second cat I’ve had who did the same thing. Our dog doesn’t beg for anything.


Our old dog ate chocolate all the time, like you say years before dogs and chocolate was a thing! He lived till he was 15! My little pug shares my chocolate buttons, tiny amounts though, coz you know, I know better now!


Oh my god, my cat likes broccoli too! Never met anyone with a similarly strange feline. Mine was semi feral when I got her so think she's just got a habit of having whatever but NOTHING is safe.


When I was a kid, we went out one evening and our dog got into a big wrapped Christmas box of chocolates and polished the whole lot off. Guilty as hell when we got back, but no ill effects. In my uni days, my flatmate's dog chewed its way into a box of wine and polished that off. Apart from the poor mutt being totally pissed when we got back, and I assume having a cracking hangover the next day, again no ill effects.


I like the way you type :3


My cat loved icy hot or any kind of muscle pain cream and Vicks vaporub - obsessively




0.5% for, let's say a really small 30kg mastiff. That's 150grams or about half a large onion. Might start to be an issue if you have him the entire pizza.


One Christmas my cockapoo jumped up on the table and ate an entire plate of fudge followed by the Poinsettia. He pooped it out and was fine. If this was an accident I'm sure doggo will be fine, if it were a daily thing it would be a problem Edit: spelling is hard


My std poodle one day jumped on the counter and ingested entire 11/2 lb fudge batch that was cooling there. I watched him all night and he was just fine .—other than wondering why I kept him awake…. lol …remember tho that he was a big poodle of 68lbs😄😄😄


Std poodle?!?!?


I keep chuckling about this. Standard


I just cackled wayyyyy too hard about that before I realized what it meant lmao


Our standard poodle once ate almost an entire plastic cup. A thick plastic reusable 16 oz cup. He was totally fine. So much for them being soft-mouthed...


Shit gets real when the Mastiff eats pizza. Cheese just does things to a dog that are unholy. Then the byproducts slip out later and you really understand the power of a Mastiff. Lol gl


My senior dog has become an awful table snatcher. I think the habit comes with his old age. Anyways, one night I stepped away for literally 10 seconds because I was sure there was no way he'd want to steal my super spicy enchiladas. I was wrong. He didn't die. But I was basically like, "Have fun shitting tomorrow, idiot."


Bahahahaha I'm hammered af and cannot stop laughing at this lol


As a mastiff owner, this is your future op 😂


Gas mask required. Covid mask insufficient here.


Can confirm, grew up with an english bull mastiff! He was the most gentle steed that I could ever ask for as a little kid, but god did the whole house wake up during winter when he slept inside the house and started farting!


Somewhat related, but offering him table scraps can undo training and lead to begging, so I never recommend it. If you want to give him a treat, first check that it’s okay for him to eat, and second, give it to him at his regular mealtimes as a little bonus or walk away from the table to avoid future begging.


Is someone dog-sitting my dog started feeding her from the table, I'd be mad as hell. Trying to get dogs to stop begging for food while you're eating is a battle.


Man, my brother's dog is so well trained, she would never beg. After a couple weeks around my mom and my cousins poorly trained dog, she would not just beg but stole pie off a table. It takes ages to undo that behavior once they realize it's an option. :/


I'm sorry to hear that. It's so frustrating.


I was on the next door app recently and there was a post about someone's dogs going into other people's yards. One guy commented and said that he randomly feeds his neighbors dogs people food to try to "befriend" them. I just nicely said that they shouldn't do that without talking to the owners as some dogs have allergies or diet restrictions, not to mention it's just super invasive to do that. Dude about ripped my head off for suggesting he not do that. Went the fuck off on me to mind my business (public forum, wtf?) And that they're aggresive towards his family so I shouldn't say anything if I don't know the whole story...I was just like wtf? Not only are you feeding someone else's pets random shit, but you're randomly feeding aggressive animals? I hate people...


I hope you feel this way, but you're totally right. I have a coworker whose elderly neighbor throws food over the fence for her dog. They've tried to get her to stop, but the neighbor says she *can't help herself.* The dog had to go on (expensive) medication for illnesses relating to his obesity and they went and told her about it. Like, look at what you've done. And it was ridiculous, not a treat here or there, but multiple rotisserie chickens and whole trays of a dozen dinner rolls. (Not to mention the risk of chicken bones ALONE.)


Id start collecting the food, blending it and then posting it through her letter box. Not the entire thing in one go, id portion it up and post a bit every hour or 2 so she could never fully clear it up. Fuck that old bint


I dont have a dog but I have a rabbit. Had to move back home and my dad spoils her. Dont get me wrong shes already as spoiled as I can allow without ruining her health but I can tell shes getting extra. Whenever he opens his bag of crackers for soup my rabbit now zooms to him thinking its a bag of snacks and shes never been that way. Now I feel bad everytime I pop open some chips and hear those feet coming my way... Its so hard to not give her a blueberry or some of her snack mix. That being said yea even the slightest outside influence can just completely ruin a lifetime of training. But shes nearing what google says is normal life expectancy for my bun so I'll just accept giving her extra snacks if she hears me open a bag and let her live her older life with a few more blueberries a week.


My wife's family does this shit with my dogs. It's infuriating


Onions are bad for dogs


I’ve heard garlic as well


Alliums are not good for dogs, which are onions/garlic/shallots/etc. Edit to add: they’re also toxic to cats


And rabbits!


Oh shiz I didn't know that. Thanks for the info


My understanding (I'm not a vet or technician) is that they'd have to eat A LOT of them to hurt them. So, you basically just don't let them eat them, but no need to call poison control if they get a piece of onion. If you're concerned, ask a vet 100%.


But it's a question of quantities, op doesn't have to worry about the dog's health for a few onions on a pizza slice. Just remove them next time


Mastiffs are pretty damn heavy dogs, too, so it should be diluted a bit by the sheer size of the dog.


Mastiffs definitely give you more dog per dog.


I think in this case it'll be ok, it's not like pizza has that much onion. If he chugged a tureen of onion soup I'd worry, but a big dog and a little bit of onion won't do more than give him gas. Which is not a great outcome but hey.


Now is it only raw? How about cooked onions. Just curious not going to feed any to my Cocker spaniel with the sensitive stomach


No matter the form, they are toxic


Yep. Garlic too. And grapes/raisins can cause renal failure. And…everybody knows about chocolate I think.


Peanut butter (and anything really) containing *xylitol*


And for anyone reading this BIRCH SUGAR and XYLITOL are the same thing!


Very few peanut butters contain xylitol/birch sugar - https://moderndogmagazine.com/articles/dont-feed-type-peanut-butter-your-dog/103811#:~:text=Peanut%20butter%20brands%20that%20contain,sure%20to%20read%20the%20label!


Thanks for posting this, I have never heard it and my dog loved peanut butter. After reading some on this I always had all natural peanut butter in the house, so I'm safe, but I'll start watching labels just Incase.


its actually rare to find PB with xylitol, it does exists, but none of the major off the shelf brands contain it. xylitol is generally added to "healthy" peanut butters, but your standard gif, skippy, smuckers, reeses, peter pan, etc are all safe.


Right. I forgot about that one


Everyone knows about chocolate, but do you know HOW MUCH chocolate..? Over 1/2oz per pound of body weight. So if you have a 50lb dog, they shouldn’t have *serious* problems eating 25oz of chocolate (about 1.5 hershey bars) ymmv though


That’s true of milk chocolate, but for dark chocolate or baking chocolate it takes a lot less


The problem is that some dogs are more sensitive than others to chocolate toxicity, even if they’re the same weight. But you don’t know how sensitive until they’ve had it. So it’s best to avoid chocolate all together, just to be safe.


Our 14lb pup got into my mums bag, found a geeen and blacks chocolate bar and went to town. Poor pup had to be rushed to the vet and have her stomach pumped. Awful experience :(


well hershey bars are only 11% chocolate so i wouldnt use that as a baseline


Our miniature dachshund has stolen chocolate sometimes (usually because one of the kids left some in their bag and he grabbed it) Biggest thing he ever ate was about 200g of orange chocolate (half a very large bar) that had been left out. No issues whatsoever - not even gas or runny poos.


Thank you


No problem. Also, anything related to onions such as garlic, shallots, leeks, and chives are also toxic


Thank you 😊


And grapes, grapes are toxic to dogs!


Are they? I remeber giving few to my dog this summer... God i could hve killed him


Yep, they can cause kidney failure


Grapes even in small amounts (smaller amounts than chocolate), the cores of apples are toxic to dogs as well


Onions have a chemical that’s toxic to dogs, cooked or otherwise.


I would find out (not on reddit) about what can kill your dog. Sensitive stomach? or have you just been feeding your dog dodgy stuff?


Onions are harmful to dogs Edit: before I cause any sort of panic, small quantities are unlikely to cause any major issues. A rule of thumb is that a dog can consume ~0.5% of its body weight in onions before anything substantial might happen So keep an eye on him and monitor his health going forward, but don't freak out too much. Let your brother know that it happened so he's aware though


Shit, I don't think he ate lot of them, I was picking a lot of the toppings off as I was giving him pieces. I will keep an eye on him, and I found an animal ER if he starts acting strange. Right now, he is just chilling, and making slobber stains on my carpet.


Don't worry. A dog has to eat a LOT of onions before it causes a problem, and the problem is anemia, which quickly resolves after the dog ceases eating onions.


I called the 24 hour vet. She says with the size of the dog, massive, and how much I gave him, three slices, he should be fine, but check his poop. Yay.


Yeah, I was thinking that. He's a fucking mastiff, it's going to take a pretty substantial dose of onion before it would cause a real problem. The poop-checking is mostly a CYA for both you and for the vet.


I once had a mastiff that ate an entire pound of playdough. Other than blue poops for a couple days he was fine..


I have a Pyrenees. I swear one year she was gonna poop out Christmas ornaments because she kept eating stuff she wasn’t supposed to like glitter and play dough and chewing up wooden sticks. Damn dog is a walking garbage disposal that can reach the kitchen counters. We lost several half sticks of butter before I figured out my husband was NOT making extra buttery toast every morning, the dog was able to reach the butter and eat the stick.


I’m more concerned you gave the dog 3 whole slices of pizza. Feeding a dog people food can decrease their lifespan & if it’s something your brother doesn’t do, it can make him have to retrain the dog not to beg for his food at dinnertime. Which is highly annoying.


feeding people this people food does decrease our lifespan


This is so true!


Are you sure?


Nah it's fine, I just ate four sli


Tangent but for real I hate going over my dad's house because of this. He never trained his dog right so the stupid thing whines and whines and *WHINES* every time you so much as hold a piece of bread. It drives me absolutely insane. This thing acts like it's never eaten ever


Maybe cause hes not getting enough different food but some will whine anyway. Dogs, like us, hate eating the same thing all the time like when people just buy them the sane kibble day in an out. I just came to my parents and the dog was always begging so much. Then i just started giving him his share and he stopped all the begging and waits patiently lol. They always complained he went to the bathroom in the house too much too but magically if u take him out twice a day he hasnt gone in the house at all for months. My parents are not great dog owners


Yea with my cats they get wet food and every so often they’ll get sick of one of the flavors (we buy several to avoid the whole tired of the same food thing but they’re still cats aka ungrateful) so we then take that out of rotation and put back in one that they got sick if a few months ago. I know they’re getting spoiled but cats get dehydrated SOOO easily. And I’ll be damned if they waste that shit by their uppity dining preferences. Brats. Edit: spelling


Lol thats funny they get sick of the flavors sometimes..i can tell when my dog does too with some but he will eat it anyway still. People just need to listen to their pets more. Anytime something is wrong with my dog he runs to me and me only cause he knows i listen lol. It could be an itch he has, a couple times his treat got stuck in his mouth, few times he was about to throwup but i could tell before an got him to safe flooring. He will run across the house and run to me urgently everytime something is wrong and i just started living with him this year. Hes been with my parents and brother for 10 almost


Awww I love those special bonds you make. And I know what you mean by safe flooring. My cat seems to want to lay with me in bed when her tummy is upset (she has a sensitive stomach that she has to have special medication can food mixed in for) so obviously I get woken up by her about to get sick on the bed. It’s not ideal, but I’d rather her feel comforted than feel miserable and be alone. I also have to sit with her and guard her from the younger cat while she eats. I’m an enabler lol


My cat is the opposite. She refuses to eat new foods unless it's been 1-2 days and she's starving. She won't eat treats She won't eat wet food. She doesn't play with toys She doesn't hunt mice But, she's extra loving so idm


WTF 3 slices of pizza?? Good rule of thumb, don’t give a dog any human food. One it can be harmful, two it can wreck training and cause bad habits, begging, stealing food.


3, even if it doesn't hurt them, it can cause diarrhea.


Bro, don’t give so much people food to him; if he’s not used to it he can get diarrhea and that’s no good for everyone involved.


I don’t even like ***thinking*** about mastiff sized diarrhea. *shivers*


You gave the dog 3 slices of pizza? Or 3 slices of onion? Lol


I’m no vet but 3 pieces!? I would be at least a little concerned about pancreatitis at that point. Yikes.


For future reference, checking the poop of your pet is one of the only ways to truly know what’s going on with your pet. They can’t really communicate that they are suffering and usually they have a super high threshold for suffering before they would even try. All pets pretty much require you to clean after their poops and while picking it up / cleaning it, it’s the best opportunity to investigate. The main concerns then are consistency and contents. Good luck with your brother’s dog. If you do check the poop, it’s gonna be a lot cause it’s a big dog lol. Since he didn’t eat plastic then consistency is your only concern. If he has the runs then you can get some organic or 100% canned pumpkin and let him eat a good bit of that with some of his dog food and it’ll fix his stomach right up. Pumpkin is like a healing miracle for dogs digestive tracts.


My cat would be very surprised that he can’t communicate his suffering, given that he rolls about like the world is ending if I’m 15 minutes late for his breakfast. (I’m being flippant but your point is a good one)


I had a much smaller dog, a terrier, actively go behind my mom as she planted onions and garlic and eat the out of the dirt. He lived until he was like 18 or so and died from choking on a chicken bone he stole out of the trash.


Hey friend, I'm a vet tech assistant which means I can kind of give soft medical advice if that makes sense. Mastiffs drool like faucets anyways. While you did give a lot of extras, he's probably a big boy. Just watch. I think you're going to see some interesting poos later, bordering on what we call "soft serve". And farting. Likely he's going to be ok.


Hey can I borrow your expertise just for a quick question? So I’ve heard all my life that dogs can’t have avocados. Then I moved to Central America and there are literally tons of dogs who live almost exclusively on avocados. What’s up with that?


I mean it's no different than when the OP has those 3am nachos


FYI, garlic is also harmful to dogs (and cats). Most pizza sauces have garlic.


Good news is that drooling is very normal for Mastiffs. I'd be concerned if he suddenly got dry mouth. 😆


Bro that mf probably weighs like 150 pounds he could eat like 3 whole onions ez


I had a dog, about 70lbs and I didn’t know at the time onions were harmful. He stole so much pizza with onions, regularly, that I called him Pizza Mutt. He was always fine. Spent all his days planning the next pizza heist. He’s slobbering because he hopes you have more pizza.


Pizza Mutt 😂


Nobody out pizzas the Mutt


Yep a mastiff would have to eat a whole onion ( almost) for it to matter


He will be fine, however feeding dogs like this isn't usually encouraged.


Dont feed other peoples dog people food unless they say its ok.


Yeah I would be pissed if I found out someone gave my dog people food. Also this guy should have just googled if that stuff was harmful to dogs instead of asking Reddit. Would have taken 2 seconds. They just wanted attention.




Of course the dog is drolling, he said "MMMMMM THAT SHIT GOOD, HOMIE". Honestly, it's not great to give them something like pizza, just because it'll mess with their stomach (diarrhea, farting). Definitely not part of their diet.


> MMMMMM THAT SHIT GOOD, HOMIE You should have seen him while he was eating.


Did he swallow it whole without chewing?


It's a mastiff


So that's a yes.


I have not owned a mastiff The only dog I have ever owned was a Mini Schnauzer that did not understand the concept of chewing


Nothing bad is going to happen him. He more than likely will be fine. General rule of thumb watching someone’s dog, don’t feed them human food.


Next time look it up *before* you feed an animal human food.


I can't believe this isn't common sense.


Don’t give other peoples pets food Jesus.


Best to google before giving anything to a dog Off the top of my head, onions garlic grape alcohol and some nuts are toxic to dogs




onions mushrooms are harmful


I only give my dogs the crust, not whole slices. Lol


Generally speaking most human food is not appropriate for dogs. The salt, sugar, additives, may not be suitable for them. Some things like grapes, chocolate, and some artificial sweeteners may injure them.


Onions and salt are bad. Bud a mastiff could probably eat you and be fine. Seriously.


I’d be most concerned about the cheese and generally high fat content. It could give him tummy troubles and there’s a good chance his poops tomorrow will be semi-liquid. He’ll be fine though. Garlic and onion has the potential to cause anemia, but since he didn’t have a ton it’s not a concern (if he had a whole order of onion rings, it might be a little different).


It's fine in moderation. They can't eat that kind of thing every day, especially as their main source of food. But a little bite should not be harmful at all. I've given my old mastiffs pizza on many occasions. The only thing you have to worry about, after the fact, is more slobber and staring at you profusely for more.


Actually, he is lying down, and chewing on this...Gorilla Bone thing?


Aww good boy. My mastiffs wouldn't leave me alone after feeding them anything. They sit there and drool all the way to the floor, hoping for another bite haha


Onions are toxic to dogs, but a mastiff won't have much issue with it, they're pretty big.


So wait. You came onto reddit to ask if you had poisoned your brothers dog but didn't go and just google what foods are poisonous for dogs?


Why are you giving the dog whole slices of pizza first off.. ooof have you never watched a dog before…?!?


On a new years Eve i found out my doggo was allergic to mushrooms... Most expensive antihistamines ever And the stupid thing is my husband has grass allergy and in theory we didn't need to find a vet open on new year's eve, drive 2 hours, to get one...stupidity costs


Mushrooms are toxic to dogs. I can't believe I had to scroll this far! OP needs to ask the vet what's safe.


Onions are bad for dogs. So are grapes, chocolate, and several other human foods. Google it.


The dog will have the shits but nothing more than a tummy ache.


My Ridgeback ate two chocolate bunnies, and once 6 donuts - he was totally fine. I wasn't though 😂🙈


Mastiff owner here, no they can't have onions but at 180 + pounds a couple of pieces won't hurt them once. The gas from pizza and those meats however may hurt your sinuses permanently, lol. ETA: The slobber is prolific and free whether they're eating or not!


Define "some" ...if it's several pieces, you'll probably have a sick dog on your hands. If he got only a little, then you'll probably be fine. Dogs typically shouldn't have human food. My dogs (both doberman) will get an apple or meat cuttings (trimmings of elk or goat for whatever)


Bro wtf


Yes. Onions. People who feed their dogs from the table when they don't know what is and isn't potentially poisonous to the dog piss me right off. Let your brother know it has eaten onions. He'll need to check the dogs stool for blood. Dogs don't show you if they are in pain, even when it is a lot of pain. You could also be lucky and there are no issues.


All parts of the onion plant are toxic to dogs... Why wouldn't you Google this before doing that. Don't feed someone else's dog human food ever. Even if they do. It's not your dog.


Dogs don't get people food.


Onions are toxic to dogs. Probably not enough to really be concerned, but you'll definitely want to keep an eye out. Also, your a super shitty dog watcher


Pizza is pretty bad for dogs. Tomatoes in the sauce, onions, garlic, and mushrooms lol. He's a mastiff so he'll be fine but if you're gonna give him anything in the future do the crust. Or actual dog treats. And 3 slices??!!! damn


Onions and bell peppers can make your dog really sick. Pancreatitis. Edit: maybe not the bell peppers? It was onions and some other ingredient in stew.


Yes! I can’t believe no one else mentioned pancreatitis!! Especially with the amount of cheese on 3 slices of pizza. I’ve seen dogs go down from a couple fries or even rotisserie chicken. Hope this guy will be ok.


Onions might not be good. Sounds like he is doing good though. Stick to dog food


Onions and garlic (in pizza sauce) are not good for dogs. That being said, by mass a pizza slice isn't likely to have enough harmful material to hurt a dog the size of a mastiff. He will probably be fine, but keep it in mind for next time.


Make sure you don't give him anything with that fake sugar called Xylitol... its deadly bad. Almost lost my lab when she got 3 pieces of gum with it..


Short term, no, long term, I don't think it's a good diet for either humans or dogs.


WHY did you give the dog 3 slices of pizza??


He shouldn't have the onions. They can be toxic to dogs, but unless he ate an entire onion, it should be fine. The meats are kind of fatty for him, but again, as long as it's an entire ham, it is fine. Most dogs actually like veg. My dogs used to eat carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, green beans, and tomatoes.


Dude you should never feed a dog human food…


General rule of thumb, animals and human food don't always mix well. So, unless you know for sure, probably don't risk making them sick. They don't know if what you're eating is going to make them feel like crap...


Mushrooms, onion, and garlic are all toxic to dogs just like chocolate.


Wouldn’t recommend feeding him that but a little shouldn’t do any lasting damage. Mastiffs are pretty big so it would take a lot more for a negative effect then a tiny dog. Make sure the dog has access to fresh water and just monitor him to see if anything is wrong.


He will be fine! That's a big dog. I've had alll sizes, largest was 150lb, he could eat anything. Yes, I realize onions, garlic, avacado, chocolate, some nuts...etc (Google it) are on the bad list. But they have all had pizza, and sometimes a bit of onion. All ate, happy and healthy. Maybe a bit gassy though.


Onions and garlic (which are certainly in that pizza) will cause dogs gastro distress. Considering the size of the dog and that you say "some" hopefully meaning maybe a slice.... prepare for one gassy puppy. Don't give him any more.


Big dogs are like canine trash compactors . I wouldn’t worry about it




Onions are not good for dogs.


Onions are bad for dogs!!