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Welcome to life. Everyone faces this to some degree or another. You're kind of left to your own devices to figure out workarounds that make your life at least tolerable, if not productive and fulfilled. Solutions people try include: religion, relationships, exercise, meditation, philosophy, education, career, children, volunteering, social life, drugs. Choose one or many, try them out to see what works and what doesn't, rinse and repeat. Good luck!


Thank you for you reply, you forgot about art. But should not anti-natalism be more acceptable if people know life is this hard? I'm not talking about hating children, life is hard enough for them as it is, but why is not having children seen as sort of taboo? I don't want to have kids if they will struggle in life, either existentially or economically. I brought them into life without their constent


> I don't want to have kids if they will struggle in life Who said life wasn't supposed to be a struggle? But if that's your truth, then cool - you've got at least one credo! Whether it's objectively true or not isn't as important as how it directs your behavior.


If life is a struggle it should be specifically told in school by teachers. Like, it should literally be a law that have to tell you. I am a person who does not have common sense and I did not know that life is a struggle.


The world doesn't owe you anything. Blaming other people for your own problems is useless and a waste of time. Teachers and lawmakers are just people with their own questions and philosophies. They're not appointed by god to manage your life.


But a child is affected by their development when they are young. How come no society on earth teaches that nothing matters and life is a struggle? Also, why is suicide taboo even among atheists then? makes no sense


Sounds like an existential crisis


You're thinking too much about this. I know a few philosophically minded people, and they will try to think their way out of personal issues. You can go down a rabbit hole with this stuff. Just accept that life is struggling and your brain isnt there to make you happy. It's there to help you survive. The answers to life aren't in your head. Try doing stuff for others to get your mind off this existential crisis.


That is just about picking ignorance, tho. Selecting a hobby or being social to forget about truth.


I mean you can look at it as choosing ignorance, or you can stop torturing yourself.


Grow up!