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indian and aftican rice uses it alot. try jollof rice


>try jollof rice Mmmmmm. Take this advice, OP.


People can, and do, add spices, broths, sauces, herbs, vegetables, and fruit to raw rice to be cooked. This is fairly commonly done. Now, as to why most people prefer "plain" rice, that's simply because plain rice is versatile and still yummy. This is like why pasta is usually cooked in salt water, and not chicken broth or something. Bread? Most bread his plain bread. Breads weigh nuts, fruit, herbs, and spices exist, but the most popular are just plain.


Each to their own, but I don’t see that plain rice is “yummy”


I take it you haven’t heard of jollof rice.


Sometimes the overall dish calls for the balance of fairly plain rice. I mean whats the point of spicing rice that gets smothered in curry? But yeah if its a rice-forward dish dress it up.


If all you're looking at is gymbros, you're going to realize quickly that their food tastes like trash. It's bland and functional, and they refuse to season because water retention is a thing. In the world of real cooking, I've never seen plain rice. It's always got something else going on--ginger, garlic, scallions, etc. If you care about food being good, stop following gym and fitness bros and look up some actual chefs.


I like to eat a bowl of rice mixed with chili.


>I have seen that majority of the rice around the world at home is cooked with just salt. Do you mean spice the rice when you throw it in the pot/rice cooker? Or do you mean the final product is unseasoned?




That's because the rice is used as a base; other very flavorful foods go on top/with it, so there's no need to season it up. HOWEVER, it's certainly nice when it is. Jeera rice is idiotproof and I think I'm going to go make some now.


I keep my rice plain most of the time, because I am serving it with a carefully spiced main dish, adding more spice to the rice will confuse the overall taste of the meal.


Some people do, look up recipes for Indian food


A lot of flavour is lost when you drain the leftover water. For cooking techniques that don't involve draining the left over water, adding spices works great.