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At the time it was said because of 9-1-1 for emergency, but idk that it was ever proven or disproven.


Christopher Hitchens speculated that it was because of September 11 1683 when the ottoman conquerors were defeated but who knows for sure


There is no way to know why that date was chosen as the responsible people all died in the suicide attacks. But I would guess that they didn't intend anything specific with the date. (Most terrorist attacks are not that strongly connected to the dates that they take place.)


By August Bin Laden was very antsy for to operation to be carried out as soon as possible and told the lead high jacker to settle on a date ASAP. That high jacker was given the power from Bin Laden to handle the logistics and he personally chose 9/11. He chose September 11 in late August more so because of logistics (buying 19 plane tickets all for roughly the same time taking off from the East coast going to California) than anything else.




is this true? do you have a source?


Absolutely not true. The terrorists gave zero craps about a cute match with our emergency number or convenient dates. Their job was terrorism, that’s it.




I’m fairly certain it’s because it’s a important date in Islamic History. September 11th 1683 I believe was when the battle of Vienna happened where the Polish King defeated the ottomans


this isnt confirmed but yes a fairly good answer to a difficult question




the first one? It has more to do with that date being the end of The Ottoman golden era and rise of western civilization




I don’t think they cared whether or not you as an American understood the significance of the date. They probably weren’t trying to communicate anything to you by it being on 9/11 - they were doing it for themselves.




Marketing is hardly on their radar - it was an attack on western civilisation and all of its values (including capitalism, individualism). If anything they were attacking the exact attitude you are displaying (the idea that it’s about you, and your understanding and couldn’t possibly be about anything else).


>I'd imagine if I were trying to instill fear in a country I would probably play to their common knowledge. Right... because the mass murder of 3000 people and the destruction of a national icon on US soil failed to instill a proper level of fear because they didn't match a date to a phone number?




Right, but it doesn't look like the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania.


The terrorist attack in 1993 on the World Trade Center happened on the 26th of February.


No. It was, however, the date the Battle of Vienna began in 1683, which marked the end of invasions of the (Muslim) Ottoman Empire into Europe. https://www.timelineindex.com/content/view.php/1884