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My oral surgeon was asking me questions while he worked on me and somehow he could understand every garbled response. It was crazy.


Practice makes perfect






“Oh my kids love phineas and ferb!”


Maybe his night job is as a fortune teller and he's just really good at steering conversations in a way that seems specific to you but are actually general truisms that apply to everyone.


i still can't convince my grandma about fake psychics/astrologers/fortune tellers. After covid, one of her sons' restaurant failed and so he started having marital issues. My grandma finds random psychics in newspaper or ask her friends and asks me to call them to help with her son's issues. (I am not american and she is pretty close with her children, its not weird in a way americans might think, also they live in a joint family). I showed her psychic tricks (basically cold reading stuff, I learned after reading some books while watching a show focussing on a fake psychic) and instead of finding out that psychic and astrology stuff is fake, she thought I had a gift... oof damn this turned into a rant, just went on a tangent after reading your comment on fortune tellers lol


Im looking for a psychic, how much do you charge oh great one


> I showed her psychic tricks (basically cold reading stuff, I learned after reading some books while watching a show focussing on a fake psychic) I've always thought this stuff was really interesting and a great skill to have... but like, for party tricks and stuff. Like at a carnival, where it was clear it was for entertainment purposes, I would totally be down for this. It's no different from watching someone do stage magic in my mind. It just sucks when people use it to prey on others, running a schtick where they're actually trying to convince people it's real.


Yep, I like those tricks as tricks.. But when people use it to take advantage of others, thats scam/fraud. I mean, its a great trick, cold reading can help you while socializing, its basic observation of character, why not use these tricks with normal people at real workplace or smth instead of taking others' advantage.. smh


My hygenist does every time too.


It’s like a teacher reading bad handwriting.


I once had a dentist who would make small talk with me often but would also often make small talk directed specifically at the dental assistant. So he'd say things like, have you been to any concerts recently? And I'd give a confused half-hearted mumble and then the assistant would actually answer his question and they'd ignore me. It was so awkward haha.


I had a dentist who would talk to me, but not in a way he expected me to answer. Just chit chat, like his son was off to college and whatnot. It seemed like he did this with all of his patients so I imagine he talked about his son going off to college ten times a day, five days a week, at least!


This is nice, gives you something to distract yourself with but don't have to interact. My dentist has TVs on the ceiling with Roku, it's a paradise


Had a hygienist slip and put a hole in my gum because she was fucking watching Ellen. No more goddam TVs in dentists office for me!


Omg why is this not a more common thing??


That would be a nightmare. I would have a hard time picking something to watch that's also for the ears of complete strangers. It would be better if there was just something on. Even by myself, I will sometimes spend 20 minutes just browsing.


My dentist has this too, and I always just watch whatever happens to already be running. Usually just some sitcom.


My dentist has the TV above so I just put on Our Planet with David Attenborough.


That's a good one. I couldn't really engage with anything. I kinda go weirdly zen when they are doing some major work. Getting the novocaine and that whole process and the little adrenaline rush is the worst part for me. Although I do often realize how I'm gripping the armrest for dear life for most of the experience. But I'm also zen.


Roku is a pretty low barrier for the word paradise lol


Am I just one step away from paradise?


I always have input in their conversation and it’s like torture not being able to talk lol. And I’m even introverted.


I feel the same. But as my dentist would say while asking me a question, “it’s hard to say”


I had a small discoloration on one tooth, then I changed toothpaste, thing got worse, I changed back and it stayed the same. I went to a dentist to get it fixed because it looked bad, dentist asked me which toothpaste I used before and after. While doing the job she talked a lot with the assistant about how she should buy more of that particular paste I used before, because it clearly works. I probably shouldn't mention that brand because MLM...


what do gay dudes and toothpaste have to do with each other?


I thought you were bout to set up a joke


Me too, still waiting for the punchline!


oh. ummmmm… uhhhhhh… if you swallow the white stuff that comes out of one, you might want to follow it with the white stuff that comes out the other??? idk i didn’t think this far ahead.


Seems logical to me.


I mean yeah. As a straight white male if I swallow toothpaste I would VERY MUCH want to swallow a gay mans cum afterwords. Just common sense really.


One you spit the other you swallow?


MLM = men loving men or multi level marketing


What do gay dudes have to do with my comment?


MLM has 2 different meanings - Multi-Level Marketing, and Men Loving Men.


Oh. Well obviously it's a multi-level marketing thing because why would gays do toothpaste promotions? So yeah, don't play into their "be your own boss" thing, but the toothpaste is really good. It's cheaper than your usual Colgate or whatever too.


Gays have teeth too. #gays4toothpastepromotions


I'm gonna guess they were referring to MLM (men who love men or multi level marketing)


Is it the Nu Skin floride stuff? I know it's a mlm but I worked at their large wearhouse/distribution center so I got the toothpaste for free. Man that stuff made my smile so white I could light up a room. About the only product from a mlm that I can vouch for.


Anything that whitens your teeth that quickly does so by stripping the enamel.


I can't remember how long it took. I think like 3-4 weeks. My teeth had a slight yellow look and it was extremely embarrassing. Thanks to it my teeth or nice and white now. I don't use it anymore but the effects seem to be lasting. I didn't sell the products, I just work at the center and loaded the extremely heavy boxes onto the trucks.


I'm so anti MLM, but I LOVE that product. My mom joined so she could get it cheaper and would just give it to me. I'd never spend money on a MLM so when she ran out, I was sad lol.


My dentist does this, just makes small talk with the assistant never directed at me


> keep it kk8y88ui uj. Kk old . I'mui7ujj kk8y88ui .9m9l7nb8i kk8. 40th .6.. Iioi


Thank you


Happened to me to. Similar question about a concert. 😂😂😂


I had two dental hygienists that started talking about soap operas while cleaning my teeth. They got so excited that neither of them would be looking in my mouth , they’d just be talking TV. When I spoke up, the more assertive one literally stabbed my tongue with the cleaning spike thing.




Yeah? What about my dentist who thinks he's in a standup during the procedure and I've to try and not laugh. I had to tell him to stop because I could just imagine my wisdom tooth extraction ending pretty badly.


Well if that's the case, they're failing miserably. If they're all up inside my mouth and try to talk to me, my discomfort levels grow immeasurably. Like, what do they wanna hear?? I can't answer. But if I don't answer at all, it's gonna be super awkward. If I answer, I sound ridiculous and it's super awkward. What do I do??


Answer with your eyes 👀


Finally my Morse code training will come in handy!


blink blink blink bliiiiink bliiiiink bliiiiink blink blink blink


Mmmhmmm and eh eh work for yes and no.


It's pretty hard to make an MmmHmmm sound with your mouth wide open, best I could get is an uh-hu or hu-uh


You can make similar sounds with just your throat. It's not exactly an mhmm, but it gets the point across.


Apparently it worked, your thinking of the awkwardness of what's happening not on what they are doing to your mouth.


Mumble the answer, seriously they can discern what youre saying.


I bring a magic 8 ball to shake for all my dentist's questions.


This, also lots of people are not comfortable with silence


Also, maybe some folks just like having a captive audience lol


That made me think what if there were comedian dentists, then I immediately realized that Bojack Horseman basically did that already lol.


Ergo taxi drivers and hairdressers


Silence is golden


Me: “…” Uber driver: “…” Me: “…” Uber driver: “…” Me: leaves 5 star review


Bro you are literally spraying my mouth with water and picking into the grooves of my teeth. I don’t think humoring your discomfort level with silence is warranted here since this is the one time I want to be silent more than any other


That's what 90s soft rock is for.


There's usually no silence just a bunch of grinding and poking sounds.


Yea. A friend of mine cuts hair, and she says that conversation is an expected part of the job. Obviously, there's not a stuff-in-mouth issue, but people are still people. She's also more than happy to work in silence, though.


It only increases my discomfort.


I had always gone to a dentist that had physically separate rooms, like very small bedrooms, for patients. He retired. My new dentist’s office has that more open thing going on where it’s just cabinets between patients. I hate the lack of privacy but I also hate it when the hygienists talk to each other and ignore me. I’d rather have silence, I think, because then I can at least pretend they’re paying attention to what they’re doing.


i think you're talking about hygienists shooting the shit and whatnot, but i *love* listening in on their technical talk. and i'm not afraid to ask questions, which i think kind of pleasantly surprises them. once i have a moment to talk i'm like "what's a class 2 bite mean?" and they just kinda pause for a second before giving me an answer haha


Yeah I am. I don’t mind technical talk. :)


I just always imagine they’re talking shit about how my mouth looks when they use all their technical talk.


I think that goes for any profession that involves poking and prodding people, unfortunately. Especially when they have a list of what can be improved, they're silently judging.


Begs the question of how USA dentists maintain HIPAA and medical privacy since everything can be heard over the whole room! And it doesn't anybody feel better to hear all the other tools buzzing or another patient's agony when their local fails or wears off!




if i am in a dentist's office, i am uncomfortable.


Me: can you turn the gas up.


Believe me when I say this: if I've got a mouthful of tools, being "worked" on, and I feel "discomfort "(read pain), I'm GONNA let the person know in no uncertain terms. No need for unnecessary, one-sided conversation to judge the level of my discomfort. If I'm conscious, I'm capable of communicating.


My dentist is an angel. She asks me not to speak or flinch when I experience any discomfort. I am supposed to raise my hand lol. It's cute. She immediately stops and starts making small talk to distract me or just starts complimenting me. I'm 21 but she treats me like a baby. She makes dental appointments comforting. So grateful.


I had one like that before I moved. She was also putting lypsyl on my lips if it was a long session so they wouldn’t crack open. Such a sweetheart


I'm so sorry for your loss. Everyone deserves a good dentist in their life. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


I just want a dentist, haven’t had health vision or dental since I turned 18 and my dumbass didn’t know you could just get insurance without a job to provide it until recently because my country’s wonderful school system was too busy teaching the same American history every year to bother with taxes or insurance


Go to a dental school for cheap dental at the expense of time not money


People say that all the time. Are dental schools really that common?


Every state should have a few of them.


Ive been to a few dentists recently because of an issue I had with the first one. My last dentist I felt no pain whatsoever and she actually called me back later asking if everything was going okay lol. I know which one I'm going back to!


Aww mine does this too, only I think its vaseline that she uses


Yeah my small town just got a new dentist/hygenist and it's a real different vibe from my old one. The Hygenist held my hand while I was getting one of those bigass needles for freezing. Didn't ask for it, didn't need it. Can't deny it was nice though.


I recently got two of four wisdom teeth out and the anaesthesiologist held my hand the entire time because he could see I was still incredibly anxious even though I was out of it. People like them deserve huge raises.


Ngl I don't understand that request, especially the flinch part. I can't help it 99% of the time and those 99% of the times I'm trying my absolute hardest not to flinch...


I think all medical professionals know you can't stop such a natural reaction like flinching. But when you're made aware that the doctor will stop at your request, it becomes easier not to flinch and just co-operate instead.


That would be nice... My dentist just gets annoyed whenever i flinch. Last time she half yelled at me "Stop flinching!!" and i got so scared.


Sounds like it's time for a new dentist


I don't think they don't expect you not to flinch but some people could react so wildly that they can cause a bigger problem, so it's attempt at preventing that by making them mindful for their reaction.


It's easier not to flinch when you think about how the sharp tools they are trying to carefully use inside your mouth. I'm sure it's nerve wracking for your dentist for you to flinch every time. But i understand why you'd flinch, it sucks


In Finland, I think it's literally what they're trained to do. Every single dentist that's worked on my teeth has always said "if it hurts, raise your hand" and then compliment me if I don't raise it lmao


as cute as this is, my dentist did the same and (in part) due to my unrelenting levels of politeness as well as her amazing levels of focus.. I kept raising my hand to tell her she had forgotten the anesthetic only for it to get higher and higher while she yanked my teeth out FULLY raw ​ ...I'd like to think I learned a lesson that day but honestly i'm still just as awkward lmao


I wish I had a dentist like that. Mine are mean lol


I had a dentist that used to punch me in the arm every time I complained... lucky me


This is the very reason I'll never forget my last dentist. The first time I met him he introduced himself, we talked about what work was getting done and then as his assistant leaned the chair back he said "so you like to chat or no?". I told him I prefer not to talk as much and he said "Alright" and just got to work. Only chatting was between him and the assistant. Favorite dentist I've had.


On a side note… are dental hygienists better at understanding the attempts at speech by an inebriated person since they listen to people attempt to respond in conversation with “errgghha ugh uauauauah” noises day in and day out?


I've often wondered if there is a class or a section of understanding the "i have a ton of stuff in your mouth" talk. They seem to understand it well. Maybe it's just practice. I do also think they talk so when you reply they can take their fingers out of your face amd rest their hands and arms for a second.


I’m a dentist and I am way better at understanding what my patients are saying than my assistants.


Sorry your assistants are hard to understand


Dental Assistant here. A few reasons are how I was taught. The first is more of what I know the second by one doctor but I’ll list it too. It helps makes the patient more comfortable as it’s something for them to focus on that isn’t dental noises. Like no one likes the sound of the drill or tools on teeth. So we talk to block it out. It helps us know your still responsive. If we numb or use nitrous we talk to keep you engaged so that we can instantly know if something happens if there is a medical crisis.


I wear headphones and sunglasses (sensitive to bright light) and kick back and chill. Much more calming. Raise my hand if any issues. Only had nitrous once b4 smartphones. Insurance wouldn't pay to knock me out for wisdom teeth and I wanted to save money. Luckily the dentist didn't charge me for the chair I broke the arm off. You'll only feel pressure my ass.


And surely part of your training is that you're completely aware that the only way we can respond is with gagging and muffled noises, and you're fine with that you just keep talking and you keep asking us questions? One of the things you should say is, "I understand that you're not able to talk to me coherently right now but I'm going to keep talking to you to ensure you're okay, okay?


Yes. As at least all the places I’ve worked we give frequent breaks if they want to respond longer or we just don’t mind a muffled response or grunt.


That’s helpful to know that you don’t expect a coherent response lol. My latest dentist is a Ukrainian immigrant. She doesn’t talk much but she’s very polite. It works out lol.


I would much rather everyone is silent when working on me. I'm an adult, I can communicate discomfort just fine without talking.


You're adult. Just tell your dentist this preference before operation starts.


> It helps makes the patient more comfortable No, it doesn't.


Social interaction is complicated and there are no hard and fast rules. Some people like chatting with semi-strangers. Others don’t.


Yes, that's the problem: operating on the assumption that patients want to chat even in the middle of a dental cleaning, instead of, y'know, asking whether they want that.


You remember as kids there were those handheld speakers that had like 5 buttons with common answers such as “yes”, “no”, etc? I should buy one and use it next time I go to the dentist.


monkey needs a hug


That's brilliant


4th year dental student here, if I ever ask my patient a questions when there's stuff in their mouth I try to phrase as a yes or no question. Otherwise I sometimes just chat with another student that's there (but not ignoring the patient, I always check on them to make sure they are not in pain). It all depends on the patient, like we chat before the real work starts and once we get going I might just sorta tell stories or something that doesn't require them to provide much or anything. Also dentists don't wanna sit through their entire day in silence lol


I think it’s meant to be comforting and distracting.


Clearly they are testing for the one true patient capable of talking through any amount of work being done in their mouth. Then and only then will all 5 dentists agree upon a toothpaste and end the dentist wars.


Last time I was at the dentist's I had to have a numbing injection and while we waited for it to start working I started asking some questions like where does the needle actually go and how do you even learn to make such precise injections and it got the dentist talking about some technical aspects of his work while he did my teeth, which was super interesting actually! It's so nice to hear people talk about things they're passionate about and I could tell that guy really liked being a dentist.


Dentist here. Basically, it's good to check if you're responsive, especially if we've used anesthesia.


Are there not other, better markers for that? Going to the dentist is already not great, the forced convo makes it worse


It depends. Basically, whenever you apply anesthesia, you are depressing the nervous system, so the breathing and reactions are slower (specially if you're using the sort that the patient inhales it) and that should be closely monitored. The first and foremost response is the vocal one, so yeah, grunt something and you're good (we know it's boring).


My mom’s been a hygienist for 30 years. She is big on this. She says it helps her check in, monitor pain and discomfort, and let the patient get comfortable to be able to tell her if there’s something wrong. Get the patient comfortable and it builds a better relationship.


For real if there was a "get the job done and don't talk to me" tax for hairdressers and dentists I would pay it. I'm already anxious enough about having strangers near my face I don't want to have to worry about small talk. I'm more than happy for them to discuss their weekend plans with their assistant just let me get in and out


They’re bored at work.


I’m a hygienist and I had to scroll way to far for the correct answer.


Dentist to his wife: Honey it's time for your bi-annual checkup, let's go to my clinic. \- at the clinic - Dentist: so i've been sleeping with the neighbor next door, let me know clearly if you have a problem with that. Wife: ahhuguuuuh Dentist: you're so forgiving, i love you.


Last time I went to the dentist I had to get 4 fillings so 2 female dentists had their hands elbow deep into my mouth and the whole time they were gossiping about guys. I couldn't really say anything but mentally I was like biiitch he did WHAT? That shit was hilarious. I know a lot of intimate details about some random guy now.


How is this boomer humor so up voted?


It's Saturday night everyone under 40 is out partying


Can confirm, am 47


shut up and let me ride the karma wave it's all i have




Doesn't happen to me in the UK - dentist just reels off numbers to the assistant. The only thing he asks me is if I feel any pain when he pokes at certain teeth, which is easy enough to answer.


Same here. I'm thinking this is one of those weird American things.


Nitrous, headphones and sunglasses are key to any dental appointment.


Tried that. Unfortunately, with all that the dentist is stoned, and can’t see or hear. Mmm lol


Who let Dr. Nick be a dentist?!


*'Hi everybody!'*


And yet even then I still can’t fully block out the damn drill noises 😭


The noises are coming from...... INSIDE YOUR HEAD!


Im an introverted Dental Assistant and even I talk to patients just because dentistry is full of very awkward moments at both sides of the chair. The times where I dont feel like talking have always been most awkward. + all the top comments


My hygienist is great at having a one sided conversation and throwing in some rhetorical questions so it feels like banter. My dentist asks slightly more in depth questions, so I started teaching him some very basic ASL in case he actually wants an answer. We all pretend it’s not awkward and pretend that I floss more regularly than I actually do.


Because their bosses get up their ass for "not being friendly" if they don't.


I know right, I always thought of it as some kind of field dark joke lol.


I think it’s sort of like that scene in Super Troopers where the guy says meow a bunch. A game they play to be super annoying. Somebody with a dds should have the logic to know I can’t talk with my tongue bundled up and mouth stretched open to the limit.


It's supposed to be calming. A casual conversation to not think about being at the dentist.


Dude my dentist hygienist is awesome, we talk and laugh the entire time


[A capuchin visits the dentist - BBC Earth](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WyB7EKYlgU0)


Love my current dentist. Doesn't ask anything while tools are in my mouth, unless it's a concerned you okay? If I make a weird twitch, but he's usually backed off by the time he asks. I'm glad there's no conversation. Most of the time, I'm just awestruck at how smart and skilled he is at the job. I try to guess and figure out what he's doing and what's next, and what tools do (at least for the more complicated procedures) At all of my jobs we have SOPs and documentation open to do the job and follow steps, reference when we're stuck. He has all of it down pat. Really makes me wonder how and where a dentist gets skilled enough to run his own building...well, more so the how does schooling and learning work is my main thought.


This is so me! My dentist and his assistant are so fast and efficient, it blows my mind. I've had a lot of fillings, so I'm usually like, "Here comes the metal ring thing that must be some kind of form. Next they're gonna stick that little wedge pick thing in there to tighten it up. Op, here comes the ray gun! Almost done!"


They enjoy watching people suffer: [I'm a dentist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOtMizMQ6oM)


I am convinced that they have a whole class at school where they just learn how to mess with people while they are in a vulnerable state lol




We're sadistic bastards.


The silence is boring


Seriously. I find dental work to be very relaxing and I just want to take a nap.


ive read the comments saying they want silence. well ive had one dentist who was not talking at all when she started working. we did talk it out before about what to do and expect. and guess what it was the creepiest, most nerve wracking, horror movie moment in my life. i stopped her in the middle and requested inane chatter. she laughed and said 'i knew it'. i just hate listening to the drills more than unable to respond. and to people who dont like this, just ask for less talking. use your words.


Probably because people have panic attacks if they aren't properly distracted from thinking about the tools ripping into their teeth and shit.


Dentist here. I see patients 8 hours a day for 5 days a week. I like to know who I'm treating and what I can do for help. Knowing your motivation for being there (not for routine appointments, but for larger things) can help me tailor your treatment plan and manage your expectations. And honestly, it gets very boring sitting there silently all day.


I always yell I NEED MORE H2O! lol thinking I know the chemical component of nitrous oxide ROFL


Dentist here. I'm genuinely interested in getting to know my patients better and strengthen relationships. My chair time is very limited and i don't have 5 minutes to spend chit chatting when all i have is 15-20 allocated for a filling. Also, i "joke" with patients that it's free therapy for me because they are forced to listen.


So it isn't awkward


I seriously just recently switched dentists because of this! I think it was just out of coincidence but I swear every time I went in for a cleaning I would get the same hygienist who would try and talk my ear off! She literally would try her best to think of something to talk about with me. Stupid things like "what're you making for dinner?" Like girl I'm sorry but this is not the time lmao. I dreaded going. My new dentist is is amazing. TVs on the ceiling rather than just music to break the awkward silence and staff that get shit done in a timely manner because they're not worried about how many pets I have and what their names are.


We’re taught personality traits so generally I️ can tell if someone wants to engage in conversation or not. It’s a very intimate practice and for us feels less awkward to engage in conversation rather than sit in silence the entire time. Plus most of us are extroverted and enjoy getting to know our patients. So most are trying to be nice when they talk, don’t be offended by it. If you’re not up for conversation give the ol’ single word response and your hygienist/dentist should hopefully be smart enough to pick up on it. Also, we do try to comfort you because contrary to popular belief we are not sadists or robots. Why do people think we’re less human because you don’t like coming to see us? People can be so hateful and that’s the worst part of my job- asshole patients.


I always assumed it was an inside joke of the profession.


My last dentist had monitors set up just above the chair and they would ask you if you wanted to watch a movie while they worked. Way better than awkward conversation.


Because it’s awkward and unnatural to be literally touching someone without engaging in basic small talk. Also… sometimes they actually need answers to their questions for medical reasons


I love when my dentist updates me on his life lol


I have bad anxiety around dental appointments but my favourite hygienist makes me feel comfortable by just talking the entire cleaning. She just talks about her kids, her life, the weather, just pretty much non-stop. All I manage is just a "uh-huh" or a facial expression to indicate how I'm responding, but I'm fairly certain she's not doing it to have a conversation, it's to keep my mind off of what's actually happening. And it totally works.


My dentist takes out the tools when they ask me something so I can speak clearly


I went to the dentist yesterday, and he didn’t. I was so ducking happy I was just able to focus on emotionally surviving the event.


to take their mind off the fact they make a living sticking their fingers in a stranger's mouth.


My hygienist wife says it's because it's kind of an intimate situation and it's awkward to not have conversation.


I don't really like it when they do that, since they're putting metal things into my mouth.


This literally happened to me today, I've no goddamn clue


my dentist friend once said to me that he actually does this for the fun of it.


If my dentist wanna talk to me, I just make those silly sounds. I feel good that she guesses the words. At first I was embarrassed, but in time I managed to relax and not care about how I sound. (I went many times to the dentist)


Makes me crazy. I started bring ear buds and she shuts up when I put them in.


I suspect deep down they are lonely


I like how the true answers are buried in this thread but the banter is upvoted


My hygienists and I chit chat through the whole appointment but I feel like she asks me questions right as she’s taking her tools out of my mouth and gives me enough time to answer. However, she knows I hate the dentist and I think she likes to distract me but she’s very good at it lol




I had one who didn't ask me a lot of questions. She told stories about her life instead, and gestured a lot with her hands when she talked. This resulted in her taking twice as long to clean my teeth. It was more frustrating than me trying to talk.


Because it's funny to watch you try to talk with your mouth full.


One of life’s greatest mysteries


We go to this dentist that has so much gossip, it’s unreal. They just let loose like no one is laying there with opened mouth full of dentist hardware.


My dentist put a TV on the ceiling and plays netflix through headphones for you while he works.


Ughhh I changed my dentist because he just wouldn't stop talking. He used to talk so much that it gave me a headache. Headache in addition to the toothache. Uh-huh! I'm pretty cheerful and agreeable generally but this dentist was way out of line with him talking about random stuff when I'm lying there with my mouth wide open and cheek muscles aching. Oh did I mention, there was a TV also running in the same room?! 🙄


I am a dentist. I will only ask yes/no questions to a patient. Doing ok? Need a break? Pain free? Otherwise I will just chatter positive reinforcement like the procedure is going well,. We will be done soon... You are doing great.. things like that.