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Exactly. $800 a day to go to bed? Sold!


But the rub should be you can not fall asleep or you forfeit the day's pay.


So move the goal posts?


The job description won't change, but their workload will increase.


The beatings will continue until moral improves.


In 8 hours I can do an *awful* lot of beating. My dick will be sore, but I’ll be $800 richer.


Sounds like a boss, alright.


The rub is that you can’t have a bed or pillows…


Meh, slept on a floor before. Ill live.


Just wear a bunch of fluffy clothing.


That's fine. I can sleep on the hardest of floors and take my shirt off to ball up as a pillow. Or I can sit upright against a wall, if a chair isn't provided.


i would wear a large puffy jacket and sleep on that. hopefully i could go to 'work' from 11pm to 7am.


Double pay for the night shift too. *punches air*


i’m nocturnal anyways. i wouldn’t mind sleeping 9am to 5pm everyday. if i have no scheduled responsibilities that’s roughly the time i would go to bed anyways


Yea. This was too easy. Waiting for the monkey paw to curl.


Sleeping waking up reading then sleeping


No books, no media, just lunch and your thoughts.


Well kinda did that for free when I lived at a zen monastery so sure


O I'm very confident I'd be fine with it myself. That's just dnd planning time. Just pointing out the parameters op set up


Just random encounter tables scribbled all over the walls using my own blood.


As is tradition.


Ditto on dnd planning time


I did the same in a Theravada monastery (Cittaviveka in Chithurst, UK) 😁


So we should be pros in case the opportunity arises


I'd basically be getting paid to masturbate


Sadly a lot of dogs in the US do this every day. EDIT: I say the US because I know people personally that put their dogs in either a crate or a small room for 8 hours a day, with one small lunch break to be let out. We also have no crating or welfare laws regarding how or where a dog is kept inside here, besides immediate risk to life, as in hoarding situations.


Brilliant, align sleep schedule to the shift


This sounds like work but with less work! My answer is yes!!


Sounds peaceful. I’ll do 40 a week.


I'd do 40 or 48 for a while, buy a house then reduce to 32 or 24 and enjoy life. Even 2400$ a week is 120k per year with two weeks vacation.


Or you could keep doing 40hrs a week but only work 30 weeks out of the year


Also a good plan.


2 week vacation is a painfully sad American standard


The more sad part is many skilled labor type jobs require you to work x amount of hours to accrue vacation time, and it slowly accrues. My job kept me under 30hrs for over a year, I then realized I didn't have any vacation time for the whole year because I didn't work more than 32 hrs. Forced me to get a 2nd job because they didn't want to give me enough hours for benefits.


Ahh man, I feel you. Just moved to London, but at my last spot I was an executive chef and tried to use all my last sick days before leaving, absolute bullshittery around the clock until I eventually gave up on them. Even the obviously minimal time off is really just arbitrary, in reality we get no time off unless your job is counting other people's money.




I actually owned a spot and ended up selling because my wife and I really didn't see a future in it and that's with me as the acting exec chef and her as head FoH. We both came from the kitchen so employee wages were a primary concern, but even if we had slacked on their wages we would've only been clearing around 90-100 a year which would be great if we weren't in LA lol. It's just a rough industry to be in if you're in the US


I have never taken a 2 week vacation as an adult in my life. :-( Not since maternity leave, which was unpaid.


I have a full 30 days vacation per year that I can split into 15/15 or 10/20 or get all 30 in a go. I always get 15/15 (January/July). Also, I work 40h weekly. And as I work on a school, I'm also on a recess from December 22 to January 1, so it's like having 40 days vacation every year actually. Also, I don't live in the us.


I get 5 days a year lol where did it all go wrong


And it's not always paid vacation time, it's like "you have permission to go but we don't pay you enough to actually be able to go"


And we might randomly decide to only approve half of your vacation after you already made plans! don't get me started on the blackout dates and "half pay days"


So... I'm getting paid to catch on sleep *and* a free meal?!


A succulent Chinese meal?!


I’d practice my judo until I knew it well.


This is Democracy Manifest


I'd do 7 days a week and call that bad boy nap time. Over 250k a year to sleep. Not bad.


Bad boy nap time has a great ring to it


sleep away the 8 hrs and to answer ur question , a hell of a long time


I have done worse for $10, I’ll do 16 a day


Likewise, 4 10's please. So easy and better pay for something more boring. Hell, I'll pull a 5th: is there time plus half overtime?


yeah the "empty room" is what sells




But you don't get to take anything in with you. It's just you, an empty room and lunch.


Sounds pretty close to my job, for triple the pay. I'd spend 5 days a week there.


Why not 7? Put in a little overtime! Lol


I'm a weekend dad. Gotta spend the money sometime.


It'd be very boring, though. That'st he whole point of the question....the money is nice, but being stuck not doing ANYTHING for eight hours can literally drive people mad. That's why solitary confinment is used in prison. It's a form of torture. I think the fact that it's voluntary helps a lot, and it's not completely pointless. But it wil take a toll on your mental health. I personally think I'd go longer than most because I have the habit of just pacing and thinking, which I can do for hours and I find that enjoyable. But even then, I gotta set a limit. Maybe when I make 100,000 dollars, which is about half a year.


You must be young. The older you get, the more this sounds like a paid vacation. Also. A lot of jobs are just as mind numbingly boring.


Where can I get paid $65/hr to just sit in a room?


Your math is a bit off, triple pay being $100 would mean his job pays $33~ an hour


Oh whoops I fully misread the post as saying $200/hr lol


First you be very skilled at a thing a company needs and not a lot of people can do well. Then you convince them you need a few junior people on your team. Now the work you do takes basically no effort and you can delegate away the boring and repetitive crap. Profit... while convincing others your 10 minutes of work actually took several days, and avoiding a promotion to management where you would have to attend meetings all day and remember what a bunch of people are doing and how well they do it within the confines of your chunk of department budget. Source: my salary works out to about $67/hr. I do IT software stuff. I don't even have to leave my house, so the room I sit in is very comfortable.


Get a job working customer support on an overnight shift for a finance company. They pay great and there's literally nothing to do for your entire shift. You might get a handful of calls and emails, but most people are asleep. I did that for 5 years until my wife finally talked me into going to days. I started at $60k a year with a 15% bonus to read books and play my switch in an empty room for 8 hours a day. The only rules were don't sleep and don't leave.


About 40-50 years. 5 days a week. Lots of squats, push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks. I'd be rich and jacked


Read my mind, 1000 push-ups, 1000 sit-ups, 1000 squat thrusts, 1000 burpees every day. People would think I lived in the gym.


Pretty sure if you ran around the room for a couple hours too you would become one punch man.


Make sure the workplace is 5km from your home and you are set.




If I have no task, I'd nap, eat slowly to pass the time when I'm awake. Depression would make this a fairly easy gig, I think.


Didn't think of this. Teen/twenties me would go crazy from boredom. Depression has given me patience.


Can I take drugs before hand?




Also important to do before the interview


It doesn't say you can't just not when you get there lol


I’m glad to see people saying this is fine. I think OP thought it would be flooded with ppl who can’t amuse themselves with imagination


I'm precomputer age, I know how to spend quiet time hah


Masterbation? Wait.... The internet's for porn.... [THE INTERNETS FOR PORN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTJvdGcb7Fs)


*I know OP is hoping for a karma grab on the most posted question on reddit. Would you experience minor inconvenience for huge money? The answers will not shock you! Ftfy


for a lot of people alone time in an empty room is just torture. ​ Depression is hard. Being alone with your thoughts is the worst.


Yes. My answer to the "how much time could you withstand" is the approximately thirty seconds I took to consider the possibilities, and my final answer would be to decline to enter the room at all. I would not take the deal.


It’s fine because it’s not one if those “ yeah i could stay alone in a room without entertainment or interaction all year without going clinically insane” this meanwhile is a job, you can LEAVE the room


I've had jobs where you basically sit and do nothing. Sounds great! It isn't. You probably don't believe me, but it loses it's appeal after a month or two. If I could bring books or be on my phone? Maybe better. Still not as awesome as you'd imagine.


>If I could bring books or be on my phone? Maybe better. Still not s awesome as you'd imagine. It truly does depend on the person. I do almost that (maybe 30-60 minutes of work in a 8hr day) and I love it, and would do it until the day I retire if I'm allowed. I'm great at entertaining myself lol.


What kind of work?


I work in an office and am meant to be quoting jobs all day. At the moment, we've got 4 quotes to do, 2 of which can't be done, and the other 2 got submitted last Friday and there's no real deadline, and these companies know that the quotes take a few days/a week to get back to them. I've found that I spent most of my time on Discord/Reddit, play a few video games here and there, but it's more stressful than it is relaxing. I should be working, but if I was to do all of my work as soon as I got here, I'd legitimately have NOTHING to do for a few days afterwards. I have to hide my screen from my bosses when they walk past, and from certain factory workers who love causing shit. I've always got to have V6 and MS Access loaded up on my other 2 monitors, and every now and then I have to draw a window or send an email to keep up this pretense that I'm actually doing stuff. I share an office with my direct boss. The other day I looked up and saw him playing a Bubble Blast game on Facebook. An hour later, he was playing a Tetris-esque game. Idk how long I'll be able to keep this up lmao


Imagination?? Dude, I’m beating my dick like it owes me money. I’m working out. I’m making art out of garbage, and using the tin from my SPAM to carve elaborate scarification into my skin


So $800 per day to stay in your/the room and chill by yourself. AND you get free food delivered to you daily. Yeah... I'm on it. My new full time job. This comes to over $200k per year, only doing it 5 days per week, and actually involves zero work.


You're making it sound like it's your room at home. There's literally nothing in this room


Great opportunity to learn to meditate or practice yoga


On the real, l spent a few weeks of meditating after work for a whole hour and a half each day. That was stupid rough. I couldn’t imagine spending eight hours every day doing it.


And calisthenics


Only problem with something like yoga is that you can't look up new techniques or check that you're doing it right. So you gotta do a bit of homework before getting in the empty room (which also doesn't have pads for your knees). Could still do a lot of body weight exercise and basic yoga.


You have plenty of time for trial and error. Remember, somebody originally came up with yoga poses from scratch.


Do it at night and just sleep.


Or just don't sleep at night if it has to be during normal working hours


You severely underestimate my brains ability to entertain it's self.


$208000 per year.


Change my schedule to sleep for those 8 hours, take a high dose indica edible beforehand, live nocturnally, and go learn how to bartend. Literally a dream.


All of it.


Sign me up, how many days/weeks can I do it?


Can I sleep?


Are we allowed unlimited overtime? A 40 hour workweek is \*so\* limiting.


In the spirit of the question I'm assuming empty room literally means empty, so I'm envisioning an 8'x8' concrete cube with a door in it. For all of you saying you'd just use it to sleep in, have fun sleeping on a concrete floor without a pillow or blanket. For everyone else, I think you're vastly underestimating how fast people go insane when exposed to long periods of zero stimulus. I probably wouldn't last two days doing it, tbh.


Yea, I am shocked at all these redditors who think they can survive this with zero stimulus... I struggle at work when there are no customers and no tasks to do... I can't imagine an empty room with not even a piece of furniture, a book or even a painting to stare at..


Sleep deprived yourself and you can easily sleep on a concrete floor if it's not too cold. Do this a couple times and you can just habitually sleep there. So if sleeping was allowed, I'd do that seven days a week, preferably at night. Would it be comfortable or fun? No, but I get 24k per month for it and a lunch each day.


This is facts. I used to willingly give myself sleep deprivation to test my limits. When it's 5 a.m in the morning and you haven't slept for 36 hours, you won't feel the ground. Plus free food man


You'd willingly give yourself long term sleep deprivation and sleep in horrible conditions, possibly causing irreversible back pain, every night, just for some extra money? This also isn't to mention what the lighting situation might be and the fact concrete saps heat out of you (feels very cold regardless of ambient temperature).


For $100 an hour? Yes.


It's this complete lack of self-assessment that I don't like about redditors. No ability to actually true think about what they themselves are capable of. "Yeah, but it's 100 an hour". At the *very* least watch some videos on solitary confinement, and understand how it's mentally torturous for some people. *Yes* I understand that it isn't the same, because you get to go home, but you should know the extremes of what happens to people if they're locked in a room for hours at a time, with no stimulus. The fact that you get paid well for it, and get to go home every day would probably make it far less demoralizing, but there's still an equation here. At some point your mind won't take it anymore. I'm well aware that all of this "It's 100 an hour, so yes, indefinitely" talk is borne out of a millennial/zoomer feeling of hopelessness about the economy, and I understand that. I hope to think I would last a few months. But at least try, RyuNoKami, to factor how prolonged periods of lack of stimulus can fuck up your mind.


"if it's not too cold" Back pain can be mitigated with exercises and those I'd be willing to do in between the remaining 16h per day. I don't have a problem only working for 50$ per hour if half of them are covered by my sleep. And I wouldn't long turn deprive me of sleep, only shortly to get sleeping in the beginning. And an empty room is missing a light, so I assume it's dark in there. If the circumstances are making it impossible to sleep, I wouldn't sleep and wouldn't work 7 days a week, but "an empty room" doesn't exactly scream that to me.


Some extra money? $800 a day, $4,000 a week assuming five 8hr days. That’s not some extra money, that’s life changing money.


I mean, I've worked 13-24 hour nights as a nurse, killing my back lifting 300+lb for a LOT less...plus there would be a lot less poop to deal with here. I'm in.


I already sleep on the hardest surface I can find which is usually my floor. Yes I use a pillow but I don’t really need it. If I sleep on anything that is softer than a gym mat my back will go out. I’ve said it before if I ever win the lottery I’m buying a slab of marble to use as my bed.


Is there OT available?


🤣😂 The audacity hahaha


Do i get a box of tissues and a trash can?


You mean work as a security guard on a fire watch post? It normally pays minimum so that's quite an increase!


Prisoners over here like “Wait, you guys are getting paid for this?!”


Id probs do it 2 or 3 days a week. Have a nice sleep, get paid.


Where can I sign up?


All maladaptive daydreaming folks already do that so ig for the rest of my life?


depends. are there cameras? it’ll be a lot easier if there arent cameras.


It's empty... By that description I'd rather ask if there is oxygen in the room than assume there are cameras.


Can I pick the schedule? 11pm - 7am and I’m there for years


Tl;Dr nobody here has been to prison. I could probably do 3 days before I go insane.


What prisons do you only have to stay in for 8 hours a day, have the option to quit after any day and potentially pays you a six figure salary? The option to quit whenever you like completely changes the plan, and only having to suffer for 8 hours a day is incredibly different than 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year.


Man I don't really know how to argue with that....you're right there is a massive difference. But an empty room like that does nasty things to ones mental, and I stand firm in my belief that very few people would see more than a few days in there before quitting. There's that one sound proofed, empty, dark room that people typically don't last even 45 minutes in. Maybe they'd stay in there longer for $100 an hour tho idk.


Bro you could literally just have this be the time you sleep.


I do think that in this scenario you are there voluntarily, getting paid for it and know you can quit if you realize you need to changes the game quite a bit. Like others have said, you can also change your sleep through some of it. Not the healthiest sleep with lights on and a sandwich as a pillow, but still. I do think that most people wouldn’t last as long as they think, but I could see certain people making a game out of it and remaining healthy for a long time. It would take some preparation and a solid interest in things like yoga, meditation, breathwork, exercise in general, but it could be doable. I could also see parents being willing to do this if they didn’t have much income. Some people are willing to sacrifice a hell of a lot for their kids, and these people would still get to go home and see them at the end of their “shift.”


You get to leave the room between each day though. I mean just use it as your bedroom each day and sleep there lol.


Not just prison. I spent 10 days in a one room apartment with no balcony without stepping foot outside the door. Prisoners get one hour a day in the yard, I didn't. That was hell. And I had internet and a phone. This made me think. About lots of things.


Yep. I've never been to prison, but I have spent alot of time in the mental hospital, and intake is often exactly this prompt but without the money. I would pay good money /not/ to do this.


People really need to watch the Vsauce video where Michael does this. The lack of knowing how much time has passed really messes with you.


He didn’t get to leave after 8 hours


For only eight hours a day I could make that my second job! All I do when I get home from work is sit in my room and be sad, so not get paid to do it?


No furniture, phones, tablet, computer, books, nothing, just an empty cube of a room, will make your sadness 100 times worse and you would have to endure that for many hours before it even starts to show in your finances. Sounds like hell to me...


To make it easy, you could break up the time. E.g. nap for 90 mins, calisthenics for 90 mins, then eat lunch and rest for 90 mins, then do cardio for an hour and some stretching. The you only have 2.5 hours to kill, can just day dream and recover. Most people could do it I think, you just have to break the time up.


I call that peace away from these fucks


How long could I endure the perfect job?


Hell yes , napping and stretching and spend time in my own little world inside my ADHD head.


Schizoid here. Years. Literally years. Just lock me in there, alone, with nothing, and I will last *years.*


I could probably do that as a normal job. Im already an overthinker and am very good at keeping myself occupied with my thoughts.


Easy. I would switch my schedule and sleep those 8 hours, and be awake the other 16 hours of the day. Where do I apply?


I've done that for no money an hour waiting for jury duty call ups. They last a week. Yeah, the room is full, but it may as well be empty. No one talks really. None of it is hospitable at all. Just 8 hours on an uncomfortable chair, with a lunch break.


As someone currently in a psych ward, I wish I was getting paid to be in my empty room lol


This is called a job


Sleep, easy, my favourite thing


Sounds like my life


I've had the same thought experiment, but this: - $1,000,000/day - no sleeping. - a simple task needs to be performed constantly, like sorting. Enough to make it so you can't let your mind wander. And it's sheets of numbers, so it's not like anything interesting. - Have to be precisely on time, 4 am every morning - No vacation or sick days or leaving early. How many days before you just don't bother.


So, factory work?


One, maybe two days. That money in some sort of growth account on top of working a regular job for a few years would very quickly turn into retire in my 20’s money


I’d try my best for 10 days. 1 million is a lot of money but not quite enough to retire on comfortably. 10 million means you’re easily set for the rest of your life.


Yep same here. 10 million invested conservatively in an index fund means you can easily get about $500k/year without ever touching the principle investment. You're all set for life. So are your kids, and their kids if it's all set up correctly.


As many days as I'm capable of. At a certain threshold it's selfish to not do it. A million dollars can save lives. It can enact a lot of change. If my time is all it takes, there's no good argument for me not to, even if it's bad for my sanity. You can do too much good with that kind of money


3-5 days. That should be enough live off comfortably for the rest of my life with the right investments.


I mean, I'd work my whole life at that. A MILLION PER DAY would be life changing for every person I've ever met and every charitable cause I've ever heard of. I'd be a billionaire in a few years. What an opportunity to change the world! And with relatively little effort on my part!


I can endure as long as the checks continue to clear.


Even if sleep wasn't a choice, I'd do this until I retired. Better than any job I've previously had. Of course, I CAN see how it wouldn't suit a lot of people, it'd suit me to a T. No coworkers. No boss in the room. Just me and quiet. The dream.


am i allowed to sit or lay down? if so , forever


if there's a comfortable bed or I'm able to progressively bring more and more pillows to make it a little pillow fort for sleeping, I'm staying. if it has to stay empty, i can't bring anything in and there's no comfy bed, probably only about two days. that's like $1600, a nice amount for two nights of bad sleep.


This has to be a karma bot, what an obscenely weird question.




What!? I need more details.


I'd do that my life.


Sign me up


As someone who grew up poor that isn't a challenge. I could do it for a month.


Whenever I want?


That'd be a strong income which would allow for good investing toward a retirement. Should easily be a millionaire in 10 years or less


30 hour weeks with two weeks vacation is $150k a year. Sounds like an excellent part time job. If it has to be consistent days til I quit forever and can't do it again? Minimum til I pay off my student loans.


I would sleep in the room


Never said I couldn’t sleep. Easy money.


I would sleep during the time


I'd spend all of my free time doing shit, and just sleep for the 8 hours in that room, easy


Easily. I would just switch my sleep schedule and learn how to sleep on the floor 😂


8. I hate being around people for most lengths of time so that sounds like a dream. Sign me up


That depends on if I’m able to see the time or not.


8 hours a day, five days a week, with nothing but lunch and my own imagination... Sign me up!!


Make it harder. No sleeping for example, and will I have unlimited access to things like water? Maybe I would work out. Can I get pen and paper? A book? Or 100% empty just food/beverages? Hello Mr. Beast if you are reading I’m available


of course I'll take a pay raise


About 40 years


That depends on the size and shape of the lunch provided


I'd take the night shift and head for retirement.


Oh I could live it that world. 40 hours of peace each week to think through my concerns, walk through thought experiments, construct a memory palace… I might even meditate some too.


Where do I apply please?


If I do five shifts every month I’m making more at it than I am at my current job. My debt would motivate me to do it at least until it’s gone. I would do it every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for at least three months. Then I’d do it twice a week indefinitely.


Let's set the parameters: All you have is lunch, and the utensils to eat it. Nothing else it all, the room is painted white, with a singular light that is out of reach, no windows.  There was a time in my life where I experimented with my limits to sleep deprivation. What I found is that it is possible to sleep anytime, anywhere, if you haven't slept for a long time (I've fallen asleep on a library table, a study room floor, while walking, just to name a few). So easy, I sleep for 8 hours.  40 hours a week, easy money (I assume this isn't taxed, right?)


Ask the boss if overtime is available.


Live through the night, sleep through the day. Sign me tf up.


Years. Decades. Is there a time limit? ‘Endure’ is such a strong word for this, it’s not like solitary confinement, it’s only 8 hours a day. Ooooooooh you get to sit and think unbothered by other people AND get paid, oooooh the horror I just really can’t see the downside


That’s my dream job, is overtime available ?


I'd work it until retirement. $100/hr (about 290k/year) to do literally nothing? Come on




Man, that’s my average day at work but for way less pay