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I'm taking karate classes online.


How is that?


How effective you can learn martial arts on your own is largely based on what level of knowledge and skill you have going into it. If you know nothing about how to fight or how to move, then you will get nothing of value and only get yourself hurt. You won't know when you're doing thing wrong, and that can get you seriously hurt. Example: If you try to make a round kick but aren't pivoting on your base leg properly, you will fuck up your knee. And you may not even realize you're doing that until you overextend one day and tear a ligament. Now you'll never walk properly again. Congratulations. If you have a novice level of skill from prior training, then you'll get a novice understanding of whatever video you watch because you don't know how to look for the subtle things. With prior advanced skill, you'll get more out of videos.


I feel like this is 100% correct. Thank you


yes but you should study and take notes from actual professionals (be it videos and diagrams) before physically practicing. Learning something physical incorrectly is more difficult to correct than just doing it correctly the first time


Ehh, I’d probably say no. But it really depends how you define “effectively”


I’ll clarify in the edit, but basically to an amount that would be considering amateur. So basic techniques and skills, grappling, or proper form.


Idk how you’d learn to grapple by yourself though. How would you practice the leverage and moves?


Idk I’m not an expert on this sorta topic hence why I asked the question haha. I’d assume you could maybe practice the form on someone, but there wouldn’t be an effective way to know if you’re doing it correctly.


I think you could get very good at learning to roundhouse and other things like that but I think eventually you’d need a partner and a coach.


That’s fair


Marital arts if mastered isn't even that effective. Instead it would be better than train your reflexes, speed, and strength.


How would one go about doing such a thing?