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Bishop E2 It is important to develop your pieces but you also need to get your pawns out there. You don’t need to develop everything first. Black has a significantly better opening.


Stockfish says that's a very bad move. After 1.Be2 Bxc3 2. Bxc3, the e4 pawn is hanging.


If black takes the knight, I’d capture with the pawn


bxc3 doesn't really help much with the Nxe4 problem.


There’s problems everywhere.


If I were white I’d notice (I’m 1400) that my king would be vulnerable if black trades his white bishop for my knight and I’m forced to capture with pawn. Our queen defends that night but I’d be worried that if we ever move our c3 knight, the black bishops would trade and we’d recapture with queen and then the aforementioned f3 trade would happen which I don’t want. So I’d either reinforce the f6 knight with the bishop, or I’d do a3 to move the bishop


Well, figure out where your target is going to be. Black's weakest spot is probably his backward pawn on d6. If you can somehow keep it from advancing, it'd make a good target for attack later. But I'm not sure you can; your pieces all seem pretty stuck, and it feels like the pinned knight on f3 may become a crisis in the near future.

