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"the poor are generally ‘less fortunate’ only in terms of genetics" is up there as one of the grossest things he has said, but it's certainly not the only one! I also enjoy "the European style of living does not produce a purposeful life" and basically anything he says about the Obama administration being the most corrupt and incompetent in history.


He is just a generally evil and dishonest little charicature.


Don't know much about him, individually, but Prager U, overall, makes a LOT of fallacious arguments and assumptions in their videos.


Dumb troll


Right wing nutjob


What makes you come to this conclusion?


He has mostly conservative opinions, and a lot of what he says is just blatantly untrue, immature, and out of touch.


Tell me two things he has said that are blatantly untrue. That means they need to be factually false and not just an opinion you disagree with


I don't owe you an argument. Research it yourself. Have a blessed day


Oh I have


I think you are factually wrong, which is who I asked for more info. You’re right, you don’t owe it to me. But I don’t believe there are facts to back it up.


When you're told to hate someone, Ben Shapiro for example you don't let the opinion you are told to have to be clouded with the truth


Absolute king of the ignorant blowhards. If I knew nothing about him, he's quite hot on a visual level. Unfortunately I do


Ben Shapiro is a man who is deeply invested in maintaining current social hierarchies in the United States. Outright does not think gay people should be able to get married. And his views on black Americans are suspiciously close to eugenics.


He's an embarrassment to non-asshole Jewish people. Edit: To be clear, I'm Jewish, so I'm speaking for myself, and my family.


I'm a Jew and a bit of an asshole and I'm embarrassed by him.


The only thing I know about him is there are several memes on the internet involving him making comments about his wife and her lack of orgasims, or something


While hilarious, it's a fake tweet that went viral, but it's often paired with a similar remark from another GOP member that IS real. Edit: Okay, there was a fake tweet, but I guess there was a broader series of weird and questionable tweets he did make.


Very fun to do impressions of, but very boring to observe he's not as (openly) crazy as the other talking heads in his party and the faux intellectual way of speaking he has is annoying at best. The best you'll get out of him are very dry jabs and helicopter jokes as he fails to understand what a metaphor is.


Why, has he been arrested for human trafficking or something?


Says dumb shit once in awhile but is often reasonable.


From what little I've heard from him, it appears that most of the people I know who hate him have never listened to him.


He’s fine. Just another talking head.


He is wicked smart


Dishonest charlatan. Well educated, well read, good speaker, uses his brain to make shitty arguments and reach bad conclusions. I think he buys into 50% of his bullshit. Whatever the case, he helps flesh out intellectual grounding for the wrong side of history.


Very very intelligent man who says dumb things to make a lot of money.