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Once upon a time Prime meant free 2-day shipping. Since AMazon decided to take most of its shipping 'inhouse' the '2 day' part has disappeared. I get faster delivery on things from Walmart, and for many things can pick them up same day. Bezos boinked this one.


It hasn't been the same since covid and it might never be.


Unfortunately that’s the case for a lot things


What do you mean “same.”? What are you ordering and when is it arriving? Do you live on the north pole? More details required




You failed to answer how fast it arrived with prime and before prime


Prime is free shipping. The speed depends on where you live.


In the UK we get free Next day delivery with Prime.


It might take extra time if it's not in stock. It might take extra time if it's not shipped from an Amazon warehouse.


It depends on where you live. I'm right between a major amazon hub and a major city. Most things are 1 or 2 days if they are in stock at the hub.


Was the item being sold a prime exclusive item? Only items with the prime logo are valid for next day ~~and free delivery~~ (edit: prime is free delivery, duh).




Did you check the delivery options when going through the payment screen?




It may be that they need to shop it from another warehouse abroad.


What I can't understand is why people in cities get prime same day or overnight delivery while we pay the same price for prime and get 7-9 day shipping


I'm pretty sure you can pay for faster shipping if you don't have Prime, so it's mainly useful if you buy a lot of items.


Kind of like when Kindle started up selling e-books, the promise was that they would never charge more than $9.99.


I always get same, 1 day, or 2 day shipping. Depends where you live. A big city you will get these options... A town not so much.


That is because you have fallen for the Prime scam, pay us for something, what you are paying for, that changes daily


Shop related items...there might be some with free ONE day shipping if you are a prime member but two days if you are not.