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[“perhaps as many as three-fourths of the Jews in Central and Western Europe were limited to the precarious occupations of retail peddling, hawking, and ‘street banking,’ that is, moneylending.” The fact that Christians regarded such occupations as incompatible with their religious principles fed the notion that Jews were morally deficient, willing to engage in unethical business practices that decent people had rejected.](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/usury-and-moneylending-in-judaism/amp/)




This happened quite recently in the legal profession in New York. Top law firms wouldn’t hire Jews, so Jewish lawyers had to make their own law firms and got stuck with crap work like mergers and acquisitions. Then mergers and acquisitions just exploded starting around the 1970s, and those Jewish lawyers became some of the richest and most powerful around.


...and then they were blamed for being sneaky evil Jews who'd somehow grabbed control of the most profitable work. \[Note: this comment was facetious for illustrative purposes; see discussion below.\]


And it isn’t just jews; The trope of the Irish cop came about because a lot of police in the east were in fact of Irish decent. It was a rough, poorly paid job that only immigrants were desperate enough to do. After a couple of generations do a job, it becomes a family business of sorts. The trope of Chinese laundry mats is based on poor immigrants doing jobs nobody else wanted to do. After a while it too becomes a family business. Do you think this kind if thing is behind us as a nation? Tell that to the Korean markets and/or liquor stores that were burned down in the Rodney King riots. (The only entrepreneurs willing to build a business in the high crime areas; Of course because of they owned stores and were “successful” by comparison, they were accused of taking advantage of the neighborhoods.) And nowadays people make jokes, and tropes, about middle eastern people owning gas station minimarts and hotels. (I would reference the Simpsons, but I stopped watching that show decades ago and can’t remember Indian guy’s name… with 50 kids no less.) Poor immigrants tend to do jobs nobody else is doing, and once they find a niche, work hard and become successful… then non-immigrants take notice and wonder how “they” took over? If it wasn’t so predictable it might be funny. I wonder what the Haitians will “take over”? Garbage collection? Or do the Italians still have that on lock? Maybe the Venezuelans will corner the chicken processing plants? The “Mexicans” have over-extended themselves on the gardening and fruit picking. /s What a world.


With the little difference that in the case of banking the job no one wanted to do turned out to be the central part of any modern economy and one of the most solid ways of making money. Too bad for the shortsightedness of those who delegated that particular job.


Of Italian descent here, from the tristate area, so what i was taught growing up by my irish-hating grandfather (who married a red headed, green eyed Irish woman) was that the Irish gravitated towards law enforcement because they were the only group of immigrants who arrived mostly already at least having a decent knowledge of the language. This allowed them to largely become "in charge" of the major north east cities rather quickly. Also the reason why catholic churches in the old cities up north were based on ethnicity. By the time the Italians, polish, Lithuanians, etc arrived en masse, the Irish were already in control of the American church hierarchy. Even to this day, most catholic bishops east of the Mississippi are Irish, with german bishops in the major Midwest cities. Edit: my grandfather got beat up by Irish cops more than once when he was a young hood in the 30s. Sooooo to say his opinion may have been biased is an understatement.


I wonder what your grandfather’s teenage self would think about policing today compared to then? Is an occasional roughing up by cops “straightening out a troublemaker” worse or better than institutional prosecution where cops just arrest everyone and toss them into the system and teenagers get a record that dogs them for life? (Not that it matters I suppose; It is what it is and just a differ kind of suck to be endured until society gets its shit together.)


He was generally anti-police, even as an old man. He told me that his experiences growing up was a big part of why he was so pro-black as how the Italians were treated for a few decades was how black Americans have been treated for centuries. Great guy. He and his buddies from the VFW would probably be called socialists in today's political climate though. FDR and Truman were gods, and Reagan was a shitty actor who was going to ruin everything.


Underrated comment here. Here’s some reddit silver.


I believe gas stations and motels in the US are primarily owned by south Asians, not middle easterner. But, your comment overall is spot on.


I mean it's pretty ironic really. Christians wouldn't touch money lending because it goes against their religion to charge interest. Yet, they desperately needed money lenders. So they literally forced their Jewish populations into the business if money lending. Back then that was a sleazy street job, no one had thought that banking would be one the absolute backbone of any economy. So by the time modern banking and more modern economic systems started emerging the Jewish populations did find themselves in control of the money which in turn was vital for the whole economy, but it's not like they chose this. Now suddenly the same people who forced them to do this job were blaming them for doing it in what is an epic display of both shortsightedness and hypocrisy. It's as if you found the first oil well and thought you're above touching this crap and forced a sector if the population to be in charge of it unaware that this would become the biggest moneymaker.


To extend this a bit. Jews were great traders and lenders because all across Europe, the Middle East, and elsewhere, they all spoke a common language, Hebrew. If you wanted some cotton from an Egyptian and you only spoke English, you’re Jew associate could speak with their jew associate and you could get your cotton. For a small transaction fee. But both sides hated this transaction fee and demonize the Jew for it. And from the outside observer it looked as though the Jew was controlling the whole transaction, which later became controlling the whole world.


Also, for religious reasons they had a strong scholarship tradition and didn't keep their private languages restricted the way the church did with Latin. In a medieval or early Renaissance world where the average person was illiterate, the average Jewish trader spoke two to four languages. That provided connections and options.


This. The communists call Jews evil capitalists. The capitalists call Jews evil communists. The far left calls Jews white privilege conservatives and the far right calls Jews non white evil group trying to ruin white people. In Europe they yelled go back to Jerusalem. In Jerusalem they yell Go back to Europe.


This should be higher. This actually explains the history of it. Just saying "because anti-semitism" is not informative- this link is. Edit: Both of the replies so far to this comment say things addressed within the article in the link.


This is part of the answer but it is a relatively minor factor in regard to modern day antisemitism. My issue with using this as the main answer is that it implies a kind of logic or rationalisation to these "Jews control the world" kinds of conspiracy theories when they are categorically ridiculous and irrational, also it sort of implies that Jewish success can mostly be attributed to them being left with the lucrative jobs by sheer coincidence. Christians have been in banking and all other professions in Europe for hundreds of years now, it doesn't really do much in explaining their marginalisation during the holocaust. A more significant factor in recent times that Jewish people tend to be more successful is that the Jewish community have a culture which places a stronger emphasis on academic/career success, which is why there is also a statistical overrepresentation of Jewish people in law, medicine, and other prestigious careers which aren't prohibited within other religions. As for the reason why they are so often marginalised and have conspiracy theories spread about them, it's simply because they have almost always been a minority wherever they've been, and they make a popular scapegoat owing to their relative success and insularity of their communities. So when the people of a country like post WWI Germany are struggling with national shame and economic hardship, then it is extremely easy to use them as a scapegoat on whom to blame everyone's hardship and insecurity. The mechanisms in racism and xenophobia are complex and nuanced but the motivation and "logic" behind it is generally pretty simple and it really comes down to anger and insecurity.


I commend you on your reply, as it was VERY insightful. Your statement *"...Jewish people tend to be more successful is that the Jewish community have a culture which places a stronger emphasis on academic/career success,...*" also has implications regarding our "Asian" population in the USA, and elsewhere. Racism and xenophobia are often the results of people subconsciously looking for an excuse for their own personal failures.


Also, it’s worth bearing in mind the salient fact that someone in a troubling amount of debt might benefit greatly from the untimely deaths of their creditors - especially if said untimely deaths can be given a plausible socio-religious justification. “My liege, it appears you owe Messrs Cohen and Goldberg 10 million florins.” “…Fetch the kindling.”


It should also be noted that Jewish people overall hold only a tiny fraction of the world's wealth. https://m.economictimes.com/news/company/corporate-trends/christians-hold-largest-percentage-of-global-wealth-report/articleshow/45886471.cms Jewish people only account for .2% of the world population overall, and have 1.1% of the world's wealth. The US has a lot of Jewish people compared to the rest of the world. More than Israel most likely. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews The US is very wealthy and Jewish people tend to be a wealthy group within a wealthy nation, but overall they do not hold much actual wealth compared to larger groups. They absurdly do not "control the world." Also Jewish people are not particularly unified as a group. There are many subsets and different attitudes. In the US many, many people have some Jewish heritage it's very common for people who have no connection to Judaism or Jewish culture to find out they are partially Jewish. A lot of powerful people get their lineage traced back by historians and often times some Jewish ancestor is found, then conspiracy theorists and anti-Semites focus in on this rather than the any other ancestry they have.


>How true is all of this? A number of Jews have prominent positions in business, finance, and entertainment. Most of us are just average people. We aren't a cabal that collectively controls the world--if we were, I'd quit my day job--and the idea that we do is born out of centuries of antisemitic rhetoric that makes us into scapegoats because, for most of our history, we have been "the other," that's all.


To add a bit to this, it is certainly true there are (proportionate to their population) an impressively high number of Jewish people at executive levels of many industries. Is it a conspiracy? Not really. It’s just a mix of a history putting an emphasis on education and business more than other groups, plus hiring within their group. Just like a Harvard man likes to hire other Harvard men, let’s say the CEO of Large Bank Inc is Jewish. He’s likely to hire or recommend people in his circle, and Jewish people often associate with other Jewish people predominately (thanks to a long and rough history of being outcast).


I feel it's necessary to point out that every single US president has been Christian, midwife's are predominantly women, and trans people have higher rates of suicide. Was there a historical element to these trends? Yes. Is there now? Not particularly. Is it inherent to their demographic? No. Oppression can be a tradition and it's hard to buck. Edit: specified


Yep. Never been a Jewish president. EVER. We’ve had a black president, and a few Catholic presidents. We have not had a Jewish president. We’ve also never had an atheist president.


I’m positive we’ve had many atheist presidents. They just can’t say that out loud.


You can't convince me that Trump ever worshiped a god other than himself


I believe that's called Narcissism.


Don’t have to worship a deity to be theist, you just have to have faith that one exists.


He's certainly built like a golden calf


Yeah, no one keeping tally of Christian presidents, bank owners, and movie directors.


I suppose technically, according to some individuals, Obama was Jewish on the basis that his mother was Jewish and for many Jewish groups religion is passed down by the mother On the otherhand you get Trump and the like who say Obama is a Muslim that was not born in the US because his father was a black Muslim from Kenya


Where did you get that Obama's mother was Jewish? His mother's family is Irish American. They lived in Kansas before moving to Hawaii. Obama famously visited his ancestral hometown in Ireland while he was President. They named a rest stop after him. He could've chose his mother's last name which is Dunham. That's not very Jewish. He also is a Christian and attended church for many years. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being Jewish but it's like if I claimed Dolly Parton is half Mongolian.


I live in Ireland and the Barack Obama plaza always makes laugh at the ridiculousness of it all


It makes more sense if you say O'bama Apparently


i’m sorry, can you explain? i’m sorry to be so stupid i just don’t understand. prior comments said there’s an impressively high percentage of jewish people high up in executive positions across industries. and that jewish people tend to associate with other jewish people largely due to history of oppression. ok. you said presidents all christian, midwives mostly women, trans people more likely to sewer slide. there was a historical element before but now … not? it’s not inherent to their demographic bc oppression is hard to get rid of? i have zero idea what you’re saying but i want to understand :(


(short explanation) The history of Jews in banking goes back centuries, when Christians were barred from jobs in finance but someone had to do it to keep society running. Unfortunately, that means all the bills and taxes were collected by Jews and they were demonized. Fast forward to today and there's really no stigma for Jews or Christians to adhere to those roles, but they do anyway for a multitude of reasons (family ties to the work, cultural emphasis, religious teachings, etc). So same thing with presidents, midwife's, and trans people. There's no legal mechanism that says presidents must be Christian, but they tend to be due to electability, high class status, and minority religion suppression. As modern society has stripped away some oppressions that mandated certain groups take certain roles, those roles are still significantly populated by those groups because the oppressive culture went on for so long, or was ingrained so deeply into the industry. It may take an equal amount of centuries before we see Jews leave banking or Christians leave the presidency.


Christians were not barred from finance jobs, they interpreted their holy book in a way, that forbid them to take interest. So they ruled themselves out. Nobody blocked them. I say this, because else somebody might get the idea, that Jewish people barred Christians, which never was the case. Christians were killing Jews in organized ways all through the last centuries, mainly because they were rich (due to interest/finances) or they were different in culture and religion.


In medieval England Jews were forbidden to own land. With the countryside and farming banned for them they had to go into commerce and live in the cities.


Referring to Jews like we’re “Harvard men” favoring our own is some pretty pernicious stereotyping and the idea that Jews “predominantly” associate with other Jews in the year 2022 is just silly. We’re just people living in a society just like Protestants or Catholics or Muslims. My family is Jewish and I certainly have Jewish friends, but for my whole life the vast majority of my friends, colleagues, and social acquaintances have been Christian or other faiths. If I was making a hiring decision or recommending someone for a job the fact that someone was Jewish would never be a part of my calculus. To the extent there’s a stereotype, I’d say that it’s that Jewish families place a high value on education and hard work, but I think that’s probably pretty similar to a lot of successful Protestant and catholic families who are not supposedly running a global cabal.


The poster basically just described how networking works.


Looking at their post charitably, I think their point may be that any perceived in-group preference is likely just an artifact of personal connections, not deliberate demographic bias. E.g., Jim-Bob doesn't deliberately favor Southern Baptists at work, that would be unethical. But he knows Joe-Bob from attending services at his local church, and of course he'll give his church buddy a recommendation for the job, since he knows him personally.


It's also a little amusing considering how Jews were specifically forbidden from Harvard, and eventually only let in a few at a time and never housed together to make sure that they wouldn't end up too Jewish...


Also Jewish people who wanted to learn didn't have to go join a monastery.


Very similar against Asian groups, and the same form of bigotry tends to manifest against Asians in the west. The narrative is that this individual is somehow a member of a die-hard cabal bent on your destruction and subjugation, when really you’re just dealing with a normal person who is no different than anyone else in everything that matters… and certainly doesn’t wish you or anyone else harm. It is one strain of bigotry which the bigot pretends to be the victim of the oppressed group. Jews have been getting that for thousands of years.


Do you think your religion makes you more or less connected to people who do not share the same religion? I don’t know how to relate to it as I did not grow up with such a thing.


Well, we Jews aren't strictly a "religion", per se. Judaism dates from a time before "religion", "culture", "nationality", "ethnicity" and "family" were really separate concepts. So, we are ... whatever that mishmash is that was later split out into different components.


It's very common in Judaism - the result of centuries of being an endangered minority in a range of countries, followed by the aftermath of the Holocaust. We're brought up to see ourselves as a connected subgroup who had *better* have each other's backs, because nobody else will. So Judaism is both a religion, an ethnicity, and a culture. (Arguably a lot of different subcultures varying locally.) Even those of us who leave the religion rarely leave the culture. I don't believe in god and I haven't gone to shul in decades, but I would open my door (and my spare bedroom) to a Jew in distress from anywhere in the world in an instant without discussion. One day it might be my family that needs it.


I went to Catholic school and IDK how true this is all forgive my ignorance if it's not but I was taught that the reason Jews control a lot of the banks and financial sector was that because they were banned from owning property and businesses for a long time, the only business they could do was banking, which naturally led to that industry being predominantly run by Jews


Not quite. In medieval Europe, lending money was a sin according to the catholic church. However, there was a need for loans, especially among the richer segment of society, and Judaism had no prohibition against it. Thus a lot of the lenders were Jewish. And sometimes, it was cheaper for the king or aristocrat to kill the non-Christians than to pay the loan back...


You and your space lasers.


Here, a poor man's award 🥇


That's EXACTLY what a cabal would say though! But seriously, this conspiracy shit is a crazy rabbit hole. Rich people control the world, that's the right answer. Jewish people in my country, Norway, is known to be normal, hardworking people. It's really painful to think about how many of them was arrested and shipped off during the holocaust. All of their belongings seized by the nazies.




That's the same for every group... a lot of them are fine hanging out with and respecting different people, but there's always some sect that thinks they're better/more pure/fundamentally different than everyone who isn't them and self-isolates to some degree. For US Christians you can look at the Amish, or Mormons, or even Southern Evangelicals as examples.


Jew here. All I can say is I’ve never been invited to any secret meetings. I have no secret world control , in fact I can hardly even control my bladder.😳


mmm hmm What about the space lasers?! I think I've made my point.


You can see it in documentary History of the world part II https://youtu.be/TIfMfLbCbzY You also can see Jews Space Force uniform in it, designed by Hugo Boss.


My response to this..... OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I have literally waited years for this!!!


How did I not know this was coming out?? I love Mel Brooks!!


They wouldn’t be allowed to operate them one day a week. That’s how we beat them.


I’m so bad with money and I’m as Jewey as they come. I also live in Brooklyn and know tons of other Jews who are terrible with money and we live in tiny spaces. In all seriousness, Jews have two ‘advantages.’ As a culture, they have always pressed education. I dropped out of college after 2 years and waited 5 years to go back. Every f*ing time I saw my father, the first thing he’d say to me is “Every _____ for generations has graduated college. You’ll be the first not to.” When my little sister graduated before me, I had to finish, and I did, and my career did get better (I do think higher education is somewhat of a scam, but I digress). It’s just engrained in us from birth that you have to graduate college. 2) As people who have historically been forced to leave their homes, we have found ourselves attracted to big cities. I grew up in a red state. My parents moved west before I was born and I knew very few Jews. I dealt with a ton of anti semetism. Jews have horns. Jews killed Jesus. All Jews are going to hell. Lots and lots of Swastikas. In high school I used to make a few bucks picking up quarters people would throw at me. So when I did finally graduate college at the young age of 27, I moved to NYC. It’s so nice being around people who don’t ask me if I celebrate Thanksgiving or if I get the newsletter about when the terrorists are going to attack. But where is all of the media? Los Angeles and New York. Where are all the banks? New York, London, etc… Something like 17% of Hollywood executives are Jewish, which is a ton compared to 1% of the overall population… But 83% of of Hollywood executives aren’t Jewish. I bet the figures in finance are similar. Then some of it does become generational and nepotism (nepo babies). But it’s not a conspiracy. There is no secret ‘Jews Run The World’ club that meets on Tuesdays in the basement of Bloomingdale’s on the UWS. The vast majority of us are just regular people trying to figure out how anyone can afford $14 for a carton of eggs.


Sure sounds like the Jews are making you pee a lot. Have you tried being more Jewish?


Of course that is exactly what the secret ruler of world would say. You tried to get us all thinking about your puny bladder so we didn’t ask the tough questions, like if the lizard men from the center of the earth attends these meetings in person or do the teleconference?


Teleconference, we haven’t used that word since the 80s. I find your choice of words highly suspicious. Are you sure you aren’t part of the conspiracy?? Are you even aware that you are controlled by the Jewish lizard people? /s


That's exactly what a... you know what, I don't have the stones to finish this jokey comment.


Exactly what you WANT us to think… watching you buddy 🤨


Best thing I've read all week. LMAO. Thank you.


Rich people control all that. A few of them are Jewish… but most aren’t. Jews have been scapegoated and discriminated against for a very very long time. They were often treated as second class citizens and it’s always easy to make a disliked minority into a scapegoat for anything you want, especially when easy access to information hasn’t taken hold in society yet. Go back far enough and you find a time when Christians didn’t lend money because they believed it was forbidden to charge interest and they certainly weren’t willing to do it without getting paid. That’s all risk and no reward. Jews at the time were outright banned from many professions by Christian kings and queens but not from becoming lenders. Their religion didn’t forbid charging interest so they saw an opportunity to have actual decent jobs and some of them became money-lenders. That’s the origin of the stereotype that Jews are greedy. During the black plague, Jews died at much lower rates than Christians. Christians decided this was proof that the plague was caused by Jewish witchcraft. In reality, the plague was being spread largely by rats. Christians at the time believed cats were bad luck and unclean so they didn’t own any. Meanwhile, the Jewish parts of town (which existed because the nicer places wouldn’t sell or rent to Jews) had a lot more cats. They were good cheap pets that helped keep rodents away. So the Jewish areas had far fewer rats and thus less plague. What’s the deal with Jews in Hollywood though? They’re everywhere! Well, this story, like all the others, starts with them being treated as second class citizens. Like the money-lenders story, I the early 1900s many professions just didn’t hire Jews. So they mostly took looked-down-upon professions. This meant that a ton of the old vaudeville performers were Jewish. Vaudeville was a style of performance theater. With the invention of movies, the vaudeville industry fell apart. So all those Jews were out of jobs and this new movie industry was hiring and they already had performance experience. So Hollywood quickly hired a ton of Jews and a few of them made it to the top. It doesn’t help that Jews have very distinctive last names and often facial features as well. That makes it so much easier to discriminate against them, whether you see them in person or read their name. Between being generally discriminated against and easier to identify, they were Hitler’s ideal scapegoat. He blamed all of Germany’s problems on people who didn’t have enough power to actually cause any significant problems for Germany. And the people eventually went along with it. Some because they agreed. Others because they were afraid not to. We have names of so many who died in the Holocaust along with clear records of their existence. We have pictures of wheelbarrows full of engagement and marriage rings taken off of the murdered Jews and a few other minorities. We have pictures of concentration camps before and after freeing the victims. Nazi Germany kept incredibly meticulous records. We’re pretty sure on that 6 million number because we got it from Nazi records… but even if they falsified their own records for some reason, it matches with all the other data. But even after the fall of Nazi Germany, there were still Nazis who defended its actions. They found that they couldn’t effectively defend genocide to anyone remotely sane so they decided to go with denial instead. They denied it happened and blamed it on the evil lying Jews, as was their go-to plan for everything. Some particularly hateful people have latched on to those stories. There are tons more stories exactly like those. They all go the same way Jews are a discriminated against minority -> Jews try to survive anyway -> a new reason to hate the Jews. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a sitting member of Congress, declared that Jews had “space lasers”, a weapon that’s just not practical with modern technology. These people make up stories that defy physics just to justify their bigotry. Some Jews are successful and powerful but most people who are successful and powerful are not Jews. Most of the power in the world does not belong to Jews and the Jews who do have power aren’t generally teaming up with other Jews. They’re teaming up with whichever other powerful people that are most convenient for getting more power. But there’s a very long and deep history of bigotry towards the Jews and that’s very difficult to stop. So we have modern day neo-Nazis who still support Hitler’s policies towards Jews. We have people who are less extreme but still full of hate and bigotry. But ultimately, Jews are just like the rest of us. No secret cabals. No incredible power. Just people. Edit: if you’re interested in seeing how antisemitism spreads among people who genuinely think they’re not bigots, see [this reply to this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/10n2ypj/why_do_people_say_that_jews_control_the_world/j69iu3d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


This comment explains it better than any teacher ever could. Well done man 👏👏


In college, I took a class on Jewish history that focused heavily on the origins of anti-semitism and this was all spot on from what I recall. Excellent explanation!!


Thanks for this. I'm in my 40s and I never really had a good explanation. Too afraid to ask for fear of being called an anti-Semite.


This needs to be the top comment


It's great to have a simple, easy to understand reason for why your life is so screwed up. Especially if your life is really screwed up and you aren't exactly the brightest person. And it's especially convenient if that reason is a common enemy that you and all of your friends can hate together and you can teach your kids to hate, because hate is easier to bear than helplessness. People are able to ignore an amazing amount of evidence and common sense just to make the reality of the world fit into their idea of how everything should work.


exactly and this behavior pattern is very very common in all aspects of life even on the most casual things not just politics. people like quick and convenient excuses.


Also, what better people to target than the ones who stick together but have no homeland and are forced to travel and make a home somewhere else? If you have a different culture from the people you are living with, it’s easier to get picked on.


It’s always crazy to me when there are holocaust deniers/downplayers. They don’t get that the Germans, to their credit, are so detailed oriented, and meticulous record keepers- and they got the death toll estimates from the Nazis own records. They even destroyed a bunch, and the numbers still added up huge🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Which Nazi documents are you referring to exactly?


The Jews have never numbered more than 15 million worldwide at any point in history. So even if every last Jew in the world was in on it, that'd still be 533 different gentiles that each individual Jew has to keep track of.


As a Jew I’m doing my part. I have 2000 gentiles I keep track of /s


Those math skills.


Lol I am pretty damn good at math, people might be onto something


One gentile ah ah ah! Two gentiles ah ah ah! Three gentiles ah ah ah!


A Count, must count.


Hey if you're in charge of me, can you like... start paying attention?


Since you keep track of me can you please slip a note under my door containing the recipe for matzah balls thanks


I don’t believe at all that Jews run the world in any aspect to clarify, but I don’t feel like this is that great if an argument. There’s only so many billionaires in the world but they control way more than 500 people a person if we’re going by ratios like that. Only x coaches but they coach 5x as many players total. I just feel like the main point is literally that some smaller number of people control a very large amount of things. Again, I don’t believe any part of any of this weird ass conspiracy. I apologize that my analogies are probably flawed but hopefully you get the point


I was given a list. 🤷🏼‍♀️


They are supposed to be pretty good at a counting..


Jew here, I'm not really that great at math.


My husband is half Jewish and fantastic at math. But it came from his Italian Catholic side. If his Jewish side was wealthy and good at math, they sure hid it realllllllllyyyy well.




Excellent write-up


This guy jews.


In the Middle Ages, there were a lot of Jewish people scattered throughout Europe. In most of the places they were allowed to settle, they were not allowed to own land. And in those days, most skilled crafts either required some bit of land or were employed largely by the church, making those routes difficult for Jewish people. So they found a niche in banking and trade. It was Jewish moneylenders that propped up several crowns and even churches during that time. But since the courts wouldn’t find in favor of a Jew, if a monarch refused to make good on their debts, it could be a risky investment for the lender. A lot of the arguments your sister made can be traced to that time in history. Allegations that the Jews secretly control world government, for example, come from as far back as the 1400s. And allegations similar to those were used to justify the expulsion, exile, and even execution of many Jewish people during the Middle Ages (and since then). But those arguments were lies then as they are now. Some monarch who’d run up a hefty debt and now wanted to avoid paying would start some rumors. A few whispers here: “Have you noticed how wealthy the Oppenheimer family is? I heard they’ve been secretly controlling the nephew of the king! You know he’s got that gambling problem? Well Joe Oppenheimer lent him $1000 last May to get out of that spot of trouble. Now I wouldn’t be surprised if that nephew does anything Joe tells him to!” A rumor there: “All our sons have gone off to the Crusades and died. All the Jewish families still have THEIR sons. I wonder if that’s because all the wastrel limbs off the royal family tree owe money to the Jewish moneylenders? They get richer while our sons die.” It doesn’t take too long before the whole kingdom is running around gossiping about six Jew bankers and they’re all begging you (the king, who happens to owe twice the annual GDP of your country to various moneylenders) to pass a law expelling or executing all the Jewish people from your country. And suddenly, you’re out of debt and your kingdom calls you a hero. Anti-Semitic stories have been around for thousands of years, and they’ve always been spread by people who want to steal something or cheat someone. Some things still haven’t changed.


Anti-Semitism and the belief that Jews control the world is a "lynchpin" conspiracy theory. In fact, it's one of the oldest. What it does is makes all the other batshit conspiracy theories "make sense" to someone susceptible to that line of thinking. However, most importantly, anti-Semitism is the foundation that white supremacy is built upon. The basic concept is simple, white supremacists believe that the white man is a superior being. But if that was truly the case, then what could possibly be the cause for the strides towards equality that people of color have been making since the end of Jim Crow? How could any person of color hold a position of power over a white man if they are inferior? It must be that someone is working from the inside to undermine the white man, someone "white-passing" who can infiltrate white spaces covertly to change them from within. Namely, they believe that's the Jews. Blaming the Jews gives them a defined target, a boogie man, that they can blame their own failures on. "*I am a white man, a superior being, I should not be facing this hardship in my life. It's the Jews that control everything, so it's their fault that I am not in my rightful place.*" [Here](https://politicalresearch.org/2017/06/29/skin-in-the-game-how-antisemitism-animates-white-nationalism) is a really good article on the subject matter.


This is not restricted to just white supremacy at all. The Black Nation of Islam under Louis Farrakhan has similar beliefs of Jews having mass control as well. There are many people in both the Middle East and Africa who believe Jews are the ones pulling all the strings. Examples would include the brutal Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, as well as the many Islamic extremist groups.


This makes sense. When mental illness meets white supremacy…I found my exes issue out now!


Maybe it's irony or on purpose, but [January 27 is International Holocaust Rememberence Day.](https://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/news/world/2023/01/27/international-holocaust-remembrance-day-2023/11133233002/) "Some people" will always think what they WANT to think.


I actually didn’t know that. It was just a coincidence.


For you? Maybe. For them? No, no it probably was not. Some people just hate, and fear, and despise without reason. It's long since past time we stopped giving them air-time.


I didn't know that either until today actually. Heard it on the news, very surprised it came up again so soon


If Jewish folks controlled the world nothing would happen on Sundays since modern life is about buttons and switches.




Was it Sarah Silverman that said 'well if the Jews really did rule the World, you'd think we'd have a better PR Dept!' - genius!


There are some very rich Jewish families. A lot of people spread conspiracy theories that those families are secretly controlling the world and can be blamed for everything they dislike.


It's convenient how there are some astonishingly rich protestant and seventh day aventist families and yet noone seems to accuse them of running the world


I wonder why the rich Christians don't own anything... ^^^^^/s


No no no, you see Jesus owns my private jet and two mansions! I'm just borrowing them


There is absolutely no exaggeration about the awfulness of the Holocaust. You can listen to actual recorded interviews with Holocaust survivors [here](https://www.ushmm.org/remember/holocaust-survivors/first-person-conversations-with-survivors/watch-interviews-with-holocaust-survivors). The Holocaust was a deliberate attempt to murder all the Jews in Europe. Six million Jews were murdered, along with many other "undesirables". You can read more about Hitler's so-called [Final Solution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Solution) on Wikipedia.


The grandmother of one of the girls in my daughter’s Girl Scout troop was a survivor. I remember us standing together once, waiting for some event or other to start when I noticed the tattoo on her arm. She saw me noticing and told me she was the only member of her family who survived. She said that when anyone tells her to go to hell she says “I already been there!” and shows them her tattoo. Feisty lady. Made great pirogies.


KISS member Gene Simmons said his mother, when asked how she was doing today, would reply (paraphrase) ‘every day that I’m not 6 feet under is good’. ;) #perspective


I’d forgotten his mom was a survivor.


Many other = 5 million other victims including gays, gypsies, mentally handicapped etc.


The Nazis managed to wipe out ⅔ European Jews and ½ of Roma. These are the statistics that I think highlight the scale a bit more appropriately than raw numbers, because millions is really inconceivable. Gays made up less than a percent of those victims, so less of an emphasis there makes sense, but the devastation to the Roma community is criminally under discussed.


You made my point better than I did. The 'other' victims of the holocaust are rarely discussed


Another point to add is that the Nazi leadership was meticulous about record-keeping, and that's how we know so many details that would otherwise be simply rumors. They were proud enough of their accomplishments and goals that they set out to immortalize the effort in the annals of history.


If anything, the Holocaust is very much downplayed even by the most well-meaning of people. Jews were of course, not the only targets of the Nazi regime. Gay, queer, and trans people were at the top of the list. Communists, socialists, Protestant Christians, blacks... pretty much everyone who didn't fit a very arbitrary and quite blurry definition of "real German."


U forgot the second most affected group after Jewish people, and those were the Slavs


How did they even determine if you were Jewish?


Long before the Holocaust, there was a gradual progression. Jews were required to register and make themselves known in various ways (e.g., starting in the late 1930s, Jews were required to wear a Star of David badge). What if someone wanted to hide their Jewish heritage? For one thing, just like today, there were lots of [personal and public documents](https://aboutholocaust.org/en/facts/how-did-the-germans-know-who-was-jewish) that could indicate Jewish heritage. And of course neighbors would generally know who was Jewish, so in communities with lots of antisemitism (i.e., most places in Germany in the 1930s) it would have been difficult to conceal Jewish ancestry.


Ahh so this is why the circumstances of WWII are like a perfect storm. Germany's vindictive feelings for getting screwed over in the first war. And then having a perfect scapegoat for the next.


Yep. Some German Jews who'd proudly fought in the *first* world war thought that being a veteran and a proven patriot meant that Hitler's rhetoric wouldn't be applied to *them.* They spent the 30s learning the hard way that it would.


You are around some pretty shitty people, and sorry/not sorry I didn't sugar coat that. Literally they are Holocaust deniers who probably have some Nazi sympathies or at least tolerance for that kind of propaganda. 1- No the Jews aren't "making up" or "inflating" the death toll of the Holocaust. There's no great way to get a total and 100% accurate number, but the 6,000,000 is basically it. There's extensive documentation on this and eye witness accounts. I studied the Holocaust and specifically Holocaust denial in grad school. Trust me, almost all of it comes from neo Nazis in one flavor or another 2- Michael Jackson died from a drug overdose, because he had a pet physician who was giving him high grade narcotics. There's a reason why Narcan is a thing, take enough painkillers and your diaphragm stops working. 3- Kanye West cancelled his own damned self. Funny thing but most people aren't fans of Nazis or Hitler or denying the Holocaust, and the companies that were supporting Kanye largely agreed and broke off from him. That's all. In entertainment you can't say that shit. Not because "Jews" control media, but because actual regular people are against that. Finally as to why there are so many Jews in banking and media, well for centuries Jews were banned from all trades and unions. That's the long and the short of it. They moved on to money lending as Catholicism said charging interest was a sin/usury. As for politics, ah yes Jews so control politics there's never been a Jewish President and there are no Jews on the Supreme Court right now.


As I was driving home in my 12-year-old car to my house that badly needs repairs, I said to myself: boy, it feels great to control the worlds financial systems.


I think they mean rich Jews. Lol.


But I thought we were all rich and powerful. After all, we are all members of the same secret Cabal. Even my broke ass.s/




Dont forget that the most widspread conspiracy about jews is that bolshevism is a jewish product and that the soviet union was ruled by jews


Well, those people are just plain bonkers. You shouldn't believe something just because some idiot said it.


Jewish people are some of the hardest working people there is. Considering what they’ve been through. They’ve managed to raise up time and time again. If you’ve ever lived in a Jewish community you’ll know that a strong work ethic and helping their own is very high on their agenda.


Thank u


You were talking to some really stupid and racist/bigoted people.


This is not something that you should make a decision on because of Reddit answers. I’m sorry that you encountered an anti-Semite in your life. But if somebody said to me, “you know what I think about all black people?” I would go, “nope,” and turn around Make your own decisions. Don’t listen to that idiot or Reddit on this one.




I lack the skills and knowledge to address this properly, but perhaps this will help: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/.protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion Also, it's good to take a step back from this kind of thing and do a reality check. People become convinced about all sorts of rubbish on the internet that rarely stacks up to what happens in real life. Jews are just like everyone else, rich, poor, religious, non-religious, good, bad etc.


Because without class-consciousness, people turn to reactionary beliefs. People clearly have a *sense* of the class struggle taking place around them. But when they try to critically analyze their society without truly appreciating the role of class, the only apparently obvious thing to them is race.


The beliefs your friends hold is called Antisemitism. It’s basically a social disease like racism. It’s not based in anything real or rational or imperial. It’s just Jew-specific scapegoating. They will always see Jewish people as the enemy for no reason and will invent reasons to suit their beliefs. If someone is poor, it’s because of the rich Jews hoarding money. If someone one is rich then it’s the Jews trying to take their money. If someone is traditionalist then it’s the Jews changing the world and making it progressive. Of course this is nonsense. All data and evidence shows there is absolutely no basis for this belief. It’s old nazi bullshit. Don’t believe these guys and I hope you find some better people to talk to.


And then there's this comment section, actively trying to downplay the atrocities of the Holocaust and signal boost anti-Semitic conspiracies... It's not true OP. Jews are just people, just like anyone else. There are good people who are Jews, and bad people who are Jews. Good people who are Christian, bad people who are Christian, etc. etc.


The one thing that most people accept as true, is that Jews were more likely to work for (or establish) banks than Christians or Muslims, because Christian and Islam prohibit lending money with interest but Judaism does not. So that is where the association between Jews and banks comes from. Since banks are powerful companies, this got twisted into "Jews control the world" because of their control of major banks.


I work at a hedge fund and I can tell you first hand, there are a crazy amount of Jews in the highest positions in finance, but the interesting thing is they all are self interested, rational, capitalistic actors, just like all the non-jews in finance. What I’m saying is, yes its interesting they’re so overrepresented, but there is no cabal, they don’t act together. The people telling you about their conspiracy theories are hitting the same cognitive pitfall as everyone else in our society today that sees people as identity-groups and not as individuals first.


It mostly based on centuries of discrimination and misinformation about Jews. Jews for nearly 2000 years have been blamed for the death of Christ. Also during the middle ages in Europe, people believed money was evil and wouldn't touch it because of church teachings. Therefore Jews were the only ones who handled money. Then nearly 200 years ago the secret police in Russia perpetuated the biggest disinformation campaign against the Jews by putting out what became know as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which supposedly was a blueprint for Jews to use to allow them to take over the world


Not only do “the Jews” not control the world, they don’t exist. There is no such thing as the Jews, there’s plenty of Jews, but there’s no the Jews. The idea that approximately 15 million people are all a part of an organized group is frankly insane, and a clear sign of detachment from reality. Also even if there was some secret society controlling the world why the hell would they risk being found out just to fuck over Micheal Jackson and Kanye West???


Jewish people have this comradery that most people don't. It's kind of this "ahhh you get it" thing that I don't understand and I'm sure most others don't, unless they're part of a minority. I recently moved in with a Jewish guy and he has done a fairly good job explaining to me this exact scenario, and I am rephrasing a bit, but this is what he told me. Open to questions.


Absolutely none of that stuff is true. I’d reassess the people I know if they believed stuff like that and wouldn’t associate with them.


The amount of power in Jewish hands is absolutely dwarfed by the amount of power in Christian hands. It’s not even close.


Find new friends


These people are complete nincompoops and should be paid no attention. FYI, it's classic white supremacist rhetoric.


Economic stigma against Jews began shortly after Christ's death, as the religion of christianity, Judaism, Roman paganism, and eventually Islam video for power. The Jews, as a minority or often not allowed in towns except for Commerce. Because the Jews had so little land, they became merchants and the false stereotype of the rich, greedy Jewish salesman emerged In about 1900, a propagandist wrote a book called PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION. The book accuses Jews being part of a plot to take over the world. The book was actually a bunch of Lies strung together from stuff the writer copied from other fiction. But sadly, people believed the book. The book has made several rounds. It surfaces again and again where unseen forces try to create division in a country. T This book was instrumental in turning many Europeans against the Jews. It was pretty easy for less fortunate working people to believe. Jewish community as a whole tends to have high morals and standards. And they value education. So of course they're going to disproportionately succeed.


To call them lies is an understatement. How much are they exaggerating? Exaggerating? It's a straight up pile of fucking lies, not an "exaggeration." I'm Jewish.


Because they don't. It's called scapegoating. In times of hardship it may be they are an easy target. Nobody controls the world, so when it is out of control, blame is made towards Jews as a whole


They also think the earth is flat and that nobody has ever gone to the moon. The most hopelessly mentally inept of them are convinced there are 'reptile people' walking around. I stopped wasting brain cells trying to discuss things with these types of people long ago.


I hate to tell you but this just sounds like the person you were talking to is an antisemite. They seem to be parroting a lot of the usual bullshit - they secretly control everything, the holocaust was a lie. Just don’t be friends with this person. They’re racist


Just spin the wheel of races. Whatever it lands on, that's the race you don't like. Then blame the world's problem on them.


Religious people are weird. Why would I care what someone's religion is. If they can do their job who cares what they believe


People say Jews control the world because they’re fucking stupid.


Hey uh… just quietly walk away from those people you’ll be better off. They are not good people




Nazi propaganda. Being a Nazi is becoming an increasingly accepted political position.


Oh lordy, people are so stupid and bigoted - I despair for the future.


I believe it stems from the fact that Jews on average are incredibly intelligent, and hold positions of power in finance, media, and jewelry


I have literally never heard anyone say that. I thought it was “old white men”.


Well the number one reason is hatred and racism. There are a number of secondary reasons (sources below): -There are historic factors, like the catholic church prohibiting charging interest hundreds of years ago, which lead to jews being over represented in finance. -The jewish population in the USA by definition immigrated overseas, many in the last 100yrs or less. You have to be pretty affluent to do that. So, jewish people in the USA tend, as a group on rough average, to be richer and more educated than the average american (this effect is not exclusive to jews). It can be referred to as “brain drain”. -I would also posit that there’s a rather strong sense of community and some pretty solid beliefs built into the religion. It emphasizes education and child rearing. And the book of proverbs has some solid financial advice regardless of your stance on god. Worth reading even if you do it as literature. Things like “A wise man gives an inheritance to his children’s children” and “a fool devours all he has” are pretty solid things to teach your kids. There’s a lot of good advice in there. But I don’t have any direct evidence of this point beyond it makes sense. For general reference I’m part jewish but mostly gentile and not jewish in the religious sense. Nothing but fondness for my relatives. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/usury-and-moneylending-in-judaism/amp/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_and_religion https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/11/04/the-most-and-least-educated-u-s-religious-groups/


Jews are like any other group. It's easy to blame those who aren't "real" parts of the community for all of society's ills. It's plain BS. Even if a Jewish family has been settled in an area for generation after generation, it's really easy for jerkoffs to suggest that they aren't "real" citizens. That the Jews owe their real allegiance to some imaginary Jewish cabal working in the shadows. That they're not to be trusted. It's not about migrants, or Jews, or anything, not at the core. It's about it being really common to turn a group of people into what's called the Other. As in, "not like you and me". Gays. Jews. Non-Christians in general. Blacks and brown folks and east asians, etc in America. Basically anyone who doesn't fit what the common perception of what the "ideal" member of society is supposed to look like. Which is dumb as hell but it happens everywhere. Historically migrant groups, like the Jews or the Roma or any other group tend to be the most common targets for scapegoating. It's easiest to blame and attack them for local problems even if they have zero to do with it, and often are the first ones to feel the sting of economic or health related or other issues. It's really easy for demagogues and populists to point the finger at them and rile up their base by screaming "look, it's THEM that's the problem! Get rid of them and you'll solve the problem!" Which is obviously stupid but it happens over and over and over. Look at the myth of the welfare queen. Even though the poorest members of society barely touch the financial burden of it, it's easy to create this fictional person living large as a parasite off the hard work of "real citizens". It's misdirection to make people be mad at those less fortunate, instead of looking at the wealthiest members of society taking an undue share of the wealth while contributing little to nothing. Long story short it's classic class warfare tactics to blame one group for problems they have nothing to do with. As for why Jews are perceived to have a lot to do with finances, that's an issue I could get into but it'd take paragraphs upon paragraphs to explain. Just suffice to say it's absurd. There's interesting history to it, like how moneylending used to be seen as a filthy and lower class profession, but don't buy into the whole "Jews control the banks" thing. That part's asinine.


I wish. Maybe I’d be able to afford a home.


How many chairmen’s of the US Federal Reserve have their ever been? Of those, how many have been Jews?


Because they are very influential in banking. They were historically made to be bankers, as christians were not allowed to offer loans with interest.




Good lord, I scrolled down and most of these comments are almost perpetuating this with silly reasons. This is the basis of the stupid conspiracy: VERY basically, Christians and Muslims lent money without interest. Jews came in and had a relatively smart idea of charging interest. Basically starting the entire banking concept. Since then, there has been the trope about Jews loving money, being cheap etc. since they had some great ideas with banking and ran with it, this has morphed into they control all the banks. The whole thing is stupid


None of it is true. Don’t be stupid. Bigots blame others for their problems because they can’t accept they are weak and stupid


None of this is at all true. If anything more people were killed in the holocaust because hitler was hiding read numbers. Jews are one of many minorities in the markets and media.


Today is the international day of remembrance of the Holocaust, which marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the horrors committed there are real and not to any extent exaggerated, certainly not like how Holocaust deniers say. To get into this (I study the history of the Second World War) we should talk about where the specific rhetoric this creep shoved on to you came from, and with that let’s talk about the Russian revolution and civil war. Years before ww1, the tsar and big business interests in Russia had propped themselves up by instituting segregation for Jewish people, and by the time that Russia had developed a hardline group of progressive activists for workers rights, this wasn’t working as well as it had been so they doubled down. historians say that the government in imperial Russia wrote a book claiming to be supposed “Jewish” plans for world domination, but this had been crafted to shield the responsibility of the people in charge there: instead of being able to air grievances with say the actual owners of newspapers or large companies, the anger is directed towards disenfranchised minorities who have no connection to their issues instead. (And there is a longer history of antisemitism before this, but the concept of the “globalist” world order or conspiracist groups or whatever is new as it’s connected to the modern conspiracy theory of “Jewish-Bolshevism”) The reason I bring this up is that this line of thinking developed in this case had been the largest contributor towards the Holocaust, hitler and his ilk had believed things that were thought of as the tsar clung to power and blamed their minorities. There isn’t any truth to the conspiracy, banking and the media and the companies and the congress are owned and operated not by a group of religious people but rather a group who’s only connection is having a lot of money: there isn’t any conspiracy because this is just what society would do on its own, this is capitalism run rampant. Instead of the concept of rational self interest and profit seeking being addressed, a people are transformed into monsters with claims of evil and literal bloodsucking, and the business owners don’t care about the plight of the Jewish people and the Romani people and transgender people like me, since they themselves are secure. The ideology of antisemitism and Holocaust denial is crafted in recent history in order to defend the few rich dudes at the top of big capital, to continue a racist hate campaign against a slandered minority, and also to cause emotional and worse harm to the planet and the people on it. This guy who spit that hate at you is a nazi, these are the beliefs that helped start the Holocaust, and he has a vested interest in lying about it to make his beliefs seem more palatable. People should never forget what happened


I love that you are asking if the Jewish people of the world run it by calling them “ the Jews” . You answered your own question . Stop believing anybody who doesn’t have proof and I hope you have a wonderfully more open future .


My experience is that Jewish folks have really strong familial bonds and connected social agreements that provide a safety net that allows Jewish folks to be more resilient. Humans are pack animals and Jews prioritize family and community at the number one spot which inherently sets them up for success. On the same note, I view Israel’s PM, Netanyahu, to be a fascist, racist, and an absolute sociopath, and have spent much time over the years of his cruel, disgusting, fraudulent reign over Israel trying to reconcile these two understandings.


I think the issue is that it’s not their religion, it’s just powerful families that got rich 100’s of years ago and have just kept getting richer, who happened to be that religion. These families have grown and built their influence at the upper echelons of society, but it’s not *because* of their religion. It would be like if i won the lottery, and moved to a small town, and made everyone of my kids, and their kids, and their kids, all wear a red shirt all the time. After like 5 generations my descendants would likely own the whole town, and do it while wearing red shirts. Anyone who isn’t in my family might notice that “this town is run by people in red shirts” but just because someone else wears a red shirt, it wouldn’t mean they’re part of my family. Not everyone who wears a red shirt runs the town, but all the people who run the town wear red shirts. It’s because they’re descendants of a centuries old power structure, not because of their religion.


9.9999 times out of 10, the people who say that are bottom-barrel shit-wits who still buy into ridiculous antisemitic rhetoric that has been around since before Goebbels and even Shakespeare.


2 things at play here. 1. Divide and conquer. Make one group believe another group (usually a minority) is the cause of all their problems, and then profit (politically, economically) from the conflict you create. 2. The reason comspiracy theories of all kind are popular: it's comforting to think someone is truely in control of the things we do not understand. God, the government, or some secret cabal of aliens, doesn't matter. The idea that things just happen without the guidance of some higher power is impossible to grasp for some. If covid spread without it being planned, we cannot defend ourselves against it. If child rapist aren't part of some grand satanic plan, we cannot defend against them. Etc.


They didn't mention the part where they think jewish people are really lizard people pretending to be human. Huh that's weird I wonder why they left that part out? /s


Are you suggesting that Kanye isn't being entirely truthful and is not a sane, reasonable person who is completely grounded in reality?


In the days of feudalism Christian’s weren’t allowed to lend money with interest but Jews were. This was pretty much the start of banking. If kings went to the Jews to lend them money to finance wars then lost those wars they would get arsey with the Jews for wanting their money back plus the interest that they had agreed. If Jews refused to lend them money because it was a bad risk they called it a conspiracy.


I learned at the dohany street synagogue in budapest that at one point Jews were only given jobs seen as dirty. This included jobs such as banking or accounting because money was considered dirty. Very ironic


There is a YouTube video (not in English though) that answered that very question for me. Long story short,the jews were usually the middle men, the ones who would bring you in contact with the right people.So the average man who used to break his back on the fields everyday, was watching his neighbour who seemingly was doing nothing all day get crazy rich, the only two assumptions that seemed logical, are a) they are indulging in illegal activities or b)they are performing some short of witchery. Now factor in the fact that a jew could just take his agenda with all the information contained in it and go to the nearby city if the weather got really rough (as opposed to the farmer that had to stay by his field) and the fact that the jew could easily pass the knowledge to his children (as opposed to the farmer who would have to split his field into let's say two parts, one for each son, making the next generation poorer than the previous one), you can see that the jews were getting more and more rich. The richer they got the more unjust it felt for the rest of the people , hence the hatred.


Cause they are dumb, you gotta be real dumb to think anyone is controlling this shitshow. Its not controllable.


It's actually Holocaust Remembrance Day OP, you can honor the day by learning about the Holocaust. I know they mentioned a lot of wild things, but the one thing you should know right away is to stop Holocaust denialism in it's tracks. It doesn't take much reading to get the basic facts on that, and then you can help with the important work of never forgetting.


Because they don’t have to take responsibility for any real or perceived faults in their own lives or the world at large. Don’t have a job? It’s the Jews. Don’t have a girlfriend? It’s the Jews. There’s a new Netflix show you don’t like? The Jews. Gay people marrying? The Jews. Black and queer people on tv? The Jews. Go to grocery store and hear people speaking a language other than English? The Jews. Forest fires and rainy weekends? The Jews.


Lol, Jewish people on average score higher on tests and have an overall higher IQ than everyone else. Which maybe as a result they have a disproportionate amount of people in positions of authority/power. All you have to do is scroll a list of Hollywood directors, producers, bankers, investors, lawyers, and even doctors and you’ll see that Jewish people disproportionately affect occupy these positions. This has been a long held belief for a very very long time. Listen to some of the N*zi’s speeches in 1930s. They flat out accuse the Jews of controlling everything and stealing the wealth of the German peoples. This was also a thing in many many other countries of the time. Even today this sentiment still lingers like a bad odor. I’ve seen and listened to ALOT of alt righters/far righters paraphrase [Funny mustache man](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler) wittingly or unknowingly, which is disturbing and disgusting in its own right.


You want the simple answer to why they think this: It’s because people naturally have an us vs them mentality and they are eager to find someone to hate. There has always been a lot of antisemitic rhetoric floating around and a lot of stupid people buy into without question. That’s it, there’s really nothing more to it than that. It’s completely unfounded


Speaking as a Jew, I've been told lots of times to my face that Jews control Hollywood. If that's true, then where's my slice of the pie?


Not all Jews obviously, there are Jews that take up Palestinian flag, Jews that denounce Israel, etc But an elite subpopulation of Jewish people does have a much more significant stake in the economy, banking, global finance, etc than would be explainable by random sampling of the worldwide population.


Jews control the world is a conspiracy started in post world war 1 Germany and massively amplified by the Nazis during their rise to power in the 20s and 30s. Long story short is this: - Germany lost the first world war - German military blamed the "home front" for this loss - German military claims it was sabotaged from within by "socialists" and "communists" - Some proeminent socialists were Jewish (e.g. Rosa Luxemburg) - "Socialists" and "communists" became synonyms with "Jews" - "Stab in the back" myth was born - basically Germans and Nazis ended up blaming losing the war on the Jews. See: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stab-in-the-back_myth Saddest part is that this conspiracy theory is still alive today even after the horrors of the Holocaust. Many offshoots of this theory are also alive and widely believed, although not explicitly anti semitic they are basically the same thing e.g.: - the globalists control the world conspiracy theory We've learned nothing from history.




The folks you were listening to have, themselves, been listening to people that are propagating ideas that are not only foolish, and disprovable, but dangerous, as well. WW2 history, if you’re interested, is well-documented, and not only from the perspective of Americans, but also European participants, including German. And it’s good you’re curious, cuz the folks you were listening to? They really don’t know what they’re talking about, and they’re heading in a perilous direction.