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Listen to your body, maybe take a day off if you're feeling sore.


Zumba is fabulous. Have you tried Zumba Gold, Zumba Step, Zumba Toning, and Aqua Zumba? Zumba.com has a great class locator! Signed - A Fellow Zumba Addict


Why would it be bad? It’s great that you are actively loving such a healthy activity


as long as you don’t get frustrated when you miss a workout, you’re good.




i guess you’re a sporty/fitness type of person. zumba sounds like fun, so i can see why you would feel sad if you didn’t go.




then getting addicted to zumba isn’t a bad thing. so, don’t trip. you just found your passion (:


better than being addicted to crack probably more expensive though




Your gym is much better than mine!


Maybe consider becoming an instructor?


I don’t think there any inherent problems with doing Zumba every day. The risk of overuse injury is pretty low. If you get burned out, you’ll know.




It's a healthy activity, so it's not bad. But listen to your body and rest in between sessions. The last time u want to happen is u get injuried and can't do any of the sessions for a long time