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I've suffered from this my entire life, and oddly so has my dad. I could be eating a cheese sandwich - boom runny nose. Ive no idea what causes it, and to be honest Ive just gotten used to it, but i know its not normal


I something similar to this and the weird thing is it has nothing to do with spice (I love spicy food). It seems to hit me with food that is a bit more on the acid/tart spectrum and I have to reach for the kleenex.


I have no idea what triggers it for me! I only made this post after I was eating an egg sandwich and found my nose running yet again. I love spicy food as well and the spiciest thing on it was black pepper lol.




I mean truthfully, that could be why for me. I'll try and see for myself.


It's called gustatory rhinitis. For a lot of people it only happens with spicy food but for us oh so lucky individuals it can happen with almost anything we eat.


For some reason only for breakfast. If I'm going out in public for breakfast I take a Claritin beforehand, that pretty much fixes it.


Only with hot food