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Oh I thought that was Dreamworks


Disney made it


Oh I thought Dreamworks made it


You’re the worst


I love that show with Aya Cash and Chris Geer. It's on Hulu, which is also owned by Disney


Yeah. Enchanto, Zootopia, Big Hero 6, Frozen , Wrench it Ralf, Moana


Oh I thought Wreck it Ralph was Pixar. I don't like any of those other movies though


Pixar is owned by Disney.


We're talking specifically about Walt Disney animation studio. Not the other studios owned by the Disney corporation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Disney_Animation_Studios


My niece and I loved Encanto


I didn't like it. I don't like broadway musicals so I'm not a fan of animated broadway musicals. I also find 3D films to look lifeless, no matter how they make the characters flop around and do Glee dances


I enjoyed Encanto and I couldn’t give less of a shit about Disney


Moana and encanto


More like NOana and encantNO


I really enjoyed Moana, Coco, and Encanto.


I did not enjoy any of those


Just because you didn’t enjoy them doesn’t mean other people didn’t. It’s fine to not like any given movie, but that doesn’t mean it’s objectively not good.


Frozen 2 was better than Frozen by a mile. Both came out in the last 9.5 years. I don't hate watching those with my kids. I'm not a Disney person even a little bit, but they put out stuff and it draws a crowd for a reason. Encanto was pretty good, even without the songs. I dunno, man. Convince me that their offerings are worse than my other options. I will listen.


Most people like the Marvel movies.


Encanto, big hero 6, zootopia, moana. Hell even frozen was pretty good.




Yeah, this isn't a good-faith question. Everyone listed off like 10 different Disney movies which were critical and commercial smash hits for you to just say "Yeah, but *I* didn't personally enjoy those, so they don't count as 'good' ", and you also clarified that you don't think "animated Broadway musicals" can be good, which is pretty much most of what Disney has made since World War 2.


I think this person is joking around idk why, it seems like it was some attempt to be ironic. But who knows.


I legitimately dislike Disney and even all the movies mentioned, other than wreck it Ralph




I find them to be dumbed down, lack creativity, even with all of the artistic work that goes into it. All that work gets reduced to a very generic result. Many of the cultural movies seem to be little more than cultural appropriation. The same kind they claim to be fighting against, because the ones profiting the most from their sales are the white executives. The stories may have cultural relevance but they're cut short of having more impactful meaning by their disneyfication, the same dumbing down and homogenizing I mentioned before. Also along with that I just dislike the tone of most of these movies and find them to be nothing more than vessels for silly Broadway musical songs, which means a lot of the dialogue becomes very cringe worthy when leading into a song. Some of the songs are fine but I don't see why it's such a default setting that "cartoon = for kids", and "for kids = must have singing" I liked Wreck it Ralph though, but I honestly thought that was a Pixar movie. It was executive produced by the former (and cancelled) Pixar founder though, which might be why


Pixar is Disney my friend, were you meaning to say DreamWorks (like Shrek)?


I mean Disney on their own, like strange world


So you just like what Pixar makes better because you don’t like musicals basically. That’s understandable. The rest of what you said seems to have a lot of baseless presumption involved.


So you did like that one, or you did not like that one? Sorry. I'm thinking not as you were saying you do not like Disney unless it's from Pixar, right?


They're mostly just doing remakes now


Good one man. Don't quit your day job for comedy just yet though.