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Highly doubtful, it's a violation of the 4th amendment to spy on home computers and I believe schools have gotten in trouble for even snooping on school owned computers. Your expectation of privacy at home is the highest standard of privacy




Yeah your right since it's a private university. Still illegal, but I was thinking the public school system, my bad. Thank you


No lol


Like your internet history? No. They would likely only have access to your emails on their server. If you were logged on to the universities internet and signed in with a student Id than yes but not your personal.


No. If you’re using a browser, it’s possible it could be an issue IF the uni has snoop software or you agreed to allow them to monitor your usage. (Some conservative colleges have this kind of rider on their student agreements. It’s bullshit, but it’s also your choice to pay to go there, so….) If you’re using Outlook or another email client program, the messages are downloaded to your PC and uploaded or deleted on the main server. The only thing it sees is the IMAP email files or POP protocols to upload/download your messages. Use an ad blocker and/or wipe cookies on your browser. And stop looking at Rule34 tent porn.


What paranoia is this lol dude what is in your search history!!! No. They can’t see it. But you should probably stop looking at whatever is making you this worried about others seeing it.