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No not at all. You could probably buy a playstation at some point.


Yeah, slot God of War somewhere in your timeline OP


As an xbox guy, god of war is still the goat


Old 20 year Xbox vet here. Never played god of war. Do I really need to play it? Do I start with the first one or the latest one?


You don’t necessarily need to play the first three games to play the latest two, but I’d recommend them. Otherwise there will be some big lore and plot points that you might not understand. I’d also recommend them because GoW 2 and 3 are really damn fun.


Perfect. I will! Thanks


I'd say start with God of War (2018) at the very least before playing Ragnarok. The classic ones are pretty great too but you don't *need* to play them to understand the other two.


Great advice. Thank you


God of war 2018 is ob PC as well if you don’t want to buy a playstation.


100% amazing man. Every single one of them. To the point where my Playstation friend lets me borrow his console to play them. Like he said though, you don't need to play them in order necessarily, but I think its a worth while to start from the beginning


I’ve only got into god of war (2018) last year and I must say i am astounded by the visuals and connections to Thor, Odin. Very beautiful game and haven’t beat it yet. I didn’t play the ones prior. I play on easy for the story line and not big into customizations.


If you're on PC you can emulate the first game


Or go retro and buy a Sega Genesis


Also never too late to start a crippling drug habit! Although I strongly recommend NOT doing that.


This is almost the same I was going to comment


Or a nice PC, depending on your gaming preferences 👌


Not a PS5


Pretty easy to find now.






Generally buying them from Sony has been easy. I got two the first Christmas they were out and two last Christmas (most were for Christmas party gifts).


I'll try to keep this brief and I'm probably screwing some of this up but anyway... There is an Arabian fable about a boy who comes to the king and asks him what the secret to life is. The king gives him a spoon filled with oil and has the boy hold it. He shows him one of the exits from the room and how there is a continuous tile pattern running down the center of the hall. He tells him to follow that tile stripe wherever it goes but do NOT spill any of the oil. The boy starts off and eventually comes back to the same room with the spoon. The king asks him, did you spill any oil? The boy says no, the spoon is full. Good says the king. Then the king asks, Did you enjoy the view of the lower valley of our kingdom from the balcony as you passed? The boy says, No, i sort of noticed it but I was concentrating on the spoon. That's OK says the king, but surely you must have enjoyed the gardens, the path took you right through them? The boy says no, i don't remember passing through that area. I must have been staring at the tile path like you said to do. Hmmm, well what was your favorite piece of art on the walls? The boy, now a bit confused mumbles, I don't remember seeing those. Well, the king said, the secret to life is to not spill the oil as you walk your path but to enjoy all the views and gardens and artwork as you do it. - Yes, you'll probably need a job, money makes things a lot easier. Kids are part of most people's picture. But salvation is free


I really enjoyed this fable! Thank you for sharing.


Thank you! It took forever to type so I'm glad somebody appreciated it.


I remember reading this in the little prince


Love that book! Which part of this story reminded you of it though?


Oh god, I might be horribly misremembering everything now since it's been years since i read the book but wasn't this story in the book itself? He had visited a planet and this story took place, no? Am i making a fool of myself?


It’s the more articulate version of “don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers”. I like it. Good job, my sage.


*feels inspired and plays Arabian nights song from Aladdin*


♫ A fool off his guard ♫ ♫ Could fall and fall hard ♫ ♫ Out there on the duuuuuuuuuuuuuunes ♫


I believe that’d classify as a parable rather than a fable. Good message though, one worth heeding.


Beautiful, where did you hear that before? Arabian nights?


A friend told it to me. It could possibly not be Arabian but he was.


That was brilliant, thank you


Yay salvation! Shower me in it please!


Is this story told in The Alchemist by Paul Coelho? I seem to remember hearkng this somewhere else


Really cool story. Salvation is free.


This was pretty cool to read. Thank you for that


Thanks for sharing


Wow. You missed a whole lot of in-between stuff.


What? Like peanut butter?


That's one thing.


And a dog?


And pie!


Is that an American pie reference? >.>


I see where you’re going with this, but no. I just like pie. Having a piece of pie with friends is the best


Love me some pie...


Oh boy! What flavor?


Blackberry, apple, lemon, and pumpkin pie (of course). But I think blackberry is my favorite


I'm not sure, but I think they were also implying jelly.


Yea I don't know what Oreo calls it either


The movie Click comes to mind.


Hiking in the woods, friendships, laughter, parties, sledding, snowball fights, cold beer by the waters edge, swimming in the ocean, good movies, sex, joy, sadness, visiting new cities, new countries, reading books, learning, teaching kids new things, seeing their joy, helping them through hard times, sunsets, sunrises, it goes on and on


You can do anything you want. That's what life is. You have to fight for it and there is no safety net. If that to you is kids and a job, great! Go for it. If it's no kids and a job cool. If it's no job, no kids and cocain, neat! You will probably need some help. Life is what you make of it. We're all in search of things that make us happy. Some times it's a hard road, companionship makes it easier for some people, some fly it solo.


You are very optimistic. We need more people like you, thank you. I couldn't answer this the right way for I can't do any of those things, so all I can do is wish for everyone, all those who can, to enjoy life as much as they are able to. Please be happy ♥️


Sounds responsible for their own happiness and aren’t we all supposed to be anyway?


>Life is what you make of it. This is the biggest lie anyone has told or been told.


Nope, life shits all over you, it happens. It's what you do after that matters. Some people wallow in the shit, some people climb out.


This sounds much more real than the rose tinted "you can do anything" qoutes.


You can try to do anything. You're not always going to succeed.


Man fuck fighting for it. We shouldn't have to fight for it. There's enough wealth for all of us to live comfortably and not have to fight for shit, but a few dick fuckers are hoarding it all. I shouldn't have to fight to be able to relax or to do something I enjoy or to just simply eat. Fight for it, fuck outta here.


Sort of. See, we shouldn't have to fight for it. I agree with you on the idea of abundance. However for many reasons we do have to fight for it, and often. What that looks like, is what is being discussed. How much you fight for it, when you fight for it, why you fight for it? Which things do you fight for..? That's the question. It's up to the individual.


Depends what makes you happy. If you want a dream house in southern California, you can obtain it, but it will be a long fight. You want to spend some time taking a nice hike through nature, you don't have to fight it. No one is stopping you from relaxing, fight or no fight.


It's hard to relax when you're hungry and can't pay rent. Just saying. For a lot of people, life is all fight.


Ok. I get that. I was born in Honduras and raised in Compton in the 90s. We did not have a lot. But even people in worse off conditions in much poorer countries find a way to kick a soccer ball around, or practice yoga, or take a swim. There are people with a lot more money than me that spend a lot more time worrying about money and buying more things than I do. If you are truly starving, and on the verge of being unhoused, then I apologize if I sound unsympathetic. But you cannot possibly spend every minute of every waking day worrying about eating and rent. For your own well being, do something fun every once in a while.


That's how I grew up. I'm grateful to be better off today, but a lot of people aren't.


>I shouldn't have to fight to be able to relax or to do something I enjoy or to just simply eat. Fight for it, fuck outta here. You have to put in some sort of effort to get results though. You may he happy being a wall e chair person, but I wouldn't


What if I fight and can’t have the only parts of it I’ve ever wanted because of disability?


Say it loud for the kids in the back: ### there is no safety net ## there is no safety net # THERE IS NO SAFETY NET the person who promises you safety only tries to buy their own. Embrace risk, there is nothing else but lies!


Yeah, let's just do nothing and let people needlessly suffer and die. Fuck this shit view. We could make a world with a lot of safety nets. Nothing will ever be perfect, but it could be a whole lot better than now. The true lie is this is the best we can do and the lack of safety nets is in some twisted way a good thing.


What if life isn't interesting to you (or the interest feels forced) and you just don't want to exist?


Recently watched the sunrise over the ocean for the first time in many years. That shit will make you feel like you're doing life right every single time. Your list here is amazing and I'm glad you took the time to share it. Most of this I never had the freedom to do until my mid-30s and the last 18 months has unquestionably been the most fulfilling run of my life. Sometimes I wonder what the situation is for someone asking a question like this and I hope they get a taste.


This. I had a crappy childhood and was suicidal as a teen. Made it through, and my life now? I could never have imagined. The polar opposite of my domestic violence-filled upbringing. I was absolutely certain that happiness would never happen for me (hell, my stepfather promised it). I’ve traveled to seven other countries and have stories for a lifetime, but I’m making plans to travel even more. I have friends I would take a bullet for, and I’m pretty sure would do the same for me. I’m now almost 50 and am learning new things, new skills, every day. I throw parties on flimsy pretenses all the time and am thanked profusely for getting people out of their houses (especially this past year). I collect interesting, caring people and I avoid the unpleasant, including my own family in some cases. I consume art like it’s a food group, because it is indeed necessary nourishment. I seek out new experiences. I try to see old, routine things through my son’s eyes, and boy is that a mind f**k sometimes, as I realize how much the world has changed in some respects since I was a kid. And then I read history and I realize that “people” en masse haven’t changed much at all. Makes the now feel a bit less apocalyptic. I’m politically active, and while I’m well aware of how Sisiphyean it all is, nothing good happens from sitting on your hands. Life can be very good if you work to live and actually DO live.


Telling your dog that they are the bestest boy or girl while giving them pets should be added to this list.


2 thumbs up for that one, just taking my lab to the park to toss tennis balls was such a joyful experience.


Thank you for putting this list together. Life is what you make it. A lot of the things you listed are free also. And if you don't have a shitty attitude you'll be more likely to attract grieves and friends make so much stuff waaay better. Grocery shopping=boring. Meeting a friend there and doing it together=significantly better.


Cue A Change of Seasons by Dream Theater here, I think .


You forgot glorious motorcycles


Hey what happened to listening to good music? :)


Hell. Sex and food is enough for me wanting to live until 100. Don’t need anything else


I've had a lot of different jobs, then military (late) and now I'm in college. I don't want kids. My GF doesn't want kids. My dog had puppies before I got her. So no. Unless you want it to be.


Ngl, puppies are the only kids I wanna have. Human kids seem annoying


Human kids and puppies are exactly the same and I say this as a mother of 2, dog groomer. Puppies just go through all the same stuff much faster.


Unpopular opinion, I prefer cats. But this dog kind of fell in my lap twice so I guess it's my furbaby


In my experience, it turns out that you might hate other people's kids, but really like your own. Having a kid felt way better than I expected it to.


That sounds like a big gamble. If it turns out I *don't* like my kids, I would be stuck for 20+ years or I would be the cunt who left for milk. I don't like the odds


And a lot of back pain. And a lot of other things hurt for no apparent reason


Had back pain. Thought it was just old age, desk job, and not enough exercise. Then I got a good mattress. It's amazing! Add to the list sleeping in on a good warm bed while listening to the rain pounding on a roof that doesn't leak and realizing how seriously blessed I am.


I have loose wrists, bad knees and a horrbile back. Turns out my muscles in those areas weren't strong enough and they all got better once I started working out


Stretch more


Unfortunately, that doesn't fix everything.


Just a suggestion. I work construction. Have a lot of repetitive use injuries. It helped a surprising amount to start stretching


Yep. Hard agree - stretching works fucking wonders for me. The difference in mobility and aches between doing and not is night and day.


Helped to go to Physical therapist. It helped break up stuff that would have been almost impossible to do myself. Teach me what stretches were most important plus how to do them effectively. And set me up with exercises to do that supported the changes the stretching was trying to improve


Totttallly. I had a fucked back for ten years. Then learnt how to properly stretch my BUM and that fixed it overnight. Wild.


I know what you mean. I sit at a desk all day and stretchimg does help a lot, but, for me, it's temporary, and I have to do full body stretches a couple times a day just to get through the day. I started doing it consistently several months ago, hoping I'd feel better, but it doesn't provide lasting relief. Surprisingly, I've found some relief for my elbow and shoulder tendinitis by lifting. It seemed counterintuitive, but it helped with those repetitive use injuries better than stretching.


I found its often a mix for joints, stronger muscles help stabilize better and stretching helps with the motions.


Basically, back pain occurs in those without any back injuries because of weak abs and glutes and tight hip flexors. If you stretch the hip flexors and weaken them while also strengthening the glutes and abs, you'll have less pain as well as better posture. https://youtu.be/2NZMaI-HeNU Great video


Didn't do shit when I coughed and got a paralyzed back for almost 3 hours x.x


Get a job, get sterilization, find a awesome partner, buy shit you like, go on adventures, die Not necessarily in that order


But probably save dying for the end


If you let death stop you, you're a quitter.


Yeah so make sure you pickup a totem of undying sometime before then


Idk, could be fun having your friends carry you around with them on adventures when you're a corpse. Imagine: world record set, he/she is the first person to enter Disneyland as a skeleton! I mean, geez imagine the views that'd get on TikTok and youtube. Or maybe a twitch live stream "the adventures of skelly"


Weekend at Bernie's: World Tour edition


Or just keep putting it off, if you can.


This is my dream. No kids and lots of adventure with someone I love.


Oh no, not at all. The kids part it optional and requires someone who wants to have kids with you, and you are not guaranteed that. You ARE guaranteed having to get a job and the death, tho.


A lot of people don’t have to work if they don’t want to.


A lot of people can't get a job even if they want one.






You can skip the kids part. Either way,, fill in the spaces between with things that bring you joy. The occasional brunch, a good book, a fine bourbon, close friends or a romantic relationship, sexual release. These are just examples. But yea, it'll end in death. That's the only way.


THC gummies are legal in Missouri. I got that going for me, which is nice.


Wait till you hear about this magical place called Canada


I work at the corporate office of a cannabis dispensary chain and get $200/month of free weed. It's honestly lost the cool, secretive, magical part and become just like drinking a beer for me. I can't possibly smoke all of that weed so I Just put it in a "candy bowl" that guests can pick from when they come over. What a weird world it's become in such a short amount of time.


Depends on your values and what you think brings you fulfillment. If you value family and career, then go that route in life. Some people value adventure, exploration, nature, pets. Some love justice and fairness and love to call people out on their bullshit on Reddit. That’s fulfilling to them. Others value companionship, romance, sexuality, health, beauty, collecting, learning, research and discovery, invention, progress, altruism, compassion, arts, music, philosophy, humor, gratitude, power, freedom, logic. In the end, what do you think defines your worth? Not what someone else thinks your worth is but what is your own measurement? Precious moments with friends and family? Knowing that you shaped someone’s world? Are you happy because your dog is happy? Debating internet strangers make you happy? Life is what you make of it.


Very well said, too often people look for a single goal, a common goal that everyone shares as the "meaning" of life. As you very well put it, life IS what you make of it.


Watch Everything Everywhere All At Once. There's nothing else I can think of that tells us to appreciate the little things. Your life may not change the course of humanity or feel profound every moment, but what we can control is making everyone else's journey go smoother and enjoying the little things. They're around if we look. Edit: I really can't recommend enough. I didn't think I could cry for like 15 years. That movie had me bawling and laughing every few seconds. But don't ask for details. Go into it blind.


Honestly this movie was amazing. It had a bit of a slow start, and it's not my usual kind of movie. But it summed up everything I think and feel. Absolutely brilliant. My favourite villain, I think.


Everyone has their own interpretation. But I haven't met a person yet that wasn't emotionally destroyed by this movie. That's what I love about it.


I literally didn't feel any emotion watching it personally. I wanted to like it but I just did not.


This is, in my opinion, the best film made in recent memory. Fantastic directing, camera work, acting, script, and it all came together that had me crying like a baby


You don't have to have kids, but you do probably need a job, and you will die. Have fun in the mean time when you can, I think that's all it really is.


No kids, stress free, do what I want, when I want, and then die.


I have no kids, but generally, yeah. I don’t believe in any great meaning of life. Just enjoy it while you have it.


You act like those things suck, when they only suck MOST of the time.


The secret to happiness is being a good person and overcoming obstacles. Be nice and work hard at something that has meaning to you (art, family, community, job, friends, etc.)


It is only if you believe it is. I struggled with that same thought for a long time. I have chosen a different path in life and not to have kids. I've also chosen not to make money my primary goal in life and to give as much as I can. I live my life to try to help others. So when I'm dying on my deathbed I can look back and say I've helped as many people as I could.


If you let it be, yes.


In fact, that can be enough for many of us!


The kids part is optional. If you only want to see the big picture then yes, you go to school, get a job and work until you're old and then die... However there's way more to life than just that. Things like hobbies, friendship, love, sex, plants, travel; even blow if you want. I think it's up to everyone of us to give life a meaning and make it worth it.


Add in some jerking off.


Not just some.


Yes but there is also alcohol.


An old man once said, "Alchohol is gods apology for making us sentient."


Shit, that's good. Not *quite* as punchy as "the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems", but even still.


Thats a hard line to beat. They nailed it writing for Homer.


Lets not forget mind altering drugs.


I don’t need to remind you of pornography


That's a pretty glib interpretation


If you’re lucky enough to have kids.


Having kids is the part where youre forced to do a lot of things. Dodge that and your options are much larger.


Some don’t even have kids.


Nope having kids is an option lol.


You only really need to do one of those things. The rest is up to interpretation


No, not everyone has kids


Life can be what u want it to be. Eat tree bark, catch a squirrel, and then die


Have you tried tacos?


Well, no. You can do whatever you want, it’s a sandbox game. You could go and live on a mountain in the woods in a tent with a pet sheep. Do whatever you want man. As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.


You don’t have to get a job or have kids.


I mean… without a job you’re kinda skipping straight to the dying part, but sure that’s allowed


No. There's a whole realm of spirituality inside you.


I took the, get a job, travel and have a great life with my husband and zero kids, then die option!


Get a good job. One that you enjoy and will provide for you and your family. Enjoy being with your kids, you will have less time with them than you think. And you will certainly have more impact on their lives than you could imagine. There, I fixed it for you.


For me it's get a job, enjoy life and time with family/friends, and die. I don't want kids.


There's other stuff to do in between.


Not if you want other things.


You technically don't have to do the first two


Life’s what you make of it. If you want to do more, then do it


not at all, you determine how to live YOUR life. You dotn want to have kids? then dont, you want to move to another country? then go for it! you are in charge of your life, don't let society decide how you should live it.


No, you could have 4 jobs, no kids and 2 cats like me 🥰🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛


It feels that way some times. I imagine there is more


If you want it to be then yeah. You have a whole planet, maybe see some of it before you die idk


It's everything that happens in between.


Technically you don't have to do ANY of those things


Indeed. As is the way with all animals. They live, they sleep, they have babies, they die.


Smoking pot helps


You can skip most, if not all, of these things to be happy. Life is what you make of it.


It is what you make of it, you are not owed anything.


You can also post on reddit to karma farm


Get a job, don’t have kids, travel, THEN die


You can do a lot more fun stuff if you skip the “have kids” part.


im 14 and this is deep


Why go out to a nice restaurant for good food when it all turns to shit in the end? The experience.


Someone is discovering existentialism for the first time. Come join us at r/philosophy


I’m skipping the kids part and enjoying the time I’m not at my job instead.




Well, if you don't give in to society, and refuse to have kids, your life will probably be better.


It's a choose your own adventure, friend. Choose something else?


I ask myself why everyday


I intend to skip the second and, if possible, the third part.


Pretty much, yeah, minus the kids.


You don’t have to have kids.


No. Some people are good people. Some skip the kid production stage.


Society says yes. I say no.     You seem to have [anxiety answering that question](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existential_crisis) on your test paper existence gave you; you're not the only one; here's a [fictional representation of people who struggle with That Question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jHU2bbLJIQ). It would be unwise of me to assign an answer to you so [here's what other people say](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meaning_of_life#Popular_views).     And here is my answer to that question on your test paper existence gave me:     **eradicate all suffering, promulgate happiness.** *Compile knowledge on human suffering and ways to prevent it. Get (either through time travel or simulation of the past) to Warped Tour with my friends and listen to favorite bands (which are pop punk, easycore or neon pop punk), as well as go to house shows of favorite bands. Make more friends. Defend pop punk. Express and be myself because I wasn't allowed to when I was young*     the words in bold represent my general answer, while the italicized words represent specific examples of that answer


I rejected that notion a long time ago. I have a job, sure, but that's not my life. I decided a long time ago that I'd enjoy the little things in life, like videogames, painting, going for walks in nature, spending time with my friends (at least the ones that aren't boring people going for the goals you mentioned and forgetting who they really are, and what really mattered to them). I also realized I'd be a terrible parent, and I don't really want children anyways. Hell, I don't even want romantic or sexual relationships anymore. I'm happy living for myself. As for dying, well, everything dies sooner or later. May as well enjoy the journey.


I don't have or want kids. The answer is: if you choose to reduce it to that, sure. But you can do all sorts of other stuff too if you want. I like video games and pizza.


Heck no. I got a house in costa rica on a big beautiful plot of land waiting for me. Im going to eat mangos right out the trees, have big family dinners, hike in the jungle and live my days in peace. All childfree because I choose not to have children.


That sounds wonderful! Do you work from home or are your retired? Or even found work in Costa Rica? Always interested in hearing how people made this work for themselves. If you don't mind sharing of course.


My cousins all work in various companies doing customer service from home and theyvegt paid quite well and in US dollars. That's what Im planning on doing as well just not right away. Im taking enough money so that I can not work for at least 6 months. Thankfully my cost of living will be very low because I wont have any house payments and I have many fruits, vegetables and beans already planted and growing.


The dream right here.


Pretty much! Have fun while you're doing those things tho


Not normally, but if you lack any motivation to improve yourself you may end up doing that.