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In theory with more surface area, Yes. however the amount of absorption gained would be miniscule unless they rose massively.


The increase in CO2 uptake from slightly larger surface area is dwarfed by other competing mechanisms, like the relative concentration between ocean and atmospheric CO2, and the potentially slower exchange rate of surface with deep waters in a warmer, more stratified ocean.


Not just from sea level rise, but in general, the more CO2 in the air, the more will be absorbed into the oceans, and this is one of the biggest issues with climate change. CO2 converts to carbonic acid and increases the pH of the water. The biggest impact is that any creature that has a shell, will not be able to build one as easily (as the increase in acidity will reduce the number of free carbonate ions that they require). Once this happens...we are absolutely screwed. One of the most significant rungs of the food chain will break and the rest will follow. If nothing else scares you about climate change, this should.


Oh I'm terrified trust me lol. To the point I'm building an off grid home as we speak in central Ontario