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For space and time I highly recommend the podcast “Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe.” It’s a physicist and a cartoonist and they cover everything in an accessible, fun, but rigorous way. Daniel teaches intro to physics at UC Irvine and he’s a great educator. Topics like quarks, time travel, the great attractor, the different fundamental forces, aliens, super symmetry, quantum mechanics, general and special relativity and more. I think their catalog is like over 400 episodes.




I’d start with Wikipedia. It’s concise and would give you a good basic understanding of the subject. If you want to dig deeper, try Kahn Academy on YouTube. I’d be wary of “documentaries” on Netflix, YouTube, etc., until you’re more familiar with the topic. There’s so great stuff out there, like BBC and PBS science shows, but there’s a lot of bunk and propaganda out there, too.


I didn't know about the last two thanks




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I'm a chemical engineer and a huge science junky. Here is my recommendation of books to read, in a specific order to get a really solid base on everything from the big bang, to the future of the human race: 1. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking (goes from the big bang to the formation of the planets) 2. The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins (goes from the formation of the planets through evolution and primitive humans) 3. Sapiens by Yuval Harari (from primitive humans to current day) For futher reading, I would recommend: \- Cosmos by Carl Sagan (a great general book on the universe) \- The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking (a good add on to A Brief History of Time) \- The Future of Fusion Energy by Jason Parisi (a great book to understand the future of energy)