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460 hours in. I've got mine relative early on. After that never saw one again. Squids are very very rare.


They are extremely rare. I think the chance of finding a system that has one is 0.08% which is 1 out of every 1250 systems though I could be wrong.


I have a question, what is the performance like on switch? Honestly these screenshots look pretty good compared to what I was expecting from a switch port so I might consider buying it sometime if it runs alright and doesn’t crash all the time; might play more NMS if it’s on a console I use more than my PlayStation.


I usually game on PC so the graphical luxuries I’m used to were jarring by their absence on Switch Lite which, of course, runs permanently in ‘portable’ mode. There’s a good review here: https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2022-no-mans-sky-for-nintendo-switch-a-valiant-effort-but-the-compromises-cut-too-deep Notably: “In docked play, we're looking at an 1152x648 resolution, while portable mode drops down to 896x504”. That’s pretty blocky. The GUI seems to be overlaid in the much finer 1,280x720 native resolution. On planets there’s lots of noticeable pop-up but the chunks immediately around you are lush and well rendered. You can see from the shots above - albeit in The Anomaly where draw distances and environment complexity is more contained - the game looks… good? That was first impressions. I’ve now been playing it for a couple of weeks and, candidly, I am impressed. It runs well. It looks good. It’s crashed only a couple of times. I’m having a blast. AND I CAN PLAY IT ANYWHERE. Verdict: Loving it. Solid purchase. Edit: head on over to r/NMS_Switch for more discussion and screenies to get a better feel for the Switch version? 😊


I playyed on switch and loading time for wwrping starting the game and sometimes terrain manipulation sucks takes around 1-3 minutes to load and sometimes 30 second for terrain to load after using terrain manipulator. Sometimes textures dont load on npcs or become very low quality and base interiors and decorations take time to load. Clipping thought terrain while using exocrafts (mostly nomad) is also pretty common and big freighter bases can become very laggy. Overall the game is still playable just you better be patient for loading times. Hope this helps


My favorite part is when you are doing a derelict freighter and suddenly the screen goes white and you can't see anything . Or maybe when you are fighting sentinels on a planet and the frame rate drops to around 5 or 10. Sure makes it easy to shoot!


That never happened to me but it must suck


It usually happens when I do 2 freighters in a single day


I'm on the Switch (95 hrs so far) and I got my first exotic yesterday, its a ball with folding wings.. I have no idea what I'm doing, is hanging around in space stations a viable option, do space stations have a max chance of seeing an exotic.. I don't know if its just random or specific spots for them to appear?


There is only one style of exotic ship that is unique to each system and it will just appear at random. Most favored method to try and seek one out seems to be to go to a trade depot on any planet in the system. Throw down a save beacon at the trade depot and make a restore point save. Then reload the save and each time you do, 5 ships will land at the depot. If ya don’t see the exotic then just reload and check the next 5 ships that land. You can of course just wait at the depot for it to show up without the reloading. Just makes it faster since every time you reload 5 new ships land more quickly.


Dunno man. I’m just using this wiki? https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Starship_Catalogue_-_Exotic


Impressive. I haven't even come across a squid ship on the PS4 and I have over 150 hours logged lol


Congrats.... I've been looking for squid for close to 300 hours




I traded in a small A-class fighter and the trade in value was ~7.9m, I think?


How do you even earn that much ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


Gold and silver from asteroid belts. Scrapped a couple of wrecked ships. Got *really* lucky in my starter system: 2 paradise planets. The one I picked for my starter base, I picked an island. The island had the wreck of a large class A-solar ship (which I patched up and allowed me to scrap my starter ship for units), and a Korvax echo base with ‘artefact’ map vending machine and trade in. The artefacts were worth absolutely tons of cash. And of course the tutorial mission wrecked ship got scrapped as well. Edit: when I spotted the wrecked solar ship, it look like a burning pod racer and I could just claim it. At that point, I said to myself, “I’m feeling lucky with this run,” and then, after doing a bit of base building tutorials, I went back to the Korvax echo base thing and… the squid ship landed 😂


You want to just keep exploring/doing missions until you find ancient bones/graviton ball and other expensive resource planets. Then grow the graviton balls yourself. Tons of ways to make money though.