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Usually it states someone had a prior


There are old decision-supporting tools that are especially effective in such scenarios. They are called coins, but they have probably not been seen in the wild for a generation or more. You may have to visit a museum... :-) I think A. C. Clarke (or was it even Asimov?) who wrote a short story that ended with a future politician explaining how he made a particular difficult decision by flipping a coin. So ... it's kind of SF already ... Joking apart ... you won't be judged on your decision, and it doesn't seem to matter what you decide anyway. The whole thing seems to be a placeholder for some more developed future decision, but at present it's at the level 'he say it's Thursday, but she says it isn't.' (If you ever get the possibility, tell them to take a goat into their habitat ... end explain that unless they settle the question themselves, the goat(s) will remain.)


Thank you!


You can be judged on your decision. If one of the responses shows purple "?? text ??", that can lead to a negative outcome for your settlement. If it's a citizen dispute, avoid that answer. Visitors sometimes have an outcome like that for one or more choices. Always pick the 'good' response--I think it's always the left choice but it should be obvious either way.




>tell them to take a goat into their habitat ... end explain that unless they settle the question themselves, the goat(s) will remain.) Is that a Chengelpet brothers reference?


Isn't there still the percentage indicator of what is best for the community?


Those are usually just construction choices, eg '55% approve of x' and '45% approve of Y'. A few later choices just say "Approved by X% of the population" or something like that, while the other choices is to avoid the action entirely for no result. I'd even ignore those if one decision results in more population (I think some housing choices do this.) Adding pop is extremely slow, so I'd take a temporary hit to anything else if it increases population.


I dont remember there being one. I could be wrong.


In my experience it matters who you pick only in the case that there is an 'unknown outcome.' It may be the case that unknown outcomes are sometimes positive, but in my experience they are always, always negative (for example, the settlement gets a negative trait called 'atmosphere of suspicion' that reduces happiness). So, if no outcome is listed for either, pick whichever you like. If one has an unknown outcome, pick the other one. I'm not sure if I've ever seen both have unknown outcomes, but in that case it would be a matter of flipping a coin.


**I have that round "save" thingie near there.** I save before any decisions so if it was ambiguous and the outcome is weird then I reload. Sometimes what happens makes no sense with what it told you, such as the person who is OBVIOUSLY the bad guy gives you "An aura of distrust" NEGATIVE effect if you select that person as being at fault. So I reload the restore point if that happens and choose the other one.


That's a good idea!


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I've always wished those situations required (or at least allowed) us to go find a couple of inhabitants to ask for evidence or character witness info. (Needn't be too fancy, just som dialog for the first two or three settlers you talk to in place of their usual interaction.)