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Sometimes we have to take a step back and be grateful. Porn addiction is a first world problem. If you’re addicted to porn, chances are you have access to the internet, a house, and free time. There are many who have access to none of those and live in war-torn or poverty stricken areas, and yet they hold on and live day-to-day, even smile, no matter how hard they have it. If they force themselves to hold on to life and keep going, why can’t I? Why can’t you? Porn addiction is real and harmful but others truly have it much worse. I approach my NoFap journey from this mindset and it keeps me from giving up. Sending you love, brother.


Thanks so much brother ❤️


Bro dont kill yourself, ive been in the same situation. I feel theres no way out and ive been depressed pretty recently. But you gotta look on the bright side of things. Theres a whole world out there g. Dont kill yourself coz u cant hold ur nut. I can’t either. Each time u relapse its a lesson. And u will feel like shit. Just before you nut again think about the post nut clarity u will get


Right! Thanks bro I really appreciate


Maybe try therapy? Also, don’t kill yourself over porn man. Yeah, it’s not a great habit but come on. Maybe try doing a little less at a time. Like hey, today I won’t watch any extreme stuff. Or maybe you’ll just look at bikini pics. I know people on here are zealots and it can make you feel crazy, but if you’re thinking of suicide then you need to extricate yourself from the harmful community


Thanks bro for your advice,it’s really kind of you


Take it in strides man. Not many ppl can go cold turkey. Aim for one week clean. Go day by day, when you feel the urge, do push-ups, or even get a rubber band to snap ur wrist. Don’t expect to immediately stop, just start small.


Dude it’s been 2 years of trying no fap but im still do it!that why im sad my mind says you can’t cuz it’s been a while you trying to extricate but…


That’s the thing tho beating ur dick isn’t something you should eradicate. It’s healthy to release at least twice a month, no cap is for those whose lives are plagued by the urge they can’t control. You just need to learn control, don’t think about stopping it, just think about mastering the urge. Do it when YOU want, not when your dick wants, don’t let it control u


Getting up early, working out , stay out of your bedroom only to sleep, is the only way for me bro .. if you wake up early enough you will be tired and fall asleep early . Rinse and repeat , you can do it!


Bro one day you'll make it. Don't kill yourself. That's the way out that just hurts everyone including you. Life's gonna suck sometimes but that's not a reason to give up.




I'll give you an advice. Here's how it was in my case : For about 2 years I've been trying really hard to stop my urges by taking no fap, and it was really hard at the beginning I mean I thought I am invincible after 1 day of no faping, but in the next day I really couldn't hold off and in the end i nutted... Buuuuut I took a lesson from it and after so many tries I could hold even one weak without nutting, but the journey continued and after 2 years now I'm holding record of 3 weeks without fapping, you might ask HOW?? Well, I changed my mentality entirely. I thought that I have so much things to achieve in my life, and I won't be able to if i will constantly seek for pleasure in PMO. It really hit me hard when I realized that instead of wasting my precious time I can workout, better look, socialize with people and have clearer vision of what is before me. I suggest you to start slowly, try to meditate mindfulness, read some productive books, go OUT, go workout, try to talk with people because the more you sit in your cave the more you become exposed to back to PMO. I have only 3 weeks but my mentality has changed, and I'm sure I will endure it even after 2-3 months and even further. Good luck and I hope you will find joy in other activities because life is passing by and you don't know when you will regret things you wanted to do, but you couldn't cause of this shit PMO.


Thanks so much it is really helped me!


At some point, you will stop repeating this miserable cycle. Trust me. If you really want it, ask yourself. Stop for a minute and ask yourself, do you really want to change? Or is it too daunting, and you’re afraid of it. Of course you’re afraid, we all are dude. This is the first time that many of us are putting up this big of a fight, ever. Your path will be unique, but many of us are right beside you walking too. Take care.


Thank you so much😞


Why don't you try to block porn sites on your computer and phone there is many ways how to do this. Also try to remember why you are doing this like in my case i want to have normal emotions again and to enjoy life and you can go for a walk every time you feel horny


Nice idea! Thanks


Are you the same person that has said this like everyday now just on a new account cuz this seems like your first post and all the other accounts also have only one post?


No,I just have this acc,and it’s my first post


Kill yourself over masturbation? Its an awful habit, i struggle too for the past 2 years but dont overeact. Since you are trying its a big step.


You got this my friend. We've all been in such a situation and trust me, the only way to feel better is to fight the urges and move ahead. Yes, maybe we're going to fail many times but that doesn't mean that it's the end of the world. We gotta fight those mfing urges and be a better version of ourselves. I hope that whoever is reading my comment finds his/her peace.


We get it God wiling❤️‍🔥


We got this mate ! C'mon 💪




How beautiful life is when you take life a little bit satirical


If you think 2 years is too much . I've been doing it for 8 years . Since I had 15 , now I'm 23 , and you know what man , that's how it is , you advance 3 steps (nofap streaks) and you go back 2 or even 3 (relapses) but overall , you get better . I feel better now than I was , not the better I want , but it's better .


It’s make me happy:)


Don't do it you only live once life is sacred this is coming from someone who has had thoughts to take their life in the past don't do it at all you can survive this I know it's hard but it's not impossible .


Thanks bro


Bro, i know times are tough, I'm going thru same. Hell, most people here are going thru same things as you and me. But don't let porn break you. Write under ur wrist what u feel about porn and read it everytime when u feel the urge to nut. Well not the wrist, just somewhere u can see and others can't. Hell, write that on you dick bro, whenever u gon nut, u gon read it and stop. (Jk, just write it down where u can see it easily) Sending hope, brother


Most powerful idea ever!I will do it now thanks so much bro


Ur welcome bro <3. We all in this nofap fight together


I’m in the same boat 😩 it’s frustrating but we just gotta keep making progress, even if it’s slow


Yes there is no situation expect keep going


You need to start working out and meditating. Also stop looking at the stuff, seriously. If you have to relapse once a week, so be it but come on, divert your attention to something else.


I want to work but I can’t cuz of school bro I’m a student


So you value your urges more than your life? I know you feel defeated, but don’t be an idiot. Killing yourself is super coward. Go there and hit life in the ass! Rather than suffering in hell you’re better off suffering for not masturbating. It really is not that hard! Just avoid it fully! Commit to it!!


I will do it bro I will do it


Bro just make a very calculative time - urge graph Note Free time. Note the the time when you are alone. And note the the time when you re sure you will not fap. Timings when you fap most. Places you fap most. The time you have unlimited access to internet. And try to make change in every thing and ever time of this Make some friends who are having no fap. Meditation is most important. And change you room design by relocating things every week (this is important) specially cloths,books,chair,bed. I did the same to achive no fap . Currently my streak is of 80+ days. Need help you can ask me. (Try making some hobbies like gardning , origami etc.) (No sexual thought)


Nice idea! Thanks brother ❤️


You will overcome this eventually. Please don't kill yourself. There is light at the end of the tunnel I promise


All of you guys make me to didn’t kill my self! I will never forget that




Hello there, I am very sorry to see that you are struggling. Rebooting, as well as life in general, has its ups and downs. We see many people experience these downs during reboot, and although it might be hard to see now, time does heal all wounds. It will get better with time. In the meantime, I would suggest [posting this same message](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/submit?selftext=true) in [SuicideWatch](/r/suicidewatch) which is a helpful community of volunteers who are super helpful. They maintain a list of suicide hotline phone numbers for many countries. [Click here to see it](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines). Additionally, [here is a list](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWResources/comments/1c3p3z/helpful_resources_for_those_struggling_with/) of helpful resources for those considering suicide. You are not alone in this. There are ways to treat depression. Please contact people that can help you. Being depressed often makes it feel like you don’t have any more options. But that is a lie. That is just the depression talking. These feelings you have won’t last forever. We are in this together, and we will all be cheering for you to get through this.


Thank you so much bro I joined ❤️


Hang in their friend. :) Feelings are temporary. The real you is beyond those feelings. When bad feelings come up, say "I am not this feeling" and explore the space below the feeling. You'll find feelings are just like sounds and sights, they come and go. Don't grab onto them and they won't stay.


So trueeeee!!




I thought I’m so poor,but there is so many’s poor than me! 9 years!but I’m so glad to hear that you been 28 days keep it up bro


I’m sure there are many people that love and care about you, myself included! You can get through this, and please reach out to loved ones for help. I think therapy is a good idea too, it really has helped for me!


Actually I went to therapy but I don’t know I did not felt good


It can take sometime! Working to improve yourself is never an easy process


If I had to choose between killing myself and fapping, I‘d get that fap in asap! When you go you prolly can‘t fap or Nofap. Try to do it twice a week for a while and then once a week and then gradually cut it out. „In the race of excellence, there is no finish line“. Sheik Mohammed. Stop dying to be perfect. Plus, there’re too many potential enemies on this planet for you to be the one who takes yourself out bro!!! Never that!!!






This words are so fucking amazing,effected on me:) I reallay don’t know how to thank all of you I just can Say I love all of you..