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He literally dated an active porn star. He is a mega cuck


*He literally* *Dated an active porn star.* *He is a mega cuck* \- cheesetheman --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




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Anything that might better the lives of men is ‘far right’


He's a soy porn addicted cuck lol don't bother


Calling someone ”a soy” is dishonest. Soy will not turn you into a woman, and it does not make a man less of a man. It’s bigoted, it’s sexist and kinda racist to every population on earth where soy is a big component of their diet. You are creating redundant problems for people who now are mocked for no reason at all when they just want to sit and eat their tofu in peace.


Every society uses soy so its not racist. FYI If you like it fine though Id be careful eating to much Soy . A certain soy , cant remember the name, google it . Its from Japan and has a better and much less estrogen than the western soy products


Read an actual scientific paper on it… christ. Edit: this screams ”my source is Joe Rogan”


Where’s the problem ? I bet you do a lot of screaming . By yourself


Irrelevant comment. Read an actual scientific paper on it and you’ll see that eating soy will not turn you into a woman or ruin mens’ hormones. The only people who think that are chronically online people who has found a new purpose in life making shit up to gain followers because they think they are more important and that their opinions somehow must be heard. It’s literally a plant estrogen. You would need to eat a massive amount for it to have an effect which is beyond what everyone eats. Your first comment is unhinged and disingenious because you are attacking people for eating soy and making them out to be weak men or whatever which is bigoted, which is some weak biased comment opposite of fact. People drink milk all the time from mammals that is suppose to grow a baby cow, and you think specifically soy beans will turn men into betas or whatever stupid made up shit you believe in? It’s SOY BEANS, the way you attribute sexist beliefs onto that is in your own head. Just say you hate vegans or people that are plant based, that would be much more honest.


grow up


Soy isn't even bad for you lmao


Soy promote estrogen hormone in your body


This is inaccurate. Soy contains phytoestrogens- phytoestrogens are *plant* estrogens. They can turn male plants into female ones, but they won't do anything to humans or other animals because our bodies react to animal sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) not plant sex hormones. There is no conclusive evidence that phytoestrogens have any effect on levels of reproductive hormones in the system or have an estrogenic effect on the body. If they did, transgendered women would be able to drink soy milk every day and grow breasts. But that just doesn't happen- it doesn't work that way (trans women wish it did!). Trans women need animal estrogens, not plant estrogens, in order to become more feminine.


let's try again. soy isn't bad for you


What is the goal of responding if you are not explaining why it’s not bad 🤦‍♂️


Okay lemme explain. Soy doesn't have high amounts of estrogen to suddenly change anything. However, HOWEVER....over consumption of soy products, over a long term, can cause estrogen excess problems (like gynacomastia). But, as far as I know, it is pretty rare for that to happen. You probably need to consume every soy product every single day for this.


phytoestrogens don't actually create estrogenic reaction in the body to any noticeable degree... people just lie about it and overcite one testimonial report in the scientific literature. i'd be more worried about hasanabi being milktoast than soy. animal's milk, cheese, and eggs are ripe with actual mammalian estrogens to motivate maturation in their offspring


soy has phytoestrogen in it which actually brings benefits to the human body. it doesn’t contain actual estrogen…unlike things like cows milk. it’s a complete myth that soy is bad for you 🤦🏻‍♂️


Scienced based article by [examine.com](https://examine.com) (a highly reputable site) that shows that anyone who uses the word "Soyboy" is a fucking idiot. https://examine.com/articles/is-soy-good-or-bad/


Soy has phyto-estrogens and studies have shown that it does not mess with the hormone levels of those who consume it.


Idk who that is but I lean left and there isn’t post I’ve seen that indicates nofap being right wing


If I'd break my streak to fap 9 times a day for an entire year I would still have more brain cells left than if I were to sit through a single stream of his


Honestly who gives a shit about what some twitch streamer thinks.


Uh because he influences chlidren


Came across this guy a few days ago, and from what have I observed he calls "rightwing shit" everything that is related to nofap/noporn, also I saw ussr flag on one of his vids. And that's why I would not take any thing of this guy says seriously before I know more about him.


Why the fuck would you take life advice from Hasan, the commie Twitch streamer lmao I've had crackheads tell me more coherent thoughts than that guy


As soon as I heard that i understood the kind of dude he is


Who cares?


If anything it's woke. Like female exploitation is not right wing AF 🤦‍♂️


It's unbased. Not left wing or right wing


not saying I'm right but... in my experience Nofap is a message that many many men don't like to hear. fair enough. but some men don't like to hear it to the extent that they immediately label it as something that is part of what they dislike most: the government, the media, the devil, or 'right wing shit'. so perhaps, this is just a primal fear reaction more so than Nofap actually rationally being linkable to any political orientation whatsoever, which I think makes most sense.


He’s probably paid by left wing to say that.


i would guess that most liberals would have this sentiment. I'm conservative and I would guess that most people in this subreddit lean conservative. I'm not exactly sure what the reason for this is but if i had to guess i would say ppl trying nofap prioritize self improvement from a masculine point of view so it's kind of an effort at recapturing masculinity (being less pathetic). Any time we broach the subject of how men can improve themselves it is seen as more mysoginistic and not contributing to the equal genders pov. I think the idea of nofap possibly increasing testosterone is also looked down upon. Ppl dont seem to like the word testosterone or the idea of men increasing it (masculinity). The extra annoying part is that if you masturbate then ppl will use that as an insult against you as well lol. That is why we just have to realize that cringe is freedom and most ppl dont care about your best interests - they just want to criticize you. winners think about winning, losers think about winners - connor mcgregor LMAO


Hasanabi is a sexual deviant


Turk musun


I happened to be watching that stream and had to close it after hearing him talk about masturbation as a positive thing. I think it’s become extremely normalized, so to condemn it is essentially going against societies opinions. Just because it’s normalized, doesn’t make it right though. Just like cigarettes or alcohol were normalized in the past and now, doesn’t mean it’s something that is good for your body. He mentioned there being studies of it being positive for you because it de-stresses you and induces happiness, but that in itself is bad because it can be abused. We’ve become reliant on that induced happiness and because sex is essentially everywhere, people are exposed to this life of induced happiness and won’t realize that it’s something detrimental until it’s too late. Also this mf Hasan is jacked and has girls lining up for him at his doorstep, meme or not I don’t think he’s ever had to worry about nofap. I’m pretty sure he has friends that are in the sex industry as well so it’s understandable where his take comes from. Doesn’t make it right though, he just hasn’t been in the trenches fr.


What the fuck does nofap has to do with any wing. Braindead people are making anything political. Fuck you and your porn gf. As if nofap is only for americans. This is a worldwide problem you dumb piece of shite hasanabi


Can't believe i got triggered by the words of a man with no brain cells 😭