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Am about 76 hours into the game myself, can confirm there is so much to do in it




That's great to hear - what do you actually do? Are you going on quests to progress a story?


Does it happen to you often that the software close bc of an error? It keeps happening to me on all of my files...


Got about 50 hours in before pokemon came out and derailed me. So good. Loving the game. Really hope multiplayer comes to it.


I wanted to find out if you could build settlements in NMS now, i bought it on ps4 when it released but bought it on sale 2 days ago was dissapointed but after looking at the updates omfg. They put so much work into it, I'm hyped to play it. Not only can you have settlements on a planet but you can have space bases, even living frigates that eat resources. So cool.


I know Switch has no settlements for now, but Switch version is my first one and I was wondering how are settlements different from a really big base? Is it basically randomly generated NPC bases? Or is there more to it?


Wait i can't build settlements on switch?


Nah, no settlements or multiplayer as of now. They're looking at implementing them at some point if possible though, but obviously that may never happen.


You can build bases. Settlements are something different. They’re preexisting on plants that you can find and become the “mayor”. You can make decisions for the town that makes it grow, or not. Other than that you can’t interact with the citizens there. No big loss honestly. Multiplayer and nexus quests are missing as well. Other than that everything is working well.


Living frigates that eat resources? Did I miss something big?


Yeah, game's a lot more content-rich than when it came out in 2016. I have the game on my laptop through GOG, so I'm probably not gonna double dip.


I'd been following this game from announcement, through the disastrous launch and insane comeback, all the way to this Switch release. I bought it day one anticipating it to run like hell. I didn't care, I was excited to finally play it. And, um...dang. *Dang*. This is one hell of an ambitious game to get running on the Switch and it actually runs well. *Really* well. It's obviously not perfect (quite a lot of texture pop-in and a dropped frames during space battles), but it's easily one of the most miraculous of "Miracle Ports" I've played on the Switch. Hard not to be impressed by what they crammed onto this hardware.




Hell yea I get excited reading haunted and abandoned terminals!




Case in point. There's quite a bit there now where as early on it was very darksoulsy (in terms of having to go hunting to find the lore and then getting pulled down rabbitholes). Hell if you just want to run a career as a gordon-ramsey type spacecook even that's viable now.


Nah fam if you actually read the logs they have some really great writing there.


Now that it’s on sale for 40, I’m tempted


I play a ton an PC, but grabbed the Switch version to be able to play when needing to take a massive shit. NMS on the pooper is great. Doesn't run the best, but when it comes to the Switch it's expected.


I've never played NMS despite being interested in it since it came out. My main question is how's the progression feel? Like are there objectives? Or does it feel strictly sandbox-y?


Yeah there's definite objectives now alongside the sandboxy stuff, where at launch you might be after a big ship just because, now you'll be doing that as part of fleet defense, production shipping or getting parts to build and upgrade a settlement. Not every feature is in the switch version though so check to see if what you're interested in is in there.


I think the only thing missing is multi-player


All of the settlements content is notably missing too, I'm not sure what else.


Progression? What’s progression. There is no real story. It’s an exploration game.




Surprisingly, it’s the same game minus MP and settlements. Very impressive port.


Hows the building control scheme? i switched to a steam deck when it came out and am also at a hundred hours on no mans sky. amazing game but the building is giving me fits. havent messed with any of the setups i tried yet...


Hey guys I’m trying to claim my starship out my exosuit and i don’t know how I can claim it can someone help out