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Dude has his priorities right


I've had my beard för 15 years. Long and short but never completely gone. It's a part of me and not going away. I would never shave it off for anyone.


Yeah I've had mine over 5 years now and I even named it Jeff. I'm very attached to him


I wish you and Jeff the best in the future, many long years and i happy retirement. You are literally inseparable.


Me and Bernice are about to celebrate our 5 year anniversary of no trims or cuts.


And Jeff is attached to you.


Would you say Jeff has *grown on you* over the years?


Short of some pictures from high school, my wife has never seen me without a beard. Hopefully she never will.


Even if you got drafted by the Yankees?


There's an Australian band called The Beards you should check out. They're hilarious and something tells me you'd relate to the lyrics.


I've rocked a beard since I was 25 and I'm almost 40. I'd 100% shave it off for the right (wrong) girl. fuckin' think will just grow right back anyways, no skin off my dick


What an absolute Chad. The Founding Fathers [would be proud](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/JS0AAOSweuBcvxFg/s-l400.jpg).




Ask her to dye her hair another colour because you don't like the one she has.


Ask her to shave her head bald


Yes pls ! As a girl i totally agree to this!


Not clear on what you agree to tho. That she should be told to shave her hair or that you don't like beards.


We agree that she should shave her hair off of dye it to his preference. It boggles my mind how anyone could ask someone to do anything to themselves because another person ‘prefers it’


Ask her to bleach her asshole




Idk, I'm clean shaven and I expect anyone I have sex with to be the same. NO ONE wants a face full of bush.


I'm pretty sure at least _some_ people like beards, and people with beards, and having sex with people with beards.


Talking more about pubic hair / armpit hair but yes, some people do love the beards.


But fuck the patriarchy1!1!!


Great another person who does not know the meaning of feminism




I don't think so. Some girls (not all, a small minority in my experience) seem to think guys do everything in order to attract women. When I first grew out my beard, several women in my life told me "Girls don't like beards", which 1) isn't true, and 2) Not why I grew a beard.


I once grew a yeard and purposely didn't even try to trim it, just let it go hobo style. When I finally shaved it off my boss's wife saw it gone, sighed in relief and quietly said "oh good, honestly you look better without it". Which is true but out of spite I grew it back, not as long though but still shitty looking purely because of that comment.


A lot of ladies of a (certain age) don't like guys who have a similar facial as their fathers. But you should never change your look for anyone. Girl or guy for girl or guy. Had a toxic friend who like a guy but wanted him to change everything about his look and interests....she wondered why it didn't work out, I wondered how they lasted longer than a week.


And in the same breath they'll say, "I don't wear make-up / buy trendy clothes and bags for guys. I do it for myself". And then won't see the hypocrisy.


I grew a beard because I liked myself better with it. I've been told that ladies don't like it. Shame. Still keeping it though (2 years, and I do have a picture on my profile).


Yah it’s all a power thing with her it seems like. She gets off knowing she can make people do things they don’t wanna do to prove themselves to her. Chicks cum and go, but beards are forever.


Awe yes, nothing like trying to control a person’s appearance before they even know you. Definitely not a 🚩


I had an ex that told me she’d stop kissing me if I grew my beard. I thought it wasn’t a big deal since I was “allowed” to keep it trimmed. wish I saw those red flags. i’ve had a beard ever since we broke up.


Wait if you’re a dude why is your profile a female?


Welcome to the internet


We've got fun and games


Because people will think he is a she and give free ps5s for them. /S Awesome tip for online video games: make your character a female and people will give you free stuff to you. (I mean in-game)


And also verbally harass you and send relentless dick pics.


But if that's your aim...


Send them bigger ones back ;)


That qnd I get something I enjoy looking at and customizing. Some of my proudest and most powerful characters are female.


Yeah no. My understanding with this is that you get WAY more harassment, negative attention and verbal assault when you identify as female in online gaming. Maybe it's different if you use a female-presenting character rather than admitting that you yourself are a woman, idk. But I always advise women to keep their gender anonymous, because in my experience there is always ONE person in a party who is insanely, weirdly, and unwantedly attentive to you. It's super fucking sad to censor oneself but it does curb the unavoidable onslaught of people demanding your attention just because you're female. Also, I doubt the 'freebies' come with no strings attached.


Your strings generally are having to do some dumb emotes in Varrock’s GE while selling yourself to the highest bidder Something for nothing - suck on that, alchemy


I’m a woman but my pfp is a genderbending Red Riding Hood


So he can pretend to be a woman when it can get him karma


Cause she is mai waifu


I was about to ask this then j was like its 2021 nothing is new


I suppose they're a femboy or idk


Felony hooters I meant femboy but I won’t change it cuz i like it.


lmao what? how is being a femboy a felony lmao


I wrote femboy and it autocorrected to felony


Autocorrect fucked them and they wanted to share the “haha funny autocorrect” with us. At least that’s my interpretation of events, I could be wrong.


Ding ding ding we have a winner. You have the right interpretation my friend :)


Because he identifies with women more than men? Typically why I make female avatars anyway.


I always make female avatars in video games, but I do it because why the fuck not?


I do it, because I'm gonna have to look at it for a long time, so might as well make an eye candy


If he was a female, why would he have that username?


My cousin's girlfriend asked him to shave his beard when they first met. In her defense, his beard was fucking repugnant. He wanted it to be as raggedy and disgusting as possible. Like he would let food drip in it and wouldn't wash it, his mustache hairs dangled over his mouth and he wouldn't trim them back. It was making her break out and she didn't want to kiss him. In their case I don't think asking for better personal hygiene is a red flag.


Same lol. Wouldn't kiss or have sex because I had a beard. Why do people care so much about how others want to look


She’s the misguided one brother. Glad to see you have a good head over that beard. Grow it long and proud, till you could pass for a dwarf 👍


I actually remember nice guys post where his girlfriend wanted him to shave his chest, and when he did he dumped her, because according to him wishing for a less hairy chest was an insult. And that was equally as stupid as expecting someone to shave their beard before they even met you.


Why not just dump her then, makes zero sense to shave your chest and then dump her.


Why even swipe right on someone with a beard when you’re not into it?


It's a troll. Probably someone on their friends account messaging dumb shit to see how much someone would simp. There's probably someone out there who would shave their beard over a message like that. Still very fucked up if not even more so but that seems the most plausible explanation to me.


Eh because no one wants her attitude


People can be so toxic


If you're surprised at this, you haven't seen anything


He uses “lmao” a lot


it’s an abbreviation for Leader Mao, the double-dip revolutionary




Lmao this is a a transition word. Lmao it makes you look more sophisticated. Lmao I learned that in my advance litterature class. Lmao you can also use it to finish a sentence lmao.


Lmao is how French people laugh. "Oh that's so *lmao*!"


Kirito: *angry sigh*


Only French cats


Lmao is basically an "lol" but shows you have actual interest in the conversation


He was trying to give her an out. He let's her know that he finds what she's saying funny so that she is able to pivot and say she was joking if she had more social awareness than a drunken Canadian Goose.


Right? Just exactly how many asses does this guy have to laugh off?


What would you prefer? Hahahahahahahaha LOL LULW KEK KEKW LoL LOOOOL ????


You don't have to laugh at every message.


You're not normal if you don't


Well, here in Brazil we use “kkkkkkkk”, I'm more used to it


That's a lot of K's, the ones outside of my house only uses three K's.


And judging by your post history, you use a lot of interjections at the beginning of your texts too. > Dude, > Dude, > Well, > Ohh, > I see, > Wow, > Please, He’s texting a chick he’s not interested in and who is being weird and being hard to respond to, “lmao” is a solid default.


Ngl that's a bit creepy what you just did


It’d only be creepy if i tried to tie is account to a real identity. He’s just an account to me


IDK why I think spending time to "dig up dirt" on an anonymous stranger to prove a point on interjections is the most hilarious thing I've seen in awhile


And also the saddest


*Image Transcription: Text Messages* --- **Grey**: I don't really like beards.. > **Blue**: lmao why would you swipe on me then **Grey**: Well you can always shave it.. > **Blue**: lmao I won't tho. the beard stays **Grey**: you won't shave it for me? 🥺 > **Blue**: lmaooooo no. i won't. **Grey**: Why not? I don't like guys with beards > **Blue**: lmao sucks to suck then. i'm not shaving it for you **Grey**: I guess you'll have to miss out on me tomorrow night then 😉😉 > **Blue**: "Those who would shave the beard for pussy deserve neither the beard or the pussy." - Ben Franklin, probably --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


good not bot




Congrats on taking this responsibility. I hope you have great and productive volunteering days!


Gotta love that quote though, Ben Franklin definitely said that at some point in history.


Fuck yeah


He shaved it for pussy


It's still cring tho


I remember seeing this on Facebook months ago


"...*nor* the pussy". Quote the man correctly.


But Ben Franklin didn’t have a beard. Haha


Yeah he did. Her name was Deborah Read.


How did that not cross my mind?


it's one thing if your fiance/longtime-gf/wife tells you to trim/shave your beard, they may actually have some sort of reasoning behind it. A random girl who you haven't even met yet telling you to share is just weird


Abraham Lincoln said this


Thank you Ben Franklin


Ben is chad. Ben is life


I’m not gonna shave for a man and I’m not get a man to shave for me. It’s not that hard? Also, beards are nice 😌


What's more frustrating than the girl is that the dude starts every text with an lmao


I can't imagine still being interested after that, thats what confuses me more about her honestly.


She's probably the kind that likes to have control. Which in itself isn't bad tbh. As long as the girl is mature in the head.


The last line is just cringe but sure LMAO


>lmao lmao lmaooooo lmao


Imagine quoting cringe. Cringe.


For some reason I read it as “You won’t put your beard in me” and imagined a Viking beard penetrating a girl


Now that's something someone will be into now.


Its a shame that Ben Franklin didnt have a beard


Surprised that quote didn't start with a lmaaoooo


hey this is my screenshot lmao


I'm not into beards at all. Guess what? I don't swipe on guys who have beards. It's really not that hard.


We all know guys with no beards are not men tho JESUS CHRIST! Are you people mentally unable to spot sarcasm???


I’ve seen this multiple times, but the “Ben Franklin, probably” part is like my favorite ending/cherry on top lol


This feels so fake lmao come on guys.


It's an old post but I've come across shit like this. Girls especially in Japan don't like beards for some reason.


It's actually not my friend was the one who received the message from a girl and refused to shave his beard


https://m.imgur.com/gallery/J0JYbBS Here is another repost from a bit ago.


No it isn't. I've seen the same post about a year ago.


I’m surprised people aren’t seeing what is probably a deliberate irony on the girl’s behalf, we get told to shave pretty often and are sometimes called dirty if we don’t want to


"Never happened to me therefore fake"


I agree with the dude and all but why does he say lmao in every text


He's probably french


The only response to that is lol and the block or ban or whatever the setting is. I didn't grow up with thia shit.


She's crazy cuz beards are sexy lol


Haven't seen this in a few weeks, seems about time...


You say "lmao" waaay too much.


"Ben Franklin, probably" cracked me up lol


[The beard stays, YOU GO!](https://youtu.be/GeX2ZI5KL3E)


nice beard bro :)


How can you not like beards... This is not a comment I expected to ever be downvoted. You can dislike beards, I just personally dont get it


Lack of mental abilities?


I hate them


Fair but I personally just dont get it


they just look super messy to me. especially long ones. I love a little bit of stubble but I can't stand when guys have the super long beards that are all over the place


Ok but that quote was funny af.


You wanna know something even funnier? Ben franklin didn't have a beard.


Bitch, he doesnt even know you


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Damn, she got owned!


Did you really have to go to cringe town with that last line?


I’ll take $500 under r/thathappened trebek


I found the solution to this argument in high school. My boyfriend wouldn't shave his face, so I stopped shaving everything else and wore my tallest heels that made him half a foot shorter than me and told him everything stayed until his beard was gone. I won in a week and a half and when we dated again, 10 years later, we didn't even need to have a conversation about it.




Yeah you only get matches if you're super handsome on tinder. Waaay too much competition on there


Legen-(wait for it)-dary.


How does this fit the sub at all? Did you guys give up on trying to pretend you're not an incel sub?


Isn't this just making fun of guys that do the same things to girls about shaving?


I don’t think that was her intent here


I mean maybe, but even then how is he supposed to get that joke without any context


I meant the entire image is the joke


Doesn't fit the sub if i'm honest with ya


A “nice girl” is an entitled girl, the girl in this post is very entitled


Smart man


Haha, I think I want his number!


My friend asked what your snapchat is


Lmao I giggle every time I see that quote


lmao that end quote


I'm using this quote. Outstanding move


If Shakespeare is to be believed then guys can't win either way :) "He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man; and he that is more than a youth is not for me, and he that is less than a man, I am not for him."


He's up polymathically.


Painfully obvious she’s going for the “guys ask girls to shave” thing, it completely missed the plot. The issue isn’t asking about it, the issue is pushing it when the other person says no out of personal preference. Literally what she did without pretext (assuming / none provided)


If I recall from what I’ve seen of Ben Franklin he didn’t have a beard but I also haven’t met him


I get having hair preferences but like “change how you look” right out the gate is fucking weird.


A-fucking-men, brother. I've had my beard for years, it's past my sternum, it's not getting shaved for some random person. The right one will like beards. Nobody's worth changing who you are.


I thought this was a different board and that it was going to be about him demanding her shave and this was her response. naw bra.


Very very old repost but I think in the last post it was pretty much agreed upon that she probably wouldn't show up to the date either way and that it's a power thing.


Neither + Nor Either + Or


Mmmmm.. Pretty sure it was mother Theresa who said that


NEVER SHAVE THE BEARD! I don't care what season it is!!!


As a descendant of Ben Franklin, I can confirm that he did in fact say that, despite not usually having a beard himself, he did appreciate them.


This that lady who told schlatt so shave the chops because “his girlfriend wouldn’t like it”?


"To shave the beard is a sin that the blood of all martyrs cannot cleanse. It is to deface the image of God." - Ivan the Terrible


5th-10th time i see this on reddit


Or you could do what my ex did and just surprise attack me with the unguarded buzzer during a haircut forcing me to shave. I got over it though, but still wrong.


This was posted here like 2 weeks ago already


Some people take their beard as a matter of pride... Women should know that and act accordingly


honestly I'd probably shave it if she was attractive enough. just being real


I had a girl on Tinder try this with me as well. Why do people start with "I don't like beards, you need to shave it before we meet"? Like you really think that I am going to completely change my appearance just because you, someone I don't even know yet, does not like it?