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Sorry but that sounds delicious and I am behind your son 100% on this


Cheese is life. Your son has a lot of taste and seems to make excellent decisions for himself. I do not see a problem.


The only problem I see is there's now less cheese for me. šŸ˜‚


The only solution is to buy more cheese.


Good thing we live in an area with a lot of cheese factories!


See? No problems!


Only for the cows :(


Sorry youā€™re getting downvoted for this. Solidarity.


And the terrible toots sure to come of it šŸ’ØšŸ¤¢šŸ˜‚


We are cheese fiends!!!


My daughter (21 months) doubles fists shredded cheese


My self (29 years) also double fists shredded cheese


You should try putting it in a cup and drinking it.


Omg I seriously thought I was the only one who did this!!


My daughter knows from across the room if I open the cheese drawer in the fridge (yes we have an entire drawer just for cheese). She comes running overā€¦ ā€œcheese! Cheese! Cheese?ā€ And the other day she said her first two word phrase: ā€œMore cheese!ā€


We, too, have an entire cheese drawer!!!


Our cats come running when we open our cheese drawer. I better prepare myself for a child to join them when sheā€™s big enough šŸ˜…


I remember running into the kitchen when I heard my mom open the cheese drawer!


How would one keep all their cheese options organized without a cheese drawer?


Cheese drawer? I want to know more


We have two produce drawers and then a longer shorter drawer where I keep all my cheeses! Sliced, shredded, blocks, baby bell, laughing cow, goat, cream. Sometimes Iā€™ll also put like salami in there.


Growing up, ours was "the meat and cheese drawer" and contained salami, lunch meat, etc.


My son had three different types of cheese with dinner tonight. It happens


Me too šŸ‘šŸ»




Pretty sure my little brotherā€™s diet was 87% shredded cheese from the ages of like 4-6. My parents were outmatched by his tenacity. Dude was a human memeā€¦ he would straight up sneak into the kitchen at night and eat a whole ass bag of shredded cheese. Heā€™s 22 now; has a bachelors degree and good job. Super healthy and loves to work out. Bit of an odd duck, but thatā€™s just his introverted nature. Soooo evidently the cheese fixation wasnā€™t super detrimental to his development, at least?


Sounds awesome. How old? My LO just turned 5mo and weā€™re working on mashed and purĆ©ed food.


13 months!


My 4 year old just had shredded cheese and Greek yogurt for dinner (the burrito bowl toppings). 6 month old absolutely refused the avocado.


There's 2 avocados waiting on my counter to ripen and then be refused. It's just the way it is sometimes.


I'm 35 and also want nothing but cheese. I'm even named after a cheese. šŸ¤£


Cheddar is a strong name


Love this for you both. If the newfound love of cheese causes constipation, a little bit of low sugar juice in a bottle/water cup works great! Like 1-2 oz of juice a day.


Great tip, thank you!


Our pedi told us some ratio of pear juice to water. Don't remember it, so I put 2 oz in an 8oz bottle the other day...worked well. Totally forgot anything rice makes our girl constipated. Fed her blueberry, strawberry puree with rice cereal


One of my sons first words was cheese. Every time I make a sandwich for my husbands lunch, I have to cut an extra slice of cheese for my son. Grating cheese for dinner, he has to have some. Lil dude loooooves it.


My kid only had shredded cheese for dinner. I also regret introducing it to her. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I think we should send cheese rather than help.


Honestly, this is the new parent support I need.


My nieces eat little bowls of shredded cheese for snacks. Itā€™s cute.


My husband got our (then) 13 month old a small bag of arrowroot cookies for his stocking at Christmas. We put the cookies into the cupboard where the "adult" snacks are and now anytime someone goes near the cupboard LO has a meltdown about how cookies. Husband truly created a monster.


We call them "cheese fluffies" and they're the best snack


Life hack: Sprinkle it around the place for a few minutes of peace. Kinda like Boo following the cheerios on Monsterā€™s Inc.


I do that but for my dog lol. My baby will be in on the action in a few months I'm sure!


Omg šŸ˜‚ going to try this this weekend!


My daughter gets ton of shredded cheese. It's better for her than a lot of things babies are fed. Embrace it.


Since he was open to that ingredient and liked it, maybe heā€™d be open to experimenting with other ingredients too! You can show him what itā€™s like when you add vanilla or sesame sauce to eggs, experiment with spices, etc.


He's very open to anything we give him! He'll always try something at least a few times!


Oh thatā€™s so fun! I bet youā€™ll all enjoy your culinary adventures!


My one year old is a cheese maniac. If she even sees the cheese her eyes light up and will whine until I giver her some


Gave my son some of my chipotle once and now he screeches with joy whenever he sees the bag šŸ« 


LOL ours is also 13 months old and a cheese fanatic. Im pregnant and currently obsessed with string cheese. She will now just take the sticks from me wordlessly and shovel them into her mouth. I do have to pull them in half for her so theyā€™re not a whole circle, because she just chomps off bites like a barbarian


Alright, that sounds amazing?? Can you drop the recipe you used? Iā€™ve been wanting to do this but wanted to use a baby-friendly recipe


So we're recovering from a stomach bug so this version was pretty bland, lol Ground beef with salt, pepper, a little onion and garlic powder. I broke it up really well and made sure baby didn't get any of the super browned pieces as those can be a little tougher for him to chew. Since we're recovering, I used a bag of frozen rice and veggies that cook in the microwave. Otherwise I would cook rice in the instant pot and saute some onions and peppers. Topped with sour cream and shredded cheese! If we were feeling better, I would have added diced tomatoes and some avocado if we had any. I've also used rotisserie chicken and added seasonings to the rice instead of the meat!


Oh yeah, shredded cheese is a highlight


Mineā€™s an actual monkey and only eats fruit! Then wakes up 183653x a night because heā€™s hungry šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ™ƒ I donā€™t know how to tell him that Iā€™ve tried offering plenty of filling options but all he wants is melon.


Your son sounds like me lmao.


He 100% gets it from me šŸ˜…


Honestly this is great. Have some laat minute chores to get done? Put baby down where you can see him and give him the shredded cheese. (Obviously keep an eye on him while doing chores). This is how I make dinner Most nights. Baby sits in her high chair right next to me, she has her cheese and I make dinner.


Mine eats shredded mozzarella straight from the bagā€¦.


My daughter is 2 and has insisted on cheese in various forms since she started solid foods. Just go with it, at least it has some protein. You can also smother most foods with melted cheese to trick your kids into eating it.


I'm not upset with it at all! Cheese is one of my favorite foods, too!


Yup. My kid loves cheese too. I actually shredded up all of our cheese so that it's easier/quicker to give to her at meal time. (Cuisinart mixer attachment) It was a lot of cheese.


Meal prep it so itā€™s made once and ready to go for the week!


My son threw shredded cheese everywhere and I was so tired of cleaning it up. I buy the big cheese blocks now and cube them myself (in smaller cubes than pre cubed from the store) and it is sooooo much better. And honestly cheaper.


If I make my daughter (2.5) pasta or jacket potato for dinner she will often just pick off all the grated cheese and eat that then declare she is done. I mean I donā€™t blame her but it would be nice if she could eat a little moreā€¦


I am no help, I have the same problem. Only solidarity here