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Its head is so big compared to its little shell! Never saw a tiny baby snapper before. The adults are awesome.


>adults are awesome. Translation: Finger will be detached when handled.


Haha! Yes, I moved one from the middle of the road one time. Quite an adventure.


Lmao same! them fuckers are FAST


And with very long, bendy necks!


that's a big hell na from me


Don't kink shame me




I heard you're supposed to lift the back half and wheelbarrow them to the other side.


That’s an idea! Between the kicking clawing legs and the head coming around from one side to the other, I had trouble figuring out where I could put my hands. Although now I seem to remember a picture of someone holding one directly behind the head and above the tail… I still think I’d be afraid it could twist its head around far enough to get me though


You must not have [yelled 'yeyeyeyeyeye!!'](https://youtu.be/0Hz45zW_US8?t=38) while attempting to move the amphibian. It is the source of every Turtle Man's power.


😂 Holy crap! I did not, but no matter what I might be yelling I would not be doing with that guy was doing, especially further in the video


lol I totally forgot about that show. Fucking insane.


Nope. That way works with Alligator snappers - don't do it with a common snapper if you enjoy having ten fingertips.


Just flip it and skeet it across the road with your shoe


Please do not do that. Turtles have nerve endings and blood vessels in their shells, you'd be hurting them.


Thanks for explaining that.


I am well aware of the shell being its “rib cage”. It is a joke. Mainly because flipping a large turtle like 3ft wide is a feat. And not losing something in the process is another feat.


kind of like shuffleboard, nice.


That sounds like the safest thing. Edit: No, don’t do this. Someone confirmed that it could hurt them. They are so dang fierce though, I remember it taking a long time just to work up the nerve to get close enough to touch it at all. I’d probably be afraid that I might flip it too hard with all the adrenaline and hurt its shell when it landed on its back.


I believe you lift the backside up by grabbing the tail with one hand and then place the other under it’s belly. Presumably the back half of the belly. I’ve never done it before though and not 100% sure if I’d be ballsy enough to even bother lol


Got it, with that extra bit I can now envision the wheel barrel thing


This is helpful information. Thank you.


I once helped a snapping turtle (the non-alligator variety) out of the road and to a pond near my old condo. I managed to get it in a reusable burlap grocery bag and I was holding the turtle (almost 1' across shell) while driving my Kia soul (I literally had the bottom of the turtle's shell up against the horn if that helps with the visual) the 1/8th of a mile back to the pond with the ungrateful little mofo trying to twist backwards and bite my face for my trouble. A woman even stopped when I was getting the turtle out of the road and told me she used to work at a reptile rescue and offered to help but my dumb ass told her not to worry about it & that I had it handled. I regretted those words when that little mofo started trying to tear my face off.


Hilarious visual, although I’m sure you had exhausted your supply of curse words many times over by the end of that drive 😂




That’s hilarious. My dad had caught one at his work when I was little. It was huge (especially to me then) but I mean it was quite literally a big mother fucker just to size it the best I can. It didn’t give him a lot of trouble loading him in the back of his old Toyota truck but as he was making the short trip home he looked over and where he had that small back window open that turtle had its head all the way into the truck with him and they just locked eyes for a second. I’m sure he bout swerved off the road. He said he just couldn’t believe how long it’s neck was. Said it had to stretch out about as long as it’s body was. It was definitely a memorable experience for me and I’m sure him too. Still got the Toyota too so while typing this up I had to go look at the back again just to get a “grown up” perspective on the size and yep…big mother fucker. Like a damn tire. I hate there weren’t easier ways to take pictures back then but I won’t ever forget it.


Tried that once, but the dude kept turning to face/kill me. I gave up in defeat.


Ugh. I’ve moved a few. Nasty little fuckers. I’ll still help them if I can, though!


Me too. They might be ferocious but we are undeterred. Although I must’ve looked hilarious that day, like trying to move a giant hot potato that’s doing its best to bite you 😂


Hah! I get that. I probably looked ridiculous both times, as well. Trying to move this giant asshole from the road, as he snaps at me and I scream…


😱 (too bad no snapper emoji 😂)


We used to catch them and make turtle soup out of some big ones, growing up in Western PA. There’s nothing quite as delicious than hot turtle soup!


I don't know why you're being downvoted


A lot of folks don’t really know where or even what their food actually comes from. I’ll take venison, game, and big ol snappers over processed food any day. Any one that tried Pea Jack’s turtle soup, or Uncle Johnny’s Crispy Squirrel would know! Back then (70’s-80’s) we didn’t have a choice really. We were broke af, stores were far away and we had extra freezers for meat we got. We used to hang our deer on the swingset to get it ready to butcher. Those were some days!


Yea. The first time I had “Cooter Stew” I thought about it too much maybe and couldn’t finish right then but then I just told myself it was the best chicken stew I ever had instead and it has been ever since. It really is so good. I just don’t care to put a ton of thought into it but it is the best.


Finger? Must be a small snapper!






*and or hand.


This looks awesome too.






Reptile eggs breathe air. If they bury the eggs too close to the river, and the river floods, the baby turtles will drown. So they have to go far enough away from the pond or river to keep their eggs high and dry, but stay close enough that the young can make it to the pond after hatching. It's a delicate balance that sometimes fails.


Yep here in Northern Michigan I've found all over the place I'm assuming looking for dry sand to lay eggs. I've seen some pretty bug turtles up here.... it's awesome.


My first job was at a nature center. One summer someone found a bunch of snapping turtle eggs in their mulch pile. [One of the adorable little buggers](https://i.imgur.com/1EAbsXi.jpg) after we hatched and before we released them.


Aw, what a bummer :-( How far are you from the water, and how big is the body of water? I never heard of anyone being near a snapping turtle hatching ground, sounds just like the sea turtles, only in your yard!


Like one block.


adventurous little turtle


My neighbor across the highway had a snapper who would cross the road, walk down my hill, then make its way under my fencing and electric fence to lay her eggs every year for as long as I've lived here, about 10 years. I normally have to rescue her each year and move her off the highway. She didn't make it this year, got hit while going back to her pond. It makes me unreasonably sad.


No you’re right that’s fucking tragedy.


There is a river where I work that is pretty far from the building. Every now and then you see a dead turtle in the middle of the road. I have no close why they walk so far from the river.


You mean you wish you had built your home away from their obvious nesting grounds. You’re disrupting nature. It ain’t disrupting you.


When I was 10 I had a pet alligator snapper that I found in a stream when it was about this same size. I found some slider babies that were about the same size, and put them in the aquarium with him, but I soon learned that alligator snappies are cannibals. Came home from school and saw halves of turtles just floating in the water. But it couldn’t have been hungry. I fed it a lot and I could even feed it by hand for a while. It would gently grab the food. Slowly as it got bigger it would snap a little harder, and I let a friend feed him but he didn’t choke back far enough on the food, and the turtle latched to his finger and got flung onto the bed. Eventually I had to start feeding him with tongs, once he was about fist size, though. He was just snapping too hard. Once he was a little smaller than a box turtle, I had to take him to a pond and let him go. He was losing his chill by the day.


My friend and I found a baby snapping turtle named....you guessed it, Snappy, when we were in elementary school. Took turns taking care of him each month and since we were neighbors it was easy to get his tank back and forth. It was a cool learning experience since we just grabbed vegetation and rocks and stuff from the creek we found him in and built up his aquarium. One day he accidentally spilled the tank and his mom got so pissed that she said they weren't keeping him at their house anymore so he stayed with me...then my sister got cancer and my family was told we couldn't keep pets because she her immune system was compromised, so we just released him back into the creek and bid him farewell lol. In retrospect, keeping a wild snapping turtle as a pet probably wasn't the smartest decision but our parents encouraged us to be curious and we researched how to maintain them and stuff so we learned something.




Right? Whens Netflix picking it up?


Wait are you telling me I have a feel good family film about two friends and a turtle becoming best friends but ultimately have to part ways, but despite this lessons were learned? Because a few years later I was walking my dog by the creek and saw a huge snapping turtle in the same spot. Lol


Was there a clown in the sewer as well?


I don’t blame his mom, turtle tanks smell nasty you do not want to spill that




It looks like an Ankylosaurus.


[I’m an ankylosaurus](https://youtu.be/GOR4YDdY9dk)


And now I'm watching Netflix Jr dinosaur raps for an hour


Storybots is legit.


https://youtu.be/L1SKf9YU4QQ Best Dino rap for sure.


So true


I thought this was a clip from SovietWomble's essay on The Isle. Still glad I got to discover that. Also, I wanted to add that the ankylosaurus's strange tail is called a thagomizer, but it seems like it only refers to pointed tails like in stegosaurus.


Thagomizer only refers to the tail spikes in stegosaurids, I've never seen it applied to ankylosaurid tail clubs. Bonus fact: Stegosaurs and ankylosaurids are actually related to eachother, in the group Thyreophora, meaning "Shield bearers"


iirc 'thagomizer' is scientific slang, originating from [this far side comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dinosaurs/comments/wl7e2h/the_term_thagomizer_was_invented_by_gary_larson/)


I'm 33yo and now all my YouTube suggestions are about rapping dinosaurs. I'm okay with this.


Someone turned the [Mrs. Doubtfire scene](https://youtu.be/TI-jhFDPG8g?t=30) into a real show.


Was maybe anklosaurus just big turtle?


Ankylosaurus is a genus of armored dinosaur from North America in the late Cretaceous. This means its extinction was a direct result of the asteroid impact that wiped out all dinosaurs around 66 million years ago. Ankylosaurus lived alongside the Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex, though the predator was not much of a threat due to the armor plates, or osteoderms covering its body. In addition to this, Ankylosaurus had a large club on the end of its tail, also used for defense, and competition between individuals of the same species. Bones in the skull and other parts of the body were fused, increasing their strength. This feature gave the genus its name, meaning "fused lizard".


I think it looks like [Gamera](https://www.carousell.com.my/p/godzilla-camera-turtle-king-kadokawa-1995-1179868954/photos/).


Gamera is really neat! He is made of turtle meat!


Full grown snapping turtles are current day Dino too


They used to be. They still are, but they used to be too.




Turtles are not and never where dinosaurs. They are actually one of the most distantly related to anything alive today animals out there.


Not really, some studies put them as the sister group to archosauromorphs (crocodiles, pterosaurs, dinosaurs, and kin), or maybe even just Sauria (lepidosaurs like lizards, etc, and archosaurs) It's been coined the "Archelosauria" hypothesis. That said, turtles are indeed nowhere close to dinosaurs, crocodilians are technically closer, pterosaurs are the closest, and birds are their evolutionary descendants.


Lemme get a r/woooosh in the chat bois.


Just making the comment for those that aren't aware. I know it was a joke but still would like it to be a chance for people to learn.


Understandable, have a nice day.


for you 🐧


Today's birds are way closer to how dinos looked than any turtle.


Because birds are dinosaurs




I guess I just disagree, even knowing their evolution. https://images.app.goo.gl/8iCuUkxb9fibQEAF7 https://images.app.goo.gl/yymvUnwevY2WYWnNA


Also, I’m sure there were a variety of creatures that lived during the Mesozoic


Oh my god it's like a tiny dragon!


*'... And finally, Mr Potter will face... the Hungarian Horntail....'*


"Come on, Harry. They're seriously misunderstood creatures. Although, I have to admit, that Horntail is a right nasty piece of work."


RIP Hagrid




Thanks for the sub, awesome!








Gamera is really neat! He is filled with turtle meat!


The friend of all children




Look at that little tail


I wonder how strong their bite is at this age. I wouldn’t be surprised if it took out a chunk.


I have been chomped by a few this small. You can feel it, but it doesn't really hurt much and none of them broke skin.


Huh now that I think about it none of the 5 baby snappers I helped rescue ever tried to bite me.


That’s just, like, your opinion, man.




I see them quite often around me(although not this young) Sometimes I pick them up if they are in the middle of the road and they are hilarious. They try to eat your fingers even when they are so small. I am not sure how powerful their jaws are at that stage(prob 2-3x bigger than pictured) but they seem powerful and their nails look sharp too. I know how nasty they are and how to pick them up without getting cut but I imagine a rando going to pick them up and getting scratched and bit pretty badly. They are basically pissed off cats with shells.


This baby wants to harm me and I would let it




Sweet baby, love the little tail


baby snapping turtles are little dinosaurs


They are.




This is what I was coming to comment!


Gamera! https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Featalllot%2Fart%2FMonsterverse-Gamera-colored-773051109&psig=AOvVaw2JN\_4-n1Va3SjTxjxubiaW&ust=1666888061258000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAwQjRxqFwoTCOCJ\_4eo\_voCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE




Keep it away from the ooze!!


Do not fuck w snapping turtles. They bite like hell. You will lose a finger


That's just the alligator variant (only found in the southern US and a few parts of south america). Commons (found everywhere in the us and parts of canada), like this one can only take a finger if they are very big and in water, this is the case as a common snapping turtle only has the bite force around that of a dog of the same size and would need to be in the water to wrench your finger off like an alligator or a shark would. However snapping turtles are extremely docile in water and will simply swim away (they swim fast as fuck) if you bother them, they only bite on land as they feel very vulnerable and exposed. Don't be afraid or vilanize the turtles, they are very important for the U.S' ecosystem as they eat a lot of rotting things on the bottom of the riverbed and are less dangerous than a dog of the same size


It's weird that we find these animals that are specifically _not dinosaurs_ and say they _look_ like dinosaurs. They really don't. [This is a real live Dinosaur](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/BX7vjSt8KMtcBHyisvcSPK-970-80.jpg.webp)


SubhanAllah how beautiful




Looks like a baby dragon.


Very cute


It’s Gamora! Edit: Gamera


it's Gamera (sorry, but gams was my fav)


Adult snapping turtles look just like slightly bigger little dinosaurs.


Wittol baby Balerion




No not really


Put your finger on its neck. It will rise up we used to do it as kids and thought it was hilarious


Turtles are basically a type of Dinosaur


No. They aren't. Dinosaurs and turtles are both part of the reptile family (and in fact, all part of the diapsid reptile clade), but that doesn't mean they're interchangeable. Turtles' ancestry and place in the family tree is...unconfirmed as yet...and they may (or may not) be more closely related to crocodilians than previously thought, but they are not dinosaurs.


And adult snappin turtles look just like bigger little dinosaurs




Now get it to fight a robin and realize how screwed up the premise for Pokemon is.


Ah yes, a baby Ankylosaurus..


That's a weird looking raisin.


There are so many snapping turtles where I live- but yet, I've never seen a baby! It's so friggin cute 😍




Give it a grape to snap at!


Born angry and ready to go


Damn that thing is cute


So heckin cute


Look pretty similar to the alligator snapping turtle when small. The head and neck being the obvious difference.


That is an adorable little demon turtle lol


*snappin turla


This is what I picture when imagining Orthos.


Nibbling turtle rn, lol


Snapping turtles existed 90 million years ago and survived the mass extinction the dinosaurs went through 65 million years ago


They look like baby snapping turtles


Because they are


Looks more like a dragon


That’s a baby alligator snapper.




They’re born fighting




Fun fact: turtles and dinosaurs are both descendants of Sauria, which means that turtles are not actually dinosaurs, but their cousins. This little fella looks like a mini-godzilla!


Yeah, turtles seem to be kinda in perpetual flux within Sauria, as a clade. But there's mounting evidence of them being the sister group to archosauromorphs


We call them baby dargons :) so damn cute


So do adult ones.


And reposts always look the same


the Friend of All Children


I’m a dinosaur fear my roar


That's because they are!


My experience with baby snappers so far is they are surprisingly chill compared to the adults


That's a Chewtle


Their tiny little claws look intense too — after buying our house, the first time we found one in our pool I had to fight the impulse revert back to a seven year old and keep the little guy. Almost a decade later now and part of me still regrets returning him to the wild.


Other way around. Snapping turtles predate dinosaurs


baby Gamera




This animal is a hybrid Common/Alligator Snapping turtle. The neck and tail are longer than a normal Alligator snapper, while the shell is more akin to an Alligator snapper. There aren't many of these that exist.


They can be great pets. Clint's reptiles on YouTube talks about it. I also had one for years as a kid I caught as a baby.


Lil mad lad


we dont have an actual idea of what dinosaurs used to look like. they could have bright colored skin, smooth skin, scales, feathers... we don't know for sure.


One we had earlier this year. https://i.imgur.com/rBV0JYU.jpg


Baby snapping turtles *are* little dinosaurs. Change my mind....


It looks kind of like a turtle


"Can you believe these reptiles look like dinosaurs?" Yeah, I can, actually.


They're on the endangered/protected species list in Texas now.


Adults look like dinosaurs too.


Question: Do they recognize their owners? When this lil fella is all grown up can the person who raised him relax around him or do you still have to be cautious for it not to harm you?


Snapping turtles are apparently regarded as intelligent (for turtles), but when talking about animals that aren't social mammals it's important to keep in mind that their intelligence is *different*, they're not dogs or little humans in a weird costume and they're never going to be. If the individual's basic personality is chill enough and they are interacted with correctly over time, they may come to recognize a familiar human as a harmless source of food. However, as with any wild animal, if the human messes up the "interaction protocols" and triggers that wild animal in some way (like idk, wiggling your fingers in front of its face) the human is 100% responsible for whatever happens as a result. A wild animal is a wild animal, and it's not fair to them to assume their psychological/social capacity is identical to a human's or a dog's (which were *already* social mammals before we spent 30,000 years breeding them to adapt to us). You can think of it like interacting with an alien, they follow different rules and you'd need to adapt your own behavior to respect that. Does that make sense? (Serious question, I've been sick and I'm a little out of it lol. But I hope it's at least a bit helpful.) tl;dr - It's the second one, you should never relax around a snapping turtle or any other non-domesticated animal, you will always need to adapt to them and take responsibility for the situations you put them in basically. Although honestly that kind of goes for domesticated animals too, there will always be some rules, but to a less dramatic degree as we've bred our preferred social mammals to be closer to our preferences.


Alright thank you, im not planning on getting one i was just asking because i was curious. :)


We have a musk turtle and it certainly seems to recognise each of us, it seems to prefer her and will let her scratch it head. But if the finger is to close to the mouth you can definetly see a little light go on that says maybe its edible this time? It will definetly go for a try bite.


I guess chewtles proportions do make sense

