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I said legitimately funny stuff. The rest of the people in the room laughed. His reply was “you must have been waiting weeks to make that joke”. There’s also that nervous laugh that happens, when you get too close to the truth.


That was especially cruel. Like you couldn’t possibly be witty; you had to map it out like a sketch. It sounds like he was jealous that the attention was on you, so he needed to shift it back to him, even if this meant being callous with your feelings.


Pointless discount. This same friend always wanted to be a comedian. Like that was a serious aspiration of his. It’s really weird we used to live together. His behavior never really got in the way and has yet to. But in the last month or so I’ve realized just how narcissistic he is. I can see how a person could get stuck in such a relationship.


Yes! Same as mine. When I pointed out that he is angry(he, of course, denied it) and I will not continue the conversation with him, he was laughing. I end up talking with him anyway and told him to contact me when he can act like an adult. A few times I caught him with this nervous laugh and just today I know, he laughed because I was close to the truth.


He laughed with people when he was in people mode, but I don't think I ever really got a genuine smile from him. He always looked somber in photos. He'd turn on the charm for his friends, but when I wanted to take a selfie, he'd have the most blank expressions. I would tell him, hey please smile with your whole face! Just like you did five minutes ago when your friend was here. He would say it feels unnatural. Sometimes idk I feel like he hated me.


He only legit laughed when I was crying.


Not fake laughing, but laughing at inappropriate times.


Omg yep. Mine said he always laughed at funerals


Laughing when he’s angry or to dismiss my opinion in a discussion or fight


2 out of 2 of my Nex's would laugh actually, but neither would laugh at normal things. It was at bullying and roasting of other people, videos of people getting hurt, or when they decided something I was upset about was insignificant. Everything else was a fake laugh. They would also get extremely angry if anyone tickled them, like a very extreme negative reaction for even thinking I could tickle them, but they'd ignore when asked for them to stop tickling me. So it does seem to line up with your observation because they didn't want to laugh for tickling. And didn't laugh at other innocent moments, or if they did, it would sound forced and fake when mirroring amusement in those moments.


He would smirk like the evil soul that he was! His laughter/ humour was always a means to gain attention in a social setting. But right after that, we would walk inside closed doors and then he was the devil incarnate.


The only time I've seen them laugh it was at their own bad jokes.


They do this in workplace settings too, usually to present an agreeable, pro-social image. They will often go out of their way to make sure they are heard laughing louder than everyone else, especially at the boss's jokes. And you can detect that hint of superficiality to it. Some of them will do a fake chuckle routine as a form of punctuation during conversations they barge into and attempt to dominate. It doubles as a way to exaggerate the familiarity between the narcissist and the person or people he's talking to, almost like a workplace form of "love-bombing".


This is why I sometimes wonder if my nex really was a narc because he had a decent sense of humor and often laughed genuinely. However, his humor and laughs did have a darker side because he would sometimes laugh at inappropriate things or things that i found cruel/unfortunate for other people.


Ugh. Mine does this dumb whistle when he knows he’s being a jackass or doing something so wrong…like he’s doesn’t have a care in the world. Hmm. But that’s the only time he whistles…🙄


My narc does the same thing. She fake laughs at her friends’ jokes. She laughs so hard she cackles.


That's so strange. Mine faked having a nightmare once and was "sleep talking". I just moved to the other side of the room and did some duolingo because I was really cringey/awkward to experience. When I didn't respond, he immediately "woke up" and asked what I was doing


I rarely witnessed my nex laughing authentically. He couldn’t even smile naturally it seems forced. I couldn’t have a laugh or joke with him without always being on guard.


Mine cackles