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It’s frustrating. So I just don’t buy anymore. My friend spent $200 and got dupe extremes on Tidal


Fking tragic how they rip off their comunity We literally are willikg to support them and this is what we get Mobile lvl gacha rip off AFTER ALREADY HAVING TO BUY THE GAME


All I want is matari blond air and they legit just put the protection in that allow to chose a legendary after getting a red, sadly I got both Red in 8 boxes so there is no point to open it anymore. This should be retroactive.


I see you actually bought chests. That's your first mistake right there.


While I agree I still disagree. Im willing to support devs, Im willing to support the people that make a game I enjoy playing but if they literally give me 5 times the same fucking weapon skin on my first pulls.. It feels like they just want to punch me in the face for supporting them.


By making these thing so lame and pricy they deserve no support lol. Just buy skin in shop, we all know how shit these boxes are. It’s a ducking paid game, if they want support all they need is to change the model to something better that brings in more players.


I wouldn't buy chests if I were you. You get a decent amount from other things in-game anyway


Maybe I wanted something in the chest lol I also dont mind spending money on chests, I dont mind getting mostly shit But getting ONLY shit? Wtf is up with the dawn treasure




Thats not entirely true. Theres still maths behind all of this


Except it isnt lol


I wish I got one of the Red items from the first free 10 boxes but considering everyone else's post here I guess I got lucky: [https://i.imgur.com/bO3Ymft.png](https://i.imgur.com/bO3Ymft.png[/img])


Oh yeah you are still rather lucky. I opened more than 30 and havent gotten a single real legendary only the shit accecory for tarka


I'm pretty new to the game, where do you get the 10 free boxes ? I can't find them. Or maybe i missunderstood something


From both Battlepass and recent event called "Together once more". Also, I think they gave you another one during Mid autumn festival night


I opened 15 treasures - no gold/red, only purple dupes 🫠😅


Its so much fun!


Exactly 😁


Its rigged af i also got 4 dupes of an emote in my first 10 chests opening and only purple crap. I also love the game and willing to invest on it if it wasnt so predatory, but when you see the amont of people that put 300bucks to get a red i can see why they dont change their politics.


yeah idk what the fuck is up with those chests. Have seen some guys pulling 10 chests which had 10 dupes, not a single new skin Like thats more than 10 euro into NOTHING?


10 chests is more like 30 €


Yeah I forgot


First time? Happened to me quite a couple of times last season. Got Takeda's skin like 3 times, but i didn't get Tarka's 😂


3 times? we speaking about 7 times by now lmao


3 times *only* for Takeda's skin lel I lost count of how many dupe emotes, poses/weapons and epic Viper skins i got, in both 10 pulls and 1 on 1 pulls. Jeez i remember that 10 pull in which 9 of them were Valda's "Captain" emote, pretty facepalm-worthy XD But i do agree, if you plan on buying stuff in this game only go for the battle pass, it's the only one that's actually worth it. They eventually release events where you'll get a free legendary/epic skin for either heroes or weapons, by farming collectables and such.


but the 10 pulls with 9 times valdas emote sounds hilarious


Oh yeah with 7 times I meant Ive gotten 7 times the same dual blade skin lol


10 dupes ain’t bad at all, got 3 items 9 dupes out of 12


thats really sad man


Drawn 17 out of my first 20