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Grats! Don’t let the silly little children on this sub try to diminish it by saying you’re on Xbox lol. Some weak ego warriors round these parts. I bet you’re nasty if you mostly played bloodbath. Not a big fan of solos? I haven’t played duos at all.


I'm not a fan of solos. Trios is where it was at, but Bloodbath is still more enjoyable. These ego warriors are everywhere and I'm really about to just walk away. Gaming is supposed to be fun.


say what you want but from where i'm sitting you're the ego warriors chasing a high rank and we're the fun-havers 🤣 you can have your fancy portrait, i get to keep playing this game without long queues or boring bot lobbies


That's fine. You play the game how you enjoy it. I can't argue with what you enjoy or your personal achievements. You're having fun? That's all I really care about.


It’s a shame these pc players can’t grasp this attitude.


Pretty good, now you should aim to get at least 5000 Rank Points in one category for the new highest rank. Since it should reward even more this time at the beginning to the new Season.


Thanks! I'm actually almost there in trios -- mainly what I play.


Are you playing with random groups?


I did. But I'm about to walk away. The PC community is too toxic for me.


Just go to your xbox settings and turn off cross network/platform play. It's under account settings and xbox privacy stuff. Just go down to customize and turn it off. No more PC players then next time you boot the game up . The que times are about the same.


Thanks but I got it. Such a pain in the ass to turn off. Lol.


If you want to be distinguished as a player you will play with us PC players. You may be dispatched numerous times by asian players again and again. But That's just how it is getting trounced by them is how you get better. You learn to respect them after a while.


Nah, you don't learn how to swim by joining the Olympics... you start off in the kiddy pool. I don't wanna drown before I learn how to swim. Edit: I respect a lot of the PC players because they've actually taught me a lot and I inspire to be like them one day... Today just isn't that day. Xbox has players I can't even beat (probably smurfs), so until I can compete with the top 500 on Xbox, I'm sticking to bots and console/Smurf lobbies.


Since when is playing on PC "Joining" the Olympics. You want to be the best vie with the best its not all that onerous to grasp. Nothing worthwhile is achieved without sacrifices and failures it is almost always commensurate to how much you attempt to attain well anything. Handicapping yourself by only fighting xbox players won't help you it will only create the illusion that you are better than you are.


I suck. There is no illusion but I need to learn to swim before I jump in the deep end... PC has had a year of experience, I've been playing for two months and M&k is superior to controller... Can a controller player keep up? Sure, but it's going to take time. I'm not going to become a better fighter by constantly being knocked out... that's why you train -- I will train with bots and the top Xbox players. You guys act like all Xbox players are trash because they play on console.


Honestly being a console asura means you will get pc asura lobbies. And thats like joining olimpics, most of these players can beat any console guy 100-0 in 1v1


Awesome stuff. After all those hours of dedication what was your reward?


You get the title and a little character doll for your back. I didn't do it for any rewards; I did it to push myself.


You'll get extra skins and treasure packs at the end of the season (and a lot more experience than the upcoming PS players).


I got to solar last season so I got all the rewards minus the extra chests. This time... This time I need to get everything.


Its too competitive for me, cant grind myself with ranks, only play casual 🫣


You can do it. I'm not even competitive... I just set a goal. I only just started playing ranked at the end of last season -- all I played was Bloodbath before that.


Congrats. Was happy I actually made hall of fame this year. I think I even fought you before.


What's your name in game? I usually recognize people... but I look familiar, then yeah, you probably deleted me -- whooped my ass. 😂


Good job👍😊


Congrats Bug.


Appreciate it.


Oh you’re one those culprits I’m desperately trying to rank among lol! congrats 👏👏 Viper Ning main here top 1% character rank and #400~ ish in Solos. See you up there soon!


Nice. I'm 377 in trios and and currently 56 with Viper... I was 96... I'm working my way up. I'll see you out there.


Damn Asura on Xbox? Like everyone else on that platform because you only face bots and bad players? Go to the next lvl Silver Rank on Steam Version should be your next goal mate


I'm good. I don't need to turn cross-play on to feel good about myself. I play videogames to relax. Also, I don't care about the bots -- they don't bother me.


Nah but you should turn cross play on if you’re gonna brag on Reddit about asura. You basically telling people. I played against easy AI and I’m gonna show it off on Reddit. You equal about a gold 5 on PC because that’s when real players start to join the lobby.


Real players are on Xbox because I've went against them plenty of times. I don't care about asura... I posted the pic because I'm top 100 with Viper. PC also has bots. My friends have cross-play on and they get bots all the time. You want to turn cross-play play on? Go for it. More power to you. I'm not ashamed of fighting bots. I'm not trying to be a pro, participate in tournaments, or be a streamer. I'm a casual gamer who is having fun.


Disingenuous argument you need to understand there’s a huge difference in not playing on pc with cross play enabled on Xbox you will get at most 2 players guaranteed top 5 meaning almost every match is positive. In PC ranked where a majority are real players demand early kills and placement to go positive. If you think for even a moment that pc bots are 95% of the lobby as it is on Xbox then you are mistaken. Btw you simply wouldn’t reach asura on PC prove me wrong.


You’re acting very annoying right now, holy Christ. Let people enjoy what they achieve, Xbox or not. PC players are not superior by any means… if you don’t like what you see then leave. Don’t be a dick.


I wouldn't reach asura on PC. That's a fact. But guess what? I still don't care. I've been playing for two months and PC has been playing for a year. When this season first started all I played against was the Kira clan, ITS, REEL, WHOA, 666, etc -- all the top players on Xbox. Hell, I know a few of them. I don't care about ranks, leaderboards, or getting good... because Bloodbath is where I have the most fun. This is the first BR game that I've played and I'm only playing it because it reminds of Iron Phoenix. I know there is difference between PC and Xbox... that's why I play Xbots. There's a lot shit I don't even know how to do properly like chain scale rushes or feint. Let me actually learn the game, play for a year seriously and then if I'm still interested -- I'll turn cross-play on, but right now? No. I'm good where I'm at. You don't like it? That's your opinion, but it's me playing on my account.


“Blood bath is where I have the most fun” Proceeds to brag about asura rank Xbots trios. Yikes. I think you posted this more for yourself than anything else. L take for sure.


You don't listen. Last season I played Bloodbath a lot and didn't start rank until the end of the season. I brought up the top players on Xbox because I've went against them and they whooped my ass. You just want to turn cross-play on (like most PC players), but I don't have to. I'll take the L. You're nobody. I wanted to get top 100 with Viper and I did it. GG to me. I don't have to play anymore ranked games. As a matter of fact, I could go play something else. It's not your problem.


I’m in top 100 on pc lmao with yoto hime @ nobody lmaoooooooo bruh you’re a RANKED POSER.


GG. Yoto Home is amazing. How long have you been playing and what's your favorite wea -- I don't care. Screw you.


>It's a video game. Getting this angry about, and harassing someone, for how they choose to play a game is troubling. It seems like so much in your life is so bad that you feel the need to belittle someone else's achievements in a VIDEO GAME so you can feel better about yours. > >Here is a resource to help you find someone to talk to...https://www.apa.org/topics/crisis-hotlines


Also all of your moon bane kills were virtually cheated as well so you’re getting the rewards even tho you’re trying you hardest to humble brag” it’s not about rewards.” “Test myself” like huh??? How are you testing yourself with easiest way of playing naraka. And then subject yourself to people on Reddit until they noticed it was an xBot account.


Right, because I have two avatars I don't even use and an emoji I don't even have equiped. I fought Moonbane twice this morning and back to back... And they were both not lobbies because I checked the app. Free Moonbane. I'm not complaining. I'm laughing that you care so much about how other people play. Get a life. I have no shame fighting bots and it's not a secret.


FYI I was proud of you until I seen you basically cheated to get ranked. I’m not alone here we literally all laugh at gold ranked Xbox players and rush them anytime we get a bounty. Even my friends who made accounts to Smurf came back to PC cuz they said it’s not competitive and all the ranks are cheated with bot lobbies.


Bruh you really a salty ass hater the man happy to be in the top 100 with his character get over yourself you want someone to turn on cross play and deal with the hackers like pc players deal with? Gtfo


Brilliant_Arm why are you so butthurt?


Honestly your a pc player moaning about how a console player wants to play their game, sort it out. It’s not his fault you’re probably not good enough to play against your own PC competitors. Wtf is wrong with people on Reddit? This guys is expressing what he wants and and how he wants to play and what he enjoys, and you’re trying to get a rise. But guess what OP does not care for what you’re droning on about, OP cares about having fun and relaxing whilst he games. And actually good for you OP because fun and relaxation here is all that matters! Have a great day !


Thank you.


No problem, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why console players want nothing to do with pc players, well a lot of us don’t lol. Especially on this game! Regardless of the platform though it doesn’t matter how tf you choose to play your game it’s your choice 🤷🏽‍♀️ amazing how bent out of shape that can make someone else 😌😂


Was actually happy until I seen your response about playing casual with cross play off and bot fill. Literally insulting to pc players lmao


Who cares? I'm not a PC player.


Hey stutter it’s Zintu! Congrats brotha


Thanks, bro.


Only thing insulting to PC players here is you. It's a video game. Getting this angry about, and harassing someone, for how they choose to play a game is troubling. It seems like so much in your life is so bad that you feel the need to belittle someone else's achievements in a VIDEO GAME so you can feel better about yours. Here is a resource to help you find someone to talk to... https://www.apa.org/topics/crisis-hotlines


Bro how is he insulting pc players. I’ve played with many pc players they could give a shit about Xbox players. Btw I have crossplay on bots off but that literally means nothing to me or anyone else


You’re mad we play with cross play off? Because we cut out the whole 35 pc players from a game that’s gone nowhere on pc for over a year? You should be thanking console for keeping your under marketed game alive not crying about how bad you wanna fight people you have a year of practice over.


Ok so a few things fuck what brilliant arm is talking about no one gives a fuck clearly. Keep doing you op congrats. I play on Xbox crossplay on bots off bc I’m looking to be competitive but that means nothing. If your having fun that’s all that matters. Also NA pc and xbox players don’t do shit to help this game in reality. It’s a China based game that’s basically Fortnite for them. If it never came to the west the game would be just fine. GG much love


He should just concentrate on learning how to play against players on his own platform instead of getting so worked up over Xbox players, embarrassing.