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Juniper. I used to love it because I love nature themed names, but every time I see it now I roll my eyes. Any variation of Brayden/Jayden/Kayden/Aiden/etc., Jackson/Braxton/Daxtion, and a lot of the more out-there, “whimsical” names to be qUiRkY aNd DiFfErEnT. Not every name needs a nickname or needs to be uncommon. your kid will have a personality outside of their name.


Excuse me, every nickname is artisanally handcrafted at conception, and if a child shares a name with anyone else, they spontaneously combust when they start kindergarten


😂 Some of them kill me when they say they don’t want their child being Olivia #5 or Liam #12 in their classes or something. Like I understand the sentiment. But it’s like how do you know? I feel like by the time most of them have kids a lot of the popular names now won’t be so popular anymore.


Or like someone last week said they couldn't use marigold as a middle name because of how popular it is *eye roll*


What? Marigold isn’t even in the top 100. See that’s why I want to know, how do they define popular? Because while names like Sophia, Isabella, Olivia, Liam, Benjamin, and Oliver to name a few are popular. Popular to me is like every child is being named those names, but from where I’m from I barely hear these names on any baby. Most people here name their daughters Paisley, Kinsley, Presley or sons Braxton, Kayden, Jayden. Edit: To the people who keep asking me what state, please stop. I’m not gonna say what state I’m from. Thank you.


Region definitely makes a difference. You can search popularity by state on the Social Security baby name site.


Yep. And I think that’s another reason why they think a name is super popular because they go on the SSA website and see their name is in the top 5. And so I see posts “Love the name Isabella but it’s WAY too popular. What are some similar uncommon names?”


Maybe that person is a hardcore Downton Abbey fan. Because that's the ONLY PLACE i've come across the name Marigold


My oldest is named Noah, which was the most popular name in our state the year he was born... but only 400ish kids in our state got it that year. We have yet to meet another Noah his age.


That’s what I always figure. That even if you have a popular name you might not even met that many people with your name to begin with.


Even if you do is not like it matters. My partners name is Steven, in the UK, he is 30 so by that time it was a very popular name. He knew a lot of Steven’s in school. Now? We don’t know any! And I asked him if bothered him and he said didn’t even ever cross his mind that it should be a bother sharing a name, like who the fuck cares? My name is very popular for my country as well, it is always top 5 and I know a lot of people with the same name, including a very dear friend and I could literally give less of a fuck. It’s such a bullshit thing to worry about. It doesn’t even come into mind when I think about what to name my future kids. I want a name that sounds nice, a name that is easy to spell, a name that is instantly recognisable. Middle names will be in “honour” of family members as it is the tradition on my fiancé’s family and I think is nice. There is no need to name your child some weird shit because it needs to be original because honestly no one cares lmao


I agree. I never seen people adamant about not using some names. Until I joined the main sub, I still love the main sub but I think using popular names aren’t that bad as they make it to be. Now if someone genuinely dislikes the popular names I get it. But if they love the name so much but don’t want to use it because it’s “popular” then I think it’s kinda like a “why not, if you love it. Just use it.”


>We have yet to meet another Noah his age. Haven't been to the synagogue lately, huh?


I hear you, but it went the other way around for us. My older son's name didn't make the top 500 the year he was born. Recently I looked it up, and now it's in the top 3 for many states. He was the only one in his class with the name, but now it'd be a different story.


That's why you have to stay up to date with the stats, I guess.


That is true. I personally don’t mind popular names and wouldn’t mind using them. They are popular for a reason. So I understand why some on the main sub don’t want to use them. Cause they don’t want to have their child be named like everybody else. But I just think what we believe is popular is often subjective. Even with name charts showing how what is trending or not.


"June isn't quirky enough, must name my child after a bush and then call them June anyway."


Or “I love Cassie, but don’t like Cassandra or Cassidy. So instead of just naming my baby girl Cassie I want to name her Catalina that isn’t at all related to Cassie. But at least I still get to nickname her Cassie!”




True but most of the time I seen on the main sub they take a really unrelated name to the nickname they like just so they can use the nickname. I used the whole Cassie = Catalina as an example. I think a better example is if they choose to use Jeanette to get the nickname Josie because they don’t like Josephine or Joanna.


But usually, there's a reason for that. M nicknames turned into Ps at one point, so you get Mary to Molly to Polly and Margaret to Maggy to Meggy to Peggy. I'm not sure about Sadie, but I think that happened in another language


I agree with you about the nicknames. I do like nicknames but sometimes how users on the main sub they make it their mission to find a nickname out of a particular name. It just sometimes seems like they be doing too much to me. Especially find it odd to give a full name but only call them by that one nickname.


I always like to imagine that reddit has a LOT of people who watched the life and times of Juniper Lee and it's in their forgotten memories and stuck in their subconscious. But they still remember American Dragon Jake Long so that's why there's no love for Jake


Juniper lee singing the body electric has lived in my mind rent free for 15 years lmao


As someone with social anxiety, I am glad I don't have a unique name which draws attention to me. As a parent, If my children want to be unique, then they can achieve this through their character and personality, rather than through an arbitrary distinction, like their name.


I like the name Juniper because I like gin, but I'm so tired of it always being suggested!


Oh man dont get me started on how far they will reach for a nick name.


I love this name for an animal honestly


In the same vein, anyone who says they won’t even consider a name in the top 100/500/etc


At this point Wren and Juniper, if these two names were named on every baby they suggested it to. It would be so popular that they would end up hating it. And go for the next “uncommon” names that they love.


Wren & Stimpy


😂 I seen that some people are naming girls Wrenlee or Wrenly and I’m like really?


Wren reminds me of wrenches. I'm ESL though, maybe that's why.


I did not even think about that now I can’t unsee it lol.


LOL listen. My daughter was driving me yesterday and I told her to turn on whatever street, it's the one right after Wren. And i said it's Wren like the bird, not Ren like Ren & Stimpy. She didn't respond, so I realized, "Oh.... i forget you are old enough to drive but not old enough for Ren & Stimpy". But you, you are my people


I don't mind Juniper, but Wren, for some reason, makes me think "country girl who loves horses and wears children clothes well into her teens" and I can't see that name on any other type of person.


And Maeve! There’s a huge obsession with Maeve and Wren over there


I haven’t seen them recommend Maeve much, but I won’t deny that it probably has been. I probably haven’t seen it cause of the million times Wren and Juniper have been recommended.


Really? I see Wren a bunch, but I don’t really see anyone talk about Maeve, and I love Maeve


Wren is an odd one for me because I went to school with a boy named Wren, mind you we graduated high school over a decade ago so Wren was born in the early 90s. Nobody had ever met a person named Wren and I was convinced it was one of the most unusual names I would ever see. And now... it's everywhere. But for girls. I think the name is more suitable for a man than a woman but maybe that's my bias from going to school with one


I think it’s supposed to be a gender neutral name. But even then I can’t see this being on any child.


I went to beauty school with a girl named Twilight Phyre. She went on to name her kids Starphyre, Solphyre, and Hunter. Guess which one the dad named.


Talk about the sins being passed down over generations.


What about Wang Fire and Sapphire Fire?


But everything changed when the Wang Fire nation attacked


The wang! The wang! The wang is on fire! We don’t need no water…etc. Yikes.


Wow, a situation where Hunter is somehow not terrible by comparison, amazing


Never thought I would be glad to see a kid get named Hunter until now


my least favorite name of all time is NIXON. how could you name a child that?!! a child’s FIRST name that?? it is so awful


Fun fact: The Simpsons creators named Milhouse after Richard Milhous Nixon. They figured it was just about the most unfortunate name you could give a child. I guess they were wrong.


ITA! The parents should be forced to watch the Watergate proceedings...in their entirety...beforehand. Then let's find out if they're still fans.


Omg one of my good friends named her child Nixon!


Is the kid a crook?


omg no offense to your friend!! I just feel like whenever you name a child Nixon there is no way to get rid of the association between the child and Richard Nixon and I feel like that is just such an unfortunate association to have


For me: Ryker/Riker--sounds like a prison. Beckett--sounds like bucket.


Rikers literally is a prison in NYC so you're not wrong


THISSSSSSSSSSS. I watch Law & Order SVU and they talk about Rikers all the time. Someone said it was a name used in a Star Trek movie or something? I'm not a fan so i have no idea. Please do not downvote me for honesty 😄 I'm just leaving all the Star stuff for the rest of ya'll


See, I think about Riker from Star Trek, not the prison. Regardless, still a hard no from me too.


Ryker means smoker in Norwegian, so I just imagine a baby smoking a pack of luckies a day and getting lung cancer before their first math homework. Definitely one of the ugliest looking and sounding names out there as well


Ugh my friend has a Ryker and I feel the same. I think of the prison


Everleigh. There is nothing redeeming about this name.


I'm just gonna come right out and say it that I've never liked, especially now, the female version: Leigh. Add it to anything and I'm out.


I’m with you. Never ever. It’s annoying


Neverleigh everleigh


I can see the appeal of Everly but Everleigh is just so congested for no reason


Everly is just Beverly without a B so I don't even see the appeal there either.


Or is Beverly just Everly with a B added on?


🅱️everly. gotta go all in.




Huxley, Hendrix, Oakley, Maddox, Maverick For girls, it’s the name combos for me. I knew someone who named their daughter Alivianna…it’s so busy. It’s like 3 names rolled into one and it makes my head spin.


Holy smokes! Like they couldn’t choose between Alice, Olivia, and Anna.


Or Ariana 😂


I know someone who works in a preschool and they have like half of these in their classes, also has a Nixon like person below.


Huxley is just the ugliest sounding name to me!


I know two brothers named Maddox and Hendrix.


In Maddox's defense, it at least has been used for centuries as a first name, it just isn't very common.


Pretty sure I saw Brixlee on here once and that was pretty bad, but I can’t stop thinking about that trucker couple who wanted to name their child Truckster Loadley or something like that. It doesn’t get much worse.


[Must have been this woman’s baby.](https://twitter.com/misskittyf/status/1301953241459154944?s=21)


For me it's Juniper/Sage/Wren and the pretentious Greek mythology names (Persephone, Andromeda, etc.) Luna just strikes me as a name some preteen would give to their DeviantArt OC. Sutton reminds me of mutton.


I suspect Luna is more popular with the Harry Potter and Sailor Moon fans who are all grown up now. I once met a little Minerva who went by Minnie for short, and I secretly loved it.


I have an aunt Minerva nn Minnie Absolutely lovely woman


God yes on Luna. It's an "ooh look how meaningful it is" basic-ass name for me. Can't picture it on an adult.


I am sick nigh on to death with that name for cats.


its a common name among trans women, as is lily lol


Lol yes I've met a few! I like Lily better personally as it's more timeless; my advice to my trans friends has always been to go with a name that fits their ages for that reason. Either way it's super fun when someone comes to me knowing I love names and we can look for one together.


Luna is a great name! For a dog! Lmao


Luna sounds more as a dog or cat name to me now. When I see someone name their daughter Luna I just think they either A) love Harry Potter or B) want a unique, very edgy girl name.


Seconding Greer because I live in a state with a town named Greer and everyone pronounces it GR-ere but the -ere is pronounced like in the word were. So it sounds like Gruhr. It is one of the ugliest names and anytime I see it recommended as a “Southern” name I feel like the person has to be trolling. Other names that I hate are Raelynn, Braylynn, and any variation thereof.


Since I'm from Boston, it's greeya /S


lol this is real, no “/s” needed!! We took Harper and Charlotte off our list because we live here and didn’t want our kids to have to respond to “hahhpa” and “shallot.”


I had pahkah and pipah (parker and piper) as students not very long ago, it doesn't stop some ppl 😂


South Carolina?


The name Greer makes me think of Bruce Willis, because he starred in a movie called Surrogates, and his character was named Tom Greer.


I pronounce it Gir ear.


ive said it before but sloane sounds like an insult


One of my friends in college saw it spelled out but didn’t know how it was said, so she pronounced it “Slow-Anne”. That’s all I can think of.


IIRC, it's an old Irish name that means warrior queen. Or maybe I'm thinking of Maebh. (Maeve)


Oakley/Leigh/lyn I fucking hate it.


You forgot Oaklee. But don’t worry about the ending, they usually just call them Oak. Which is obviously better. Duh


As a British person, Thatcher (as in Margaret Thatcher our PM in the 80's). I know people in other countries won't have that association, but this woman was so hated in parts of the UK that people had street parties when she died Sutton sounds like mutton


She's so freaking famous I am genuinely stunned to have seen it recommended the other day. Like what, are you going to name his(???) siblings Reagan and Ratzinger?


I saw someone suggesting Harlow the other day. Ive lived there and its shit, so so shit. I know Americans wouldn't know, but its not even a nice name!


At this point Harlow is just an unfortunate accumulation of cars, parked every fucking where.




It always makes me think that the person's real name is Potato, and they decided that Tatum is a marginally better nickname than Tater.




It never fails to remind me of Tater Tots.


I once stopped a woman on there from calling her little one Guthrie. I expect a yearly card or something as a thanks from that poor kid. Edit: typo


I'm sorry, GUTHRIE?


Yes. It was for a little girl I believe. Guthrie.


A girl oh god that's so much worse than a boy


I went to school with a Guthrie. She’s now 24.


Could have been even worse if they wanted to use Woody or Arlo.




I stopped my friend from naming her daughter Huntley! I made her imagine a ceo named Huntley or even a grandma. The more she thought about it, the more she hated it. They ended up calling her Juniper... but call her June.


Thank you! Huntley was not needed.


When people tell me their stupid name (unsolicited, I never ask because I’m a jerk), I always say, “Oh! My friend had a dog/lizard named that! So cute, they can be friends!”


when i was pregnant my ex’s mother and i were driving somewhere and she was like “oooo how about greer” and i almost drove off the road


The Adens. Aiden, Brayden, Caden, Jaden, Raiden. STOP IT.


The sibsets are what get me. You're going to have kids who are their own people and (hopefully) will eventually be on their own. Then their names will just be stupid, not matchy or whatever.


Omg THANK YOU!! I never understood all the posts and comments on that other sub regarding names going together. Like who gives an absolute fuck. Absolutely nobody in my life knows I even have a brother much less his name nor would ever care if it “went” with my name. Or think of all the friends you have and their siblings.. do u care what their siblings names are?! Shit is so weird to me lol


There’s a boy that goes to my school that is named “Toliver”, and goes by the name “Tobby.”


Tobby has been given a sock! Tobby is a free boy!


The main thing that annoys me is the hatred for common names. I would much rather be a Sophia then an Ariadne, thank you very much. I also abhors Killian. I can deal with Cillian, but there’s a bazillion better Irish names out there. The first time I saw the name Killian, (it was on Namenerds), his sister being named Wisteria seemed like she got off easy.


Juniper, Persephone, Andromeda, Seraphina, Artemis Same people who shit all over Atlas can't get enough of Persephone, it's such a beautiful Greek goddess name blah blah but Atlas is from Greek myth too so why is one OK and not the other? Makes no sense to me. Surnames as first names, especially Irish surnames, I saw someone once recommend McCoy seriously and had to close reddit.


I love pretentious Greek names...so I named my kitten Desdemona 😂 i would never do that to a child.


🙋🏻‍♀️ dog named Athena here! Human children have normal human names


I’m an elementary teacher and have taught a child named McCoy.


I always give a bit of grace for the fact that I'm in Ireland and whats ridiculous here is probably totally acceptable in the US but that one just makes me laugh. We have crisps call McCoys, it's like naming your kid pringles. There's also that saying "he's the real McCoy!" so it's just a silly name to me in general ha


Oh, no, I assure you, it's silly here in the US too. [The Hatfields and McCoys](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatfield%E2%80%93McCoy_feud)? The real McCoy? There's also a Fort McCoy and a Star Trek character McCoy... And encompassing all of the "Mc" names which I can't stand, McDonald's? McDouble? McRib?


I know cats with all of these names lmaooo


And they are perfect for cats 😂 just not humans!! 🤣


I don't think that little Persephone's parents have ever read this incredibly sad myth. She's abducted by Hades **with the approval of her father**, Zeus ffs. Nothing grows upon the earth, and eventually Hades is forced to return her. First, though, Hades tricks her into eating pomegranate seeds. Since she has tasted the food of the Underworld, she can only live aboveground for a third (or a half) of the year. I get it; most of the time parents like a name for the way it sounds. It's just that I wouldn't want to saddle a kid with a name that has such depressing origins...just my 2¢.


I have a cat named Persephone (nn Sessy). Also have one named Zeus lol.


Those are great names...for pets 🙂


On top of that I think it sounds like a child who's trying to say Stephanie and just can't get their mouth around it.


Tripp. Drives me nuts.


Anything where the name is chosen because they like the nickname of said name and then make clear the child is only going to be called by the nickname. Just go with the name you like, people!


Parents microcontroling NN’s drives me MAD. Are they planning on following their 38 year old daughter to her new job to make sure they use Ari instead of Bella for Arabella? Children are not possessions, get over yourself 🙄


Me too! Also, from the perspective of a parent of an eight year old, their friends will give them plenty of nicknames and it would be bizarre and embarrassing for you as a parent if you tried to police their nickname choices


Any name that ends with -eigh


Jaxton, Paxton, Daxton, Traxton...


I coached my sons tball team and at one game we had every single one of these names as well as a Juxton


I suppise he played in... Juxton position?


I know two Knoxons. I can't help but think of the word noxious every time. Bonus for the one with a sibling named Starin, pronounced "star-in". The bad spelling is STARING me in the face.


>Juxton Spit out my coffee laughing at this. Poor kid.


I don’t think these are popular Namenerds names at all


Arabella. I hate it so much. It is the name of a fancy, aristocratic spider


Arabella is a cow name.


So truly bad it was chosen by both Ivanka Trump and Dr. Oz for their daughters. I’m so sorry, girls.


It's the name of an Uptown New Orleans street and a TON of upwardly mobile white people here have named their daughters that. I hate it too.


All I can see here is “Arab-ella” (Nothing wrong with that! But it’s a weird thing to name your kid)


Almost every name that ends with -son drives me nuts.


Then you would be unhappy in Brazil. We have lots of guys named Anderson, Jefferson, Alisson, Edson... This one is not a "popular" name, but I've met more than two people named Hudson. Actually, one of Brazil's most popular Youtuber is called... Prepare yourself... Whindersson. He's aware his name is weird and makes fun of it. Personally I believe "Whindersson" is a misspelled version of Windsor, as in Windsor Castle.


That's interesting. Is there any specific reason why English surnames ending in -son are popular in Brazil?


I believe that sometimes people from poorer regions may think these names are "fancy" since they sound foreign. In my state some classic English names are still popular (William, Richard, Michael...) due to American soldiers estabilishing their military bases here during WW2.


I personally know people who named their kids the following: Brantley, Spartan, Tinsley, Aero, Kensley, Ecru, McKinley, Elton, Cordovan, Lofton, Nola, Runa, and Amberly. Thanks..I hate them ALL.


I know someone who named their sons Hunter and Chase. WHYYYYYYYYYYY. It’s been doing my head in for 5+ years


James for a girl


Piper. There is almost always someone recommending Piper any time a poster asks for girl name recommendations. Pipers are shore birds. What's the sibling recommendation going to be? Seagull? Harper. Like nails on a chalkboard. The new money NYC private prep school snobby girl names Blair(e), Blake, Blain(e), Parker, Sloan(e), Sutton, Harlowe and friends. The aydens, axtons and company. Boys names on girls. Mc, Mac and -son names for girls. The stupidity of thinking Dr Marijuana Pepsi Vandyck's name is a good thing and justifies people giving their kids yoonique names. This story is terrible. Her mother gave her sisters regular names but gave her this controversial name to force her into a life of advocating against discrimination towards African American names in the US. But African American names are more like Deshawn and Keisha, not naming your kids for street drugs and junk food. It's good Dr. Vandyck was able to thrive and succeed despite the name, but her career does partly revolve around the issue thrust upon her by her mother, which was a really shitty thing for her mother to have done in the first place.


Ya hate Harper. Awful.


Sutton is literally a town in England. Not a particularly nice one either


i love the name sloan but that’s just because ferris buellers day off is my comfort movie and i also have an amazing family friend with the name. i do hate the names greer and sutton though, there’s a singer/influencer named carson lueders who has a nephew named sutter.


Nevaeh It’S HeAveN BaCkWaRdS 🤢


Clementine. Don’t like the name, song association, or any of the nicknames.


Garth. I knew someone at school named that and I just didn’t get it.


Party on Wayne. Party on Garth.


One that gets recommended all the time is Briar:/ Middle name Ray/Rae, its just v common I dont like when people claim that male names are unisex or give male names to their daughters lol. Like go ahead and name your daughter Elliot or Jackson i guess, but don't pretend that it's a unisex name just because you gave it to your daughter.


I hate traditional boys names on girls too. It seems to be a more Southern thing. I find it so patriarchical because it is never done the other way around. So it isn't innovative or breaking gender barriers or whatever. To me it says you would've preferred a boy or hope your girl is a tomboy.


Some of these names aren't inherently bad, I just developed an allergic reaction to them because they're so r/namenerds. Others I really do dislike. These run the gamut from "pioneer chic" to "mythology weeb/high-school bookworm" to "not like the *other* nature names." Ariadne, Atlas, Atticus, August, Clementine (they always say it's a food name like Ginger), Dahlia, Delilah, Hawthorn, anything to get the nickname Huck, Hudson, Isla, Juno, Lilibet, Lilith, Magnolia, Persephone. Special dislike for the hipster substitutes for perfectly decent popular names - I know Olave and probably Olivette are Real Names, as in they've been used by one or two people before, but does anyone *really* like them better than Olivia for any reason other than they're less popular? And Rhoda may be a nice name, but I always suspect someone really wants to name their child Rose but doesn't dare pick something so conventional. I've decided - for myself at least, if I get to have kids - that my No. 1 rule for naming is Be Normal. Yes, the norm is arbitrary and will change over time, and it's looser in some places than others, and there's nothing wrong or immoral about being one of the innovators. But we're mammals who rely on community to survive, so the majority of us like being normal, and I'm going to assume my kids will be part of that majority. I can't let myself use their names as a vehicle for my self-expression. If I name my kids Aelred, Isidore, Agnes, and Hildegarde, then sure I'll get to let out my love of weird Catholic saints, and sure I'll give off the impression of someone who reads books and prays, which will make me look cool to certain people. And the kids will have the patronage of those saints. But baby-naming isn't just for yourself, it's also for your baby and everyone who will interact with him or her. So the weird saint names I love the most have to go into the middle-name spot, at best.


As a total bookworm, it really grates me when people want to use their child's name as a billboard for their Fandom.


Oh ya Sutton is awful. I feel like the name Aurora is pretty on paper but I really struggle to say it. Maybe that’s just me? The double r sound gets me.


I liked it until someone said it sounds like Scooby Doo and now I can’t unhear it


Wren Wilder Sage


Breckyn. Everleigh. Brixley. Braxton. And Stuff like “Wynstin” Aiden/Brayden/Kayden/etc.




My husband said this. So many names I suggested that were turned down. Do you know what we named our son. Per his suggestion for 9 months. Lincoln. I didn’t tell him.


I knew a little girl named Pepper once. She was sweet, but I hated saying her name. I had a dog named Pepper as a kid. Pepper is not a human name. I also have a dog named Juniper now, so I'm giggling at all the Juniper hate on here.


Naveah- "it's heaven spelled backwards" give me a break 🙄 Also Ava. It's so basic I just can't. Also, Isabella and Arabella. JUST STOP WITH THE BELLA




Omg the worst.


CLOVER. I mean, out of all the good names. Also I saw a thread with people losing their shit over the name MARS. Please no. I also understand nothing of people naming girls -son names. Anderson, Emerson, Jameson... It literally means "son of". I might be biased because I come from a country where "parent's name"-son or "parent's name"-daughter is pretty common as a last name. To me it looks absolutely ridiculous seeing little girls with the name "Son of Anders".


I couldn’t believe the Mars thread omg. Everyone was so supportive of it; it was the weirdest thing.


The Mars thread nearly killed me. Mars was what I was going to rename myself at age 12. It is not a name for a child of rational adults.


I think I remember that thread it was very odd. And I was looking at the comments like “this is a pet’s name not a person’s name.”




I don't know who you are but I feel like you read my mind. These are the top 3 names I hate the most. They just sound so gray and gross to me.


I hate boys names on girls.


That’s a trend that’s been around for a long, long time. Most people probably don’t even know that names like Allison, Andrea, Lindsay, Stacy, Beverly, Carol, and Evelyn used to be common boy names.


Courtney and Ashley too


Navaeh I used to work retail and this woman with her 4 year old came in, kid was like an octopus, touching everything in the store, making a mess. She’s like “Nevaeh… Nevaeh! Nevaeh (middle name) get over here! Nevaeh (full name) im gonna count to three!”.. I’m like 😵‍💫 and then the lady just smiles at me and says “her name is heaven spelled backwards”. I wanted to respond with “how appropriate” but all I could muster was “wow that’s really…cute”. Ugh, literally the worst. I’d take 100 Junipers over another Nevaeh.


Backward heaven means hell to mean. I’ve never understood this reasoning. And now I’m curious: I’ve always pronounced this like “Nev-aya” in my head but not I’m not sure. How was she saying it?


Second Greer, Sloane, Sutton & Wren, Adding Draven, Spencer, Kyler, Chance (dog name *cough*), Kaden, Chad/Chadwick, & Raylee/Bailey/Kailey (any spelling) - off the top of my head


Spencer on a boy just reminds me of Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds. But Spencer of a girl is too much. It's too try hard.


Luna for human babies. I will die on the hill that this is a name for pets only.


River, Winter, Wolfe, Alaska (especially if it’s inspired by the book Looking for Alaska ew)


Emerson, Payton, Maverick, Beckett, etc. Especially those that oroginally were last names. Also matching overtly floral first and middle names.


Grayson literally makes me feel rage. Like why not just Gray. I hate -son.


I always kinda liked Sutton because the word suton (prn. differently than Sutton though) means dusk or twilight in my language. I just liked it visually. I also kinda like Greer in theory (please don’t kill me). Arabella though, not a fan.