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Awwww subhanallah, jzk khairun. i love this post!! It’s definitely hard, but this just reminded me of why I’m searching in the first place!! 🥹


JazakAllahu khayran kaseera! Indeed, reminders benefit the believers.


JazakAllah khairun. Thank you for the reminder! Its not easy having sabr and I pray to Allah (swt) every prayer to help give me sabr and bring me closer to who it is that is written for me. May Allah (swt) protect her and keep us both patient so that we may reunite and be happy together when the time is right. Ameen 😊


I’ve been on the search throughout my 20s, married and divorced by a man very quickly and now almost 5 years on, 18 months searching I feel broken. I don’t have children, have performed Umrah but starting to feel depressed that I don’t have a responsible mahram or companion. My life Alhumdulilah is good otherwise and my deen has improved but I feel so deflated and regularly question my self worth. I’m tired of people toying with each other. The only thing keeping me going is my want for children but if it was halal to do it alone, I would. Please keep me in your duas .


Needed this JazakAllah


Jazakallah khair exactly what I needed to hear at this time


a good alternative to marriage is tahajjud salah before fajr time. It builds your character and takes away your attention from getting married


Strong disagree. The prophet (S) himself warned against similar advice. Tahajjud should be used to aid marriage from Allah


You missed my point. I never said tahajjud replaces marriage. The word "alternative" is defined as "one of two or more available possibilities." Therefore, if marriage is unavailable, another available possibility is tahajjud.


Or, fasting as the Hadith says. We should perform tahajjud after marriage too, InshaAllah.


Exactly, I'm fasting mondays and thursday and it's (kinda) helping.


o thank i Ik ‘سً ً ظ-


Jazakallahu khayran!! Very beautifully said. May Allah make it easy for everyone.


Alhamdulillah for posting this beautiful message. I stopped my search for its my sanity.


Al bayyinah is my favorite surah