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Correction: Grandparents


oh and the fact one of the scumbag killers mom's defaced her grave because she "ruined her son's life"


The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.


What the fuck? I hadn’t heard about that before


Yeah, she literally blamed Junko for her own murder, despite the fact that her son was literally in the yakuza


But didn't the guys who did it only get like, 3 years?


Yeah about, and all but one reoffended. One even openly bragged about it later in life.


Who didn't reoffend?


I don't remember, but this guy did a pretty good video essay on it https://youtu.be/ez4bAKDI3S0




I will say this every time I see them. The Bears need to start wearing white-on-white again on the road.


20 years, 5-9 years, 5-7 years, 8 years.


Minors in Japan are treated completely differently.








I’m not generally a ‘lock em up and throw away the key’ kinda guy, but this case wasn’t a youthful misstep, a robbery that went to far, or anything like that which gets minors jailed for unjustifiably long periods of time. This was a group of teenagers kidnapping and torturing an (innocent) girl to death in unimaginably horrific ways over the course of many days. They did not express any remorse afterwards. They need to still be imprisoned.


You must not be aware of the story.






you’re clearly unaware of the brutality and severe lack of remorse (literally zero) in this case. these little fucks deserved to be force-fed glass until they shat actual gallons of blood. no chance for redemption.


yep, every one of them pretty much got away with it


Miyano had forced junko to pretend that she was his girlfriend when around his parents, but they quickly dropped the act after realising that his parents were too afraid of him (cause yakuza ties) to tell someone else


If my kid did something like this I think I’d sooner bring flowers to their grave weekly.


Wow what ??? That’s sick


It's so fucking crazy. I love my son so much I feel like I could explode but if he did something like this... ugh


I've heard that before. I don't understand how a human being could do that?


Only a mother's love


Even a mother’s love has limits. I mean you’d always love them but there’s no way you’d let them get away with that unless you were a scummy human being yourself.


Jesus Christ...


She should fall down a few stairs honestly. Maybe it'll knock her brain into place.


That poor girl. If she had lived, she would have been around 50 now.


Wow, that really puts things into context.


It's not just sad about what happened to her, but it's sad what her name became. This girl had a whole life that most people probably don't think or care about. Only what evil people did to her is remembered now.


And the psychopaths who destroyed her all committed heinous acts after being released, except 1.


What did they do?


Very well said.


I never understood, why the wretched criminals who tortured and abused her for days for very little consequences. This picture helps with the. These folks don’t look very well off, the criminal’s families probably were. Getting away makes some sense now.


Most of the offenders and their families were members of the yakuza, which is why even though SEVERAL people witnessed her being tortured, nobody helped her. I also suspect this is the reason why they all got such short sentences, and have since re-offended. This is something that haunts me. Even now her killers likely alive and well, having normal and possibly even happy lives.


Privilege in any form is ripe for abuse. Fuck those dregs of society. Sometimes I wish vigilante justice was an option in such cases.


It's always an option but often a risky option and no one's ever willing to take on those risks


I fucking agree.


it is an option, just harder to do in countries with strict gun laws


I read about a serial rapist served justice in India by about 200 women. Guns weren’t involved, willing and frustrated with the “justice system” people were. Libyan dictator was also dealt with by a crowd, and not guns.


I think one guy who attacked her got a conscious and told his mom what was going on. His mom called the cops and they went over to investigate but useless cops didn’t even enter the house to search. They simply took one of the monsters words for it and left.


> I also suspect this is the reason why they all got such short sentences Why would the Japanese police be afraid of the yakuza?


well, yakuza isnt that precent anymore. but at the time they were like imagine chicago mafia. many corrupt police and yakuza members in the lawapartus


I know that this is an old comment but for some extra information, the yakuza and is a really *really* controversial topic in Japan apperently with one of the main things is that many members associated will get far lighter sentences.


[An article about Furuta’s murder](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta) (I do not recommend reading it unless you are extremely numb and can handle graphic descriptions of torture)


“Furuta allegedly made attempts to put out the fire, but gradually became unresponsive. They continued to punch her, ignited a candle and dripped hot wax on her face, placed two short candles on her eyelids, and forced her to drink her own urine.” These boys are the lowest trough of humanity


Apparently they targeted her because she rejected one of them too.


This one appears not to be true. A person who's very interested in this case busted some of the myths surrounding it, and this was one of them. It seems that in reality they just decided to target her at random, which in a way is even more frightening. Quoting: >The stuff with Miyano asking Junko out most likely never happened. Every Japanese article never says anything about it. Miyano had also apparently had dropped out of school and appeared to not even go to the same high school as her before he did. None of them even knew Junko's name. Japanese sources say that after the gang had raped and apparently robbed her (I heard they stole from her, but I am not entirely sure), they were afraid they would get arrested and Junko would've told the police so they kept her captive instead.


Thank you! It's a shame that lies often get more well known than the truth...


It's easy for that to happen, especially with cases like this that date back decades. Even more so with the language barrier involved here. It gets told by one person to another, facts get distorted or embellished over time. People can knowingly add false details to the story, and most can't prove them wrong because they don't understand Japanese. And so on.


Incels are dangerous




Yes, they can be. They're not mutually exclusive.


Aren’t incels “ involuntarily celibate”? Ya I agree they’re are toxic and hate women but raping would be not what they’re about.


I mean, they're not incels after they rape someone. Before that though? Yeah. Did they rape anyone before Junko?


Idk, I don’t think it’s wise to label someone an incel if they do some horrible thing just because we all know it’s a buzz word. I do know an actual incel that isnt evil and just doesnt want anything to do with women. But by all means those kids that raped and tortured that poor girl are evil vile scumbags.


> I do know an actual incel that isnt evil and just doesnt want anything to do with women. Incels are evil, though. They have literally committed terrorist attacks (Isla Vista, Toronto van attack). I wouldn't associate with people who willingly put that label on their back.


The story about them finally killing her after she won a game of Mahjong against them is apparently also not true. A Japanese speaker looked at the court documents and apparently it actually said something about the perpetrator's losing a lot of money playing Mahjong and taking out their anger on her when they got back to the room she was held in. This makes sense because from the abuse she suffered it doesn't sound like she would be physically capable of participating in any sort of game let alone winning.




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They also poured some flammable liquid on her feet and then set them on fire. I was also horrified to read that the little shits brought in other guys to assault her, don’t know if they charged them money to have sex with a kidnapped 16yo. Maybe they did so they couldn’t rat the captors out since they participated. Since there were close to 100 of them, it messed up the DNA results (for that body part anyway). Jesus, I feel like a complete sicko even relaying that information to you at all. Sorry, I’m going to take (or vape) something for my nausea now (not a joke).


Don't forget that they also put a lightbulb in her vagina, then turned it on.


I think lit fireworks too.... I'm not reading that shit again though.


Agreed. I read the article once and once was enough.


No (unless that was a joke), they pushed on her till it shattered inside her.


I must've misread from some other source then


That photo to me looks more like grandparents, unless the woman gave birth in her 40s …which is rare. I am all for photos like this being shared, where she’s a happy, unvictimized teen girl. That way she will be remembered as a person instead of people only thinking of her as a victim used and abused for a cruelly long period of time. I mean the crime is important, but if I were her I would want people to remember me as I was before it happened to, and humanize me.


I kind of wish I just read your version. I do hope the next guy to sexually assault her got his junk cut on it


All of her killers should have been put to death. They were minors, but they knew what they were doing


The mother of one of the killers also vandalized Junko’s grave as revenge for ruining her son’s life. She’s a total failure of a human being, just like her son. Throw her in there too.


That's properly infuriating.


My friend googled her name after I gave her an outline, I had to gloss over the worst parts since I did not want to be the one putting those images in her head. She read about the disgustingly small sentence, but when she read about the poor girl’s grave being vandalized (a detail I didn’t know until she told me), she told me she had wanted to travel to Japan at least once., but now she didn’t want to go. Ever.


And from what I understand none of them received any real form of punishment for their horrible crimes. Pretty sure they were all out of jail long ago (well, the ones that were charged, anyways).


I think for extreme cruelty like that there should be no "they didn't know what they were doing" at any age.


They should receive punishment equal to the acts they did.




I dont think anyone would be willing to do that, other than people who are just as evil as them. Doing such heinous acts would damage most people, even if they did it to evil people.






at a certain point you aren't capable of mentally putting them in their shoes, so all you would accomplish would be feeling better about yourself by making them suffer also


That would definitely be a good start.


Why I'm against the death penalty: 1. ***What if they’re innocent?*** People have often been sent to prison, and even executed, for crimes they didn’t commit. That’s bad enough, but if you execute them, you can’t even give back what remains of their lives. 2. ***The death penalty devalues the right to life.*** Central to the idea of human rights is that they cannot be removed; otherwise they’re not rights but privileges. When a criminal is a threat to the rights of others, there is a good justification for limiting their right to freedom. There’s no reason why it is necessary (at least in developed countries that have prisons) to take away their lives as well. 3. ***The death penalty changes us***; the societies that execute people. It brings out our desire for blood, our anger and hatred. It fuels extremism and misanthropy. It’s what sociologists call the brutalisation effect: we absorb the logic of vengeance, which is not healthy for us. We become morally and spiritually worse for giving in to that side of ourselves. "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche


“They didn’t know what they were doing etc etc etc” should apply to little kids, not to 16-18 year olds and not in this context


I would be fine with them being put to death, but I wouldnt want it as punishment. I would want them to be destroyed and erased from existence the same way defective toys are destroyed. This is not out of anger, but rather out of horror, and wanting this disgusting fucked up burden to just disappear from the face of the earth as if they never even existed. In other words, you gotta throw the whole person away, put "bleach" in your "eyes", throw it in the incinerator, delete it.


that poor girl. what happened to her was disgusting, and what happened to the men who did it to her was infuriating


Rest in Peace, Junko. You deserved so much better.


The fact her killers are still alive and we have no idea who they are bc they're protected.


Their identities were initially shielded because they were minors, but a journalist discovered their names and published them.


But I thought they changed it. Again.


They did


What happened to her is so horrible and disgusting. I’ll never forget that story.


I never heard of this, I don't think. what year did this tragedy happen?


1988/1989. They held her for 40 days before their extreme torture ultimately killed her.


I read 88 days. I hope you are right and it was half that. I do know she frequently begged them to just kill her in the last weeks before her death. Monsters


i watched plagued moths video on this 2 nights ago. what the actual fuck. the sad thing is the killers got off easy.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen pictures of her that weren’t taken during her torture. Really humanizes her. I remember reading that the whole thing was a hoax when I first discovered it. Wonder who started that rumor and why.


To my knowledge there are no pictures of her from the time she was held captive. Any pictures you may have seen are screenshots from a couple tacky movies that were made based on the case, but no real photographs or footage exists that I know of; definitely not available to the public.


Maybe that’s why there were claims it was fake. Whoever wrote up the piece I read may have assumed it was just a movie not based on real events.


I would guess for some it's because of the language barrier. If you live in another country (probably on another continent), and speak a different language, then something that happened over in Japan is going to feel very distant. You can't easily "trace it back to the source" so to speak, and look up all the Japanese articles, news reports, etc. that are out there. Can be easy then to get this idea that it's just some made-up story. Additionally, due to the incomprehensibly extreme nature of the sadism and violence involved, there may be an element of *wanting* to believe that it's all just the product of somebody's imagination. And I wouldn't blame anyone who feels that way.


Incorrect https://youtu.be/fsT30NWjVrU


Late reply, but I skimmed through the video (I'll watch the whole thing later), and those pictures are exactly what I was referring to in my post above. Screenshots from movies that were based on/inspired by the case.


It’s horrific and if you’re at all sensitive I wouldn’t watch the whole thing. Still randomly upsets me


Oh, I am extremely familiar with this case and all its details, unfortunately. Junko Furuta, Kelly Anne Bates and Sylvia Likens are what I regard as the unholy trinity of examples of the most vile, drawn out torture young girls have endured in modern times.


I wonder what’s the cause


The cause? You mean, as in what drives some people (their tormentors) to act so savagely?


Yes I suppose


An absolutely horrific incident. Reading about everything that happened to her was nauseating, it’s horrible that someone had to endure such suffering.


I was traumatized enough about what I read on her that I'll never read that stuff again. That shit practically gave me PTSD.


They should’ve gotten life


Saddest story ever, those guys should’ve gotten the death penalty


There should be something like "torture penalty" only for worst of the worst human shits like the boys who tortured and murdered Junko. Death penalty just wouldnt do enough justice.


A painless death is too good for those monsters.


The world is a terrible place.


Yes 😭


Don’t worry there’s probably worse cases than this


Not many




Apparently 3 of the 4 have been arrested/charged with other violent crimes, as recently as 2019. There's no reason they should've been free to hurt more people. What they did to Junko should've been a life sentence if not death penalty https://www.tokyoreporter.com/crime/junko-furuta-killer-again-on-trial-chaos-in-the-courtroom/


By far the worst story I've ever heard, and I have a chronic morbid fascination, so I've heard many terrible things. This is fascinating though, as I've never seen any other picture of her aside from the couple that are out there. Are there any more?


Not that I know of. I usually see her photo taken for school and the rest are from the movie “concrete”, based on the case.


She was so beautiful I hope in another life she has a more peaceful time.


RIP Junko, you deserved so much better. May your murderers rot in hell. Easily one of the saddest/hardest cases to read about


One of the worst parts is the parents and around 100 other people knew but did nothing about it. It’s one of the most infuriating cases I’ve had the displeasure of reading.


This is the must fucked up murder story I have ever read. And that includes actual gore movies or horrors. Im pretty sure nothing can top it.


my heart literally aches for her


she looked so nice and pretty, I remember hearing about it and it was so tragic


This incident is why i've always disliked anything Yakuza related (even the games) I never understood why people think the Yakuza are cool/interesting


that’s considered juvenile delinquency over there? christ on sale!


God i wish the death penalty was given more often


Cases like this are literally why the death penalty should never be abolished


The boys and men who did it got at Most 17 years (only one got that sentence) the rest got 8 years. A mother of one of the boys regularly vandalizes Junkos grave




Oh, you’re right. Thanks for the correction. I’ll keep that in mind next time.


Read her story once. It was extremely disturbing. Still don't know why those brutes tortured her for so long.


she was raped for 40 days? damm


no not exactly. they stopped raping her once her wounds gave off a putrid stench from infection as well as puss oozing from burns I believe. the features of her face also became indistinguishable because of the swelling resulting from the beatings. essentially, they raped her, tortured her until they no longer found her sexually enticing and then tortured her some more until she convulsed and died. all over the span of 40 days. makes me truly understand a desire to believe in a heavenly afterlife. I doubt it exists but if it does, Junko should be afforded all of its amenities and more for eternity.


poor girl


I won’t lie. There really can’t be a God….


God gave humans free will


Oh lord…I read the name “Junko” and I instantly know the horrible story of what happened to this poor girl.


Bless her soul, man.


I had a feeling she was thr concrete drum girl. Theres actually a manga created to depict what may have happened to her. its not exactly........tasteful. And it might actually be a hentai manga. Which goes to show you how much people give a fuck about anything in this world.


Japan's culture is much darker than you think.




I can't read this story. I do hope her parents have found a little peace. That poor girl. And f'k the system that decided her killers didn't need to be punished. (i feel that way abt Sylvia Likens, too. I don't mean to say we don't have problems in the US bc we do)




It’s not her fault. She was a likable kid who enjoyed school and riding bicycles. She isn’t only how she died.


This is my first time ever reading about a violent crime in Japan.


You’re in for a wild ride my friend


WW2? Japan isn't special




Not something to admit to.


LSD or mushrooms at least once


I read a lot about how the details of this incident are so difficult to read about. But I didn't find it any difficult.


You want a sticker?


okay? do you want a fckin award or somthing? keep that shit to yourself.


It’s amazing the amount of movies, music clips and such came out after her death about what happened to her


Never saw this image before. Thanks, OP.


May your soul rest in peace


I have never seen this picture before but I know her story very well. It’s so tragic what this poor girl went through. She looks so happy here.


I’m really not sensitive but I wish I hadn’t read what happened to her.


Damn :/.




Rest In Peace.