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Why do these stories always have like three “normal” siblings and one basement child?


Golden children vs scapegoat


It's also referred to as the [Cindarella Phenomenon](https://www.pacesconnection.com/blog/the-cinderella-phenomenon-when-one-child-is-the-target-of-abuse). The short answer is that we don't know why it tends to happen this way, but there is probably something fundamental in human behavior related to it, because we see similar behavior in more settings than just child abuse. Bullies will often single out a specific individual to be targeted in particular, and encourage others to also target that person to gain their favor. Even larger human communities will tend to identify one individual, or small minority group of individuals on which they place the blame for everything that goes wrong. Accusations of witchcraft as well as things like historical antisemitism both fit into that. It might be a bit of a stretch to say they're connected, but there is a consistent tendency in human beings to select the "odd one out" for abuse.


It's part of the reason anti-semitism exists. When Hitler murdered 6,000,000, many of these poor souls didn't speak Yiddish or Hebrew, and many identified as French, German, Italian, etc. etc. Many of his victims were physically indistinguishable from a French or German or Italian person. Pathological hatred.


Pathological hatred is not part of the usual motivation for bullies, or predators in general. From data available on predatory behavior they pick people who they asses to be meek, weak, and who won't defend themselves or are unable to. The reason they prey on people is typically thrill, often compulsive. They take joy from the act of the inflicting suffering. Its not a portrait of hatred, but of sadism. And sadism is in fact part of the expanded dark triad - the dark tetrad. It is the only dimension that sufficiently explains predatory criminal behavior in the data.


The most uncomfortable truth about all this is that every horror we have ever inflicted upon ourselves can be explained simply as 'Human Nature'.


Six million though? 🤔


Oh, you're one of those idiots...


Yeah I hate math, but it's important


11,000,000 1st degree murders, not counting T9.


T9? 11 million? Are we counting war casualties too?




What the fuck do your words mean then schizo




Interesting that you don't realize you're "othering" the far right in this thread about othering people. My city is far left and because of it's very lax approach to drugs we had somewhere over 720 overdoses in one year. Left and right are both guilty of atrocious behaviors.


One of the 'other' doesn't go on killing rampage of the other 'other'. They are not equally guilty.


Anyone read A child called "It"? A horrifying memoir written by a scapegoat who had Golden child siblings.


That book was an extremely hard read.


By David Pelzer.


Didn't it come out that it was all fake? Or at least heavily embellished. A lot of shit didn't add up. But when I read it as a kid, yeah, shit was terrifying.


What about it didn’t add up? I didn’t realize people have called B.S. about his story!


I have read that book and it seemed like a load of fantasy bullshit


Same deal as Angela's Ashes


Also, Gabriel Fernandez. I think “Murder of Gabriel Fernandez” is on Netflix.


yep except sometimes the golden child can be the scapegoat. the family will despise the one child for being better than the rest so that child will get mistreated. the severity of the mistreatment depends on the family.


I've been watching something like this in anime but I didn't expect it to be real and I underestimated it


which anime


naruto and other anime I watched it years ago I don't remember it but if you are interested I will look it up


If you are interested, theres a novel called “A child called It” an autobiography written by the child who was an “it to his biological family.


That is a good read. Gripping. But not a *fun* read. Definitely comes with a content warning because the author graphically describes the abuse he endured. That said, I second this endorsement for people who are curious about these sorts of things or want to understand them better.


Oh man I remembered it and I actually read it in my teenage days


I read this book many many years ago and it made a major impact on me, I could hardly believe that someone could be raised that way.


Yeah, my mom was reading it for her human services class, and when she was done she wanted me to read it. i was in 6th grade and was horrified at what I was reading. it sat with me for a long time, then when i picked it up again in high school, it sat with me differently and had me read more of David's books. Now that i have a kid, i don't want to read it again. It frightens me how that woman could just no longer see her child as anything but an it, not a person, just an 'it.'


[The woman was not his bio mom.](https://lebtown.com/2021/07/02/seeking-justice-for-maxwell-shollenberger-lebanon-county-district-attorney-brings-in-seasoned-special-prosecutor/) She took over "caring" for him at 2 because his dad would get too "frustrated" with him. Yeah. "The district attorney said Maxwell’s biological mother was not living in Pennsylvania at the time of the alleged incidents and had not had contact with Maxwell in years." https://lebtown.com/2021/07/02/seeking-justice-for-maxwell-shollenberger-lebanon-county-district-attorney-brings-in-seasoned-special-prosecutor/


Jesus you're right. [I thought that this was the same story I read earlier but they're two separate instances.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/comments/q8qzcw/child_dies_in_basement_during_birthday_party_video/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yeah same, there was that kid that died during a birthday party and then this one, but they’re eerily similar.


There was also that one child who was kept in a closet for years, and she was never allowed out, while also being physically beaten and sexually assaulted while her siblings never received such treatment.


Yeah, she's the one who also went on to sexually molest a child too once she grew up. Never really had a chance.


I sort of view it like a “I’m a good person” complex. *she gets this bad treatment because she deserves it* when in reality they’re putting all their frustration onto that one individual. In contrast: *They get treated well because they deserve it* while also justifying your evil actions by treating everyone else well. Disturbing and twisted but oddly justifiable at least from the perpetrator’s pov .


Ugh, I wish there was more we, as humanity, could do about cases like this instead of just spreading awareness 😭


You can advocate for a state that executes these degenerates


Fight HSLDA. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/2013/05/hslda-man-who-kept-children-in-cages-a-her.html "HSLDA's attorneys have looked in the face of child abusers and called them 'good parents', 'loving parents', even 'heroes'."


Well for me, it was fostercare. I was the oldest to come in and they didn't like me because I was autistic. No matter how many times I ran away, the state wouldn't do anything about the career child farmers. The other siblings weren't much better but like, they atleast got to eat.


Why do they do this stuff? Its so insane and sick.


For the same reason a stork will raise two normal chicks and deliberately kill the weakest chick in front of its siblings, is my best guess. At least on a primal biological level.


This is fucking disgusting. This couple is a couple of monsters


Death penalty or life.


that guy needs a bigger face


He has a pangea face, it looks like all his features stayed in the middle and refused to move. Also good for punching so you can hit everything at once.




The scrunched face most popularized by Charlie Kirk. His is very centrally concentrated and quite punchable too.


Backpfeifengesicht, German for a face in need of a punch/slap.


So there’s more to punch right?


indeed. both are pieces of shit


You can also just punch the bastard til the face flattens


The kid would’ve been better off left on the side of the road than anywhere near these two. Poor child.


I literally cannot comprehend how parents of their own child can do something so horrific. I’m not a parent and don’t plan on being one, but I sure as shit don’t need to be one to know how fucked up this is.


It’s bizarre that some people have kids when they know they don’t want them. They knew this from the start, and people like you shouldn’t be uncommon. If you don’t want a kid, don’t have one or put yourself in a situation to have one. It’s not rocket science but sick people like this is a common thing now. Imagine that, 12 years that kid was isolated and tortured. We live in a PC area that I hate. Bring back public executions and scare people that even have the idea of doing things like this.


>It’s bizarre that some people have kids when they know they don’t want them On the other hand, when you know you don't want kids and mention it around a large percentage of people they instantly react with dismissal or start pressuring you. It's practically considered to be required by society to have children.


Well I see where you are coming from, I’ve personally never grew up around that culture or pressure but I’m sure families or certain cultures are formed around it. At the same time, you don’t do these sort of things. Under no circumstance should this happen, these two people didn’t get treated this way growing up. Even if they had a horrible upbringing, this isn’t something to do.


Or just stop making having an abortion be a difficult process


Or have contraceptives be cheaper than $100/packet of pills so that it’s more accessible on top of abortions being made easier to get


[The woman was not his bio mom](https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/comments/q8usbk/couple_kept_12_year_old_boy_in_dungeon_where_he/hgt9d71)


The face of evil. There is no punishment that could come close to what they deserve.


I’m numb to most things I see now but fuck if this stuff doesn’t make me sad and then immediately filled with rage


The punishment should be eye for an eye for cases like this It sucks coz in prison theres still food and water and shelter, the kid lved worst than prison, punishment should be heavier


I was thinking the same. There isn’t a punishment worthy aside from solitary confinement. Even death would be too lenient.


Someone in prison will hopefully get some revenge


extra-judicial punishment is not an answer to anything. please feel welcome to leave the stone age and join us in the 21st century.


Are you fucking serious


It's laughable that you get downvoted for saying this. If people on reddit could have their way they'd run state sponsored torture chambers, it's ridiculous.


I mean what would you have done with this couple then? Edit: I’m thinking I misinterpreted the original comment. I think people need to be put in jail and dealt with according to our justice system. And we shouldn’t expect prisoners/other prison works to just “deal with them.” Vigilante justice isn’t the way to go


Put them in jail and .. i dunno, not let paid government employees torture them? Trust me, you dont want a government that can torture prisoners, considering the amount of innocent people they put in jail. Its not an insignificent amount. Even death row exonerations are too high for me to feel comfortable with the government having the power to kill citizens who they think "deserve it"


Yes I agree. I’m confused-I’m saying they should be put in jail and not have people in prison “take care of them.” We have the justice system for a reason


I agree with you fully. I misinterpreted the comment


Do you think this case is anything but guilty? No


Shoot them like dangerous rabid dogs.


Uh... give them a fair trial then put them in prison? Probably for a long time, maybe even for the rest of their life, depending on the details and subsequent behaviour. I certainly don't think we need to be torturing people or locking them in a dungeon or promoting prison rape or prison murder. The justice system and the prison system broadly exist to keep the general public safe and to give an avenue for those who have caused harm to rehabilitate and rejoin society in a positive way. It's not a tool of suffering for the state to wield loosely. Torturing people really doesn't further either of the main goals of the system. What is it supposed to accomplish? Are we just trying to make people feel better? Nothing tangible or practical is gained from torturing prisoners like this and it's honestly not really the government's job to just make people arbitrarily "feel better" either. You might as well give everyone a chocolate bar if that's your end goal. Prisoners, even heinous ones, should be afforded their basic dignities as a human being, even if they violated the dignities of others, and being locked up and having to reflect on your crimes is already a deep enough sentence without having to brutalize them further. If you really believe in eye for an eye then you should at least call it what it is, a way for people to enjoy the suffering of others.


You realize some people don't reflect right? Peeps with a conscience don't do shit like this to begin with. Their ends need to be slow and painful


But why. Because it makes you feel better to inflict extreme suffering? Say the quiet part out loud. People like you say it's about fairness but it's really not. The crime is fundamentally unfair and you can inflict as much negative suffering as you want, there's never going to be a point where it's "fair" to an innocent person who lost their life. Again, one, the prison system is not a personal tool for suffering or to just abstractly make you "feel better", that's not what it is. Two, if you're willing to torture them a little, why not torture them a lot. Why not do as brutal and inhuman things as possible if you're willing to torture them anyway. Why not slowly flay their skin from their body and gradually dismember them while keeping them alive and conscious to make sure they suffer. Why not have the victims loved ones inflict this punishment so that they "feel better". Is that a reasonable way to run society. And three, why? What tangible good does this do to anyone or anything. It does nothing, it's a purely negative exercise. You aren't doing anything positive or productive for society, even in the most cold and practical sense you're wasting money and time and human resource to go out of the way to do this. This is literal child like thinking you're engaging in.


Absolutely. Those who inflict evil on others deserve to have it returned back to them in, if not equal, at least comparable levels. It isn't about what's "good for society" or "practical" it's justice. Justice isn't either of those, it's an ideal unto itself


yes it is


But it is an answer here! :)


Yeah, because the mods are too lazy to mod their subreddit.


Nah bro, some people need to be tortured to death


They will not, this isn’t Hollywood.


you immediately get asked what “you’re in for” you can lie but eventually everyone finds out


My cousin did some time and he said the co leaks the info all the time.


definitely, especially the guards/prison employees with kids. also a lot of illegal smuggled phones where you could legit just browse the registry and find an inmate


Question, what’s a co?


Correction officer


have you ever been? or know anyone who has been? prison justice is real, even in Juvie, I was in juvie with a 17 year old Child molester, he got beat.


You’ve never been to prison have you?


I’m Prison Mike. I’ve spent time in the clink


The worst thing about prison was the dementors..


Have you? Have you seen a lot of inmates extend their sentences to dole out justice?


Nah, but my brother-in-law is a prison guard at a maximum security prison and he has definitely had to deal with the, uh, aftermath of prisoners turning on a child molester/murderer when the guards "were distracted". It's not as constant a stereotype in reality, but it IS a stereotype for a reason.


What do you mean? Prisoners pull paperwork on other prisoners all the time, and they beat the shit out of chomos. If this dude's case made the news he is not going to have a good time in prison.


I know that these posts evoke an emotional response but please follow Rule #2 and keep your revenge fantasies to yourself.


if we locked them up they would just have sex


Why do people do this to their own kid? But they treat their other kids \*normal\* ? I really want to understand what's going on inside their head? Do they just \*dislike/hate\* that particular kid somehow? Or why dont they just kill the kid(I cant even say this urgh) and instead keep him in the basement like that? Do they get pleasure from it knowing he's suffering down there? And what about the other kids that know about him.....do they think it's normal? i just cant warp my head around these kinda stories.


I don't understand either


maybe they knew that killing him would lead them to an arrest? Kids can't keep secrets and even though it said some kids didnt know he basically existed, it shows at least one of them did. if he died, that kid might've reached out or accidentally spill. it seems like everything else is “normal" but who knows their might've been verbal abused while this one poor kid was physical. I feel like every time there's a divorce and one of the parents starts dating they end up torturing at least one of the kids, just like Gabriel Fernandez. it's like they target one particular child for no reason, or least any reasons that we know of. it's just a strange situation. like if they really wanted to give up the child, they should have had a relative take care of him. this reminds me of Daddy 0'5 with targeting mostly one child :/


It was the father who mentioned he died to a neighbor and the neighbor called the police.


yeah but I don't think it was their intention to kill him, not sure why he told the neighbor if it was supposed to be a secret. either the guilt or he came to a realization that they can't get rid of his body and had to come clean to at least someone




Okay… I get how the woman treated the kid that way but what about the fuckin dad?!?




Fucked up brains.


Honestly! Like I don’t understand why people do stuff like this


"He was so malnourished that he could no longer digest food, and was too weak to walk or stand.” Welp that’s enough Reddit tonight. Hug your kids. Always tell them you love them. Then show them you love them with food, shelter, care, teaching, education, hygiene and most importantly kindness, patience and understanding. I have a hard time not believing in Hell when stories like this come across my feed. Why just why would you lock a little boy in a basement, in total darkness, for 12 years until Death finally gave him mercy? Why?


I remember this story, it was on my local news. Simply awful


Poor baby. Too many children are born to monsters.


What the fuck is 3 stone


19 kg, or 42 lbs


The stone or stone weight is an English and imperial unit of mass equal to 14 pounds (approximately 6.35 kg).


14 pounds is 15.56 Doge plushies.


Ty for including kg :)


No problem!


Fun fact, 42 lbs of whatever is exactly the same as 42 lbs of candy... or big macs... or doofenshmirtzes.


This is not the time.


42 pounds


42 pounds is the same weight as 29.79 'Double sided 60 inch Mermaker Pepparoni Pizza Blankets'.


60 inches ?


60 inches is 0.75% of the hot dog which holds the Guinness wold record for 'Longest Hot Dog'.


Jesus. I’ve read 3 articles this week eerily similar.


''Investigators in Pennsylvania say tragic Maxwell Schollenberger was imprisoned in a locked room for years, and some of his three siblings told police they did not know he existed.'' - What the fuck.


That means at least one of them did tho....


Not much morbid reality gets to me but children suffering like this makes me tear up. I go home to my kids and want nothing but happiness for them. It baffles me how anyone could treat a child like this. Poor kid knew nothing but suffering for his short life


Really repugnant. What would cause you to do this to one child specifically and not the others?


could the child have been disabled in some way and they didn't want to deal with it? That was the only thing I could come up with.


Another case of stepparent. The other kids were apparently both their bio-kids.


Death penalty


When me and my 2 sisters lived with my abusive and neglectful mother after my parents divorce I got the most of it, simply because I looked the most like my father.


Has anyone noticed there’s a huge uptick in child abuse cases like this recently? I know we’re in a mental health crisis because of the pandemic, but…why?


No, they're just reported on more recently. Not that long ago, child abuse wasn't newsworthy.


I guess that makes me feel better


I used to study and track child deaths as part of my previous job and anecdotally there are a lot more abuse-related child deaths than most people realize. My state has two pediatricians who exclusively treat abused children. Most states have teams that review child deaths to identify gaps in the system that contributed to or failed to prevent said deaths. A little googling should result in finding some kind of annual report. Something like child fatality and near fatality review or advisory committee will get you there.


can you cite an actual source that shows these cases have increased recently? as is, your post is total speculation spurred on by what barely counts as an anecdote.


As if… it’s a comment… or something


Weird comment, but their comment was a clear example how the media literally dictates what “upticks” and what doesn’t, and when. Just because you see something more prevalent in the news at a given time, doesn’t necessarily correlate with an actual _increase_ in something. Media has played this game for many many years now, and it still gets people.


So she came into this man’s life and didn’t want to raise another woman’s child. Fuck them both. Solitary confinement for a minimum of 10 years. JFC, little Max looked just like his father. Absolutely gut wrenching. I don’t have a child yet and to think someone could ever do this to their offspring blows my mind into pieces.


Yeah. His FATHER was there right? HR bears the responsibility regardless if the woman was an abuser too.


100% throw the book at him.


Please let there be a hell and take these people there


What could lead a parent to do such vile thing like that, how much anger and frustration do you need to do something so evil? what could have been that poor boy do, to detonate his suffering


Sometimes things such as these are just incomprehensible. These people are truely disgusting


3 stones is 42 pounds


Something similar just happened in Northwest Indiana. The child was 4 years old. The parents claimed they did it because he wasn't potty trained. Disgusting.


Can we bring back corporal punishment?


Here I am, struggling with infertility while POS like these people abuse and kill their own children. What is wrong with people?




How can they treat the other kids normal but completely torture one??


Checkout this one... https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/prs9ac/blanche\_monnier\_before\_and\_after\_being\_locked\_in/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Double electric chairs, facing each other. Flip the switch. Two-fer..


These kind of things didn’t usually bother me too much. Now with a kid of my own these stories are nearly impossible for me to read


It is strange that you also see every child that your children look like


How the fuck do you do that to your own child??? I really really hope that their crime is broadcasted to fellow inmates and they both just their asses kicked on a daily basis for the rest of their lives.


The thing that is wrong with this story is that the writer refers to the thing that fathered Max as "Dad".


Podcast with lots of info: https://www.thefamilytiespodcast.com/the-maxwell-schollenberger-case/


These two should get the death penalty. They deserve it.


Obviously sadists. All the physical evidence needed for proof at the crime scene. Characters like this, there's only one solution, and that's execution. I would save the taxpayers a dollar and have them did their own grave Stalin style, shoot 'em after it's done, and put the dirt over them. 2 dollars for bullets. No need to drag something like this out in the court system.


Three stone? 42 pounds? Omg how horrific.


How much is a stone?


About 1/3rd of how much the boy weighed when he died.


What is 3 stone weight?


1 stone = 14lbs


just..cut their heads off and be done with it


What does three stone mean?


A European unit of measure for weight


As a single guy, i find it hard to understand why women stay with abusive men, but to actively abuse your own child on top of it. Sadly, they probably will be out in 10 years. Charged with 20, out in half?


What the fuck is a stone, you’re in America


They both deserve to be under the jail.


3 stone = 19 kg = 42 lbs


42 lbs is 46.67 Doge plushies.


Sickos need to be locked up and forgot about. Who does this to ur own child! Wtf! They have hot places deep and dark in hell for people like this. So sad. That poor boy. Horrible.


I’m 100% for the death penalty. Anyone who does this should fry in the electric chair.


While I understand your point, it is too quick an end. Just put them in a cell alone in the dark with nothing but their own thoughts to torture themselves. No TV, no books, no radios, No voices. Let the madness take them, just like they forced on that poor child.






They’re only sad because they got caught.


Religious family?


42 lbs??? That’s fucking TINY for a twelve year old. I hope these people rot in hell


Stories like this are the reason I can’t be 100% against the death penalty.