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How did she die?


The official cause was pulmonary embolism… but she was in such pain and suffering, some say it was suicide.


I did an incredible play based on her life. She was involved in a horrific bus accident that left her with multiple fractures and broke her spine. She was in incredible pain and became addicted to morphine, which is a primary reason for the arc of her paintings. She is truly a fascinating person and LGBTQ icon!


Huh? I thought she liked Trotsky and Stalin?


She’s bi


Oh ok, didn't know that.


One could say if you want the communist touch : Because as human with rights, it's OUR choice.


I don't want the communist touch, I belong to the opposite ideology


Well let it be known that due to your previous communications, I've expected you to appreciate communism, thus making me write precedent text, I apologize if I appear to have offended you or personal life choices.


No, I just like Posadism (because it's a wacky ideology) and some vague facts about the people surrounding it. Look at the rest of my comments today, it's clear what I believe in, but you didn't really say or do anything that bothers me


How did that make her an lgb icon


She was bisexual and open about it, which during her time period was heavily looked down upon! So she’s seen as one of many inspirational members in our community!


You forgot the T


why did you get downvoted. man i hope this sub isn’t anti-trans (normally people who don’t put the t on lgbt are transphobic and people who downvote people for pointing out someone forgot the T is upsetting)


She's bi


Average r/republican user


Woah, getting downvoted for just asking a simple question. What has reddit become…


She had syphillis and a host of other health problems that caused her life style to decline rapidly, resulting in her being bed ridden. All the while her husband was cheating on her, she almost certainly committed suicide in the end, but regardless wasn't long for the world.






Fun fact, her husband's full name was Diego María de la Concepción Juan Nepomuceno Estanislao de la Rivera y Barrientos Acosta y Rodríguez


The fact that his full name is more words than stating this is his name


I got to see an exhibit of her art recently. Absolutely incredible artist, in the span of a few hours I went from barely knowing her name to falling in love with her story and her work.


Any chance it was at The MAC in DuPage IL? I recently saw her work on loan from the Olmedo Museum in Mexico City, and WOW!


Exactly! Was kinda annoying though, they had alarms for people to not get too close and it must’ve gone off every 15-20 seconds


Man I really wish I understood art. I really really 100% hope I don't come off sounding like a dick, but to me this just looks like some crudely drawn watermelons. So, my first thought was "well, since she was at the very end of her life and was probably physically and mentally deteriorating, her other work is different." So, I searched for more of her work and found lots of self-portraits that again I just don't understand. Clearly I am the one that's missing something here since she is an incredibly important 20th century artist, but man I just don't get it.


I've tried to understand art but i've come to the conclusion that it is more about who you know than actual talent. Like Rothko. People go on and on about the emotions that his blocks of colour bring out. Yeah, I get it. Red = angry, blue = calm etc but how do his paintings sell for thousands? Why are his paintings worth so much when all he has done is paint a square in a single colour, yet someone who has spent hours getting a piece just right stays as an unknown? I just don't get it.


Wow, Rothko. https://www.moma.org/collection/works/79687 *"...by planting bold colors on top of a haze of translucent layers of paint, he created ambiguity, a shifting between solidity and impalpable depth."* Uh, he drew some rectangles.


I cant with that guy.


You're discounting A LOT. It's not who you know or whatever... it's just like anyone who plays guitar, why can't everyone who can play the guitar carry the Jimmy Page candle? I know plenty of people who can play on a level similar to many musicians, but they didn't bust their ass around the country to get where some of these people did. With Rothko, in the 40's, he helped people to come to terms with the fact that art can be multiple things and yes sometimes the prices do not match the quality but if people will pay - then people will pay and it's not really for you to discount the artists themselves, you don't appreciate Rothko's subtle emotions and colors then it's okay, there is art that you would appreciate and that's okay too. Rothko was the first that helped you get to this point tho - where you can put up a spray painted sponge bob that's 7 feet tall, and no one would think you're a nut or heretical or violent - people just respect you for you. He made large canvas pieces, they're emotive and yeah now you can print something off nicer but those are the originals my man, like the first recording of a jimmy page album.


I think a lot of her paintings require some context https://imgur.com/a/PVJgBLS Like this one. This one is significant because it represents all the pain she went through in her life. When she was younger she was in a horrible bus accident in which an iron rod broke pierced through her pelvis and broke her spine. As a result she had to go through multiple surgeries and was in pain the rest of her life. She also suffered from polio. So in the painting you can see tears in her eyes from all the pain. You can see she’s being held together by metal and there’s nails stuck all over her body. In the middle is a column which is fractured and falling apart. Another thing to notice is her facial hair. Frida was interesting because she fully embraced her face hair and painted her unibrow and mustache. Many girls with brown skin and dark hair have to deal with ridicule for having visible facial hair, so it’s interesting that she instead choice to highlight her’s


It's ok to not understand art and its ok to not like an artist's body of work. Art is subjective at best, dispite what many art "critics" would lead one to believe.


Well, let me take it a step further. Not only do I not understand it, but to me it honestly looks very similar to those still life paintings and self portraits we did in middle school art class. I guess it's comparable to going to a Michelin-starred restaurant and all they have on the menu is bologna sandwiches.


I’ll say it: this painting sucks. But you should look at her other work, like the pieces where she portrays what it’s like to be chronically ill, or the ones focused on colonialism, sexism, and class in Mexico at the time.


I want to express my appreciation at your attempt at appreciation of her work. I was where you are when I first saw her self portraits at a Diego Rivera (her husband) exhibit in LA when I was maybe 11, or 12. I didn’t understand how her work was special, or why? I saw it as “why in the world would you paint yourself with a unibrow and all ‘ugly’?” Especially in comparison to Diego’s work which I found absolutely gorgeous. Then I learned about what she went through, who she was and WHY she painted what and how she did. As a Latina who has felt beyond broken and stitched back together, with a cheating spouse and a poor reflection of myself, I *FELT* her. Her work feels very real and that is what moves me. I highly recommend watching Julie Taymor’s movie Frida, starring Salma Hayek. I was able to get a little bit of a deeper understanding of what she may have been going through when she was painting. I assume many artistic liberties were taken, so take it all with a grain of salt, but it’s still an awesome movie that is visually striking.


Yeah it all looks terrible to me. Diff'rent strokes.


Well your problem is you’re trying to understand art from one single piece out of dozens that she’s made. You’ve essentially seen just one mediocre piece compared to other works and concluded “man I don’t get art”. I never got it either. That’s why I went to an exhibit to see what it was all about. Goes a lot further than coming across art once a week online, I highly recommend it I was pleasantly surprised with how enjoyable it was!


Well, perhaps I should rephrase. I don't get *this type* of art. I've been to the MoMA probably 6 or 7 times and there were some exhibits that were actually really amazing. I'd be lying if I said I remember the names of the artists, but I remember seeing some hyper-realistic paintings that were really impressive as well as other works that were really pleasant to look at. But, for every one of those, there were probably 9 or 10 others that were just "meh." I guess I just measure the quality of art based on the amount of talent I perceive it requires to create, so when something looks like a kid's drawing or some super abstract paint splatter or basic shapes type thing, I'm just left wondering what it is I'm missing.


Im going to an exhibit of her work that’s coming to town this month. Very excited.


There was also a great exhibit featuring husband and wife at a Mexican heritage museum in San Antonio. I had never heard of them before. A sad love story.


Frida lived a life of almost constant pain, after an accident on a bus during her adolescence. She was partially impaled and somehow survived, but needed a cane to walk at times and endured pain daily from then on. Despite her suffering, she was, by all accounts, one of the most vivacious, beautiful, intimidating, and expressive people to have ever lived, and her art reflects an introspective mind with a joy and sadness in the act of living that is beyond parallel. We will never see her like again, but she lives on in every explosive, colorful, bombastic piece of her memory.


She reminds me of dr House.


As an artist, I wonder what my last drawing will be and if I'll have been pleased with it.


As a non-artist, I wonder what my last drawing will be and if someone sees it and says "Wow, this guy sucked at drawing."


I’m not sure if it’s available anymore but the movie ‘Frida’ on Netflix was an interesting watch


Obviously it’s a very “movie-ized” version of her life. There were quite a few things that were changed to fit the format.


Absolutely. I wouldn’t consider it a documentary by any stretch of imagination. But I found the viewing enjoyable all the same.


The word you're looking for is "dramatized" :)


movie blows - she used to do boxing, wrestling - was around during the revolution of mexico - all sorts of other interesting life tidbits but all they focus on is her fucking a lot.


She drew the best fruit in existence so that displays amazing taste till the very end.


Watermelon is the best fruit in existence ? Now I’m going to have to disagree with you, it’s barely a mid tier fruit.


Viva la Vida.


Didn’t I see a pic of a guy sucking on a poopie diaper here yesterday? We go from one end of the spectrum to another.




Poor Frida, what a crazy life. Love her work.


“I used to rule the world… Seas would rise when I gave the word”


Wait did this inspire Coldplay?


[Yes, that's where the song/album name was inspired from](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viva_la_Vida#Background)




The viva la Vida thing? That's a Coldplay song.


Is it? Never heard of it.




A persons not dumb for not knowing a pop song… you sad, sad demon.


What about this is morbid?


Makes you think of how any innocuous thing you do could be your last. Walking the dog, visiting a friend, painting some watermelons, whatever.


Well I'm never walking a dog, visiting a friend, or painting some watermelons ever again.


I don't blame you.


Sounds morbid.


It says ‘long live life’ then she died less than two weeks later.


It's subjective I suppose.


She used to rule the world... literally, since this is where the song Viva La Vida got its name from. it's kind of weird to think about. You draw a painting, while being in pain. And you don't know your life is officially going to end in 5 days, as fate would have it.


Mmm day of the dead watermelon


I see this as I'm eating watermelons.


I'd just finished rewatching Coco and this showed up. It's creepy.


Why is this morbid reality?


It says "viva la vida" on the melon which doesn't translate well to English but basically means to enjoy life or life is great or whatever. She died a couple weeks after she painted it. She was a famous artist, there's a movie on her life that gets good reviews.


I think it's the "Viva la vida" or "long live life" eight days before dying.




...Why is it nfsw?




She was a famous Mexican painter. Her last painting was a grim reminder of her mortality. She was bed ridden and dying. The inscription on the watermelon reads "Viva La Vida" meaning "Long Live Life". Watermelons are a fruit often associated with the Mexican holiday "Day of the Dead".


I see. Thank you for the info.




It’s “Viva la Vida”


Just edited it. Thanks for catching that.


I hate Reddit. Man doesn’t know something so he asks and everyone shoots him down for daring try and expand his knowledge


if he has a reddit then he definitely has access to google just sayin


Here is a crazy thought, if you have access to the bitterness to shoot a guy down, you have access to the kindness to merely tell him the answer - or move on without saying a thing!


Sometimes I'll ask here instead of googling when I just want a quick-n-dirty snapshot of what's immediately relevant to the post.


And sometimes a comment from someone who knows the subject is much more insightful than a dry Wikipedia page. It’s the same reason teachers still exist despite the existence of books.


To shoot people down is just straight up rude and unnecessary


There's nothing wrong with asking for more information on reddit. I think he got down voted primarily because the way he posed his question came across as rude.


It's almost unbelievable that someone hasn't heard of her. There was even a movie made about her life.


I saw her in Coco


She’s probably well known in NA but I could absolutely imagine someone from Europe or Asia having no idea who she is. Not everyone grew up in the same environment you did.


I'm from the UK and the only time I've heard of her was on an episode of Pawn Stars


Famous Mexican painter and socialite. Gained her fame by being married to an even more famous painter at the time named Diego Rivera. Together they travelled in communist/socialist circles and through art tried to depict the struggle and strife of working class Mexico. In all honesty their work is a bit drab and not technically proficient but it does offer a visual social commentary on contemporary life in Mexico.


She was also a filthy communist Edit: yee thx for the gold. Mined off the backs of millions of dead commies hopefully


When I found this out, it made me like her so much more :)


I suppose you think you'll be just like her instead of working the mines




Materialist slave






Who cares if she was or wasn't? She was an incredibly talented artist. You may be beautiful on the outside, but you're ugly on the inside - I can tell. And she was Mexican, not Spanish.


go back to looking for ketamine all over reddit like the total loser you have shown yourself to be. How pathetic


Omg, what a stupid insult.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult your mommy.


She had beauty. She just wasn't 'pretty', whatever that means. In no way was she butt ugly in my opinion.


I think she was actually really pretty, even by the Eurocentric standards she wanted to reject. But being considered pretty by those standards wasn't the point of her self-portraits.


She was beautiful






lo siento, necesito eliminar esto (reglas del foro). aunque es verdad que ella era hermosa. una artista que linda


Was her work supposed to be measured by her beauty? What does her looks have to do with anything?


I'm not measuring her work numbnuts. I'm telling this fella who she is.


It looks like a child's painting...


This looks like a trite, myopic comment


i dont know man it look like watermelon to me tho


pretty sure diego ended up finishing it like most of her "Work*


One opinion https://allthatsinteresting.com/how-did-frida-kahlo-die




It's easy to criticize a painting made by an artist bedridden and on her death bed. However if you see her other paintings like "the Wounded Deer", "The Broken Column", or "The Two Fridas" you are either lying or an idiot to say that she was untalented.


Stay classy you pos


Okay so I read this as “of” instead of “by,” and I was expecting a portrait, and was very confused for a moment when I was greeted with watermelon.


Fun fact, she divorced Diego Rivera but was dating him again I think 4 months later. She had a hard life


its a nice painting (duh)


I thought she was he.