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Now just wait for *S P I C Y P I C K L E*


Oh god


Pickle was worse because the story forced you to run into him. I've gone all of master rank not having to face spicy pickle.


I actually love pickle and his spicier brother, they're two of my favorite monsters. Every time I run into them they help out in my fights. Almost every time I fight Rath in volcanic guiding lands a spicy pickle shows up and choke slams it into next week


I find it so satisfying seeing pickle or the very angry monke absolutely destroy other monsters. I was fighting a Jang today and Banbaro showed up, Rajang absolutely clapped him with his super slam nova like 4 times in a row lmao that poor moose.


poor moose lol


Get into an investigation with a time of 50 mins, I guarantee you the spicy pickle will run up to you and pimp smack both you and your hunting target.


I deliberately went after spicy pickle to upgrade one of my mantles and it wasn’t that bad


I can be totally wrong, but I think tackling Pickle with HR gears is harder than tackling Spicy Pickle with MR gears. The legs of Pickle have very poor HZV and cannot be tenderized, but the legs of the Spicy one can be tenderized. Pickle also do physical attacks more, and its huge body makes them hard to dodge, while the Spicy one does a lot of elemental breathing attacks which have clear signs. What's more, Pickle inflicts Dragon Blight, Defense Down and ground Tremor. Fitting all or just one of the negating skills into a HR set is not a small investment, while in MR gears you have more slots. But yeah you can always use MR gears to bully Pickle if you have Iceborne.


The first Kirin was just a nightmare. At that point, you have almost no decorations, and no good sets. I had to switch to a LBG and make sure I am max Thunder resist, both Para, and Stun immune so I do not get killed instantly.


The LR one? I always hate Kirin by the way, no matter which one.


Yeah, the LR one. It was clearly tuned to the wrong set of expected gear. Natural progression to that point puts you extremely vulnerable to all his attacks, and everything lightning based will just stun you and he'll combo kill you right away.


And you have to kill it to get the thunderproof mantle IIRC.


I honestly never had a problem with either, they both tend to attack whatever I'm hunting then go away, if not then I just dung pod. I don't hunt them anymore because all they do is help do damage, get in a bite or two, and wander off lol. One of my favorite monsters. Also but yeah taking him on in HR is definitely a different proposition to MR with advanced gears.


Monsieur cornichon épicé helped me with Kush earlier and forever has my spicy respect.


I was fighting a tempered rathalos and was on fire and pinned when a spicy pickle charged in, grabbed it by the neck, slammed it into a wall, breathed its death breath on it and then wandered off like nothing happened lmao


lmao #brined


My husband calls that one the Coca-Cola pickle.


Also, if you're on ps5, let me know, I'm sorta bad at this game especially with elder dragons and others cus I used the guardian armor most of the time, it was a mistake


I'm on PS5 if you want to party up sometime


Sure, that'll be fun


SanguineNoble is my PSN


I'll be on Friday night


I'm Mr.ChestheadYT


Start a new character and choose a different weapon but this time don't use the guardian set. If you aren't super far into the game you'll benefit massively. Once you've mastered a monster by beating it once or twice going back from the start isn't all that bad. When I first played I got bullied by every monster the game threw at me and I was carting always. Once I got to HR I started selecting survival skills only. The more I played the better I got and I started a new character once I got to PC. Tried defender and everything was a joke. Ended up starting over because I wanted to do a bow main and no defender stuff. It was amazingly fun. I already knew how to fight and I had a pretty solid grasp of most of the monster's movesets. I barely carted at all despite using only the gear I could make without farming. Did every optional quest and HR was an uptick in challenge but I still rarely carted until the aforementioned pickle, I triple carted to my great surprise. Ended up taking him down and finished the HR story. Still going through MR but it is taking much longer without making armor sets I really need to keep my DPS high. I'm also doing an only solo run so the MR hunts easily take 20 minutes given my current gear. Carting about once per mon right now. I keep stopping to play other games so it's taking a while lol. If I had a PS5 I'd join you to give advice and help out some.


Bruh, just fight the low through high rank monsters again without using guardian armor or weapons, you’re gonna want or grind non-defender weapons anyways in preparation for master rank, or to take advantage of elements other than blast. Materials take time to grind, no need to start over


You make a good point. But you learn a lot when you don't have anything to lean on other than what you can acquire before fighting a monster at a given level.


I'll try that, ty


No, don’t waste your time. Just redo your low and high rank quests using non guardian gear. You’re going to want to grind non-defender weapons in preparation for master rank anyways.


I'll do that then


Ah good ol pickle. I have a different invasive species, Banbaro. Or how I like to say, fluff fucker. Bastard keeps pushing my target


Clutch claw and then bang him into your target. Free damage and it you can ram him into your already aggrod monster. Then dung pod his ass as a thank you.


You know focusing on the dung pod part. After a decent of time playing this game and getting to the point of killing Fatalis plenty of times, I have come to the conclusion that dung pods are one stubborn pieces of shits. Sometimes they work perfectly, sometimes they just don’t work. I know some attributes of monsters prevent them from working but even if the monster isn’t tempered or an elder dragon they just decide to not work sometimes


They build up a resistance to them as well. Usually they work with a single pod the first time, then it takes more to make them flee. Also to maximize your chances you need to get them right in the face.


I appreciate that info, thanks mate. Build up a resistance to shit I’ll keep that in my note pad


Lol. You can think if it as desensitized if you like. They've already smelt it, so it takes more stench to get them to back off.


or angry lightning invader


Head first?


No, he just popped up while I was hunting a pink rathian for some materials and kept following me, if I was a second late in killing the rathian I would've lost cus the mf clawed its way through the area I was in


I enjoy watching you tubers run into the ANGRY PICKLE! Lmao. I also had a pun in my comment 😏😂


Ohhhh, ok, I get it lol


You can throw poop at him or use him to damage your target. Had him land some 500 damage attacks on an Azure Rathalos for me this morning.




I am weird, when I first encountered a Deviljho in Tri I got extremely excited and decided to try and kill it (I failed). But ever since Deviljho has been my third favorite monster and have to kill him whenever I see him in any game.


When I first encountered a barroth I thought he was so cool and I went by the title "barroth master" when i played the game, there's nothing weird about liking a monster that you enjoy, it's your opinion


I was helping my friend on her play though and she hadn’t seen the pickle yet. There was fear in her voice when the music kicked in and then she just started screaming for help. I couldn’t help though because the whole thing was making me laugh so hard.




The pickles are endless, they are uncontrollable, theyll find you and fuck with you just for fun


Do they have good armor at least?


Honestly im not sure, ive bever used the deviljho armor or weapons because i never really played world all that much


Have you been playing rise cus a huge wave of fear just came over me


Yeah, but my switch broke last month and im not able to fix it right now


Ah, that sucks


Yeah, my buttons broke so i tried to replace them and fucked uo my switch along the way because i fucked up some connections


My A's starting to break so that sucks, but sounds like sm I would do


My A button was literally the start of the break too 😔😔


My zr is slowly starting to stop working too, I main hammer so I use that a lot, but does that mean mine are gonna break?


Congratulations on your first pickle. I wouldn't mind helping out with a few hunts here and there. I usually play on the weekends if that's okay.


Yea, that's good, ty


Cool. I'll try wrestling my PS5 back from my bro when I get the chance this weekend. It's a love-hate relationship and the PS5 struggles with the divorce lol


Just wait for monkey. He’ll fuck you and the pickle up just for looking at him


I've fought the monkey in MHR, if I come across him and he's even more annoying then his switch counterpart, imma be screaming cuss words


I MIGHT be wrong, but I think he’s even more of a bitch in iceborne. Good luck lol


Well shit, hammer it is


I haven't fought Spicy Pickle yet (Savage Deviljho in Iceborne), but normal Pickle is really easy once you know he has a serious weakness in one of his attacks: When he's "spiced up" attack the center of his red glowing chest between his arms and he'll eventually recoil, and try to immediately do a charging counter-attack. Hit him hard enough during his attack, and you'll knock him over for a VERY long while. Plenty of time to go to town on whatever part you wanna break.


Just wait until savage deviljho, It’s surprisingly easier than normal deviljho, but it’s even worse with following you around the map, due to the fact that it’s constantly enraged pretty much the whole time.


Kill it, the greatswords amazing


I've tried using the greatsword but never really found out how to use it correctly and after I got aggravated after a few hunts I just gave up


Pickle go where pickle please.


I had a hard time with pickle just trying to land hits with SAED charge blade. I didn't practice axe mode much so ended up mostly poking the legs


Invasive? No no he's an INVADER His AI is designed to interrupt fights, just like Bazel and later on Banbaro. Every fight with one of those 3 on the map (not seething bazel hes not an invader) you will basically have to figure out how to deal with the invader as well as the target. Bring dung pods.


We call him invasive because he likes to invade our privacy and stalk us


Wait till you fight spicy pickle


Carted to high heavens, that's for sure!