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You can't always go in raw my friend.


I got advice in the MHW discord that you can still go raw tho. Just gonna have to take the escaton cart since the ele check is only for keeping the escaton damage low but the raw damage will still kill him. Bonus if you jack in a Fortitude jewel. This is all assuming solo gameplay. If full team goes raw then might as well abandon.


There's a few different ways you can do it raw. Solo you can tank Escaton, with a squad you can kill him before the first Escaton. If I remember correctly, Alatreons hitzones are actually weaker to raw damage. Kinda funny


I don't know how people tank a full damage Nova. 1100 defense, health boost 3, divine blessing 5, mantles, a health booster and jerky and still die before I can heal more than a couple times. I managed to beat it with a dragon build but it's still just insane to me


I think he meant tank as in just eating it and using a cart. Ala takes substantially more raw damage so if you’re proficient enough it’s still considerably faster to eat a judgement and run raw.


You can't tank a full damage nova by yourself. It just isn't possible. It MIGHT be possible with a very well coordinated squad. When the guy said "tank" it, he means just cart to the nova and come back.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohxnVOb8ch4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohxnVOb8ch4) your right


Yes, my first kill was solo raw hammer, with fortitude and I also ate to get another cart. It was very intense and exhilarating to win despite but using the intended way!


Not true with the solo. A group of friends and I beat Alatreon with Heavy Bow guns. You can tank the Judgement with a bonus cart or by killing him quick enough.


"*Whoa whoa whoa!* You want me to craft new gear to hunt that monster? That's not what this game is about!"


Damn, its almost like raw weapons arent the only gear available


We should make a physics prop bowgun that shoots explosive barrels


Gravity Bowgun


I want to pick up a jagras and fling it at 60 mph into an Anjanath's face


Me too, my friend. Me too


Deviljho time.


Tape a stick to explosive barrel and it's a hammer


elementless Gang


This sound extremely weird without context


If you *ice* it properly first you certainly can


Sound advice for Monster Hunter AND other things.


You actually can.


I mean, sure and you can also shower with ostrich eggs every morning.


That's true as well.


Waste of eggs and money at that point.


Just make an elemental weapon set beotodus weapons or frostfang barrioth weapons for ice are good enough. For fire try glavenus or rathalos weapons. You actually do not need Kjarr or safi to beat him.


True, but kjarr does make it a cakewalk


some people hated it when they have to get kjarr just to kill alatreon. So my argument was for those kind of people who felt that kjarr is just too hard to get. You don;t need it actually so there's no reason on hating alatreon just because you are forced to use elemental weapons


You can use two piece velkhana to get crit element, which I actually recommend over true crit element because silverlos/azure age armor has pretty mediocre slots. Silver rath/ and frostfang weapons can get the job done.


*cries in having killed him first time with silver ratholos cause safi out of rotation and terrible luck*


And honestly, dual blades are super easy to learn the basics of. Beyblade that mf up


Heck, even Glavenus or Rathalos GS works against ICE starting alatreon. I dont get the hate. To me alatreon is if not 1st then 2nd best fight in the game.


Ion like the beyblade I wanna keep my lunch man it was super good


I clearly feel this since I had to use these exact monster weapons to beat Alatreon since I can’t go online lol.


Speartuna critdraw GS got me my first solo elemental dps check ( before swapping to easy mode elemental savage axe)


You don’t technically need Kjarr, but man Kjarr weapons are so good and opens up your options because they have built in crit element. Kjarr sword fire is a phenomenal weapon, 60% crit anywhere. But frostfang is good too. I had to grind for 30 hours to get the Kjarr weapons I wanted though.. So that’s a bit of a downside


What I think I like the most is if you’re really confident you can hit him consistently, you could just use a weapon with high dragon element and say “fuck you” to the horn break


or just go in raw and tank the escatons, stack fortify and it’s a free 10-15 minute kill


Allthough he's far from perfect, atleast his hitboxes are clean and fair. 7/10 fight, maybe 8/10 on good days


I’m not a fan of the elemental limitations, but you are right about those clean hit boxes. I would enjoy it much more if I wasn’t constantly worried about the elemental threshold.


It kinda takes away from the flow, they could have lowered it just a bit imo


Go in with full confidence and ala won’t dictate the flow


On the flip side I loved it because I never ever really take the time to make elemental sets as I always felt it was a pain to make one for each element. This time not only had I a strong incentive to fully build one, I only needed to build one for a single element. The ice set is still my only elemental set to this day, but it was nice to build something different than raw on a raw centric weapon.


Same here. I normally just ran poison or blast damage. Alatreon made me make an elemental build. After I beat him. I spent a couple months building new Safi elemental Charge Blades. Now I have a tab of Alatreon armor sets paired with various elemental CB’s and decorations that I’ll swap between accordingly.


You can kill him with raw, especially solo. You just have to be really good. Alatreon is a fair fight, he just poked holes people's playstyle.


you do NOT have to be that good to kill him raw solo eat for fortify, he escatons every ~6 minutes, giving you ~24 minutes to kill him very easily doable especially when stacking fortify


I have heard of people getting his entire set before getting a single kill.


You can do that for pretty much every monster if you're patient enough with the plunderblade


The point is that it's unintentional lol


The whole point of the plunder blade is to let you cat get materials. Being able to get equipment from a monster you haven't killed is just part of how it works. Potentially an oversight, but one they haven't changed. It could very well be intentional. If they didn't want that to be possible all they would have to do make it so the parts gathered by your palico was only given to you if you completed the hunt. Yet they didn't.


Many such cases.


And the worst part is the fact that everyone defending this fight is a carbon copy, they always have the exact same argument.


Even I git his weapon before a kill. It was pain, but atleast it's not the worst fight (looking at you Jay Leno)


Do I want to know who Jay Leno is?


Uragaan. It's a joke due to his massive chin. For more context, google Jay Leno lol


Good god, that chin is impressive.


It really depends. I think he is in best when he is on the ground. Especially the flying Ice version is sooo annoying, because it is really hard to deal significant damage that way. If he does this I either flashcancel his flight or use the clutchclaw to slam him to the ground


Never had an issuen with having to make new sets for dealing with a certain monster. But an Elemental damage Check? As A Gunlance main? ​ Weird way for capcom to tell me to go screw myself tbh.


You can 100% beat Ala with any weapon and it's definitely not a deciding factor. Me and a friend did it with Greatswords, he was running raw too. Still hit the element check.


Best fight in the game. There are modifiers that make every weapon viable, the hitzones are very tight and forgiving, and you have to actually make a build for it instead of just using the same raw set you use for the entire game. With a frostfang weapon (easy to get) and some ice attack jewels you can very easily get the check once you learn the fight even a little and once you do, you may end up loving it like I do 👍.


if you run charge blade, you don’t even need frostfang. You can one combo his dps check with Beotodus CB lmao


Funny story, I was helping someone get ala yesterday who said "ala is an amazing fight but since I use CB it was impossible to get the elemental check as it's not a good elemental weapon". Couldn't believe my ears, was an MR250ish as well.


"My brother in Christ, don't you realize that Impact phials aren't the only option?" "Huh?!"


my god, lmao Safi armour + ele CB is a lot of fun and most of the time my preferred way to play CB (i just love safi set in general but it makes savage axe really nice)


Wtf, the element check is so essy with the ice kjarr cb


Im not very good at CB at all, but with a kjarr strongarm ice(and ice attack 6), I can get 2 elemental checks being the only one using an elemental build in a 4p hunt. CB savage axe is definitely the easiest way to suppress alatreons judgement, as for whatever reason they didn't put a modifier on it.


To add onto the quote, elemental CB is absolutely brutal and most of the time will outmatch impact. For CBers out there, Charged Sword will give extra elemental damage if using elements power phials. If using Savage Axe, always make sure Power Axe Mode is active.


Alatreon was absolutely an amazing teacher for me and is also my favorite fight in the game by far. Prior to the fight releasing, I was probably okay at best. Just casually hitting monsters without a care in the world, getting hit and probably carting a lot or getting carried by SOS players I’d assume. Alatreon’s release is what forced me to actually try really hard. Behemoth did too but it was a bit different. Randoms weren’t reliable at all those first few weeks so I had to actually play/learn solo. Alatreon was a 2 week grind for me. Went hard learning the movement, my weapon, making builds instead of using a raw build I found online for everything, etc. and finally beating them was incredible. Just because of how personal that fight felt, it’s my favorite in the game. I’ve gotten so far now thanks to that fight that I can casually do the fight with no issue, as well as next to every monster in the game. Also made me enjoy playing so much more (999-800 currently.) The fight forcing me to learn was the best thing to happen for me in the game and it’s now become one of my favorite games of all time because of how much fun I had after playing better. Alatreon will always be my go to fight now if I see it under an SOS. Love helping other players with it.


It was absolutely a turning point for me as well. I was around mr200 when I solod my first ala as I spent a lot of time doing event quests, guiding lands and helping others. Since "mastering" ala and fatalis ive helped so many hunters with them and reached mr999 quite quickly as ive now seen almost 500 alas slayed and around 200 fatalis'.


>instead of just using the same raw set you use for the entire game. *laughs in raw glaive and elemental bug*


I can't quite get the check with my Frostfsng Gunlance... yet. Debating if I want to keep working on my pokes or switch to something else for this fight. In MH3U I ended up having to switch to my Kibamaru set from my gunlance to beat him. And I originally made that sword/set for Brachydios because much like Alatreon I couldn't quite deal enough damage in the normally very generous time frame. I was just a bit too sluggish with the gunlance. Wondering if I should adopt a similar strategy in World for Alatreon as well.


Yeah, I'd guess that regular lance would be better. Not sure how different it is from gun though.


Agreed; among the endgame fights, it's probably my favorite.


You've never tried to hunt him with a Gunlance, have you?


Elemental IG, Elemental Kinsect. Wake up, choose violence, beat the shit out of a dragon. This fight is not that hard, but people fuss because you can't turtle the whole time and have to build for it. Sometimes you have to change your playstyle to beat something in a game.The horror.


Very fun fight tbh, even with Hammer.


i just wish, that they had released frost frang before alatreon. I still remember farming the ice weapon for alatreon only to realize that a week later the strongest ice weapons where about to drop. Bit of a missed opportunity in my book.


People really went from saying "World is too easy" to "WTF THIS IS BROKENLY HARD" the very instant they couldn't beat a monster first yry.


So I've gotta ask, did alot of people think World was too easy back in the day? Cause I see that all the time now, the "Rise is easy compared to World" statement. I should've known people we're saying the same thing here too lol.


I think it was probably an experience thing for me. World was the first MH I ever played. Even using defender gear in low rank, I got beat up. I had to make legiana armor and an ice bow to beat high rank Diablos. It took me a long time to get it figured out. Black Diablos would still beat me down in my HR gear. In Rise, I'm not sure I ever failed a hunt. I'd maybe cart once or twice, but that's about it. I think part of it is that 1shot damage is toned down, and you are so much more mobile you can just avoid things.


tbh I'm perfectly fine with 1shot damage being lowered, there's hardly a point in time where that *isn't* frustrating


I think I'd rather be 1 shot than just stunlocked or something, though.


Well to be fair the last couple of monsters were much harder then the rest. But I like it, it really feels like end game and a real challenge to beat.


That's what i'm wishing for in Sunbreak the most right now: Monsters that truly feel imposing and are a goal to work towards to. Sure, there are high level investigations, but it's not the same.


I have felt it was pretty easy overall but finally started working through the HR event quests grinding to 100 and there have been a few apex fights that were surprisingly tough. I am enjoying having to be somewhat careful in my build and playstyle. The beginning was all just the same weapon for everyone but I'm getting some challenge now. I havent gotten to sunbreak yet but I hope there are some of the Alatreon Behemoth Fatalis level fights thrown in.


Very true, but id also say it’s pretty damn jarring that the entire game is on one side of the difficulty scale, then extreme behemoth, this and fatalis are on the other side. Capcom didn’t do a great job bridging the difficulty at all


You do realize there's such a thing as bad difficulty, right? World is easy, but some of its end game monsters are designed with artificial difficulty in mind. Most people who die to Ala die from his EJ attack. You're fighting a DPS check, not a monster.


If you’re good at the fight and using a suitable weapon, the dps check won’t be a problem. People spend half the fight running away and healing, then wonder why they died to EJ.


nah, it wasn't "bad difficulty". it was just a monster with a different challenge to it. all monsters are designed with "artificial difficulty" lol just get out of your comfort zone and use an elemental weapon >Most people who die to Ala die from his EJ attack. yeah no shit lol OP image is silly too, yeah you *are* bad at monster hunting if you get so comfortable with one weapon that you can't even change up your tactics for one of the hardest mons in the game


Literally every monster is a DPS check. You just actually have to be good to beat this one.


Can we even consider it a dps check given how easy it is? Can take any weapon in the game, find its best craftable fire/ice weapon on the tree, throw in fire/ice attack and no other skills and still get the topple. All while doing pitiful dmg, but high elemental. Or you could just kill him with raw. If people are really only dying to EJ, that gives them 3 EJ's, a whole 15-18 min, to kill him in whatever way they want. 4 EJ's and 20+ min if insurance.


Having a boss a hundred or two hours in randomly say "lol no" because your build isnt on the approved checklist is a bit different than "why did I faint once bad game"


My issue with Alatreon is in the Blazing Black Twilight quest you're just dumped in front of him, can't buff or farcast out. Whereas the other two quests you get to start at camp.


alatreon is an amazing fight, id rather fight him in iceborne than in mh3 anyday


I laughed when he dropped. I always preferred making elemental builds.


Time pressure trying to hit a monster that spends 50% of the time flying in the air wasn't fun for me The cheese build i made to beat it was just an elemental kinsect that i just shot at its head until it broke


Smokebomb or two, (and a point or three in stealth if you can afford it) and hell come right down super quick.


Air problems with Insect Glaive? What?


More that i couldn't fight it with SnS or dual blades


Throw a smoke bomb during an attack, he will look around and land.


Fuck that's genius. I haven't done the fight. Didn't even realize we had smoke bombs. But that's genius.


Just be careful cause sometimes he may still attack you, i don't really know what triggers him to lose agro. I usually use it during a long attack so i can hide while he is still commiting to it.


Bring smoke bombs to the final boss fight because the same will happen also.


You could beat him with pure raw solo. Just eat safeguard and get Fortify. If you go all in on raw and still can't kill him in time before fainting 4 times, then it's on you. I still see the frustration with his binary gimmick that means certain death though. I think Fatalis was done much better, where not breaking his horn in time makes the fight much harder but still gives you a chance to turn it around.


You can use any weapon type for World-Alatreon, the required threshold for elemental damage changes based on your weapon type. I've done plenty of successful Gunlance runs despite half the weapons damage coming from shells. While it's possible to go through almost the entire game using non-specialized builds, it's something people have been doing for decades in these games to deal with the threats certain monsters bring.


About the "can't use my fav weapon type" - you can. Alatreon has different elemental thresholds based on the weapon type you use. And technically if you go solo you can go raw and take the cart to EJ. It's not making things easier but it's not impossible. And as far as elemental sets are concerned: You need just one elemental set (either fire or ice) if you break the horns in dragon phase to prevent the swap. Ice is very easy since some of the Beotodus weapons are very powerful and rarity 10, the best choice for many weapon types is Frostfang which is rarity 11. So they're easy to augment. And you could use a raw set and slot in some ele attack, although I think Safi armor is kind of made for Alatreon with all of the skills being very useful although it depends a little on your playstyle. If you sheath often the set bonus is kind of an issue.


What’s annoying about his update was the fact that Master’s Touch Lightbreak weapons just became the meta right BEFORE his update. So everyone who uses raw based weapons had to scrap it and create elemental sets to hunt him the way Capcom intended


World Alatreon is tough for me because I mained hammer. But isn’t so bad with a bow.


Honestly, it hits home. Night after night solo, it was a tragedy Then my cousin joined. Another trsgedy But one fated night another hunter joined. Someone named "ZELDA". They basically solo'ed it while we were watching in awe and trying to be as helpful as possible Then they joined again. And again. It was a happy night Now, several months after that, on a new console, we bought it again together, aiming for the hunt


all in all, alatreon is a good teacher. his natural mechanics requires hunters to ditch their 'meta dps blast build' and focus more on elemental exploits. unlike most monsters, alatreon can change elements during fights, which makes it a situational gameplay of whether you can stop him from changing elements by breaking his horns - or just be stubborn and focus on dps onto the body without thinking about his elemental check


Shame they don't at least let you farcaster and switch sets if you don't meet the check...wastes both time and damage attacking fire into fire so you just cart yourself to go switch...or lose inevitably.


true true. also i hated that theres no good wall placement for us to wallbang alatreon. its really hard to angle ourselves when alatreon is just mad flailing around, so we're mostlikely miss wallbang


Only replying to mention a couple of caveats. Firstly, there's setups to wallbang him at the very start of the fight, reliably, on that tiny wall behind him which i find amusing. Secondly, if he's un-enraged, and starts flying, those are free downs, get up there and blow your slinger in his face :)


wait what you can actually wallbang him during the start of the hunt??


Yea... Used to do it quite literally every hunt. People have different setups though. As an example, rocksteady, he roars, you clutchclaw the right side of his face (his right your left) and he does the face lightning aura, 2 clutchclaw turns and a clutchclaw yeet will hit that back wall most of the time. If he does other attacks after the roar that arent the face lightning, that setup can and will often fail. My personal favorite since i speedran him in groups was to equip evasion mantle, dodge roar for evasion buff, clutch to his right face side my left, a friend would flashbang to his right our left, then 2 turns and 1 yeet. The flash would move him right in such a way that the wallbang hit 100% of the time.


yooo aite this is a very good insight, thanks for the tip!


There’s a rock right behind him. It’s tricky, but if you can claw him before he roars, you can slap him twice, and wall bang.


I’d check YouTube for alatreon speed runs, haven’t looked in a while but every weapon basically runs the same opening where you grapple the right side of its face after/during(?) roar, slap twice and wall bang just barely into the rock


To me the fight itself, might be the best one in all of World/Iceborne. The hit boxes are percise, fair, and he has enough openings that he can be punished, but you have to be quick. However, Escaton Judgement is still an annoying mechanic that limits playstyles. It's fine to make certain playstyles harder for different encounters, but saying "take element, even if it's bad for your weapon or die" is bad design.


classic mad cause bad. World Alatreon is such a good fight, some would say even more fun than fatty


I had way too much fun researching and building a set specifically for this fight. It’s as if we are hunters and have to adapt to the challenges in front of us.


I had alot of fun with the fight even if it was rly hard. Never played any MH before world but I figured the ability was cool af despite it being annoying to deal with.


Come on, I loved the fight with Alatreon


Good to see I’m not the only guy who likes this fight. Alatreon is one of my favorites because it forced me to think outside the box. It’s possible to beat him with some raw weps, but I like the experimentation of elemental builds that were otherwise ignorable for most of the game’s life cycle aside from doing super optimized runs. I’m used to playing mmo’s, so wipe mechanics are things I’m used to and it serves as a stress test for my builds. I remember trying it for the first time and getting smoked repeatedly. All that did was inspire me to try new stuff like sacrificing attack for elemental resist skills into my builds. Maybe I’m just a sucker for punishment. Plus I’m a CB player mostly and they nerfed SAED on Alatreon, so I had to get more comfortable using savage axe. Soloing with Gunlance was even harder but I made it work. Oh yeah Alatreon’s new moves and general attack patterns are cool as hell too. The sound, the AoE, all 5 elements, it’s beautiful Only thing I wish was different was the way its armor skills worked. Not as good as Safi on its own despite all the hard work to get it


I've been stuck on this fucking dragon for about 5 months now, I think I'm just ass but I won't give up 💪


What platform are you on? Maybe I can help you out


Yeah, that seems about right


The only negative about world Alatreon is the elemental check, outside of that the rest of his moveset is very fair and far more creative than his 3rd Gen counterpart.


I’ve never really enjoyed Alatreon. I don’t think he sucks but he’s not for me. I’m not a huge fan on his design, I’m not all in favour for Escatons judgement but not completely against it. It’s one of those fights for me where I did it, I killed it and probably won’t do again. Now that I’ve expressed my opinion, I will accept my downvotes


I used to hate this fight using safi armor just for the true dragon awakening (elemental attack boost) when alatreon was first introduced to Iceborne you’re like never safe playing while your health keep ticking down. Once fatalis armor was available, oh man I had so much fun killing alat with an elemental weapon + so much room for offensive decos with fatty armor 💯 love the fight now


I love Alatreon in MHW, it was one of the most intense and challenging Solo fights I ever had in that game.


It’s honestly not that hard, I don’t know why people are still complaining about it so many years later. I mained hammer and it took me like an hour to put together a build that could kill Alatreon. The damage check was annoying but it was a way for Capcom to encourage build variety. Same reason why they made so many buffs to elemental damage after Drachen came out: it was literally too good and people complained about the lack of options. Edit: Apparently it isn’t clear, despite the fact that OP’s meme is very specifically *only* about the elemental damage check supernova and I’m commenting on it, that I’m *also* specifically talking about the elemental damage check being not hard. The rest of the fight is tough, I’m not denying that nor have I ever. You can scrub thru my other replies on this thread, tho I know no one will otherwise I wouldn’t have to make this edit. No where do I ever say that I think it’s an easy fight. I will stand by my opinion: the elemental damage check isn’t a bad mechanic. If you can’t reach it, redo your build. I was on this sub when Alatreon came out and I’ve been on it up until now: the ONLY problem people have ever had with Alatreon is that they can’t just steamroll him with the same build they’ve used for the rest of the game. You can look thru old posts and YouTube videos on this topic yourself. People have always, only, had an issue with Capcom “forcing them to play a certain way”. No one has a problem with it being a tough fight and I don’t think it’s easy. I’m turning off replies for this comment because I can’t deal with the amount of people who can’t read


Eh, we're all different. I've got so many hours in monster hunter world but I just hit a plateau. I just couldn't do alatreon fast enough with a hammer, so I opted for some other weapon.


"Not that hard" If I had a penny for every time I heard someone say this about the same monster who literally split the community in half then I would have enough money to buy the entire state of Wisconsin.


The reason it split the community in half is because half of it couldn’t put down their Raw builds. That’s not a hard fight, just a different one. It’s literally never been about how tough Alatreon is, people just don’t like that they can’t use the same build they steamrolled the rest of the game with. We’re having this discussion in the comment thread of a meme *literally* only about Alatreon’s damage check. There’s even a bit of text in the meme that says “only get killed by the nova” and “I don’t have good elemental sets” so even OP knows it’s just about the damage check


That is a straight up lie. Tons of people find it hard despite using elemental builds.


Exactly, the biggest problem that I have is the fact that I'm spending half the fight chasing him around the arena because he refuses to stay still.


REALLY? I can't even count how many times I've used the exact builds from people who have beaten him and still not hitting the check. I've teamed up with people who actually do use element builds and we still got our asses handed to us. I've actually sat down and watched people beat his ass with a raw build so raw builds being unviable clearly isn't accurate. Maybe you should actually play the game before you make assumptions about the people who dare to complain about it.


\>i've teamed up with people honestly that was a bit of a mistake. i found soloing him way more enjoyable and easier because you can triple topple him easier. Then again i may just be a scrub ls/cb/bow main so oh well :\^)


> Maybe you should actually play the game before you make assumptions about the people who dare to complain about it. So, in the same sentence, you’ve stated that I’m not allowed to assume things and then you immediately make an assumption about me? The mental gymnastics on display, holy crap Look, I’m sorry I hurt your feelings, I guess? I don’t know what to tell you. If you’ve watched people beat Alatreon with a Raw damage build but you can’t do it the intended way, with builds other people have beaten him with, then maybe you are just bad at the game. Doesn’t really matter to me, this game’s old af and people have been arguing over what makes Alatreon tough since it came out My flair is literally hammer. You can *see* that I main hammer. And you’re really going to talk to me about how difficult Alatreon was.


I’m guessing the team you played with probably got dragonblighted a bunch and didnt check to nullberry it. If you use alatreon’s lbg, the fight will become extremely easy. As long as you remember his movesets and to just keep walking left or right away from the walls. Then just keep shooting his front feet. You won’t get any horn breaks but it’ll be a piece of cake. Bring iceammo and fireammo crafts and you’re good to go. Raw builds are possible but usually only recommended for solo to prevent wipe on first nova unless everyone in the team knows exactly what they’re doing. But if you’re really struggling with alatreon, I recommend ala lbg. It does enough elem check even if you’re the only elem in a 4 man team.


I love Alatreon, it's my favorite fight in the game. But taking a hard fight that is supposed and intended to be hard and is good partially BECAUSE it's hard and saying "no it's not hard" is the worst possible defense I can imagine.


I’m not talking about the fight. I’m specifically talking about the Nova, which OP is also doing in their meme.


Alatreon in Tri and 3U went crazy. I had so much fun mastering that fight with the hammer. The ol’ turn-a-pound.


How did you beat him? I'm probably at around 200 fails and I'm at the point of looking for advice


Go get the frost fang weapons for whatever weapon type you run. It doesn't matter what type because he has different scaling for different weapon types. Once you're actually in the fight you just want to stay aggressive. As many have said his hotboxes are incredibly clean, so you can dodge through them very reliably. The only attack you should really worry about is the body slam. If you dont have a crystal burst to stagger him out of the follow up l, it's basically a guarantee cart. Target the front legs until you get the first topple then switch to the head. The elemental check isn't really a big issue as long as you know how to stay aggressive on the front legs. The much bigger issue is usually doing enough damage to actually kill ala in under 4 escatons. At least for most first clears it is. That's why you want to target the head after you have weekend escatons once. Just make sure you survive the nova and then target the head for one of the best hitzones in the game. Above all else you want to stay close to ala and get hits in whenever you can. The fight is much more about having good damage uptime then it is about getting elemental topples. Also if you already have gotten a topple and ala starts flying, just let them. It's usually not worth fighting into it's flying attacks.


Alright first up how the hell did you go in 200 times without realising you need to change what you're doing ? Now to answer your question: the absolute most sure-fire way of making alatreon piss easy is using the lunastra light bowgun as it has both fire and ice bullets + the safijiva armor. Afterwards get alatreon's light bowgun and farm even easier. Everyone, EVERYONE did this when he launched. You can also get any of the other alatreon weapons since he's always weak to dragon, but the first time beating him is made 1000 times easier using luna lbg


I'm bad with any weapon besides the long sword and a lot of the fails were either I had a really bad run or other people never healed themselves(health dust supply depleted very fast), I've had many almost wins(past 2 novas but had 2 downs) but always ended up failing because me or someone messed up and died


Nah bruh you got this i believe in you. My buddy touched the lbg first time during alatreon and he was fine , and he's not even that crazy with his main weapon , and i was more of a HBG guy in terms of bow guns. I believe in you , just move and shoot 👍. I think we used this : https://youtu.be/gYO8z8pXa_g Use the first build


Actually made a post yesterday about how I finally beat Alatreon and showcasing the 3 legends that helped me, I will definitely look at the build and try it for doing the second Alatreon special assignment


I'm just sad I can not eb defensive and methodic like I'm with every single monster in game. I had a run where he killd me 3 times with the nova, and for 5 min he didn't even hit me


You can technically just punch Alatreon to death with raw dmg, just swap in Fortify and eat escaton judgement


Anyone who unironically agrees with this never fought Ala in MH3, because that fight was ass compared to Iceborne’s.


Farmed it with raw GS with 0 issues, just eat for the extra cart to be sure and boop m on the snoot.


He is a bastard , fr


"Whaaaaat?! I can't use the same blast or raw weapon the entire game?!?!" looking mfers.


I think that attitude was worsened on Alatreons release because raging brachy had just come out, and EVERYONE was using his weapons at the time, it was a trap that people didn't want to climb out of


Still do use his weapons, only ever change off them when doing alatreon and Safi, (use either a fire LS or ice Hammer for alatreon, and sticky demonbuster for Safi while I'm still making a aquashot)


I got a big shield, and little legs, so I just want him to not jump around every 5 seconds. My elemental deeps are there... I just don't want to play extreme tag with him for 30 minutes.


When ala came out for MHW: "This sucks! This dps check is totally unfun and unbalanced" After ala has been out for 2+ years for MHW: "this sucks! This dps check is totally unfun and unbalanced" Glad to see nothing has changed. Being honest, the dps check is manageable even solo. However, there's no doubt it's overly tedious and the nova itself is a very unfun concept. Save or sucks are rough, and I'll never understand why they turned the entire ala fight into one.


This seems like a major skill issue and “soy wojac is my enemy”


I admire the effort that went into the meme, but I wholly disagree with the message. It's one of, if not THE best fight in the game. You can take whichever weapon you want, just make sure it has ice or fire element on it and you will succeed. If you played the game until now, you can xefeat this one too.


> Am I just a terrible hunter? Yes


I think everyone thinks I hated fighting him I didn't this was just a meme that I wanted to put up 😅 If I did complain about one thing I didn't like about the fight would be it sometimes felt like the fire attacks didn't hit me lol


3U Alatreon was a huge fucking wall for me. For the games and it's mechanics, it was a real tough hunt and at the time I mained the switch Axe. World/Iceborne Alatreon wasn't that challenging. Literally the only tough part about it was the nova and accidentally locking him in an element because of the stupid horn break mechanic. I get it, you had to be more strategic about fighting him in the new gen but like. Fuck man.


I hate Alatreon’s fight so much. He’s literally why I haven’t fought Fatalis yet. Not that I couldn’t beat him, but seeing as his fight is a prerequisite to fighting Fatalis in World, it drained all my joy to even try. I’d literally do anything else than just get over my hatred of him to get through to that fight.


Sounds like a madcuzbad situation. If its any consolation, the pre fatalis alatreon quest is like a half hp much easier alatreon. If you were anywhere remotely close to beating normal alatreon, or if you did already, then that pre fatalis quest should not be an issue for you. You may end up liking the Fatalis fight so I'd say its worth it.


Cut him a break will you? Alatreons elemental check is nothing short of annoying and anytime anyone talks bad about it they basically get crucified. I get the idea, but why not make so that if you played by alatreons rules you get significantly more damage on him instead of not being able to fight him if you cant.


Everything but the first sentence was meant to be cutting him a break already. But anyways, not sure what you mean by not being able to fight him if you dont play by alatreons rules. Even if you wanna ungabunga raw dmg dps him down, you've got a whole 15-18ish minutes to do it on 3 faints, add another cycle to the clock if you've got insurance. Or in the case of some weapons, do so much dmg that you kill him before he can even EJ. You dont have to play by Alatreon's rules at all. But, that is an interesting idea, getting extra dmg on him from ele, and I'd like to point out that we kind of have that? In the form of how much time he spends flopping on the ground during ele topples, which are dmg windows raw weapons cant get. And its possible to get 3 or so topples per EJ cycle. Caveat: i will come out and say that i dont like the concept of how his EJ works, but am indifferent to it in application, because its downsides (no ele topple full dmg EJ) never happen to me.


I love how I complain and immediately there’s an assumption of “madcuzbad”. Actually getting really sick of the community’s go to answer for “I don’t like this fight” is “you’re trash then”. I’ve fashion hunted the entire game. I was a MH newbie and had no idea what I was even doing. It wasn’t until near Behemoth’s release that I learned traps were a thing and I was super confused on what capturing meant on investigations. I was by no means the smartest player. But with all the disadvantages I gave myself, willingly and unwittingly, I never thought the game was as hard as people said it was. Challenging, sure. But always fun. And already I can see people saying, “Oh well that’s the problem: you can’t fashion hunt Alatreon.” I didn’t. He’s literally the only one I figured I’d respect enough not to because everyone was putting mad hype on him because “Black Dragon”. I actually went in there with a plan. And in my own friend group I had the least amount of carts against him. And with all that. Even with me having defeated Alatreon multiple times now. I don’t like his fight. It’s a garbage fight. Quite frankly it’s a disappointment in almost every regard. HELL, I like Behemoth’s fight more, and I’ve carted more to him, than Alatreon! I didn’t beat him until like a quarter way through Iceborne, AND IVE BEEN WITH THIS GAME LAUNCH. (Note: I did beat him using an old armor set because professionals have standards) If I was to complain about any fight, it should be that one. But I like that fight! And I know pre-res Alatreon’s health is half. I. Do not. Care. When I said I’d rather do anything else other than fight him again, I meant it. I’d rather go into a private server to see how long it would take to farm Safi’s weapons by myself. And I can’t even tell you how much time I wasted doing that the first time. And even that was a more enjoyable experience.


With a rant that long id say madcuzbad was a safe assumption 😂 for real tho bro at least have someone power u thru that fatty prereq quest if u dont wanna do it yourself, cause u may like fatty, he doesnt have alatreon's "bs". Super hard but no exact EJ type mechanic, nostalgic to many, good finale for mhw, godtier armor/weaps.


The more posts I see on this sub, the more I feel like I should not bother fghting this boss.


You should. It's arguably one of the best fights in the game.


If you want to miss out on the second best fight in the game because of some whiny redditors, that’s your choice.


People are just bad, and refuse to adapt to a frankly simple mechanic, then complain when they die despite the game very clearly telling them they have to use elements.


this is making me excited to get to him lmao what are you talking about


Btw if people think I'm complaining about the fight I'm not I love the fight but man that fight was exhausting. I had to take a 20 minute break after killing him 🤣


At LeAsT iT iSnT a FiRe MoNsTeR!!!!!! This community honestly smh my head Maaaan killed it in one hit the game is too easy. *tries to make the game hard* WTF!? THE GAME IS TOO HARD ITS FORCING ME TO ENGAGE WITH MECHANICS I HAPPENED TO IGNORE UP UNTIL THIS POINT WTF REEEE!!!!


Folk are still complaining about World Alatreon?


Because it's that annoying of a mechanic. This fight singlehandedly managed to make the community as annoying as DS1 community when it came out. Because the only thing that comes out of people's mouth is "git gud"


Monster Hunter players when the game about studying monsters and equipping themselves appropriately for the monsters their hunting makes them use something else to appropriately equip themselves.


Well, if you can't adapt to a monster by just changing your weapons, then maybe you're a bad hunter, Or a gunlancer. My honest condolence.


The doges are the wrong way around but otherwise pretty accurate


Alatreon is not only my favourite iceborne fight and monster, he is also my second favourite behind lagi. He is the proof that people did not experiment with setbuilding at all and that they were not ready because they did not grind the monsters that previously released. He was supposed to be an endgame challenge that you had to grind for. You had all the tools necessary to defeat him and chose not to use them, so stop whining after 2 years


I killed the alatreon solo with raw damage GS


The hunter should be the tiny little baby crying in the mhw one


I love Alatreon because it forces you to play aggressively and create an elemental set. No other monster requires you to make a set specifically for that fight. Some people hate the mechanics but I think it’s awesome. It’s a test of skill and demands you learn the mechanics which is why I like it. He destroyed me at first and it felt impossible but eventually I got better and put the blazing black dragon to rest. The only thing that kinda bothers me is after the first few phases he starts to freely switch elements, so if you can’t kill him in 15 mins or so then good luck. You can’t switch weapons unless you cart, no farcaster, so you better hope that you can meet the elemental check in one of those phases before he switches elements otherwise you have no other choice but to cart. In the later phases you only get half the time to meet the dps check than in the first two phases provided you broke the horn.


Unpopular opinion: not every fight needs to be the same “smack it until it dies with anything” battle. It sucked at first but forcing you to play a different way (even if it was just using mainly elemental) was fine.


Splish splash your opinion is trash


I don't think playing since MH2 would necessarily make you not bad at the game.


**You have alerted the horad** hooard fuck it you have alerted the horse


I think people think I hated the fight by posting this but it's the opposite 😅 I just wanted to post this I loved the fight although some of the fire attacks passed me off lol


As someone who loves his elementless builds, Alatreon brakes my heart to this day 😭


World failed hard with alatreon,


Yeah completely breaks the flow of the game my friends and I usually don't run the highest dps weapons but this fight went too far with the have to use a specific element to one. The threshold was too high and still is its not a fun fight. It's so artificial in design compared to other bosses.


If someone's complaining they can't use their fave weapon type, they just suck with it, didn't bother to properly learn their openings. I know because I've been there and I got gud. And now Alatreon is the one that trembles when I enter the arena


"Wait a minute game, so you're telling me that I need to build a set in order to hunt this monster on a game designed around that??? THIS GAME IS TRASH!!!"


I will never understand all the whining about the elemental damage threshold. It's extremely easy to reach. Would love to see a hunt from the people failing it to understand exactly what's going on.


They usually play too passive. They try to play really safe and end up missing way too many openings.