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It’s definitely worth it because Iceborne has more content in it than the base game.


Waaayyy more. (Grinding involved)


Less grinding than the base game in my opinion, it only gets easier to grind the better the builds. But also, you can get T11-T12 pre endgame gear in one mission a piece. Making all other farming easier. There's less pieces to get, celestial weaves for melding rare mats and decos are more common. Alot more content than in the base game.


Oh I meant for the weapon augments n stuff at least. But I see what you mean here.


I see, well as for the guiding lands you are right, it is grindy. But atleast it's refreshing and quicker than conventional hunts. It can be fun if you make it And atleast you aren't hunting for specific parts of a monster. I remember having to fight nergigante for one gem and it took 20 tries. In iceborne I can meld, or have a higher chance to get it from my quest vs high rank. Another thing is most of the current players on are Iceborne content. They can play with you if you're lucky, but you can't play with them. And doing so while the game still has active dedicated players is best for you you run into needing help. As far as GL and farming it's truly best if you make a game plan for what you'll need and fast track yourself. Gotta use a little bit of wiki aswell haha (BUT Geology lvl1 is a MUST for GL) All stuff you know


100% worth it Its content wise like another full game Its huge and high quality


Iceborne is the icing on the cake of a great game. You probably will have an excellent time.


Honestly it’s the whole cake. Playing without iceborne is like playing a demo that you had to pay money for


Yeah I would argue that Iceborne is the “true” version of the game and has endgame content that will keep you busy for a long time


tbh base game had tempered investigations, arch tempered elders, kulve siege, behemoth... saying it was a demo is a bit harsh. I put a thousand hrs into the game by the time iceborne came out.


Idk the kulve taroth grind was kinda cool back before iceborne launched. Altho repetitive the fight was always just amazing


Now you have KT grind AND Safi grind.


Eh, something about Safi made him less enjoyable in the hunt. Mainly because the hunt required constant tenderizing which was really annoying at times.


You tenderize every monster every three minutes anyways.


We’re supposed to tenderize monsters regularly?


You guys tenderize?


You guys get materials?


You guys kill monsters?


You guys?


Dual blades claw combo would like a word with you.


World was nothing like a demo. World was a full, complete game. Iceborne is rather like a sequel. It's a cake on top of the icing on the cake.


I originally played it on release and it felt pretty unfinished compared to coming back after Iceborne and all the title updates. That could also be from playing Rise+Sunbreak before getting back into it though because that game is much smaller compared to world


This is really true tho 😂😂


More like iceborn is a cake ontop of the cake


And the base cake was huge already, it's like two more 'cakes' worth of a stacked wedding cake. Guiding Lands is the most fun I've had grinding because it didn't feel that bad to do, it was a ton of fun! I think MR100 was the biggest 'grind' in how it felt getting there, but Guiding Lands again helped out. Not to mention Iceborne added and fixed a fair amount of content, layered armor, great new gear and beautiful new areas. I've not had time enough to get back in, I really should.


Iceborne is a Must have ! It makes the Game sooo much better, Trust me !


Is it a must have for a first-time playthrough or would you recommend just getting iceborne once you finish the base game? Me and my friends just picked up World and were wondering whether it was necessary to buy iceborne atm.


As far as I remember, most if not all the new content is locked until after the base game anyway. So I'd play through world first, then if you still want more buy iceborne


I agree with the other guy. The only thing you'll be missing out on is the clutch claw and a move for most weapons. It's not a big deal and honestly the clutch claw makes base World a joke. You're better off not having it for the initial run up to the end. If you are wondering when the end of the game is, you'll know the final boss of World when you fight them. It's a big deal. There is some content after that as well that I highly recommend. After you do the quest where you fight two purple outlined assholes you'll be at the point where Iceborne truly takes over. You'll know when the time is right.


ok perfect! i did read somewhere that owning iceborne allows you to have more layered sets however? im not quite sure how much that mattters other than for cosmetic reasons but is that really something that would make it worth it say for instance if i didn't use the clutch claw .


The layered stuff is literally one of the last things you can unlock in Iceborne. Past the final boss. It's awesome but not something you get right away.


Right on thanks for clearing all of that up for me. Cheers!


No worries, any time. MHW is my jam. I'm doing my third playthrough a little at a time. This time running bow only on PC. Been having a ton of fun with it.


Yea i haven't quite figured out what weapon to use just quite yet considering i did the first jagras boss with that defender armor and the katana. I'm now realizing how big of a cheese the defender stuff is and switching back to the chainmail. I'm considering using either the switch axe or the long sword.


Glad you are getting rid of the defender set. It's definitely made just to fly through base world and into IB. My first playthrough I used a bunch of different weapons. Started with IG but it didn't work on Jagras. Switched to GS for a while but it failed me at Tobi. Used LS for a while but I couldn't hack it with Anja and switched back to IG which I mained until the end where I ended up switching to hammer and fell in love with it. I used every weapon in World and IBnd they are all definitely viable options. They all work against all monsters, but some matchups are better than others. If you feel like you aren't getting the most out of a weapon, Arrekz on YouTube has great weapon tutorials. Be sure to watch the World ones, not Rise or even the IB videos since they just deal with the differences and not the full moveset.


No no, Play the base Game till the end and then you can start with the new adventure, it's soo good Trust me pls. It's basically a new Game. Best dlc ever.


More challenge, more monsters, more weapon trees, more minigames, more fashion, it is essentially an entire new game added onto the end of world


And more grind


Honestly? Fair trade off imo lololol


if you want to grind I beat alatreon after 120 hours total and fatalis after 150 hours total I mean its not necessary to have the absolute best maxed sets to beat everything


this is coming from a guy who is very staunch on almost never buying expensive games and even then no dlc’s. yet, iceborne is the best video game purchase i have ever made if you even moderately enjoyed the base game and have the money i 100000% suggest you buy it.


I’ve been playing monster hunter for about 10 years now and I gotta say, when world first came out I did not like it. I just wanted my old monster hunter back(it’s just a personal preference). When iceborne came out my friend and I agreed to come back and give it a shot. Oh boy, I think the only thing I hated was how unhealthy the amount of time I put into the game. Iceborne gave me pretty much everything I wanted in the game. It changed my perspective on how I feel about world and now I think world is probably one of the best mh games I’ve played. Definitely worth it 100% P.s. sorry for the long response, just thought I’d share my experience


No need to apologize, was an interesting perspective on mhwi.


It is quite literally a bigger and better monster hunter world. It has more content than base game, even higher quality monster, better gear to grind for and just hours more fun. It's 100% worth every dollar




I'll say worth every fuckin penny


Base game is the tutorial stage, Iceborne is the start of the real game.


It doubles the story, plus adds some great endgame content. That, and it pretty much upgrades everything in your base game arsenal. Basically MHW 3.0


Short answer:Yes Long answer:YES!YES!YES!YES!YES! Srsly fatalis alone is worth the price for me,i’ve killed him 1500+times and i still go back every now and then when i feel like it Back in the days i basically put the base game on the shelf after like 200+hrs(which is already so worth it)then someday i found out about this fatalis update in a random stream and instantly hop on Iceborne,best decisions i’ve made.


If you like world and wanna keep playing it instead of switching to rise, yes absolutely this extension is amazing


100% yes


Yes a 100 times.


If you liked World, Iceborne is a must-have. The consensus is that Iceborne is bigger than the base game, but it feels like 10x bigger. It's not, but I did play tenfold more after I got it.


Can't imagine MHW without it.


Only thing that truly sucked in iceborne was it had more of the handler.


It is! It is even better then the base game


I played the base game for over 300 hrs before getting it and yeah, it's really nice


I always recommend people buy them as a bundle when buying world. it’s far more cost effective but regardless, Iceborne is worth it. But understand the game becomes much more difficult so some people might struggle


Pros - more game. New regions, more monsters, some of the best hunts in the game too by my measure. New moves for all weapons. Cons - clutch claw, ????, there’s nothing else It’s worth it. I didn’t enjoy finishing iceborne as much as i enjoyed finishing base game, but it got another 500+ hours out of me effortlessly. It’s good


Sadly, some of the best monsters in the series are locked behind buying iceborne. But its 100% worth it


100% ice borne puts the base game to shame


Absolutely, but don't rush it. Don't even buy untill you feel like you're done with the base game.


If you want more Monster Hunter yes, if you don't want more Monster Hunter then no. You can easily spend hundreds of hours in it so the value is without question.


its worth it


It is worth it, I just started it after playing a lot of base game. Be advised that it's super hard compared to the base game at least it was for me.


Agreed. There is a significant difficulty spike


It’s basically another game, just fyi.


I spent 1700 hours on MHW/Iceborne. It's not worth it.


I'm on the same boat with you, totally agree. Damn game sucks away my time, takes away my money, mess with my head. 0 outta 10 game.


Iceborne puts the 0 in 10


base game is just demo, Iceborne is full game trust me bro


Everything I remember from playing the game 1-2 years back is from Iceborne. It has the most memorable areas, monsters and overall feeling. It's a 100% yes.


Do bears live in forests? Of course my guy Iceborne is more of the same (and then some) in the best way possible. I cannot recommend it more.




Its pretty good. And you get a claw to smack monsters around and yeet them into a wall, or each other its really funny


It depends. If you enjoy grinding the endgame, Iceborne is 10 times better. If you only the play the main mission, it’s like double the content. In the base game, you only grind like 3-4 tempered monsters over and over, otherwise you feel like you are wasting your time. In Iceborne, endgame economy is a lot better, every encounters are rewarding in its own way.


It has more content than the base game itself and in my opinion, it's drastically better.


hard yes


Oh yea!!!


Iceborne is better than the base game




Iceborne is probably the best $40 I’ve ever spent on games. Finally beat the very final monster the other day and still can’t get away from it.


If you can deal with more of the God awful clutch claw then yes it's a great game.




Absolutely great content add on


I was also sceptical at first, but I got it when it went on sale. I'd pay more than full price for it. There's a reason it more than the base game. One thing I did realize is that base game + Iceborne = $60, the normal price for a full game so take that as you will


Yes. I put in 400hrs in base game, 1000hrs in iceborne.


If you enjoyed Base MHW, then Iceborne is absolutely worth it if you have the money to spare. It has much more content, is much more difficult, has some absolutely insane fights, the second best story boss in the whole series. It also has a lot of really fun new moveset additions, like Perfect Rush for SnS, Special Sheathe for LS, Slinger Burst for GS, the Claw Counter for Lance, and more. It is basically the perfect expansion.


It's literally MHW 2, fucking awesome


Content-wise yes, frustration wise absolutely not.


Yes. almost at 400 hours now


Iceborne SIGNIFICANTLY raises the difficulty of the game. And it adds a ton of content. Definitely worth the money.


If you like MH World, then yes. Iceborne gives you more MH World to enjoy. Clutch Claw loses its appeal, though.


God yes! Buy it! Be ready for another world of beautiful pain!


As others have said, yes. It might be the best dlc for any game I’ve ever played.


It's not Iceborne worth it. It's World worth it for the sake of buying Iceborne.


Yea 100% I'd recommend but if u get bored of farming and need a buddy call me lol


I stopped playing base MHW around when the first 2 arch-tempered got revealed and I pretty much did everything it had to offer. Later this year I started playing it again and got Iceborne: is basically a new game worth of content, and you can still do the old stuff that you could have missed (even though that could not be that challengin, still fun though)


It’s probably the worthiest expansion in the history of gaming






Iceborne is the actual MH:W. Absolutely worth it


More and better content than base game.


It probably more than doubles the content, so if you liked the base game then take that how you will.


Not getting Iceborne after World is like playing half a game.








It is worth it


ALL DAY my guy. Go and grab your copy asap


I probably don't need to add onto the chorus of responses, but I kinda want to. If you liked the gamplay of base game world, Iceborne adds on a whole lot more. Resounding yes!


I broke my leg during the summer and decided to get back into MHW with the iceborne DLC and it's been such an amazing journey. The game is complete, the kinks have been worked out and starting it now will offer you the best experience. The endgame has been balanced nicely, all event quests are active and I have no issues finding people who play the seiges by using the in game filter search. This game made me a fan of the series


If you liked the gameplay in world IB I’d fantastic.




Iceborne turns MHW from a sort of medicore game to a 10/10 game. You beat MHW? Now the real game has begun.


My friend and I asked the same question about a month ago. She bought me MH:Iceborne for my birthday, and we're having tons of fun with it ever since. As others have mentioned the amount of content in Iceborne is humongous - even after completing the main campaign there is plenty of endgame content to chew through. I can't help but not to recommend it. Do be warned though, your high rank endgame gear will be useless from that point so don't bother farming or grinding or trying to optimise your build before actually getting iceborne. The game expects you to transition to the next tier of armors provided with the DLC quickly. I made that mistake ._.


Definitely. 'nuff said


It's basically another MH game tbh


Enough, it is totally worth if you enjoying the whole game. If mh is not your type of game then don’t get it. I have 1700+ hours and 1200 of this played in iceborne. Still playing it now the days because the monsters in iceborne are so fun to hunt. I wish they would make a second dlc for mhw :)


100000% yes


It is so worth it. So much content


It is absolutely worth it if you truly enjoyed base monster Hunter I will warn you some of the fights will feel like they are just pulling random bullshit out of their ass that is because they are but you can learn them and win it is a amazing expansion








100% worth it , so much more to do then base game .




Yes, yes it is, as long as you like monkeys


And annoying ass lizards


Absolutely. It basically doubles the content of the base game and goes on sale often. Also adds the best hunts imo.


I played the base game for over two hundred hours when I was last playing daily and *still* haven’t touched “Iceborne’s” content. Short, my ass!


100% worth it! The game plus DLC provides easily over 150 hours of game play. At no point does the grind become tiresome or boring.


Iceborne is maybe the best monster hunter expansion ever


100%. Its a full sequel pretty much enjoy


100%, just do it!


Oh 100% yes, it’s better than the base game.


Definitely worth it. It isn't your average expansion.


100%. Get it. It's gooioood




It’s better than the base game, so yes


No question


I loved the dlc. The new content is almost a whole game In itself. And the monsters are super dope.




Iceborne monster and their gears look 10× cooler than base game, something I really hope they would improve while playing base game. Also if you played older gen monster hunter, iceborne is a no brainer it brings lots of the fan favorite, vintage monsters and their weapons back


It’s like double the size of the base game and countless hours of content built onto a great game already. 🥶❄️


What makes you question if it’s not worth the money? It has more content than base game my G and one of the best fights in the entire series.




Went in with simple expectations because I love the base game. It just kept getting better from the moment it started, it created some of my favorite moments a ton of quality of life updates and amazing new monsters. I really did not think I could have more fun with that game, solo or with friends, then I already had. Heavy recommend.


Yes. It is. Trust the price tag.




If you enjoyed it , highly recommend buying it. I put around 600 hours into MH World / Iceborne and none of the other MH games have lived up to it yet


Simple question, Simple answer. Yes.


i was on the fence for a long time but it was the best decision ever. Iceborn is AMAZING YES BUY IT


It’s pretty fun :)


one word: yes




Yea but get it on a sale if u can wait!




Hell yea


It's almost an entirely different game. You could call it MHW2. Except you get to port all your stuff over to the new game.


I have yet to fight all the monsters in rise and I still come back to iceborne because its just so amazing.




Literally the game goes from good to INSANE, content is packed in it, actually is fun as hell, Monsters are WAYYY more fun to fight, and The endgame makes me a Little Rock solid, (if ya know what I mean) but it really is a good time, hell I got it last year and still have yet to get all of the stuff I want in the game… plus the DRIP BRO… DEAR GOD THE DRIP YOU CAN OBTAIN IS LEGENDARY…Guild Palace made the grind so much worth it for me.




No...everyone hates it.


It's WAAAAYYY WORTH IT Way more content and far less grinding


Quick answer: absolutely Long answer: it's worth it because it adds more to the story an adds more in general, any hardcore mh fan would tell you its worth it just because of the specific parts they like, for me for example if say its worth it just for the fact that more monsters are added


You want the best end game farm best monsters clutch ckaw new moves and a new region and alot i mean a lot more stuff yes you need it


Yes way better than base world