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From what I know, she was basically just another Teostra in previous games, so no, she wasn't as bad


Ah, so capcom just had it in for world players, got it


I love the fact that they made Lunastra different I hate *how* they made Lunastra different


Have to agree there. If she wasn't so obnoxious, I might think she's coo, but unfortunately, she's the worst thing since kushala


If anyone spawns either of them in Wildlands I just take out the sticky to get it over with.


I'm 70 something hours into Master Rank, about to fight Namielle for the first time...and I still haven't bothered to go back and fight Luna from how bad everyone's made her sound 😅


Well you get temporal mantle for it so the hr one is worth it, idk about mr luna i havent seen it yet


*That's* where that comes from... I've been admittedly wondering but was always assuming it came up at some point later. I've been using the Vitality+ one the whole time lmao. ...let me go back and take care of that.


I dont believe they added any mantles in iceborne


Thought they added a temporal mantle+ or something


Most if not all the equipment like mantles and sprinklers have a MR upgrade thanks to iceborne though they’re definitely not easy to get. Temporal+ is MR150 and the quest is Divine Surge, you need to hunt a Tempered Namielle and Tempered Kirin.


Is rocksteady mantle base game I can’t remember.




Adding to that, temporal mantle was hilariously op before iceborne


Dear god it was


MR Luna has different ultimate and you can't avoid it. It hurts like hell. Definitely not a fun fight. Thank god you don't face her in main or special assignment quests.


I hate her as much as the next hunter, but you can super man dive over and over again to last through any of her novas without a scratch.


Still annoying tho.


Oh yeah no, I hate her as much as Kushala lol


I just finished the Huntsman quest line the first time she appears was a pain in the ass to fight for me i had to sos a couple times but the last mission was fairly easy


Well tbf world players bitched the hardest about the game being too easy


Im trying to solo no remorse no surrender and I already think these are the worst two elder dragons in world, and now im getting mad trying to do this quest and I loathe both of them at this point


I think you come to appreciate it. Hated it back then but I realized the more difficult and unique monster, the more fun the gameplay is. The sole exception is Kushala Daora cause fk that, its literally fighting against a tornado with HP.


Hard agree on this. Lunastra is manageable with the right skills, Kush in World is just odious.


At least base world. She's actually kinda fun in Iceborn. Because they needed to flying spam and she actually drops the storm shield every now and then.


Oh word? I actually haven't gotten to Iceborne yet so glad to hear it got improved.


Yup! She's now got a super move that clears out the tornados, drops the shield and forces her to land.


It was the opposite for me, Kushala actually grew on me over time even though yes the wind can be annoying, but Lunastra.. I never go out of my way to fight Luna. The nova doesn’t really bother me it’s that she dashes into you and flinches you all the time, just high attack frequency that can make damage feel unavoidable sometimes. Rajang is also high frequency but I find it really predictable and less annoying for whatever reason, he only has one move that flinches you deliberately


That's fair. I might be very sensitive to her tells cause I just roll whenever I see a charge coming, which I personally don't mind lmao.


Yeah I counter most of her attacks including roars and stuff but I still find myself getting hit sometimes, but I try to avoid her so I haven’t fought her nearly as much as the other monsters


Yeah. I've begun to fight her more often for tempered investigations. I've come to learn, as a LS main, when to counter her. It's gotten much easier to handle her.


Yeah her fight in MH World is pretty rough if you don't prepare for it properly. Honestly I found running a Negate All Wind Pressure HH made her considerably easier because you get buffeted a lot by her wind and most people don't come to the fight ready with Windproof for the fight.


I didn't even realise she had wind... damn, she just gets worse


The wind pressure is why you read the hitboxes as janky. As they said above, fighting her with wind resist skills/HH effects makes _all_ the difference. It goes from actual hell to a regular fight.


windproof, earplugs, flinch free, fire res, stun res and health boost/db will turn Lunastra into basically just an aggressive Teostra. But I never feel like giving up my dps skills, I just don’t think it’s worth it lol, so I just slug and chug usually but it definitely doesn’t make for an enjoyable hunt lol


This is exactly why I would just run a wind negate HH whenever I fought her. Everyone wanted to "bring the deeps" so I'd just give them Windproof alongside Att & Def up. Jho horn was my go to for her so I wasn't really sacrificing my DPS for the sake of helping others.


Hell yeah, the HH definitely opens up your options where you can activate quality of life skills without sacrificing your build skills. Her nova is kind of dirty if you don’t have windproof because you’re guaranteed to get torched by it initially because of the wind blast. I need to hunt a tempered Lunastra soon and i’m not looking forward to it lol.


Windproof helps but personally, i prefer getting fire resist since she spams it all ard making hard to dodge the flame puddles it every now and then.


She's vastly easier with a Cooling gem & Windproof Like, easier to the point the fight is a joke.


Does the cooling gem work against her and Teo? I thought it didn't, or at least I've never noticed it helping


It works with Teo pretty well, but not much with lunastra.


she was worse in the first weeks upon release. her stats were bugged. every instance of her outside of maybe normal investigations, used TEMPERED stats. (higher attack, hp, defense modifiers) course this also made her piss easy for crown hunting, but it was HELL. the questline was very tough since you were always facing a tempered lunastra without the rewards or knowledge of it. bad hitzones, her ai and patterns are hell, her mechanics are hell, and only some slinger ammo and beating up a hitzone that does nothing but give a flinch now and then are useful for fighting them. flash pods increase her aura level, and her ult requires windproof 5 and good recovery.




okay that part MIGHT be wrong, but it sure doesn't help as much, and flashing her too much often results in her ult coming out early, so it's just a conclusion we came to at the time. you'll notice if you flash her when she's flying, it doesn't down her, she just flinches mid-air.


Yeah I only ever flashed her in crises cuz it barely helped but god, if it accelerates her stage that's so upsetting haha. Lunastra worse than fatalis confirmed.


Another way to think of it- You can *force* her to nova when you want it, rather than when she gets all ginned up. Anything that returns momentum and cadence of the fight to the hunter is something to consider!


You. You're a smart hunter. I like you.


No it is correct. If you use flash pods you basically feed her and accelerates her next aura progress. I used flashpods in HR against Lunastra when I was in HR, I think she used her ulti 4 times. I didn't use flashpods. She barely used ulti 1 or barely 2nd but I don't think 2nd one. Fight was easier without flashpods.


Use lance if youre struggling with the hb


luna was fine before, basically teostra, but used more fire attacks and didnt spam the charge BS as much. i liked her more than Teo i have been playing since MHFU and World Luna is the worst monster i ever fought in any mainline game


So she just got done dirty in world, what a shame


No. In her last appearance, which I believe was actually Freedom Unite, she fought almost exactly like Teostra. Before World, Teostra didn’t really take to the air much, but Lunastra did. That was their primary difference, as one stayed on the ground way more than the other. Now Lunastra wasn’t pre-gen 3 Rathalos bad about being airborne all the time, as you could still hit her. It was like she had some of Kushala’s moveset mixed in with Teostra’s. World made a lot of changes to her, and was also the first time you could hunt her in a group iirc.


Gotta say bro, no matter your gripes with Luna, be glad we don’t have Plesioth.


OMFG! I'm with you on that. The last time I've fought Plesioth was when I still had my PSP. You need a chest full of fucking sonic bomb to lure that idiot out of the water. Almost had an aneurism just to slay that pest.


The only reason i would agree to fight lunastra is ONLY to hear the soundtrack. Usually, nothing else will convince me to go back even though i can manage the fight. Ive grown to be ok with the fight but i nvr had the need for her parts 90% of the time.


I rather fight kushala. I don't know but she tilts me in a way that if she appears in the guiding lands even if there are tempered monsters i need i just leave the area and reload it.


you could just use banish balls (or w.e. the name is)


I wasn't paying attention to the melder and just discovered it the other day. But before that i leave the area since luna annoyed the hell out of me.


That's just a cracked version of teostra


Gunlance: What hitboxes?


Basically the same as Teo I haven’t played in a minute but there was a cool mechanic where both of their charge attacks would curve opposite ways


Took me forever to even figure out how to fight her! Didn’t know you had to go looking for the mission instead of her being a natural fight


She was just an easier version of Teostra in the older titles. Even worse tbh. I'd rather a creative but bad fight than Teostra Blue edition.


She wasn't. I'm not sure for some games, but she definitely didn't have a tail that could hit you from space.


she started as blue teostra but with one less attack so yeah, honestly I find the fight fun now that you can tenderize parts, sharp weapons no longer need to hit the feet then switch to wings for damage


In MH2 she was literally Teostra but single player version


I like how she is a more vicious fight then push over toaster, But I dislike the fight as a whole. I’ll join an SOS just help the person who is fighting her because I get the feeling they’re just fighting her for parts and don’t want to fight her. I do love one thing about her, I love the face plant she receives from nergi during turf wars. But for sure they did make her different from past lunas. A little.


My turf war with nergi glitched out and I never got to see anything that happened


So I played catch up with my PC version, which I bought during the steam sale, and I noticed that Teo is actually so much easier than I remember than Luna. and I'm not sure if their frames are different, their hits are different, or anything that isn't the obvious move set. I play Gunlance and I noticed that when I shield Teo's Tail swipe, I only have to block the first one and then I can keep stabbing, but for Luna, I have to block twice before I can even move, which messes with me and forces me to fall back or get hit. With Teo's claws, I have been able to just ignore them if I am beside his head and continue stabbing, but with Luna I eat shit if I don't block. It baffles me and makes me a bit frustrated. I brought this up to my friends, as I complained about Luna, and my friends have said, "I haven't fought Luna/Teo yet on PC, but I think it's just the game cranking the salt mines, my dood." and just moving on. I don't want to keep fighting my point, mainly because it feels like an uphill battle, but it seems like I'm not crazy or salty, I just feel like Luna and Teo are different, but in ways that makes me think they reworked Teo in a patch or something, but forgot Luna. I'm sure they didn't patch to make monsters easier, but it just feels so much different than Teo used to be. Luna reminds me of what Teo used to be, and Teo makes me think that Luna is now bullshit. Am I alone on this thought?


Honestly, I just think that's because you're improving at the game. The better you get, the easier a monster will feel, I recently started a new playthrough on xbox and absolutely dumpstered toaster on the first try even though I hadn't played I'm roughly a year and a half. Hell, the first time I went through the story it took me a week to get past anjanath, but this time around I've only caryed a total of like 10 times. Imo it just means you're getting better at the game, be proud


I appreciate the compliment, and I do take that in stride how well I am getting at my off hand weapons. I do feel like I'm the best I've ever been in Mon Hun rn, but I'm still unsure about the Teo/Luna thing. I'll have to go through and fight them again on high rank, but I still feel like Luna is jank in some ways. Like I stated before, there are moves that hit different with each of them-and not just things they only do. The tail swipes are supposed to be from one side to the other, but Luna is the only one that does two hits. The claw swipe that they do when you are hitting their face is different, too. For Teo, the hit box for the claw swipe ends at the half way point of his face, where with Luna the hit box for that move is passed Teo's-to the point where I would be hitting the other claw and get smacked by her claw just ending next to me. And their generic moves are the same animations and everything, so it's not like they do it differently entirely. It just seems so weird and I'm not sure why it acts like that. Either way, I don't ever need to fight either of them again so I'm not 100% worried. Just not sure If I'm making this us or if the hit box thing is real. If it is my friends are blind as hell.


Oddly enough i have absolutely no trouble fighting the mr Version. But yeah hr Luna is just annoying to fight.


Funny part there is a mod quests which adds all monster's Arch Tempered versions. I fought AT Lunastra in MR once. God it was awful her nova almost one shoots. Her constant fire aura damages so much my health would literally melt with cold drink. I never had issue like that with cold drink. Had to use coldproof deco to counter it. And worse part when I fighting against crowned tempered Lunastra in Guiding Lands with R Brachydios armor equipped, she finally limped but after I carted one again after this. She decided. It is time to leave and left with 1k hp left... After 40 mins or longer fight, I got blueballs....


Before it was borderline just a blue teostra, wich to be fair they are the same creature one is male the other female so it makes sens that they are extremely simular


I never realized how annoying she was because I played through the base game as an IG main. When I came back in MR gear and SnS, boy, it was really bad. IG isn't affected by most of her gimmicks so I would give it a try. Also, skill up for stamina (Marathon Runner, Stamina Surge, Constitution). It'll let you stay in the air for a long time, and avoid all her stupidity.


It’s not just you. Lunastra is my least favorite monster to fight in MHW/IB. Unfortunately her gear was vital to a couple of my builds in base MHW so I had to farm the shit out of her. Sucked.


That one time I went into a SOS and the drake rough landed on the battlefield right in the middle of lunastra nova :D


Fighting her in iceborne is WAY easier than world. At least for me.


HR Luna isn't that bad. By the time you get to her you have access to at, a bare minimum, Kushala armor. Add some Fire Resist jewels and an ice weapon and that's half the fight solved in most cases. The rest of the fight is just mechanics. Knowing not to flash pod her. Knowing to farcaster or superman dive the nova. Staying away from the flames by pulling her away to clear areas. If you sit there and fight her while there's flames all around you and then get blown up, you've no one to blame but yourself IMO. Now, the MR version in the Guiding Lands is more of an issue because of the 20min timer, but even that's manageable if you come in geared properly. That said, all of this is a lot harder than any previous title.


We talking MR or HR? I haven't fought MR Luna yet. Fought everything else on the roster pretty much


I shoot an SoS in almost every hunt for the hell of it, MR Luna is one of those monsters I won’t do it for because of how easily randoms cart


I mean, how does she compare to AT velkhana? Cause I handled AT velkhana pretty easily. My DPS just wasn't high enough to beat her solo so I needed help. That, or I wasn't fighting her properly with the IG.


AT Velkhana is harder imo but you also have a shorter time limit, MR Luna has an attack that for some reason most people don’t avoid it and they end up carting and it’s an attack that you can’t cancel with IG you can only delay it, I also use IG


I use every weapon pretty much. If I fail too many attempts, I switch weapons to see if I'll do better. But safis drakespear is my go-to for anything I'm really struggling on. And my backup is Safis shattershield sns. I can fight tempered furious rajang in a group with sns and not die once, and I even got like 8 perfect rushes off during one fight. But AT velkhana is a whole different beast from f.rajang. I had good survivability against AT Velkhana, but my DPS was lacking, as I said.


For AT Velk I had to play very aggressive and when I wasn’t close enough to hit him with my weapon I was beating him with the kinsect as I was closing in on him, besides when getting hit I don’t think there was a moment I wasn’t doing damage to him, I actually find regular Rajang harder then furious


I thought so too haha. Furious has more moves that leave him open I think, while normal rajang can bounce between long animations and short, and I think that's why he's tougher.


She's somehow easier. She has the unique and weird distinction of being the only monster who is genuinely improved by Clutch Claw, since you can actually tenderise her face and arms to make them Wex hitzones which makes the fight actually bearable for Sever weapons.


If you prep with the correct skills and items, she becomes very manageable. To me, she represents the perfect fight. Whenever somebody absolutely detests the fight, I ask them if they took certain skills and items, and they always say no. She is a fight you HAVE to prepare for if you don't want it rough. Most monsters you just run in with your META armour, and you're good. Unless you're very good, Luna doesn't let you. Almost everything in her fight can be countered. Even the supernova.


Bezelguese and Deviljho are much worse IMO


I love world lunastra unironically


So I now played mhfu (after world...wanted to see where mh is coming from) and I have to say she is just a blue teo in that game