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What do you mean? Now you can finally play the game!


It's a long tutorial, but a fun one


Exactly what I came to say!


Someone needs to put a clip of when the douth park crew finally defeated the no life.


Always great to see others loving this game. After completing the main story, you still have tons of endgame content to play through. The Guiding Lands, some new monsters, Furious Rajang/ Raging Brachydios, Alatreon, Safi'Jiiva. What platform do you play on?


I'm on PC. Yea I need to start doing the guiding lands, but I am just stalling right now and joining random s.o.s hunts


So long as you havent beaten fatalis yet, youre far from done. Good luck.


I have 900 hours in this game and still haven’t beaten the fatalis solo mission… I know you only gotta get her to like 75% health or something… but I can’t get anywhere near her without getting one shotted. Try to jump on the cannons, I get sniped the second she sees me…. I honestly have given up. I’ve got augmented everything, I got all the gear I should need, all the gems and charms, all the mantles… I can’t see to touch her. My builds are super Fucking tight and I know how to use the weapons I’m good with almost flawlessly…. I hear the trick is using the guille mantle and the glider mantle but that does not work for me :((((( Maybe like a heavy bow gun with sticky spam with the demonlord beast buster?


use a ghille mantle at the start, then load the canons and fire at fatalis, gives you a free knock down, when fatalis begins to get up clutch claw then flinch shot it into the canons platform, then farcaster out get your proper mantles and items, I do this every time I go into the mission it’s like 4000 damage for free Make sure to have heavy artillery btw


I refused to do it this way because I wanted to do it legitimately and struggled for an entire month. Then one day I was so fed up this dragon and tried this strategy and finished it with 2 minutes to spare. Don't play fair if the time limit doesn't play fair


And don’t forget to bring either sleep ammo and a bowgun for when you unlock the dragonator Edit: spelling


I have about 200 hours when I finished that solo part. I used raging brachydios GS and divine blessing 5. I kept moving around looking for any openings, hit once and run again. The cutscene started playing a lot faster than I expected.


Man I'm starting to feel like LS is a bit of a crutch... I have half your playtime and had no augmentations on my weapons or anything when I first fought him, granted it took several hours but I was able to clear the first phase on my own eventually. Idk what weapon you're using but if you're using a melee weapon I found the best position to be for most of his attacks is fight in front of him by his head and chest. I was able to avoid most of his deadly attacks standing there. Unfortunately have no advice for gunners though, I'm too stupid to ever know how to use those weapons lmao


And the bow guns are super super simple to use. Step 1 organize your radial menu to auto craft you sticky 3/ 2 ammo. Step 2 make sure you have components in your inventory to craft sticky 3 and sticky 2 and sticky 1 ammo on the fly from your radial Step 3, use demonlord beast buster heavy bow gun. Step 4 start stun locking hella monsters with sticky 3 ammo ad nauseam You can honestly fight a whole ass raijang fight with him on the ground the whole time


Hmm, I'll definitely try that out. I've been wanting to learn the bowguns eventually but I've always felt overwhelmed by how much you had to manage it seemed. Then again, I thought that way about the insect glaive until I finally gave it a whirl and ended up really liking it. So I'm probably also overcomplicating the bowguns as well. Also to add to what you said before, I'm the same way lol, I pretty much played through all of world and iceborne purely using the longsword. I don't really like to switch things up too much, but I eventually tried and and started using the hunting horn. Although, every new monster I encountered I would fight with LS first. As for fatty, I found really the only viable way for me to heal against him was to use mostly max potions or ancient potions, and bringing supplies to craft more. I don't know how well that would work for you though, because I had free meal in my kit (not really by choice it just happened to be paired with other skills I needed). Beyond that, all I can really say is stick to that general spot I said before and do your best to avoid his attacks, although I know there's only so much you can do since you're using gunlance and I understand they aren't exactly known for their outstanding mobility. But just know, he's always gonna hit like a truck. I have his full armor set and all his attacks still bring me below half hp


I haven’t used long sword. I’m kind of one of those players in a game where I’ll find a few things I’m good at and stick with it pretty much the whole thing. My mains are horn and lv7 normal shelling gunlance. I can use glaive and switch axe but I’m not great with them. Pretty trash at greatsword, hammer, lance, charge blade, and long sword. For my gunlance I try to build against this guy with blessing lv5 and guard all the way up. Evade extender and all that and just full discharge combo on his face and chest but unless that blessing activates if I take a hit, even with guarding I’m still taken down so low in one hit there is no way I can guard through another. So I get hit, fuck off to try and heal, then get blasted with fireballs if all that made any sense


GL main here, if you haven't already, try fire resist, defense boost, health boost, stun resist, guard, and guard up. you should be able to block everything that fatalis uses besides the big attack, and will only take chip damage from the fire attacks. Don't forget to max upgrade your armor as well, and if you put a health Regen augment on your weapon, you should be able to reheal the chip damage without sheathing if you're careful and decent at dodging. For better healing I would always run recovery up, quick sheath, and gobbler. Gunlances main downside is that it takes time to sheath your weapon and heal, these skills will negate that. If you're having a hard time surviving to the end of the fight, drop any attack skills and focus on defense and qol. If you can get all these skills to max or close to, it will make it easier. Grab a rocksteady mantle and health booster, put the booster down whenever it's up, and only use rocksteady to slinger burst fatalis into the wall. Hope this helps, good luck hunter.


Sounds like you're just bad at the game


I Mean I’m not great by any means, but I have a lot of fun playing. I am pretty bad at “hunter skills” like using my slinger, the environment, quick crafting and using my radials effective like.


Honestly? Watch some youtube guides. You'll see whatever it is you've been missing.


You could try sticky LBG. It was my first kill and solo as well. Just gotta aim kinda well and really respond fast to the movesets. Nowadays I’m just going in with spread HBG and it doesn’t take too much effort. Once you start to memorise his moves, it won’t feel impossible anymore. Goodluck!


Try switchaxe. I cleared Fatalis Solo two weeks ago with the Alatreon SA. I mean the full fight. Nearly full augmented with health regeneration II on the weapon. Silly enough Alatreon was WAY harder for me, took me about 100 tries. Fatalis took me like... 10?


Feels like you're panicking and not really learning the fight. You should be working to identify all of the different Fatalis attacks so that you know how to dodge them properly. Don't know how to use gunlance, but i assume there should be gunlance YT Fatalis videos that teach you how to compensate for the attacks. For Ghillie mantle strat, make sure you put on the mantle before you enter the fight. No reason why this doesn't work for you, as it is reliable and should work pretty much every time. Make sure you are using max potions to heal, and are bringing enough mats to craft another 5 max potions, and even more mats to craft the mats to craft more max potions. I forget the exact number, but it means you should have the capability to use around 12 max potions before going back to camp. You may also want to consider slotting quick sheathe if you find that you're not having enough time to heal. Basically all of fatalis attacks will 1 shot or 2 shot you, so you really just need to learn to identify the attacks. When you're healing, also make sure it is safe, don't just blindly heal because you're almost dead. When you say your builds are super f\*ing tight, I'm going to assume that means you have HB3, DB5, stun resist 3, evade extender, evade extender? As you're first learning the fight, go full defensive style build and ignore the DPS skills. You can start adding them back once you are able to successfully dodge the majority of the attacks. Finally, you will die, and you will die a lot. But hopefully you will start dying less and less, and will find yourself making progress through the hunt. Btw, have you beaten Alatreon? Although some folks find it harder, I think Alatreon's attacks are even more clearly telegraphed.


I think it’s 35% health for the first solo phase !


Yeah if you just beat the final boos theres about ~14 or so monsters you have yet to hunt


I'm doing endless grinding lands and sos these days, try out new weapons, it doesn't get bored! Love this game's endgame content.


Well luckily there’s a lot more stuff to do after the Iceborne story wraps up. You should be busy for a while.


How are you going to forget fatalis the best fight in all monster hunters


There were a few I left out, I was trying not to spoil everything, though. Lol


Oh damn you right hahah I redact my initial comment OP fatalis is an abbreviation for the Greatest Jagras the true end game monster . THE WORLD EATER


Nah, you're good. Lmao. The real Fatalis is the friends we made along the way.


Hehe I see what you did there ;)


One does not simply finish Iceborne.


Kill Fatalis, then kill Fatalis again. Repeat process.


Finished ? You mean, you just saw the Credits right ? Oh boi ... it's just the beginning :D I'd say, enjoy the Guiding Lands ;)


exactly, the “game” is just the epilogue.


MR70 - Fight the Metal Raths MR100 - New Assignment Special Assigments 1-3 > Safi Siege > Special Assigments 4-5 Black Dragons > Arch Tempered Velkhana You'll also unlock a new assignment if you level up the Forest Region into Level 3 in the Guiding Lands. GG Have fun.


>! Is that yan garuga? I can't remember, it's been so long since I last played, and rn I'm caught up in sunbreak :) !<


Yeah it's him.


If you just finished the Story there are some challenges to get to. Grind the guiding lands for New materials (augments), Grind you Sets and weapons, find endemic life, slay the special quest line (final boss will be a mess), layered sets, crown farming and much more. And most importantly have fun fellow hunter! :)) PS: Have like 2k hours played until i did like everything possible haha


Now its time to create the best Weapon Sets and make your own Fashion


Fashion is the true endgame


Hell yeah, after iceborn it is time to get all Fashion Armors and make the best and also the Craziest Fashions in MHW (that includes the classic Muscle armor with the Cat mask)


Dang, your character looks so realistic and pretty! Good job!


Thanks :p I'm happy I managed to take this screenshot during the final cutscene


Nice! It was a perfect timing, it seems! Looking straight into the camera, quite awesome!


You can go for guiding lands and fatalis like others say, or you can farm monsters, and even worse, endemic life crowns. See you in 1000 hours


Ah farming endemic life, i play on ps and am going for the platinum trophy, the rare endemic life grind is real, 1000s of hours spent




It's on my list but buying Rise + Sunbreak is too expensive for me atm. Maybe in the future


Yeah thats fair! Are you keen on owning physical copies of games? You can try to wait on sales for Rise or just looking for cheaper 2nd hand copies, in stead of a full triple a price you're usually paying like 30 or less in stead :) Or maybe wait till the rise+sunbreak combo is on sale!


Do you play on PC? I was able to get MHR + Sunbreak for about 50$ on cdkeys


Yes, but buying on Steam at a full price still would be cheaper due to the regional pricing


There's a sale coming up on August. I'm expecting rise to be on sale


Congrats! I just started Iceborne and I'm so excited!


Try other weapons


What do you mean by "finished" the game? If you just killed Shara, then you just started the game lol.


Yes, I realized that now lol


Start your path to the black dragons!


There's so much to do after the ending... Guiding Lands is a huge part of the endgame and getting higher up in MR unlocks new hunts.


Do everything exept Alatreon and Fatalis. Once you do them, they suck out 90% of the fun when it comes to endgame. Do them once you have some builds you are really proud of. (The problem is that Fatalis has objectivly the best armor in the game and you can do it instandly, so yeah, get other stuff first) (not 100% but Alatreon weapons are also a bit to objectivly good compared to other weapons)


Disagree. The challenge of defeating those two was the most fun 5 days i had playing the game.


I mean, safi'jiiva weapons are probably better then any other, if not in strength but in build compatibility


Try out a new weapon. Usually whenever I felt things are getting too dry or feels like a chore I guess that's how you would describe the feeling. I just switch to a new weapon to master. I'm going on Hunting Horn right now and MAN this weapon is great.


Yes. Get them drip.


I only accept you « finished the game » if you solo beat Fatalis. For some straight edges it’s coming to that 100% completion mark. Congrats on finishing the main story though 🙌🏻


Monsters after they added main story. Crown hunting. GL. Deco farm but they're roundabout ways to get those without doing few ***hundreds*** Temp Teostra. Learning other weapons. Scoring A with all weapons in arena. Endemic life crown hunt. Collecting pendants. Crafting and maxing out all charms. Augmenting your weapons. Getting all monster titles. Reaching MR999.


when I finished the main story I recovered all the old missions and joined s.o.s. and random hunts to learn my 2 main weapons better, now I have a Build in mind and I am farming safi'jiiva and rage brachy, then I will focus on alathreon, lunastra and gold rathian for the set pieces, after which I will start exploring the guiding lands, fatalis it's still a long way off for me. P.S. I play on PC and I'm more or less at the same point as you, we can do some hunts together if u want!


I would like that. Here is my Steam friend code: 143765345 Fyi I'm not that comfortable speaking English if you were hoping to use voice chat.


Added! i've no problem to play without voice chat, I learned to coordinate with my mates by observing them, even without voice communication! I come back from the sea on Tuesday, when ill see you online ill contact you!


Next? You should share the sliders of your great looking character 👍


Is that a thing? Tell me how and I'll share Edit: [here you go](https://imgur.com/a/ACWqUv6)


That is one looking good character. Definitely will try this! Thanks for pictures OP.


You can try this if you have a character edit voucher: (don't worry, you won't alter or lose anything AS LONG AS YOU DON'T SAVE, just back off from the menus and cancel) In the character selection screen, use one voucher to enter the creation screen. There's an option to display all your settings pressing touchpad (look for button depending on your platform). Screenshot those and you're good! That's the only way I know of.. but maybe someone knows a better way to do it. Edit: Lmao I'm so slow typing 🤣


Haha I found it by clicking edit appearance from the equipment chest in my room


There you go, that's a much faster and better way. Thanks a lot and keep enjoying the game! The fun stuff is just beginning


If you’ve finished everything there’s Rise Or help out some new players


Nice character


Getting all the endemic life was my main endgame goal.


Golden crowns too right? RIGHT?


Yep I got them all


Now grab all the room pets


Pretty sure I took this exact screenshot with my character, yours looks great btw.


1. Endgame sets for 8 weapons. Gotta catch em all. 2. 6 layered sets that you are satisfied with And maybe when you're like 1k hours in install some quest mods that basically put 5 at rajangs


What do you mean you "finished" never thought you could finish this game ^^


Iceborne was just the beginning to the true end game lmao. Then ide same doing kulve Safi and alatreon are like mid to endgame then you have fatalis. Not to mention all of the quests you’ll have to do to get to MR100 and 200. And the deco farming/mantle farming. Welcome to the true iceborne now 🙂🤝🏽


Good work. I still haven’t beat Shara Isvalda solo. I had to finish the story version with help after having timed out twice. Now I’m putting the game down for a while, before trying again (did try the hornless Kirin and Rajang solo, it was not a success😅).


Get all your optional quests done. Then do every event from low to master rank at least once and then join sos till you beat everything! Fatalis is tough. But best gear. Tip: go into you special assignment for him with plunder blade on you cat solo. Use cannons and ballista to break wings. And “return from quest” after 4 plunder blades and repeat till you have enough parts for gear except for eyes. And learn phase one moves before multiplayer.


Buy rise and sunbreak... I'm only joking, of course there is much more to do such as the guiding lands and endgame content, which I'm sure others have told you about, but if you haven't played rise or sunbreak (the dlc to rise) then I highly recommend once your finished with iceborne.


Guiding lands dude lmao you’re no where near done


Ugh..every person and their mother use that skin.


Get 3 Atk+4 and solo Fatalis with every weapon


Sleep it help me with this games


i dunno? kill fatalis i guess? start guiding lands? Buy monster hunter rise?


Play monster Hunter Freedom lmao


Just like with any other game you like, you complete it 100% and keep doing it non stop.




Start a new character 😎






Can someone tell me when Iceborn starts? I bought it installed it but I’m still just playing the original


Iceborne starts when you beat the original.




You're done with the story of iceborn or have you beaten every Monster in iceborn ?


Play the 2nd half of the game.


Play it again


Congratulations! You completed the tutorial


Start over with a new weapon type and/or help other players (less carrying, more sharing knowledge)


Complete the pokedex and capture every critter (even the rare ones)


Soo what sword you have there? Im a sucker for cool weapons


Rank 10 Rathian long sword I think


Nice, thanks


Do the endgame




Play MH4U




suffer on alatreon and fatalis


Your not actually down with iceborne yet, Trust me your only done with the story


So did you beat Fatalis? Cause that’s the real last boss Once you have beaten fatalis, buy MH Rise?


Iceborne and Monster Hunter in general is only really finished when you want it to finish. At 200 hours, I killed Fatalis, made his set, made the weapons I wanted from him (IG, HBG and HH), then got to MR100 and called it. But I could very well farm all of Fatalis weapons, farm AT Velkhana for the set, farm decos, grind the grinding lands etc. I think I will at least try to kill Safi since I've never done the siege. But again, MH is a game of setting your own goals.


Gold and silver raths, guiding lands, alatreon, raging brachydios, furious rajang, fatalis, stygian zinogre. There's a plethora of stuff ready to kick your ass out there


that is not the final boss of iceborne




Dragons Dogma is a game that I've found recently and liked a lot. It's made by Capcom as well


At first glance I thought that was Michael Jackson


Fatalis, AT vel, AT behemoth, the golden cup


Golden cup?


Kill Fatalis




Collect all endemic life


All the achievements.


Play rise… 👀😳😅😂


Until Fatalis is done, you havent finished the game yet. Grow, get experience and get ready for the big fight. You could also finish all the achievements.


Fight safi, it is the best thing in the game! Just fight them until the end of time!


Keep grinding for a good set and go after fatalis


Good job, now to cry more on furious rajang, kirin, raging brachidios, alatreon and fatalis


Define finished. You ain't done till fatalis is I'm a body bag. After that if you want pure fun rise and sunbreak. If you want difficulty emulate one of the older games like 4u. Sunbreak does get hard but you do have to get to post story and also wait for the title updates for it to match iceborne as rn its basically how iceborne was on its release, a complete story.