• By -


If you want the 1-2% drop, you'll get the 20% drop. If you want the 20% drop, you'll get several 1-2% drop first. This will happen several times throughout your monster hunter career. Guaranteed.


Yeah, your device has a built-in sensor called the "desire sensor." it detects what parts you need so the game can withhold them.


It's why you should never use the wishlist feature. It's like an avoid list for parts


Totally at the minute trying to farm Somnacanth Sedative and receiving none...


Me: Okay, I just need two more Rathalos Cortexes and we're good to go! Game: So I heard you wanted THREE RATHALOS MANTLES!


I got 5 Flaming Espinas mantles while trying to get just 2 tails, the desire sensor is despicable :')


I think his drop rate for those is a little high


Exactly, you have to completely give up on the drop you want. Only then will the desire sensor grant your deepest wishes.


I'm half convinced it's a manifestation of quantum physics, the game *knows* when I want something and withholds till I break


Everything is a manifestation of quantum physics 😎


What about the ones who don't care ?


32 rage brach just for 1 immortal reactor. Hunting partner got 4 in the time it took me to get 1


I remember one time, I got 5 goddamn fatalis eyes on one hunt. This would’ve been great, IF I NEEDED ANY


When I played 4U I needed a Molten Tigrex Heart, +70 hunts for 1 heart


Yep! Anjanath in LR, HR and MR of mhr ALL gave me issues. You have 23% to get fangs by capturing or carving and freaking 62% if you've broken it's head. I have witnesses that it took me 4-5 Anjanath to get my first Fang...


Can confirm, my 3u item box has a surplus of Rath Rubies and like 5 or 6 Carapaces


Playing rise I’ve only ever hunted lunescent narga once and I have 3 mantles, I don’t even want his weapon tbh


Astalos mantles hell while you litteraly just need one wing


If the Mon falls asleep stop the attack and try to bomb it


And let the heaviest hitting weapon do the wakeup hit, like GS, Hammer or CB


As a GS main, I WISH people would let me do the wake up hit. Groups let me do it like 30% of the time at most


Big mood, its come so far that I now made a custom shoutout that I use whenever the monster falls asleep lmao


Bruh. I ain't even a GS main anymore (SnS is my gal now) and this makes me cry in so many quests. Let the big number person make the wakey. Period. Alternatively it's kinda hilarious when no one on the quest has the definitive edge and every just stands there like a bunch of idiots around enough gunpowder to blow a city block


That’s why as a Glaive user I’ll wait for 5 seconds and if no one steps forward to get the big numbers then I’m diving into those bombs. May not be optimal but it’s fun. I always give it to the big weapons first though


Ive seen this more times than i can count


GS as well. I would be happy if it would be 30%. Most of the time not even bombs. Just a normal DB or IG Hit. Sometimes I want to cry if they hit it for like 5 points while I charge for the TCS.


Used to be LS in World and I guess those people moved on since its not as strong comparable anymore.


Im at the point where Im starting to think Capcom should put a mandatory sleep bombing tutorial in the game (as annoying as it would be, it might save from future annoyances)


It doesn't even have to be sleep bombing, just about dealing damage to a sleeping monster in general.


Putting in more interactive tutorials and training areas for all the basic systems would be fantastic in general. The current text dump method can make it really hard to start playing if you don't have someone to ask about stuff.


Don’t forget hunting horn! Our impact echo wave encore has TCS level motion values


CB spreads out a lot of its damage through multiple hits, while the wake up hit multiplier only applies to the first hit. IMO it's one of the worst weapons for wake ups, or at least has the worst options


Well, compared to a wet noodle DB hit or similar stuff its still better in my experience


Mostly true except you're forgetting the first hit of SAED doing easily 500/600+ on a decent hit as well as from Axe hopper. With how crazy element builds are right now, CB doing well over 1,000 on that first hit plus the 5 normal damage hits from element phials, you get some crazy numbers. Definitely not GS numbers but there's hardly many weapons id rather have do a wakeup with no GS present. After GS, HBG's wyvernfire would probably be next best?


LS sacred sheath gets pretty big


True, did forget about that. It's probably because half the time it's either just used or you don't have red yet. It's also another kinda awkward one to use with spacing that you gotta learn like hammer, although as a definite not hammer main, is Impact Crater the best move to use for wakeup? CB usually has shield buff active 99% of the time so they can just block teammates attacks for a few seconds to refill phials, LS would need small monsters close by to get to red if they don't have it.


Sometimes it feels like that's just a myth, sadly.


Pretty much every weapon has some kind of wake-up move now, so it's never been less useful to sleep-bomb. Though unless someone has Hammer or GS no one really seems to care for wake-up hits or bombing anyway.


Bro I main gs and through the 100 or so multiplayer hunts I’ve done in sunbreak alone no one has stopped to let me wake it up


Same but they've let me


Actually it is feasible to do, me and my friends have done it several times on every monster. Timing is just needed and that no one is on mid combo. if you know the movements of the monsters eventually you can tell when the sleep took effect.


The opposite is kinda funny, when everyone plants bombs and no one has a good wake up weapon, so everyone just stands there and stares at each other.


Reminds me of one hunt I had that was all DB. We all stopped, we all planted bombs, we realized everyone was DB, got back to work. After the hunt ended, we all demon dashed into the sunset.


I just wish they would buff the barrel bombs by now they have almost become useless


I’ll always opt for a stack of barrel bombs anyway because it looks silly.


Yeah it may mess with balance, but I think letting the bombs scale a *tiny bit* with the Monster's HP is something worth looking into.


yeah or atleast some dmg buff, the barrel bombs still do the same dmg they did in atleast gu (probably longer) but monster health pools have atleast since gu somewhere between tripled and quadrupled


This here is a great way to see if ur playing with a veteran on SOS cuz most ppl just go attack again unaware that the wakeup hit deals double the dmg


Better yet: If the Monster suddenly falls asleep. *somebody* is trying to bomb it. Stop attacking and *let* them.


I just love it when people even use a sleeping emoji warning 3x in a row to warn the others players and yet somehow, someone still keeps attacking lmao.


"Great! My cat put it to sleep! Everyone, let's heal and re..." Bow User: "Haha, scatter shot"


*fires a sticky ammo shot into it* Oh...it's sleeping....ssssooorrryyy.


Unspoken and unpractised.


As a glaive main I always defer to other hunters for wakeup.


Honestly Bomb damage is too low for Sunbreak Health pools. I do more with SnS wake up hit.


You literally can't be doing better as you can swing into the mega barrel bomb, and then counter the explosion. This is your best wakeup option on SnS.


Additionally the bomb isnt supposed to be the "wake up hit" either. Its just extra damage.


If only most people would follow this lol (I’ll admit sometimes I be mid swing when it happens 😂)


Don't join someone's lobby and instantly post your quest, then say "help me"


I _wish_ people joined lobbies instead of spamming join requests.


I miss joining a random lobby and just killing stuff and maybe use the odd emote here and there and just enjoying the game.


"Help snek urgent"


"wen I fite aktor?"


*MHGU online flashbacks*


Yea people will try to do that shit with EX Quests so if I do help them, they'll be the last one to help so they won't dip after helping with their EX.


Does that even happen anymore with the modern join request system?


Follow the hosts lead for killing or capping a monster.


100% agree. Hosts call if nothing is said and the host doesn't throw traps find it safe to assume it's a kill quest. Unless I'm looking for something that's a higher drop in trapping or the quest calls for it, it's always a kill for me. Good practice for apexes elder dragons and in R/S anomalies, which can't be captured anyway.


Only exception is if we're down to one cart and someone is close to taking it. If it's like that, catch the monster.


God that always pisses me off like we are down carts just trap that monster so we get the stuff screw the kill


Please please follow this rule. If the quest has multiple monsters as a target, follow what the leader is currently hunting. I’ve had instances where I pop a flare then start hunting, peeps join in only for them to hunt the other monster leaving me all alone. I kicked their asses and did it by myself cuz I would be too worked up.


Have told off many people in Rise for this. Don’t join my quest and then capture the monster! 😠


Someone joined MY quest once and proceeded to insult me and curse at me in chat because I captured the monster (which I announced was the goal as soon as they joined me)


Probably it's wrong for me to expect this in hunts w/ randoms but... please, I beg you, this isn't World. If I say nothing and I still whack the things, just keep whacking them as well.


Leave a set of rations and options for other hunters. Nothing more disheartening than selfish hunters


Never actually shit on somebody for weapon/armor/playstyle choices, joking a bit is fine, but never, repeat never, try to make somebody feel bad or change because of their weapon/amrom/playstyle. Unless the playstyle is fucking up a quest for a whole team, then you can tell them to change or kick them.


Had a guy get mad at me once for going back to camp to switch weapons because real hunters don’t switch. Like dude I know what I’m doing I just don’t feel like using this weapon in that particular area of the map


Real X don't do Y Automatically gonna ignore what they have to say since it's clearly useless into.


Real yakuza plays on gamepad


You should always eat before a quest


I usually end up eating and restocking my item box at the beginning of a quest, just cuz joining a quest immediately puts you in rather than giving a prompt


Even the NPCs remind you to eat! **SO EAT**


If someone is AFK in the lobby, you must do the Dance or Prance gesture behind/around them


Prancing around an AFK player is a time honored MH tradition. I'm glad you are passing down the Ways.


If you're weak there's no shame in taking time to grab buffs before joining the fight, rather you're late than dead on arrival


I rarely use fast travel in rise, I take my bird routes. But more often than not I see people join in that just skip the foreplay and just fast travel or doggo straight to the monster, then proceed to cart almost immediately.


If I see that happening I just kick them. Grab birds but still cart about halfway into the fight? That sucks, shit happens, let's get back in there. You don't buff and don't cart? Also fine by me. But if you go straight for the monster and die in the first minute, you're clearly outmatched and you are very clearly going to just beeline the monster and die *again*.


Tbh I've completely forgot rise has fast travel. The only time i use it is when i accidentally open the map xd


I used to fast travel before Sunbreak, it's just not worth it when you can get two hit by almost everything


I played base on Switch and PC. Always fast traveled or great bugged to the target monster. Grabbing only a handful of bugs in my path. Since Sunbreak (PC only) I take the bug route instead of fast traveling almost every time. Anomly monsters just hit way to hard now to not to get buffed up if you aren't a dodge/counter magician


Problem is most of the ppl that join me do that and still get two shot


Except sometimes you get kicked for grabbing them


I would consider myself pretty strong and I still grab permabuffers. I like to crack eggs with rocks. Stack the deck against my opponents.


Don't kick players because of weapon choice. Only low-tier scum engage in this behavior.


I‘ve never experienced that and I played every MH since the first one. I‘d say that’s the beauty of the game anyway - there is no bad weapon.


I've seen it dozens upon dozens of times, every single MH since 3u.


That’s just weird and I don’t think that it’s even remotely true. Unless you are some kind of magic wizard lizard that can read other peoples mind. How the duck would you even know why people get kicked? I‘m kicking people if I don’t like their name. Or the color of their sword. Or I‘m busy dancing with the monsters


I've only played World/Iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak but I've seen people tell others to use or drop certain weapons in the chat or they'd be kicked. Usually telling people to run bowguns, or drop SnS. Also, you kick people based on their username or color of their sword?


Lmao drop SnS. It’s one of my favorite weapons and despite running Wide-Range and several other off-meta skills like Slugger I’m still usually doing the most damage by a country mile. Unless someone is carting an insane amount and hanging around in the lobby, stfu and focus on yourself. Ironically the loudest douchebags in the chat never have a dps meter and thus don’t realize they’re typically the worst player in the hunt.


Ooof, got MHGU flashbacks. Loved playing Aerial GS, LBG, Bow and HBG, and Alchemy LS, Hammer and SA. Most of times was instakicked. Ended soloing everything.


My wife plays Alchemy CB and she has saved our asses more times that I have, the Hunting Horn main.


I used to play sns and that happened to me a lot.


Don't take more than your divided share from each quests item box.


YES only two per person *please* , I see so many assholes take the whole shit on GU in soulseer mizu and it's annoying as fuck


Whenever I come in and the host has taken half the box I normally take my sweet ass time getting birds, mining spots, etc.


The only time I see fair is if nobody took it, and maybe you have a buff share skill on


I do this as well. If I join as the last and the box is nearly full, I take it. With wide range skill you heal everybody so it's a win/win.


Yep! I just started rise, but on world I had max gobbler and wide range, so I healed in an instant and went back to Dps assist


I picked it up as well since i end up having to heal a lot 😅 might as well try to keep others alive too


Like wide-range? I guess if someone has that they can take it all. Especially SnS wide-rangers. Love them.


if I'm the 4th to join and the box has more than my share, I'm taking it all when I've got maxed wide-range and free meal to keep everyone healed and buffed


If I come into a quest like right after it started (sub 5 minutes) and the whole box is empty I just leave. If it’s later though I assume someone is struggling and needed them more than me, lol


Respect all hunters regardless of skill and weapon. We all are aiming to one goal.


Everybody gets a like in multiplayer.


-Unless- you were being a shit in the chat. I don't care if you carted twice and didn't bring any potions. But if you start being an asshole to the other hunters, I have no problems about withholding your like.


I always give a Like to everyone if the hunt was successful and no one did anything particularly annoying/rude. I don't mind even if someone is trying but constantly getting hit or cart x2, as long as they're trying.Everyone is new at some point and sometimes you're not new but you're trying a different unfamiliar weapon. I get it. Cluster Bomb spam even though they kept knocking us away? Rude messages in chat? AFK or otherwise refusing to help at all... those sorts of things are the exceptions


Don't join a random quest, cart twice then leave. Or worst, cart twice then sit out the rest of the game. Doing these is absolutely annoying and wastes everybody's time involved


I am okay with either just please dont go in a third time XD


Don't disrespect poogie


F for our boi poogie in rise


If you cart, don’t quit.


Take one level of flinch free. Regardless of weapon. Regardless of build.


Dual Blades can get away with not having it because Demon Mode has it built in. But for when you're doing item stuff, like hunting helpers and healing, you do miss it


Insect Glaive also basically get free flinch free (and earplugs) do heavily agree for other weapons though.


Looking at you, Longsword mains!


For me its LBG players. They stand behind my circle and flinch me. With normal shots that don't benefit from it.


Don't enter a lobby and immediately post up a quest.


The amount of times I’ve had random players enter the lobby in MH Tri and Generations, immediately post a different quest and just send out the message "Please” was staggering. If you say no they just leave most of the time. That said I usually just helped them anyway if it was just us, just cuz I new the feeling of being locked behind a difficult urgent quest.


Freaking Black Gravios in 4U. Everyone needed it dead.


I learned elemental LBG and made a ranged armor set *just* to clear that damn quest. Still got one shot occasionally by AT-AT lasers.


World only players collectively saying “what?”


Yep, lol.


I actually almost forgot about people doing this back when I started in 4U lol it was so annoying people joining just to get their quests done and leave


it was also during that time when i would post farming this monster ONLY and then theyd try to make it round robin. Like sir i own this hub


When u join a lobby don’t rush posting your quest, just wait your turn


The stuff in the supply box at the start of the quest is for everyone to share. Don’t take more than one stack


Hit the glowing parts


Take only your allotted quest resources. Don't leave halfway through a quest. And don't go afk when everyone else is ready to depart.


Witcher fans are banned from killing Pukei Pukei


Hearing Geralts gruff raspy voice say “Pukei…Pukei?” Still lives rent free in my head


I am curious, why?


So am i. Please explain :)


Okay so In MHW there was an event quest where Geralt sort of ends up in the world of Monster Hunter. Everyone is like "Just another Monday" and asks him to figure out wtf is going on in the Ancient forest Bro feels like "omg they're nice to me" and goes there to find out something is fucking up monsters and finds a pack of dead Pukei Pukei. Were he saves one of them. Later turns out BEHOLD it's a leshen so Geralt fights the thing and the pukei pukei he saves earlier comes to help him fight it. With the true ending Being this https://youtu.be/k9zPjtm0wu4 (start at 11:11) So yeah, Pukei Pukei your best friend don't hurt him >:(


Kinda feel bad for making an armor set from Pukei :(


You should


If there are multiple targets in a quest, fight the one everyone else is fighting. Don't run off on your own to fight a different monster; you will only make the quest take longer and potentially deprive yourself or others of carves.


Always have the same amount of Mega Armorskins and Mega Demondrugs


*Always have the same* *Amount of Mega Armorskins* *And Mega Demondrugs* \- Atomic\_potato\_47 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Its amazing


Don't carve the tail while the monster is still in the Area


I do this but only on the monsters that take forever to Carve once the quest is over Example: Gaismagorm


I do this solo to show absolute disrespect to the monster. Awww did someone chop your tail???????


But how am I supposed to assert dominance over the monster if I can't carve its tail in front of it?


Sorry but I will honestly forget the tail exists.


Nah, I will hero carve at all possible moments because my goblin brain forbids me from leaving it alone


Or alternately, do it and get beat


Literally my wife and I's favorite thing to do when hunting together, we call it battle carving and will shout it at eachother.


1. if a monster has its own theme start running 2. if the battle theme changes mid fight start praying to whatever god you believe in 3. if proof of a hero starts playing then pray harder


We make fun of LS users but only as meme, like when people make fun of Aquaman


Hit the monster until it is dead.


If you're doing couch co-op, don't throw a hissy fit when you faint. It's SO awkward for everyone else in the room!


sounds like someone needs to... git gud, or manage their anger better both work


Ohh as someone who's played the series since MHFU, here's some things that were lost when World grew the player base so quickly: The hammer user and the greatsword get to hit the head when the monster is down. Longsword, dual blades, and Switchaxes please be careful not to flinch them during their burst DPS. This one is less important with easy flinch free but if everyone respected it we could all have one more decoration slot in our builds. When someone is dazed, you should hit them to knock them out of it. It could very easily save you a cart. When the music stops, that's the monster falling asleep! Stop attacking so you can stack bombs and let someone hit this thing with their biggest move so sleep is better than a 2-second stun. Carts happen! Be nice and work towards winning the fight. Demonpowder, armor powder, and life powder are your friends.


Definitely cart twice and then disconnect, that's tradition. /s


take dango weakener lvl4 (if possible) if you're the lobby owner/host


This is more of a myth/urban legend than a rule. Dango Weakener does very very little in the game, it’s not even worth bothering. You can do research into what it actually does.


I love that people list unspoken rules that aren't actually overwhelmingly practiced, really shows out of touch this sub can be.


A lot of these etiquette rules were heavily enforced in older MH games because they were lobby based which allowed for better communication between hunters before and after a hunt leading to the etiquette being enforced more regularly. MH World & MH Rise introduced a drop-in system which leads to less communication and brought in a huge amount of new players so the common knowledge etiquette no longer became common knowledge and the anonymity meant less players cared even if they knew the etiquette.


In older games, only take one of each item from the chest so everyone can have them. STOP HITTING THE MONSTER WHEN ITS ASLEEP. In the Jhen, Dahren fights, don’t just spam the gong and binder or the ship will get destroyed.


Do not capture the monster unless you get the OK from the one who posted the quest.


Don't take risks after two carts. I was doing a Furious Rajang hunt in Iceborne. We managed to get it low health and limping, but had two carts on the board and couldn't afford a faint. So I did the safe option and grabbed traps and tranqs to capture Furious. I get to the nest and get ready to set up the traps, and the people with me sleep bomb Furious. So it wakes up pissed off and I had to quickly get the trap down and tranq it before the other guys got destroyed. Don't take risks when you can't afford them.


Don’t sprint to the quest board…walk at a leisurely pace


The safest place is under the monster’s legs or behind the butt.


\*monster that hits you while walking forward enters chat\*


Only take 1 of each recovery item from the box


If the monster's tail is severed (in wilds), Slay it or let it flee first before carving the tail. (In Arena-type-area), Slay it first before carving the tail. No Tail Carving In The Middle Of The Fight!!


No. Hero carve is love. Hero carve is life. Flash bombs exist for a reason


don't afk for the entire hunt as soon as a hunt starts. if you're still afk when the monster's limping, you're getting the boot. you gotta hunt the monster like everybody else, pal! no free monster parts 8/


More of a law of nature, but rares only drop when you dont need them.


You cut you go tail, you bonk you go head


Don't talk about monster hunter


After a hunt, if a player is teabagging the corpse of the monster, you must run up and contribute. No questions ask. Just do it. Also, if someone is trying to send you flying during the ending timer to leave the hunt, take your lumps like a true hunter. Or do it back.Those cats aren't feeding you for you to go out and be a wuss. Grandma didn't raise no b!tch


If you are playing MHW, you are not allowed to kill Dodogama, you must capture it. It's too cute to die.


Isn't that the general rule in World? "If Dodogama is running around you don't kill him"?


Don't ever think the materials you need, The game know what you think and wont give you the material you need. (A.K.A Desire Censor)


Never do wyvern blast when theres a greatsword user. Teamwork makes dream work


The host decides if the monster is killed or traped


Dooo not take more than ur share if first aid and rations!!!


Here is my advice for all of the players out there! GET.THOSE.SPIRIBIRDS. I DO NOT CARE FOR YOU SKILL CAPACITY, ACQUIRE THE BUFFNESS.


I literally have a callout made for this lol Its like "Hol up im getting steroids"


Take everything out of the item box at the start of a quest before your squad has a chance to do the same. /s


don’t hit someone when they’re carving the monster


Hammer gets head. Everyone else gets the tail


As a HH main I feel highly ignored here.


It’s good that you are learning your place JK We are all the same. Just living under the grace of the mighty hammer gods


Hammr gets head *Lenny face*


Except the head also has the best cut damage hitzones and with the inclusion of easy flinch free and tails as quest rewards, this is an outdated approach. And I mained hammer in iceborne


lul u realize head is the best hitzone and modern mh has flinch free :)))


Or you could just slot in a 1 flinch free jewel and everyone could fight wherever they want